The Hobbit

The Hobbit
Welcome to the story of the Hobbit! This is a fantasy story which takes place before the very popular
“Lord of the Rings” trilogy.
We will be reading this novel in class, as a class, using a variety of methods. The books will stay in
school until you need them to finish the final assignment. There will be discussion questions after
most chapters which will count for 6 grades. There will not be a final test or weekly quizzes; instead
there will be a major, final assignment. This handout is all about this final assignment. I will give you
some time in class to work on your final assignment, but you should figure on doing most of it at
Final Assignment
Due date: 5 days after we finish the last chapter of the book
a. You can aim for a grade of a 100% by doing 3 of the following options and each project will be
counted for 2 grades = total of 6 grades.
b. You can aim for a grade of an 70% by doing 2 of the following options and each project will be
counted for 2 grades = total of 4 grades
c. You can aim for a grade of a 50% by doing one of the following options and each project will be
counted for 2 grades = total of 2 grades
NOTE: One of your projects must be a written project!
The options:
A. Written Projects:
1. Choose two of the following characters and do a character analysis of each. To do an analysis describe
each character according to the following categories:
a. physical appearance
b. personality
c. background
d. role in the story
e. strengths
f. weaknesses
From all these categories include two examples from the book, including page numbers.
Choose two of the following characters: Bard, Beorn, Gandalf, Smaug, Thorin, Gollum, Bilbo.
2. Take a theme from The Hobbit and explain it in a one page essay.
3. Research and write a one page report on topics such as:
a. Folklore on dragons
b. Elves, dwarves
c. Goblins
d. Wizards
e. Mythical monsters
4. Compare and Contrast the movie to the novel.
5. From the information provided in The Hobbit, explain the background to the ring that Bilbo finds.
Describe every time that he uses it. For each even explain whether it was used for good or evil? Support
your answer with specific examples in the book using page numbers for each example. Minimum length
– 1 page.
Non- Written Projects:
1. Make a poster advertising the book. Pretend this poster would hang in a bookstore (or in my
classroom for years to come!) include some of the characters, some major scenes, etc. Fill your poster!
2. Draw a detailed picture of a character in the story. We should be able to see from the picture
something about the personality/nature of the character. The background for your picture should reflect
an event in which your character participated. Fill your poster! (You may make a 3D model of a
character if you wish to do so!)
3. Draw a detailed picture about the gathering from chapter 1 of the story when all the dwarves and
Gandalf come to visit Bilbo. We should know something about what they did, ate, and wrote, etc. from
your drawing. Fill your poster! (You may make a 3D model)
4. Build a model of Bilbo’s hobbit hole in “The Hill.” Pay attention to the details of the home on the
outside, the yard, etc. Mount this model on something solid.
5. Pretend you are a travel agen and you want to promote tours of the The Hobbiton or any other place
in the story. Make a travel brochure of the place. How would you “sell” it as a good place to want to
visit? What and who would visitors want to see?
**Do you have other ideas? Come and discuss them with me. Please get extra creative with the NonWritten projects. I will be keeping the most creative for years to come to show to other students!
Most creative project will get a $5 Movie Gift Card!