2009-10 Statewide Systemic Issues of Noncompliance Reported to the CAC in August of 2012 The table below reflects the top five areas of systemic noncompliance as found through TEA’s monitoring, data collection, complaints investigations and due process hearings compiled in the spring of 2012. These issues were identified through state supervision activities during FY 2009-10 and the status of correction is reported in FY 2011-12, which ended June 30, 2012. FFY 2009-10 Systemic Issues of Noncompliance 1. Evaluations not provided as required [34 CFR §§300.303 and 502, 19 TAC §89.1050 (d)]. 2. Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) do not contain all required components [34 CFR §300.320 and 19 TAC §89.1055]. 3. Postsecondary transition not documented appropriately [34 CFR §300.320]. 4. Transition from Part C to Part B documented appropriately [34 CFR §303.209]. 5. IEP services are not provided as required by the IEP [34 CFR §300.323]. As a reference, monitoring and complaints teams require correction of noncompliance in the following areas: The review and revision of the special education operating guidelines; Steps and procedures that will be taken to correct the student-specific noncompliance (in complaints and due process hearings, the local education agency (LEA) may be required to convene an ARDC meeting, perform additional evaluations, provide reimbursements, and/or determine compensatory services to make up for possible lost educational benefit; a hearing officer may also determine the need for changing placements for the student with a disability); Steps and procedures that will be put in place to ensure that the same errors will not occur in the future; and How the LEA will monitor itself to know if the noncompliance is being corrected. TEA Statewide Systemic Issues of Noncompliance FY 2009-10 Reported August 2012 Page 1 The following table shows the statewide systemic issues of noncompliance identified across state supervision functions in 2009-10, along with guidance, actions, and resources identified to support correction. Statewide Systemic Issue 1. Evaluations and reevaluations are not conducted in accordance with regulatory requirements. Initial evaluations were not completed within the required sixty-day timeframe. Reevaluations were not completed within the required three-year timeframe. Students were not evaluated in all areas of suspected disability. Evaluation reports were not signed by the multidisciplinary team members. Students were evaluated without signed, parental consent. Parents were provided with incomplete notices to evaluate. Reviews of Existing Evaluation Data were not conducted in accordance with regulatory requirements. TEA Statewide Systemic Issues of Noncompliance FY 2009-10 Reported August 2012 Page 2 Resources and Guidance ESC Statewide Leadership Guidance Legal Framework for the Child-Centered Process: http://fw.esc18.net/display/Webforms/ESC18FW-Summary.aspx?FID=121&DT=G&LID=en Institutes of Higher Education Grants Building Capacity for RtI Implementation – www.texasreading.org and http://buildingrti.utexas.org SERP - 3Tier Math Intervention – http://www.meadowcenter.org and www.earlymathintervention.org/assessment University of Houston Learning Disabilities Intervention Project. http://texasldcenter.org/ TEA Guidance Division of Curriculum and Special Education – RtI Guidance. http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=214 7500224 Guide to the Admission, Review, and Dismissal Process - revised. http://fw.esc18.net/frameworkdisplayportlet/Do cuments /ARD%20Guide%20MAR%202010.pdf Notice of Procedural Safeguards-revised. Statewide Systemic Issue 2. IEPs did not have all required components appropriately documented IEP did not include present levels of academic achievement and functional performance. IEP did not include goals and objectives or benchmarks. IEP did not include the frequency, location, and/or duration of services. Progress reports were not provided to parents. State assessment was not determined or was determined inappropriately. IEP did not include supplementary aids and services. IEP did not reflect consideration of requirements outlined 19 TAC §89.1055(e). IEP did not include information related to the transfer of rights to adult students. Resources and Guidance ESC Statewide Leadership Guidance Legal Framework for the Child-Centered Process: http://fw.esc18.net/display/Webforms/ESC18FW-Category.aspx?DT=G&LID=en Standards Based IEP Training. http://portal.esc20.net/portal/page/portal/doclib raryroot/publicpages/ Special Education/AGC/PDFs/SBIEPRegProcess.pdf Annual Goals Training: see SBIEP training above Texas Project FIRST Guidance Using the ARD/IEP Agenda to Understand the Special Education Process: http://texasprojectfirst.org/Welcome.html TEA Guidance Division of Student Assessment – TAKS/STAARs Decision-Making Guidance TEA Statewide Systemic Issues of Noncompliance FY 2009-10 Reported August 2012 Page 3 Related Service Guidance documents. http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=214 7496881 TEA Optional Model IEP Form http://fw.esc18.net/display/Webforms/ESC18FW-Documents.aspx?DT=G&LID=en Statewide Systemic Issue 3. Postsecondary transition was not addressed in accordance with regulatory requirements. No post-secondary transition goals were present in the IEP. IEP team did not include required “transition services participants.” Noncompliance was found via the SPP TEASE data collection application. TEA Statewide Systemic Issues of Noncompliance FY 2009-10 Reported August 2012 Page 4 Resources and Guidance OSEP Q and A on Transition: http://idea.ed.gov/ Region 11 Training on Transition: http://www.transitionintexas.org/Page/1 Region 18 Legal Framework: http://fw.esc18.net/display/Webforms/ESC18-FWSummary.aspx?FID=117 DARS Transition Specialists: http://sefb320.pbworks.com/w/page/8429406 Texas%20Department%20of%20Assistive %20and%20Rehabilitative%20Services%20%28DAR S%29 Statewide Systemic Issue 4. Procedures for transitioning students from Part C to Part B were not followed. Noncompliance was found via the SPP TEASE data collection application. TEA Statewide Systemic Issues of Noncompliance FY 2009-10 Reported August 2012 Page 5 Resources and Guidance NECTAC: http://nectac.org/ Statewide Systemic Issue 5. IEP was not implemented as written with regard to the following: Goals Accommodations Schedule of Services Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) Speech Therapy Extended School Year (ESY) Services Instructional Setting Assistive Technology (AT) TEA Statewide Systemic Issues of Noncompliance FY 2009-10 Reported August 2012 Page 6 Resources and Guidance ESC Statewide Leadership Guidance Legal Framework for the Child-Centered Process: http://fw.esc18.net/display/Webfors/ESC18FW-Summary.aspx?FID=121&DT=G&LID=en Texas Behavior Support Initiative: http://www.txbehaviorsupport.org/ Institutes of Higher Education Building Capacity for RtI Implementation – www.texasreading/org and http://building rti.utexas.org SERP – 3Tier Math Intervention – http://www.meadowcenter.org and www.earlymathintervention.org/assessment University of Houston Learning Disabilities Intervention Project – http://texasldcenter.org/ TEA Guidance Division of Curriculum and Special Education – RtI Guidance: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=214 7500224 Guide to the Admission, Review, and Dismissal Process: http://fw.esc18.net/Documents/ARD%20Guide %20March2012.pdf Notice of Procedural Safeguards: http://fw.esc18.net/Documents/Procedural%20 Safeguards_March%202012.pdf Related Services: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=214 7496881 ESY: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=214 7500952