Fossil Stations AC

Station 1 (13 minutes-Thinking, On Task, and Working)
S6E5 g.
Describe how fossils show evidence of the changing surface and
climate of the Earth
Label your Paper Station 1
Read the Station Directions
Watch the Principle of Superposition Video-Take Notes
Create a Vocabulary Model for the term Principle of Superposition
What is the relationship between the fossil record and the principle of
Station 2 (13 minutes-Thinking, On Task, and Working)
S6E5 g.
Describe how fossils show evidence of the changing surface and
climate of the Earth
Label your paper station 2
Read the Station Directions
Read Lesson 21 (Fossils)
Answer the following after you finish reading Lesson 21 (Fossils)-Write the
questions and answers on your own paper.
a. What type of rock are most fossils found in? Why?
b. How can studying fossils help scientist understand Earth’s History?
c. Describe how fossils show evidence of how the Earth’s climate and
surface has changed over time?
5. Read pages 169 and n170 answer the following question: If you found rock
layers containing fish fossils in a desert, what can you infer about that area
of the desert?
Station 3 (13 minutes- Thinking, On Task, and Working)
S6E5 g.
Describe how fossils show evidence of the changing surface and
climate of the Earth
Label your paper Station 3
Read the station directions
Read page 166 (Looking at Fossils, Fossilized Organisms, and Fossils in Rocks)
After match the correct steps with the pictures of how a fossil forms, glue
them on the brown sheet of paper at your station.
5. Define Mold and Cast
6. Using the clay at your station create a mold of one of the items at your table
station. After creating the mold, get it to Mr. Shannon before you rotate to
your next station
Station 4 (13 minutes-Thinking, On Task, and Working)
S6E5 g.
Describe how fossils show evidence of the changing surface and
climate of the Earth
Label your paper Station 4
Read pages 152-155
Compare and Contrast Uniformitarianism and Catastrophism
Who proposed each theory?
Answer the following Questions:
a. Why do Earth scientist need the principle of uniformitarianism in order
to make predictions
b. How has the role of catastrophism in Earth science changed?
Station 5 (13 minutes-Thinking, On Task, and Working)
S6E5 g.
Describe how fossils show evidence of the changing surface and
climate of the Earth
1. Label your paper Station 5
2. Go to the Blog and find the Station 5 Link (9/30/12)
3. After clicking on the link, go to the Geologic Time link. Read the information
carefully and take notes.
Station 6 (13 minutes-Thinking, On Task, and Working)
S6E5 g.
Describe how fossils show evidence of the changing surface and
climate of the Earth
1. Label your paper Station 6
2. Read (very carefully) Fossils and Earth’s History with your group
3. Answer the following Discussion Question-The Georgia state fossil is the
petrified shark tooth. These fossils are fairly common in the eastern part of
the state. What does the location of these fossils tell you about Georgia’s
geologic history?
4. After reading and discussion question, answer the Lesson Review questions
Select one of the following tasks to complete for your fossil study.
1. Task 1- Create a newspaper article about a fossil find in your
neighborhood. Describe the type of fossil and how it formed. In
addition, make sure you describe how your fossil find shows
evidence of how the climate or surface topography of Powder
Springs has changed over time.
2. Task 2- Complete the Knowledge Broker Activity- Find an article
that would be age and reading level appropriate for a fourth
grader. The article must describe how fossils show evidence of
the changing surface and climate of the Earth. In addition, you
must also find one website, webquest, or game that will teach
them all about fossils-remember it must be appropriate for a
fourth grader. You will then complete the “Knowledge Broker
Activity Sheet”
3. Task 3- You work in the advertisement department for your
company. Your company has just been contracted by the Tellus
Museum to create a commerical for one of their new exhibits“Fossils-How the World Changed”. Your job is to create a script
for a commercial that will bring every middle school kid running
through the doors of Tellus.
Name:___________________________________________________Date:______________ Pd:______
S6E5 g.
Describe how fossils show evidence of the changing surface and climate of the Earth
Complete each of the following stations below; make sure you write your responses for each station in
complete sentences. Please make sure you read the directions for each station prior to starting,
remember you need to T.O.W (Thinking, On Task, and Working) in each station.
Station 1
Station 2
Station 3
Station 4
Compare and Contrast Uniformitarianism and Catastrophism
Station 5
Station 6