Public Relations (PUBR)

MCOM 5010 Comparative Mass Media Systems (3 credits) A comparative study of mass
media systems operating in various parts of the world, highlighting their similarities and dissimilarities, through
the examination of the distinctive environments in which they operate.
MCOM 5020 Media and Cultural Diversities (3 credits) A study of the images of cultural
environment as seen through the mass media, and their impact on the cultivation of conceptions of majority
and minority status.
MCOM 5030 Media and the First Amendment (3 credits) Seminar concerned with the
problems of communication freedom that arise out of special situational factors or because of problems unique
to the medium of communication.
MCOM 5037 Communications Law (3 credits) This course covers the legal aspects of the
media of mass communications: constitutional law as foundation of the right to publish; freedom of information;
the right to comment; privilege, property and contractual rights; defamation; invasion of privacy; criminal
responsibility in defamation, obscenity, fraud, monopoly, and contempt; administrative regulation; broadcasting
and advertising.
MCOM 5040 Seminar in Mass Communications (1-6 credits) Problems, concepts, and
approaches to research in selected mass communication issues. May be repeated.
MCOM 5050 Public Opinion (3 credits) Patterns of public opinion formation including their cultural
social, and economic impact. Analysis of communication content and techniques involving public opinion and
MCOM 5060 Seminar in Media Ethics (3 credits) The course is an exploration of the
literature in mass communication which examines ethics in the context of media practices and social
MCOM 5070 Seminar in History of Mass Communication (3 credits) Historical
research approach to mass communication with emphasis on historical writings, the philosophy of history, and
methods of data collection and analysis. Emphasis on United States mass media history.
MCOM 5900 Independent Study in Mass Communications (1-3 credits) Directed
study in areas of mass communications which may involve topics such as social roles as the media, legal,
ethical, or problems, audience analysis, creative writing for, or critical evaluation of the mass media.
MCOM 5957 Topics in Mass Communications (1-6 credits) A research project developed
and written under the supervision of a faculty committee.
MCOM 5990 Readings and Research (1-3 credits) Students who are not enrolled in other
coursework but require the use of university facilities and/or faculty guidance for studies, research, or
preparation of a prospectus MUST enroll for Readings and Research. Variable credits (1-3) of Readings and
Research may also be used, as approved by student’s advisory committee in conjunction with other
coursework, to document such activities as development of research and scholarly skills that would not be
appropriately covered by other types of independent study. Readings and Research credits do not count
toward degree requirements. Grading of Readings and Research will be either satisfactory completion (S),
satisfactory progress (SP), or unsatisfactory (U).
Advertising (ADVR)
ADVR 5101 Topics in Advertising (1-6 credits)
ADVR 5900 Independent Study in Advertising (1-3 credits)
ADVR 5957 Topics in Advertising (1-6 credits)
Journalism (JOUR)
JOUR 5107 Reporting Public Affairs (3 credits) Prerequisite(s): A grade of 2. 0 or better in
JOUR 2130. Instruction and practice in coverage of local, county and state governments, the court system, and
law enforcement agencies. May include field trips for which students must defray personal expenses.
JOUR 5900 Independent Study in Journalism (1-3).
Public Relations (PUBR)
PUBR 5301 Topics in Public Relations (1-6 credits)
PUBR 5310 Media Management (3 credits) A study of media management; comparative
research about various types of media industries and firms and their responsibilities and goals.
PUBR 5320 Public Relations Case Studies (3 credits) A study of the ethical and
professional practices in public relations and mass media through a case study approach. Study includes indepth examination of controversial cases involving media and public relations in PR firms, corporate
communications departments, government agencies, political organizations and non-profit environments.
PUBR 5900 Independent Study in Public Relations (1-3 credits)
Speech (SPCH)
SPCH 5100 Foundations of Communication Studies (3 credits) Familiarizes students
with the multiple areas of inquiry in the discipline of Communication and teaches disciplinary standards for
advanced-level thinking, writing and research.
SPCH 5200 Gender and Communication (3 credits) This course investigates how
communication practices shape, reinforce, or resist definitions and experiences of gender.
SPCH 5300 Qualitative Research in Communication (3 credits) An applied
examination of qualitative research methods used in Communication study.
SPCH 5317 Rhetoric and Public Address (3 credits) Historical study of rhetorical theory as
applied to manuscripts, speakers, and audiences.
SPCH 5330 Applied Communication Theory (3 credits) The study of traditional, modern,
and emerging communication theories as analytical tools to understand how communication operates in a
variety of settings.
SPCH 5357 Communication in Organizations (3 credits) A study of communication
needs, problems, and practices within various organizations.
SPCH/PUBH 5377 Health Communications (3 credits) A study of the interpersonal, group,
organizational, and public communication processes that shape beliefs, decisions and behavior regarding
health, sickness, and health care. The course examines the attitudes and actions of many participants in health
communication, including citizens, health professionals, and those engaged in public debate about health care
issues. (Students cannot receive credit for both SPCH 5377 and PUBH 5377.)
SPCH 5380 Sexual Health Communication (3 credits) This course examines the role of
communication in promoting, maintaining, and hindering sexual health. It is a study of how interpersonal,
organizational, and public communication impact sexual health, as well as how sexual health issues impact the
dimensions of communication. This course examines both academic and public discourse affecting attitudes
and actions. SPCH 5607 Speech Practicum (3 credits, repeatable) Prerequisite(s): Permission of
instructor. May be repeated. A practical study experience with appropriate supportive research.
SPCH 5900 Independent Study in Speech Communication (1-3 credits)
SPCH 5950 Research Methods-Speech (3 credits)
SPCH 5957 Special Topics in Speech (2-6 credits)
SPCH 5960 Thesis (1-6 credits) Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. A research project developed
and written under the supervision of a faculty committee.
SPCH 5990 Readings and Research (1-3 credits) Students who are not enrolled in other
coursework but require the use of university facilities and/or faculty guidance for studies, research, or
preparation of a prospectus MUST enroll for Readings and Research. Variable credits (1-3) of Readings and
Research may also be used, as approved by student’s advisory committee in conjunction with other
coursework, to document such activities as development of research and scholarly skills that would not be
appropriately covered by other types of independent study. Readings and Research credits do not count
toward degree requirements. Grading of Readings and Research will be either satisfactory completion (S),
satisfactory progress (SP), or unsatisfactory (U).
Theatre (THEA)
THEA 5417 Teaching Theatre in Grades K-12 (3 credits) A study of methods and
materials for teaching theatre in elementary and secondary schools.
THEA 5527 Advanced Scenographic Design (3 credits, repeatable) Prerequisite(s): THEA
2520, 3330, 3335. May be repeated under each of the following: areas scenery, lighting, costuming. The study
of advanced theatrical design principles and appropriate play analysis.
THEA 5537 Advanced Play Direction (3 credits) Prerequisite(s): THEA 3530. The planning of
an actual production for performance for practical development of the fundamentals, methods, and procedures
of play direction.
THEA 5547 Dramatic Theory and Criticism (3 credits) Prerequisite(s): THEA 1500. A
study of the critical writings on the theory of dramatic form from Aristotle to the present with an understanding
of philosophical and social foundations as they relate to theatrical standards of dramatic art.
THEA 5557 Playwriting (3 credits) Prerequisite(s): THEA 2530. A study of the organization of the
parts of a play in dramas of different styles and types followed by exercises in writing dramatic exposition,
characterization, and plot development for the foundation of an original play.
THEA 5607 Theatre Practicum (1 credit) Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor through
audition. May be repeated. For juniors, seniors, and graduate students only. Participation as a performer or
stage manager in planning, rehearsal, and performance of an ETSU Theatre Production under faculty direction.
THEA 5637 Theatre Management (3 credits) Procedures used on stage, house, and business
management of a theatre operation.
THEA 5647 Theatre Architecture and Design (3 credits) Prerequisite(s): THEA 2520 and
THEA 3330 or permission of instructor. This course will survey the changes in theatre architecture from the 5th
century B.C. to the present. Students in this course will learn about modern facility design practices and about
federal and state laws that affect the design of both new facilities and renovation of existing facilities.
THEA 5707 Theatre Internship (1-9 credits) Prerequisite(s): Permission of department chair
and concurrence of host theatre. Experience in professional nonacademic theatre under supervision of
professional staff. Interns may work in a single area of specialty or in rotation throughout host theatre’s
operation and may contract for single term or academic year.
THEA 5857 Period Acting Styles (3 credits) Prerequisite(s): THEA 3510. Acting Styles from
ancient Greece through Restoration, utilizing language, research, scene work, movement, and masks.
THEA 5867 Summer Theatre Performance (3 credits) Prerequisite(s): Permission of
instructor through audition. Participation in rehearsals and performance of an ETSU Summer Theatre
production under faculty or guest artist direction.
THEA 5960 Thesis (1-6 credits)— Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. A research project developed
and written under the supervision of a faculty committee.
THEA 5957 Special Topics in Theatre (1-6 credits)
THEA 5990 Readings and Research (1-3 credits) Students who are not enrolled in other
coursework but require the use of university facilities and/or faculty guidance for studies, research, or
preparation of a prospectus MUST enroll for Readings and Research. Variable credits (1-3) of Readings and
Research may also be used, as approved by student’s advisory committee in conjunction with other
coursework, to document such activities as development of research and scholarly skills that would not be
appropriately covered by other types of independent study. Readings and Research credits do not count
toward degree requirements. Grading of Readings and Research will be either satisfactory completion (S),
satisfactory progress (SP), or unsatisfactory (U).