Little Man Computer Instruction Set Task 1 Ask the user for 3 numbers. Print them out in reverse order: Test data: Inputs Outputs 7,8,9 9,8,7 8 , 16 , 32 32 , 16 , 8 Finished Code: INP STA 99 INP STA 98 INP STA 97 LDA 97 OUT LDA 98 OUT LDA 99 OUT HLT Task 2 Ask the user for 3 numbers. Add them up and print out the answer. Test data: INP STA 97 INP STA 98 INP STA 99 LDA 97 ADD 98 ADD 99 OUT HLT Inputs Outputs 7, 8, 9 24 8 , 16 , 32 56 Task 3 Ask the user for 2 numbers. Print out the first – the second, then the second – the first. Test data: Inputs Outputs 7,3 4 , -4 5 , 12 -7 , 7 INP STA 97 INP STA 98 LDA 97 SUB 98 OUT LDA 98 SUB 97 OUT HLT Task 4 Ask the user for 2 numbers. If they are the same then double the number and print it out. If they are different print them both out individually. Finished Code: INP STA 97 INP STA 98 LDA 97 SUB 98 BRZ 12 LDA 97 OUT LDA 98 OUT HLT LDA 97 ADD 98 OUT HLT Task 5 Ask the user for 2 numbers. Print out the biggest and then the smallest. Finished Code: INP STA 97 INP STA 98 LDA 97 SUB 98 BRP bigger LDA 98 OUT 98 LDA 97 OUT 97 HLT bigger LDA 97 OUT 97 LDA 98 OUT 98 HLT Task 6 Ask the user for 2 numbers, print out the result of the biggest number minus the smallest number. INP STA 97 INP STA 98 LDA 97 SUB 98 BRP bigger LDA 98 SUB 97 OUT HLT bigger LDA 97 SUB 98 OUT HLT Task 7 Ask the user for a big number then a small number. Using only a BRP to loop round keep subtracting the smaller number until you get past zero, then output the result. Finished Code: INP STA 97 INP STA 98 LDA 97 SUB 98 STA 97 BRP 04 OUT 97 HLT Task 8 Adding to task 7, add a variable which counts how many times you can subtract the smaller number. Task 9 Write a program which multiplies two numbers together. INP STA 99 INP STA 98 LDA 98 BRZ zero loop LDA 98 BRZ end LDA 97 ADD 99 STA 97 LDA 98 SUB one STA 98 BRA loop end LDA 97 OUT HLT zero OUT 98 HLT one DAT 01 Task 10 Write a program which can divide 2 numbers. INP STA 97 INP STA 98 LDA 97 BRZ zero LDA 98 BRZ zero loop LDA 97 SUB 98 STA 97 LDA one ADD two STA one LDA 97 BRP loop LDA one SUB two OUT LDA 97 ADD 98 OUT HLT zero LDA 96 OUT one DAT 00 two DAT 01 Task 11 Write a program which can divide the biggest number that the user enters by the smaller number showing the remainder. INP STA 97 INP STA 98 LDA 97 BRZ zero LDA 98 BRZ zero LDA 97 SUB 98 BRP loop loopTwo LDA 98 SUB 97 STA 98 LDA one ADD two STA one LDA 98 BRP loopTwo LDA one SUB two OUT LDA 98 ADD 97 OUT HLT loop LDA 97 SUB 98 STA 97 LDA one ADD two STA one LDA 97 BRP loop LDA one SUB two OUT LDA 97 ADD 98 OUT HLT zero LDA 96 OUT one DAT 00 two DAT 01