Applied - University of the Arts London


Central Saint Martins

MA Applied Imagination in the

Creative Industries

Application pack for postgraduate study 2015 - 16

This form should be used by Home/EU applicants only

(Not International)

Thank you for requesting an application form for MA Applied Imagination in the Creative

Industries at Central Saint Martins. Please read all information in this document before completing your application form.

This application form contains:

Application form for postgraduate study

Major project programme of study / personal statement form and guidelines


Postgraduate reference form (to be completed in English)

Guidance notes

Equal opportunities monitoring form

Please complete the application electronically or in block capitals in black ink. You may continue on a separate sheet and state on the relevant section of the form that you have done so.

You must complete all sections, as we cannot consider an incomplete application.

You are advised to keep a copy of your completed form for your own records.

Ensure that you fulfill all the entry requirements in relation to your application. Please see the individual entry requirements for MA Applied Imagination in the Creative Industries on our website:

If you have a question concerning your application please email or telephone the MA

Applied Imagination in the Creative Industries Admissions Team:

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7514 7304


If you think that items are missing from this application pack, or you would like to receive this application pack in a large print format please contact the Information office. Tel: +44

(0)20 7514 7023 Email:

Section A

Course applied for


Section B

Personal Details

Last name / family name:

(Exactly as shown on your passport or birth certificate)

First names / given names:

Previous names (if any):

Central Saint Martins

Application for postgraduate study

This form should be used by Home/EU applicants only


Title: Mr Miss Ms Mrs Other

Date of birth: (DD/MM/YY)

Permanent address:

Male Female

Correspondence address (if different):

Please note that this is the address to which we will send

ALL correspondence.





Mobile telephone:



Student ID: Date Application Received:

Confirmation that this student is Home / EU Fee Status Invite for interview: Yes No

English language qualification met: Yes No Offer: Reject Unconditional Offer

Conditional Offer

State Condition(s)

Recommend another course:

Name(s) of interviewer(s) Date

Section C

Nationality status

Country of birth: Nationality:

(As shown on your passport you will use to enter UK or birth certificate)

Country of permanent residence:

Immigration/Right to study in the UK

Do you need a visa to enter/remain in the UK? YES NO

Date of entry to UK/European Union (Non UK/EU Nationals only): DD/MM/YY

Do you have ‘Indefinite Leave to Remain’? YES NO

Please attach copies of relevant documentation

Do you have ‘Exceptional Leave to Remain’/

‘Humanitarian Protection’/’Discretionary Leave’? YES NO

Please attach copies of relevant documentation

Section D

Education and other professional qualifications

Please list all university degrees, diplomas and any other higher educational qualifications you hold.

All applicants should enclose copies of official transcripts of their qualifications, translated into English by an official translator.



To University/College

Qualification and Course title

(e.g. BA Hons)

Class of

Degree/Grade achieved (or predicted)

Give grade point average if applicable

Please continue on a separate sheet where necessary.

Applicant ID Page 2

Section E

English language qualifications

Is English your first language YES NO

Was your University education in English? YES NO

If English is not your first language please give details of qualifications you hold. If you are currently studying for an English Language qualification give the dates of any examinations you have arranged.

Dates (month/year) Qualifications (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL or equivalent) Grades

If you have not yet taken an English Language test please state the date when you intend to take the examination

Please supply copies of your English Language qualifications. If you are waiting for the results of a test we will consider your application, however your offer of a place will be conditional on you producing a valid certificate.

If you are made an offer of admission by the University of the Arts London you must:

satisfy all English Language requirements

present your original English Language certificate before 31 August. Without this you will not be able to enrol or attend the course

present a certificate no more than 2 years old

Section F

Relevant qualifications

Please give details of any short courses or other qualifications relevant to your application.



To Organisation Qualification if obtained

Further details

Continue on a separate sheet where necessary.

Applicant ID Page 3

Section G

Unpaid work experience

Please give details of any work experience, e.g. internships, voluntary work relevant to your application.



To Organisation Role

Further details

Continue on a separate sheet where necessary.

Section H

Employment history

Please give details of current and previous employment including self employment



To Name and address of employer Position held - brief description of duties

Further details

Continue on a separate sheet where necessary.

You may include an additional supporting CV, but all sections of the form must be completed.

Applicant ID Page 4

Section I


Please give the names of two referees who have known you academically or professionally.

Referee One


Referee Two


















Relationship to you: (e.g. employer, tutor, professor)

Relationship to you: (e.g. employer, tutor, professor)

Please ensure that you send copies of Section O - Postgraduate reference form

(pages 1 and 2) to your two referees.

If you wish to send the reference form by email to your referees, you can download

Section O as a separated document. Please see the Apply tab on the course web page for the link.

Applicant ID Page 5

Section J

MA Applied Imagination in the Creative Industries –



Applicant’s last name / family name: First names / given names:

In 500 words, explain how you think creativity can make the world a better place and how the course will help you achieve this.

Type into the box below, which will expand automatically as you type

Signature: Date:

Name (in block capitals):

Applicant ID Page 6

MA Applied Imagination in the Creative Industries



Applicant’s last name / family name: First names / given names:

Please give your reasons for applying to your chosen course (provide details of your particular subject interests, relevant experience or abilities, what you wish to achieve on the course, and your career aspirations).

Type into the box below, which will expand automatically as you type

Signature: Date:

Name (in block capitals):

Applicant ID Page 7

Section K

Portfolio submission form

You will be asked to submit a selection of work to support your application via an online Portfolio

Review Website. When the college receives your application you will be contacted via email with the link to upload images of your work and details of the file formats you can use.

Section L

Awards and funding

Please indicate if you are applying for an award

Organisation offering the award

Further details

Section M

Criminal convictions

Please indicate by ticking this box if you have been convicted of a criminal offence

Section N


I wish to apply to a course at the University of the Arts London and confirm that all information given on this form is true, complete and accurate.

I understand that the information given will be held by the University in accordance with the Data

Protection Act 1988, and used for monitoring purposes.

I have read the above statements carefully and accept that these continue to apply if I submit an unsigned version electronically.

Signature: Date:

Name (in block capitals):

Please send your completed application form to the College you are applying to.

Admissions Team, MA Applied Imagination in the Creative Industries

Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London,

A401, Granary Building, 1 Granary Square, London N1C 4AA


Please use this checklist to ensure that you have completed your application correctly. Failure to do so may delay your application. Please complete all forms in block capitals or type.

Your application must include the following items:

A completed application form

Copies of your passport or birth certificate

Copies of certificates or certified transcripts showing your most recent examination results including IELTS/TOEFL language certificates

Your major project programme of study / project proposal/ personal statement

Documentation of your work (via online portfolio review website)

A confidential reference form should be sent to the referees named on your application form. Please ask your referees to complete the reference and return to you to send with your application.

Equal Opportunities Monitoring

Applicant ID Page 8

Section O

Postgraduate reference form (page 1)

All Sections to be completed in English

Section 1

To be completed by the applicant.

Applicant’s last name / family name: First names / given names:

Course applied for:


Deadline date for reference to be received by College: (DD/MM/YY)

It is the applicant’s responsibility to send this postgraduate reference form to the two referees.

Section 2

To be completed by referee. (You may either complete this form or supply a letter of reference.)

Name of referee:


Work Address:




How long have you known the applicant?

What has been your relationship to the applicant? (Check as many as apply)

Undergraduate teacher Graduate teacher Advisor

Other (please specify)

Please describe the applicant’s performance in relationship to that of others you have known at a comparable stage of development by checking the appropriate space opposite each characteristic:

Poor Average Above average

Excellent No basis for judgment

Academic knowledge in chosen field

Technical knowledge and skills in chosen field

Ability to develop and implement new ideas and techniques

Relating to and working with others

Ability to express self in writing

Ability to accept and give criticism

Commitment to chosen area of study

Applicant ID Page 9

Postgraduate reference form (page 2)

Applicant’s last name / family name: First names / given names:

We would appreciate any other information that might aid us in evaluating the applicant’s suitability for the course.

Please comment on:

 the applicant’s suitability to undertake this postgraduate course

 the applicant’s academic and creative work

the nature and extent of the experience on which your judgement is based

Type into the box below, which will expand automatically as you type

In summary, please choose one of the following:

I highly recommend the applicant

I recommend the applicant

I recommend the applicant with reservations

I do not recommend the applicant

Please note that the person this reference applies to has rights of access to it under the UK Data

Protection Act 1998

Signature: Date:

Name (in block capitals):

References should be sealed with the signature of the referee.

Please return the completed form to the applicant to accompany the application form.

They can also be sent direct to the College.

Admissions Team, MA Applied Imagination in the Creative Industries

Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London,

A401, Granary Building, 1 Granary Square, London N1C 4AA


Applicant ID Page 10

Office use only

Section P

Student ID

Equal Opportunities Monitoring

Please inform us of any arrangements that need to be put in place to assist you with the application process or to support your studies. You are welcome to arrange a visit to check access by contacting:

The Disability Team

Mixed Heritage

(41) White & Black Caribbean

(42) White & Black African

(43) White & Asian

University of the Arts London

272 High Holborn

London WC1V 7EY

Telephone +44 (0)20 7514 6156/7

(49) Other mixed background (please give details here)

Chinese or other ethnic group

Fax +44 (0)20 7514 6219


(34) Chinese

(80) Other ethnic background (please give details here)

Textphone 18001 followed by the UAL telephone number


Do you have a disability or learning difficulty?

Religion or Belief

Please indicate your religion or belief by ticking the appropriate box

If you have answered Yes, please tick the relevant

Agnostic boxes below:


(51) specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or AD(H)D

(53) Autistic Spectrum Disorder e.g. Asperger ’s



(57) Deaf/Hearing Impairment


(58) Blind/Partially Sighted


(08) Two or more disabilities or medical conditions

(54) Long standing illness e.g. Cancer, HIV, Asthma,

Epilepsy, Diabetes or Heart Disease

Christian (Including Church of England, Catholic,

Protestant and all other Christian Denominations)


Pagan (55) Mental Health condition e.g. Depression,

Schizophrenia or Anxiety Disorder

(56) A physical impairment or mobility issues, such as difficulty using arms or using a wheelchair or crutches

(96) Disability, Impairment or a medical condition not listed above (Please specify)

(L97) Other Learning Difficulty

No Religious Beliefs



Prefer not to say

Ethnic Origin

Please choose one section & tick the relevant box below:


(10) White

Black or Black British

(21) Caribbean

(22) African

(29) Any other (please give details here)

Asian or Asian British

(31) Indian

(32) Pakistani

(33) Bangladeshi

(39) Other Asian background (please give details here)


Educational Background

Do any of your parents, step-parents or guardians who brought you up have any HE Qualifications such as a degree or diploma / certificate of higher education?

Yes No Don’t know

Occupational Background

If you are under 21, please give the job title of your parent, step-parent or guardian who earns the most. If she or he is retired or unemployed, give their most recent job title. If you are 21 or over, please give your own job title.

Care Leavers

Have you been in care? Yes No

Do you have a criminal conviction that is not spent?

Yes No

What does ‘spent’ mean?

If a person does not re-offend during their rehabilitation period, their conviction becomes ‘spent’ (as defined by The

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974). Convictions that are spent are not considered to be relevant and you should not reveal them. You should note that certain offences are never spent.

Guidance notes for postgraduate applicants

Please read the following information carefully as the decision to select you for interview will be based on the information you provide on the form.

Section A: Choice of course

Enter the details of the course for which you wish to apply, and send the form to the correspondence address shown at the end of section N

Section B: Personal details

Please ensure your details are clear, especially your email address.

Section C Nationality status

This information will be used with regard to your fee status and visa requirements.

Please attach copies of your passport or birth certificate.

Section D: Education and other professional qualifications

Please ensure that you have read the entry requirements and course information on the

College website before completing your application form.

Section E: English language qualifications

All classes are conducted in English. If English is not your first language you will need to provide evidence of your English language ability.

Section F: Relevant qualifications

Use this section to provide details of other information that supports your application.

This could include short courses and evening classes, and other qualifications, e.g. ‘A’ levels or equivalent, relevant to the course for which you are applying.

Section G: Unpaid work experience

Please give details of any work experience, e.g. internships, voluntary work relevant to your application.

Section H: Employment history

Provide details of current and previous employment.

Section I: References

Please provide details of two referees who have known your work professionally or academically.

Section J: Study / project proposal / personal statement

Please carefully read the specific guidance notes contained within this pack for the course you are applying to.

Section K: Portfolio submission form

Please look at specific guidance notes for the course you are applying to.

Section L: Awards and funding

To find out about awards available to home/EU applicants please visit

Guidance notes 1

Section M: Criminal convictions

If you have been convicted of a criminal offence your application will first be considered in terms of academic suitability for the course. If you are successful and the Course

Leader wants to offer you a place then your conviction will be examined by a University panel before confirming that an offer can be made.

Section N: Submitting your application form:

After completing your application form please sign and send it directly to the Course correspondence address. Please check individual course web pages for further guidance and application deadlines.

Section O: Reference form:

Fill in the details of the College and Course you are applying for on the Reference form and forward a copy to your referees, who should return either the completed form or a reference letter to you so that you can send the application direct to the college by the application deadline. The reference form can also be sent direct to the College. You can download the reference form, as a separate document to send to your referees, from the course web page Apply tab.

What will happen next?

Your application form, references and online portfolio will be assessed by an academic at the respective College you have applied to. If your application meets the entry requirements of the course you may be invited to attend the College for a further portfolio review and interview. Shortly after this stage you will be informed of the College’s decision of whether to offer you a place on the course.

If you do not live in the UK and are unable to attend an interview, you may be invited to take part in a telephone interview. A decision may also be made based on the application you have sent.

Please note that although we treat all work with the greatest care and respect the college cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage of any work you submit.

Guidance notes 2
