Biome Project Name: Assigned Biome: Due Date: All students will

Biome Project
Assigned Biome: ____________________________________
Due Date: _________________________________________
All students will gather together the following items and place them into a “report” folder
(can be a duotang as long as papers are attached by the clasps – not in the pockets). No
pocket folder! OR optional method is digital notebook like
Must include
same detailed information but submitted within one source, provide me the web address. OR
create a wiki page which also must include same detailed information.
Work has been and can be accomplished within the group, however each individual student
is responsible for making sure ALL requirements are completed and placed into the folder
and submitted on time, INDIVIDUALLY.
If a group member does not do a specific part, you
are required to complete it for yourself.
1. Map: Create or print a map of the world, highlighting the locations around the world
showing where the Biome is found.
a. Label the name of the Biome as well as other names it is known as possible
locally or regionally.
2. Research:
The abiotic characteristics of the ecosystem(s) within the Biome.
a. Annual Temperature average.
Identify the highest and lowest.
b. Annual Precipitation average.
Identify the wettest and driest time of year.
i. Locate or Create Climatographs for each month of the year showing the
average temperature and precipitation.
c. Climate.
Description of annual climate.
Explain climate changes throughout
d. Annual Amount of Light.
e. Hydrology.
Amount of cloud cover, sunniest time of year.
Identify areas of surface water.
Type of waterways; fresh or salt.
Average temperature of waterways.
f. Soil.
Type of soil. Description of ground cover; rocks, sand, dirt, etc.
g. Topography.
Description of area; hills, mountains, flat, etc.
h. Longitude and Latitude.
Location of Biomes around the world.
Prepare a creative way of presenting this information.
1-2 pages alone.
on presentation.
Climatographs will take
Additional information will take at least 1-2 pages depending
Find pictures to demonstrate each topic.
3. Research: Minimum of 20 organisms that live in the Biome.
These must include a
minimum of 4 each: Producers, Primary Consumer, Secondary Consumer, and
Decomposers (also Scavengers) plus as many as possible Tertiary Consumers.
a. Complete Organism Chart which lists:
i. Common Name
ii. Scientific Name
iii. Picture
iv. What organism eats
v. What eats the organism
vi. Where the organism lives (Habitat)
vii. What role or job does organism play (Niche)
b. Identify each organism as producer, type of consumer, decomposer, or
scavenger (include this in chart).
c. Identify also as herbivore, carnivore or omnivore.
d. Diagram an example of the Food chain/Food web for the Biome.
This must
contain at least 16 organisms from your list.
4. Research: The four Biogeochemical Cycles (Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus/Phosphate,
and Water Cycle).
Show how each cycle impacts, functions, or works within the
a. Diagram: Each cycle needs to be drawn on a single piece of paper, by hand.
b. Label: Each cycle will have each of its primary parts labeled and exampled on
the diagram.
c. Picture of Biome: Each cycle must be shown in the Biome assigned, specifically.
Characteristics of assigned Biome must be present.
Connections to cycle within
Biome is the goal of the diagram.
5. Research:
Identify all the symbiotic types of relationships within assigned Biome.
a. Show/Diagram 3-4 of each type of relationship:
i. Commensalism
ii. Mutualism
iii. Parasitism
iv. Predator
v. Prey
b. Create a way to diagram or show the following information:
i. What are three plant adaptations that enable them to live in the biome?
ii. What are three animal adaptations that enable them to live in the biome?
iii. What are the limiting factors that maintain the populations?
6. Research:
The development of the Biome through the process of Succession.
Diagram each stage of succession within the Biome.
Label each and explain the
a. How long before specific organisms show up?
b. Identify each type of organism and record the order in which it appears
c. Label each stage of succession
d. Remember to have each stage contain the create types or organisms
7. Construct: Create a 3-D Model showing all of the researched characteristics stated
Your group needs to plan what items need to be placed into model.
can be store bought, homemade, hand drawn, computer generated, etc.
Model must
be detailed and labeled.
a. Characteristics that must be present:
i. Type of plants and organisms
ii. Food chain/web
iii. Relationships of organisms
iv. Materials needed for biogeochemical cycles
v. Structure of ecosystem (succession)
vi. Abiotic factors within ecosystems
b. Materials:
start with shoe box.
i. Can use lid as base, to extend size
ii. Can bring in additional box or cardboard
iii. Contact paper, to cover box to add to biome characteristics
1. Dollar store items: Can substitute items for needed items
a. Fake flowers
b. Fake leaves
c. Stickers for plants and animals
d. Scrub brush bristles for plants
2. Items must be labeled with what they represent