Designing Supplemental Writing Lessons Using

Session 4 Facilitator’s Guide:
Designing Supplemental Writing Lessons Using
Authentic Texts and Tasks
Sequence of Sessions
Targets for this Session:
1. I can develop responsive, supplemental, Common Core-aligned writing lessons to meet students’ needs.
2. I can engage students with supplemental writing lessons based on materials accessed “in the field.”
High-Level Purpose of this Session
This session will prepare participants to align extended, supplemental learning experiences (called “extensions” in the
modules), such as “fieldwork” to a museum, actually align with the Common Core and support all students through rigorous
work. In this session participants will plan “fieldwork” and compare it to traditional “field trips.” They will learn how authentic
fieldwork and access to experts can create a compelling need for students to read, analyze, and write drawing from
complex texts.
Related Learning Experiences
This NTI is focused on discovering next steps from data, learning more about the standards, and developing “focused” or
supplemental standards-based lessons based on students’ writing development needs as suggested by data. This final
session provides ideas for helping teachers to build supplemental lessons using community resources (experts and fieldwork
Key Points
NYSED supports the use of community and cultural institutions as a means to address the Common Core Literacy Standards.
Experts – both in an out of the classroom – can support students’ learning and development of craft.
There’s a critical difference between “fieldwork” and “fieldtrips.”
Planning supplemental lessons to address the Common Core Standards takes several levels of advance work.
Session Outcomes
What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of
this session?
1. I can develop responsive, supplemental, Common Corealigned writing lessons to meet students’ needs.
2. I can engage students with supplemental writing lessons
based on materials accessed “in the field.”
How will we know that they are able to do this?
Fieldwork “planners”
Session Overview
1. Opening
Frame session
Draw attention to
“extensions” portion of
Module/Unit Overview
Connect to State Ed
position on research
Prepared Resources
Facilitator’s Guide
Research and CCLS
document, NYSED
Facilitator Preparation
Be sure you understand
the flow of the entire
NTI. Be ready to
connect this session the
ones that came before.
2. Key Concepts
– Fieldwork
and Experts
4. Going Deeper - 30
- Fieldwork
Read and discuss “What
Kids Learn from Experts”
6. Resources
3. Going Deeper - 25
- Experts
5. Planning
Defining “fieldwork” and
Jigsaw – Fieldwork
Overview and section
from Transformational
Participants practice
using Fieldwork Planner
by scouring museum
resources looking for
ways to teach students
about “linking
words/transitions” and
Participants share
findings in small groups
Participants review
materials to support
students’ readiness for
fieldwork and experts.
Video Notecatcher
(Venn Diagram)
Preview video
“What Kids Learn from
Experts,” article.
Connect-ExtendChallenge Notecatcher
Pre-read article.
Fieldwork Overview
Transformational Literacy
excerpt, pgs. 27 and 28
Connect-ExtendChallenge Notecatcher
Complete notecatcher.
Fieldwork Planner
NYS Museum (or any
Preparing a Class for
Experts or Fieldwork
Resources Document
Visit museum site and
complete planner.
Be prepared to support
participants who are
“stuck” while visiting
Review in order to
highlight key points.
7. Closing
NTI feedback
Session Roadmap
Section 1: Opening
Time: 10 mins
 Journals
 Facilitator’s Guide
 Research and CCLS document, NYSED
Slide #/ Pic of Script/ Activity directions
5 min
PPT. Slides #1, 2 Framing -- “The Virtuous Circle” – describe how the curriculum is an extension Small groups at tables
of the best practices used in Expeditionary Learning Schools.
Note that research shows that students in middle level Expeditionary Learning
Schools make gains in ELA and Math.
Slide 3
In this session we will learn more about the “Extensions” suggestions made in
every unit, which are a legacy of the curriculum design in Expeditionary
Learning Schools called “expeditions” – deep, interdisciplinary studies.
Slide 4
Many of you are implementing these Extensions -- terrific! Here are examples
of the kinds of things we have noticed schools who are using the modules are
doing. And if you’re not yet, this session may help you create an argument for
admins/board/PTA about why you should.
Slide 5
Also you should know that the kinds of practices we will be discussing in this
session are supported by NYSED as part of a focus on research
Let’s think together about how to ensure this kind of work is rigorous and
addresses the Common Core standards. (Note to Facilitators – the memo this
slide is drawn from is in the Participant’s Notebook.)
Slide 6
Introduce Learning Targets for session.
Section 2: Key Concepts – Fieldwork and Experts
Time: 20 mins
Slide #/ Pic of
2 mins
PPT Slide
Video Notecatcher (Venn Diagram)
Script/ Activity directions
Distribute and introduce Fieldwork and Experts Overview
Venn Diagram (Note to facilitators, this is provided in their
notebooks and as a loose handout. Easier to use as a
handout). Note that the purpose of this section of the
agenda is to help participants identify the similarities and
differences between what they might currently be doing
using community resources and what they could be doing.
4 mins
PPT Slide
10 mins
PPT Slide
4 mins
PPT. Slide
Ask participants to complete the “pre-video” side of the
Venn Diagram, adding details that reflect the ways they
incorporate museums and other field trips, guest
speakers, and other “authentic” community-based
resources into their lessons/units/modules.
Ask participants to share some of what they wrote with a
shoulder partner.
Show the video “Branching Out.”
Ask participants to capture ideas different from what they
have on the pre-video side in the “during video” side.
Some things to think about are:
o How is “field work” different from field trips?
o How can experts support students’ learning?
o How can work “in the field” improve students’
literacy skills?
Ask participants to discuss with a shoulder partner to
analyze the two sides of their Venn Diagrams. Ask them
to put some overlapping/similar details in the center
section. In what ways are their previous experiences with
community resources and experts similar to what they saw
in the video?
Perhaps they did not have a lot of similar details – that’s
PPT Slide
Section 3: Going Deeper -- Experts
Distinguish between “fieldwork” and “field trips” and “guest
speakers” and “experts.”
Time: 25 mins
 “What Kids Learn from Experts,” article.
 Connect-Extend-Challenge Notecatcher
Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions
3 mins
PPT Slide
15 mins
PPT. Slide #
Introduce “Connect-Extend-Challenge” graphic organizer. (Note Partners
to facilitators, this is provided in their notebooks and as a loose
handout. Easier to use as a handout).
Note the specific details about what each term means (see
graphic organizer).
Introduce article “What Kids Learn from Experts.”
Ask participants to read the article, keeping track of specific
ideas that connect to, extend, or challenge their previous
assumptions about the role experts could play in students’
8 mins
PPT. Slide #
Ask participants to share at least one connection, extension, and
challenge with a different partner than they discussed the video
Section 4: Going Deeper -- Fieldwork
Time: 30 mins
Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions
5 mins
PPT Slide
Fieldwork Overview
Transformational Literacy excerpt, pgs. 27 and 28
Connect-Extend-Challenge Notecatcher
Ask participants to mix up at tables so they are seated next to at Partners
least one different person than they have been talking with so far
this session. Partner with that new person.
Draw participants’ attention to the two selections in their
o An excerpt from Transformational Literacy.
o A EL document – “Fieldwork Overview.”
Ask participants to select one of these two selections (the
partner should take the other).
10 mins
PPT. Slide #
Ask participants to read their chosen selection and complete the
Connect-Extend-Challenge notecatcher in preparation for
sharing with their partner.
10 mins
PPT. Slide #
Participants should provide their partners with:
o A general overview of what they read.
o At least one connection, extension, and challenge.
5 mins
PPT Slide #1
Ask participants to report out on specific ideas from their
conversations. If it does not come up, point out that “fieldwork”
takes more and specific “pre-planning” in order to be successful.
Introduce Fieldwork Planning tool.
Section 5: Planning Fieldwork
Time: 60 mins
Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions
Fieldwork Planner
NYS Museum (or any museum!)
5 mins
PPT Slide
We’re going to plan fieldwork!
Remind participants of the “needs” that the case study class had
in relation to writing development:
o Sentence development, variety.
o Use of graphics, headings, etc. (middle school).
o Audience awareness/formal tone.
Goal of this next chunk of time is to actually visit the museum
and think about how these needs could be addressed through
5 mins
PPT. Slide #
A representative from the NYS Museum will describe two
exhibits that would be good resources to analyze.
40 mins
PPT. Slide #
Participants visit museum in pairs, using the Fieldwork Planning
Form to collect thinking.
Ask participants to be back in their seats in 40 mins (spend
about 30 mins in the exhibits).
10 mins
Section 6: Resources and Closing
Each pair shares an idea that they have with another pair.
Time: 20 mins
Preparing a Class for Experts or Fieldwork document
Resources Document
Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions
5 mins
PPT Slide #
Note to Facilitators: Flex this time if needed based on people’s
response to the museum visit. You might provide more time for
sharing and/or address some questions from the group and/or
share personal stories of the power of fieldwork/experts.
5 mins
PPT. Slide #
Point out the additional resources available in participant’s
notebooks to support the effective use of experts and fieldwork.
Just as teachers must prepare differently to make effective use
of experts and fieldwork, so must students.
5 mins
PPT. Slide #
Provide time for participants to journal in relation to the targets
for this session.
5 mins
PPT Slide #
Ask participants to use the link on the NTI page on EngageNY to
provide feedback on the day (if you are doing this session on
Thursday) or on the entire NTI (if you are doing this session on
Table groups