Magnetization Precession Induced Spin Pumping in Ta /Py, Ta /Fe3O4 /Py Multilayer Nanostructures Nilamani Behera*, Ankit Kumar, Sujeet Chaudhary, Dinesh K. Pandya Thin Film Laboratory, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, India, Corresponding author’s, Tel.:+91-11-2659 6521; Fax: +91-11-2658 1114 * Introduction In bilayer paramagnet (PM) / ferromagnet (FM) system, spin pumping mechanism is primarily due to transfer of spin angular momentum from the precessing local spins of FM layer to the conduction electrons of PM layer [1]. The interfacial spin mixing conductance relates the efficiency to create the spin current at PM/FM interfacial sites and governs the spin pumping mechanism. Recent studies are focused on interface tailoring of PM/FM system using MgO and TiN interfacial layers in order to enhance the spin pumping efficiency. It is observed that the spin mixing conductance is suppressed in the presence of MgO or TiN at the interface of NM/FM bilayer [2-3]. In order to enhance the spin pumping efficiency a new approach of the role of interface tailoring on spin is employed by inserting 1-3 nm Fe3O4 layer at interface, thus forming a trilayer structure PM/Fe3O4/FM. Experimental Details Ta/Py/Ta, Ta/Fe3O4/Ta and Ta/Py/Fe3O4/Ta multilayer samples of different thickness were fabricated on Si substrate using pulsed DC magnetron sputtering employing 99.99% pure metal targets and a sputtering system of 2×10–7 Torr base pressure. The bottom layer of β-Ta is kept in all samples and sample stacks are capped with Ta layer. The resonance field Hr and field swept line width ΔH are measured at constant frequencies by using broadband (2-12GHz) Lock-In Amplifier (SR-830) ferromagnetic resonance (LIAFMR) technique with help of a 8719ES vector network analyzer (VNA) in an in-plane configuration. The resonance signals are recorded at different frequencies in the range 3GH to 10GHz. Result and Discussion Figure 1(a) shows the FMR spectra of Ta(6nm)/Py (12nm)/Ta(2nm), Ta(6nm)/Fe3O4(2nm)/Py(12nm)/Ta (2 nm), and Py(12nm)/Ta(6nm) systems at 10 GHz frequency. The FMR data are fitted with symmetric and anti-symmetric Lorentzian functions. The observed line shape parameters are fitted with ∆𝐻 = ∆𝐻0 + 4𝜋𝛼 ⁄√3𝛾 (shown in Fig. 1(b)) where ΔH0 is the zero frequency intercept due to extrinsic inhomogeneous contribution to line width, ƒ is the resonant frequency, α is the Gilbert damping constant, and γ is the gyromagnetic ratio. The estimated values of Gilbert damping constant are found to decrease in the case of Ta (6nm)/Py(12nm) samples from 0.0068 to 0.0061 as compared to Py, whereas they increase to 0.0077 in case of Ta(6nm)/Fe 3O4(2nm)/ Py(12nm) samples. The interfacial spin mixing conductance of these two samples is found to be |𝑔↑↓ | = 2.26×1018 m–2 and 6.37×1018 m–2, respectively. In former case, the spin angular momentum transfer takes place from Py (FM) layer to Ta (PM) layer in contrast to the decrease in line-width due to spin accumulation over the surface of PM layer. This spin accumulation opposes spin pumping through back flow of spin angular momentum into FM [4]. But in later case, the presence of interfacial Fe3O4 (2nm) possibly locks the back flow of spin angular momentum from Ta layer to Py layer, which leads to the enhancement in Gilbert damping constant and spin mixing conductance. 1.0 H(TFPT) = 3.5 mT H(PT) = 3.23 mT PT= 0.0.0068 3.0 TFPT= 0.5 0.0077 2.5 0.0 -0.5 3.5 H (mT) The spin back flow nature of Ta layer through interface of Ta/Py to Py layer leads to decrease in Gilbert damping constant (𝜶) and spin mixing conductance (𝒈↑↓ ). But the presence of Fe3O4 (2nm) at the interface of Ta/Py i.e. Ta (6 nm)/Fe3O4 (2nm)/Py (12nm) trilayer structure, locks the spin back flow leading to enhancement of 𝜶 and 𝒈↑↓ . Keywords: spin back flow, spin mixing conductance, Gilbert damping constant FMR Signal (V) Abstract H (TPT) 2.0 = 2.93 mT -1.0 90 100 110 H (mT) TPT= 0.0.0062 P (12)/T(2) T(6)/P(12)/T(2) T(6)/F(2)/P(12)/T(2) Fit 1.5 P(12)/T(2) T(6)/F(2)/P(12)/T(2) T(6)/P(12)/T(2) (a) 120 130 1.0 2 (b) 4 6 (GHz) 8 10 Fig.1. (a) FMR spectra of Py(12nm)/Ta(2nm), Ta(6nm)/ Py(12nm)/Ta(2nm), Ta(6nm)/Fe3O4(2nm)/Py(12nm)/Ta(2nm) recorded by using LIA-FMR detection technique at constant frequency, ƒ = 10GHz. (b) Line width (ΔH) vs frequency (ƒ) data of same samples fitted with red solid lines. References [1] [2] [3] [4] S. Mizukami et al., Phys. Rev. B 66, 104413 (2002). O. Mosendz et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 022502 (2010). H. Nakayama et al., Key Eng. Mater. 508, 347 (2012). Y. Tserkovnyak et al, Phys. Rev. B 66, 224403 (2002).