Beyond 2015 participating organisations #FundaMentalSDG | A. | B. | C. | D. | E. | F. | G. | H. | I. | J. | K. | L. | M. | N. | O. | P. | R. | S. | T. | U. | V. | W. | Y. | Z. Please note that this list only encompasses participating organisations which agreed to disclose their participation in the Beyond 2015 Campaign. Organisation Country #FundaMentalSDG Germany 1,000 Days USA 11.11.11 /CNCD Belgian National Platform Belgium 2050kids United States 21st Century Community Empowerment for Youth & Women Initative Nigeria A. A.C. Casa del Paso del Peregrino Argentina Abibimman Foundation, GCAP - Ghana Ghana Abiodun Adebayo Welfare Foundation Nigeria AbleChildAfrica United Kingdom Absolute Return For Kids United Kingdom Academic Forum for Foreign Affairs Austria Academics Stand Against Poverty Israel Academic Student Association of the University of Cape Verde Cape Verde Accion Chile Acción Agua Mexico Accion por la Tierra / EarthAction Santiago Chile ACRA-CCS Italy ACT Alliance USA ACT Alliance Secretariat Switzerland Act for Change Ghana Act for Change Pakistan Act of Random Kindness Foundation International Nigeria ACTED France Acting for future generations (Agir pour les générations futures) Senegal ACTION USA Action Against hunger International United Kingdom ActionAid EU Office Belgium ActionAid Pakistan Pakistan ACTION for Conflict Transformation South Africa Action for Global Health United Kingdom Action for Global Health Belgium Action for Sustainable Change (AFOSC) Kenya Action Foundation Cameroon Action Jeunesse pour le Développement, AJED-CONGO Congo (Republic of the Congo) Action on Disability & Development Sudan Action pour l'Humanisation des Hôpitaux Cameroon Action pour un Développement Equitable Intégré et Durable, ADEID Cameroon Action Solidaire pour Communautaire"ASODECOM" Burundi le Developpement ActionAid International USA ActionAid UK United Kingdom ACTION HEALTH INCORPORATED Nigeria Action volontaire pour la lutte contre les changements climatiques et les effets négatifs du soufre du diesel (AVOCHACLISD) Burundi Active Remedy United Kingdom ADD International United Kingdom Addis Ababa University, Horn Environment Centre/Network of Africa Adopt Access Association - Regional Ethiopia Kenya Adventist Development and Relief Agency, ADRA Belgium EU Liaison Office Adventist Development and Relief Agency, ADRA Germany German Office Adventist Development and Relief Agency, ADRA. African Regional Office Kenya Advocacy Initiative for Development (AID) Sierra Leone Advocacy Initiative for Development (AID) USA Advocates of Health and Development Nigeria AEGEE - European Students' Forum Belgium AFAD (Association Developpement) de Formation et d'Appui au Mali AFOSC-Kenya Kenya Africa Asia Scholars Global Network (AASGON) United Kingdom Africa CSO Platform on Principled Partnership (ACP) Kenya Africa Development Interchange Network (ADIN) Cameroon Africa UK Diaspora Engagement United Kingdom Africa Unite South Africa Africa Youth Coalition Against Hunger Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Africa Youth Trust Kenya Africa Youth Trust Kenya African Achievers International United Kingdom African Alliance of Rangeland Management and Development (AARMD) Kenya African Centre for Development and Research United Kingdom African Diaspora Forum South Africa African Diaspora Hope South Africa African Foundation for Environment and Development (AFED) Nigeria African Institute for Development Policy, AFIDEP Kenya African Law Foundation (AFRILAW) Nigeria Uganda African Medical & Research Foundation (Amref health africa) African Monitor South Africa African Resourceful Leaders Foundation Nigeria African Women Economic Policy Network (AWEPON) Uganda African Youth Employment Solution Somalia AfricaWide Movement for Children Uganda African Youth for Peace Development (AYPAD) Sierra Leone AFSU (Advocacy Through Filming and Screening Uganda) Uganda Ireland Age Action Ireland Age International United Kingdom Agenda Pública Brazil Agri Service Ethiopia Ethiopia AgroNet Fiji Fiji AHDIS (Human Action for Integrated Development in Senegal) Senegal AKENDEWA Ivory Coast AIDE ET ACTION INTERNATIONAL France AIDI-JF International Burundi Aids Fonds The Netherlands Aids Orphans Care and Support Program (AOCASP)UNGASS Kenya Forum Kenya AIESEC Sénégal Senegal Indonesia AIESEC Surabaya Aiki a aikace Nigeria Ain Shams University Egypt Akina Mama wa Afrika Uganda Ako Foundation Ghana Alana Better Future Fund China Alianza Democrática de Organizaciones Civiles, ADOC Mexico Alliance (AP/Mali) contre la Pauvreté au Mali Mali Alliance for International Youth Development, AIYD USA Alliance for Development Ghana Alliance of Young International, Inc. Nurse Leaders and Advocates Philipines Alliance Sud Switzerland All-Nigeria United Nations Students and Youths Association, ANUNSA Nigeria Al-Tufula Center Israel Amani club (Peace club) Kenya American Cancer Society USA American Public Health Association United States Mexico AMEVOL Amis des Etrangers au Togo (ADET)-[Friends of Foreigners in TOGO] Togo Amnesty International European Institutions Office Belgium Amnesty International Togo Amnesty International (International Secretariat) United Kingdom Amnesty International Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Amnesty International Dakar regional office Senegal Anda KLAP Organization (AKO) Cooperative Philipines Anglican Diocesan Development and Relief Organization (ADDRO) Ghana Ghana ANONG Uruguay ANPED Belgium Anti Terrorism Coalition Uganda Uganda AP/Mali Mauritanie Apollo Hospital Dhaka Bangladesh Apprendre Collaborer Transformer (ACT) Haiti Aprodev Belgium Arab Network for Environment and Development Egypt Arab States' Coalition for Population and Development Egypt Architecture for Humanity (Abuja Chapter) Nigeria Arogya World USA Artha Foundation : Economic and Financial Research Nepal Article 19 United Kingdom ARTICLE 19 Brazil Brazil Arts for Global Development, Inc. USA AS – Center for Empowerment Youth people who are living with HIV and AIDS Serbia ASEAN Centre of Development Goals, Excellence on U.N. Millennium Thailand Asian Institute of Technology ASEAN Youth Initiative Community Indonesia ASEAN Youth Leaders' Association Indonesia Asia Pacific (APCASO) Council of AIDS Service Organizations Malaysia Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE) Philipines Asociación Fondo Natural Internacional Spain Asociación Gestión Salud Población Peru Asociación Nacional de Centros Peru ASPIRA Puerto Rico Asociación Civil Mujeres Unidas por la Salud-MUSAS (Civil Association of Women United for Health) Venezuela Associação Brasileira de Organizações Não Governamentais, ABONG Brazil Associação para o Planeamento da Família Portugal Associated Country Women of the World United Kingdom Association 4D France Association Attadamoun pour la cooperation Social, Asilah Morocco Association Camerounaise pour la prise en charge des personnes âgées, ACAMAGE Cameroon Association Congolaise d'Education et de Prévention contre les Maladies et la Drogue (ACEPMD) Congo Association des Développement Burundi Femmes Burundaises Pour Le Association des Volontaires du Développement Durable Association des volontaires pour developpement en Guinée(AVADEG) l’assistance Democratic Republic of the Congo au Guinee Association for Coordinated Operations in Rural Development (ACORD) Bangladesh Association for Youth leader Promotion Guinrea-Bissau Association Ivoirienne pour la Sauvegarde de l'enfance En Danger RDC Association Jeunesse Action Développement (AJAD) Mauritanie Association Nigerienne des Femmes Diplomées, ANFD Niger Association of African Women in Development (AAWID) Ghana Association of indonesian public health students Indonesia Association of World Citizens India Association pour la Promotion des Jeunes d’Ambouli Djibouti Association pour le développement et de la promotion des droits humains Mauritanie Association pour les Victimes du Monde (AVM) Cameroon Association Shifa des Maladies NeuroMusculaires, ASMNM Algeria Associations 21 Belgium Associazione delle ONG Italiane (Italian NP) Italy Associazione Foreste per Sempre Italy AUBE NOUVELLE DEVELOPPEMENT POUR LA FEMME ET LE Democratic Republic of the Congo Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) Australia Australian Disability and Development Consortium Australia Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, AFAO Australia AUT office of Sustainability Iran Autistic Minority International Switzerland Avvenire Italy Awaaz CDS Pakistan B. Bahá’í International Community’s United Nations Office USA Bamenda Coordinating Center for Studies in Disability and Rehabilitation Cameroon Badhon Manob Unnayan Sangstha Bangladesh Balkan Institute for Financial Research Kosovo Bancris International Rural Development Nigeria Banda Ahenkro Widows Association Ghana Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication, BNNRC Bangladesh Barbados Advocates for Justice and Empowerment Barbados Basic Education Coalition USA Batool Welfare Trust Pakistan BEA INTERNATIONAL Kenya Belgrade University, Faculty of Medicine Serbia BEMFAM - Society for Family Welfare in Brazil Brazil Berlin Civil Society Centre Germany Bessarabian initiative group Romania Better Education For All, Befa Foundation Pakistan Better World South Korea Bildungskoalition NGO Switzerland Binnek Humanity Foundation Nigeria BioRegional United Kingdom Bioresources Development and Conservation Programme Cameroon (BDCP Cameroon) Cameroon Bogor Agricultural University Indonesia Colombia BogotArt Foundation Egypt Border Center For Development Studies and Human Rights Kenya Boresha Life Empowerment Group Botswana Climate Change Network Botswana BP or not BP United Kingdom BRAC Bangladesh Brain Builders International Nigeria Uganda Branches of life International Brazilian Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS Brazil Bread for the World USA Breakfast Club Tanzania Tanzania Bridges United Kingdom Bright Generation Community Foundation Ghana British Overseas NGOs for Development, Bond United Kingdom British Youth Council United Kingdom Building and Social Houses, Foundation United Kingdom Building Resources Elections, BRIDGE in Democracy, Governance and BUNYAD Literacy Community Council Cambodia Pakistan C. CAFA Sudanese Community Development Association Sudan CALBRIL Cameroon California Institute of Environmental Design & Management (CIEDM) United States Cameroonian NP / Fondation Conseil Jeune Cameroon Campaign 2015+ Nigeria Campaign Against Ignorance & Illiteracy Nigeria Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly China Canadian Community Economic Development Network Réseau canadien de développement économique communautaire Canada Canon Collins Trust United Kingdom CAP/AIDS (Canada Africa Partnership on AIDS) Canada Carbon Market Watch Belgium Care and Support Welfare Organisation Pakistan Care international Belgium Care international USA Caribbean Policy Development Centre Barbados Caritas Burundi Burundi Caritas Chieti Vasto Italy Cáritas Colombiana. Secretariado Nacional de Pastoral Social. Programa de Incidencia Política, Sección de Investigación, Formación y Difusión Colombia Caritas Forum Cameroon Caritas Europa Belgium Caritas G Bissau Guinea Bissau Caritas Georgia Georgia Caritas Luxembourg Luxembourg Caritas Maputo Mozambique Caritas Zambia Zambia Caritas Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Catholic Agency For Overseas Development, CAFOD United Kingdom Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace Zimbabwe, CCJPZ Zimbabwe Catholic Diocese of Yola Nigeria Caucus of Development NGO Networks (CODE-NGO) Philipines CBM Australia Australia CBM Canada Canada CBM International Belgium CBM UK United Kingdom CCC Cambodia Cambodia CCLP Worldwide- International Organization of Education Charter India CEEweb for Biodiversity Hungary Center for Bangladesh Studies-CBS Bangladesh Center for Economic and Social Rights, CESR USA Center for Education and Leadership Development - Nigeria CELDEV Bangladesh Center for Human Development & Management Center for International Human Rights USA Center for Participatory Research and Development-CPRD Bangladesh Center for Peace Development Effectiveness Liberia Center for Rural Development Transformation (CERUDECT) and Community Nigeria Center for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development (CSEND) United States Center for Sustainable Economy USA Center for Sustainability Studies, Ramapo College of New Jersey USA Centre for Youth and Development Malawi Center for Youth Development & Sustainable Democracy (CEYDESUD) Liberia Centre National d'Appui au Développement Participation Populaire (CENADEP) Democratic Republic of Congo et à la Centre d’ Etudes et de recherches Aziz Belal Morocco Centre de Formation aux Techniques Informatiques (CFTI) Cameroon Centre de Recherche et d'Action pour le Développement Durable et l'Epanouissement des Sociétés (CRADDES ONG) Benin Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at Australian National University Australia Centre for Armed Violence Reduction United Kingdom Centre for Associated Progress India Centre for Children’s Affairs Malawi Malawi Centre for community economics consultants society(cecoedecon) and development India Centre for Development and Human Rights (CDHR) India Centre for Environmental Action and Development (CEAD) Nepal Centre for Gender Research and Study – Satya Wacana Christyan University Indonesia Centre for Health Policy and Innovation Canada Centre for Neglected Tropical Diseases United Kingdom Centre Ombre de la femme au Burundi Burundi Centre for Renewable Energy and Action on Climate Change (CREACC) Nigeria Centre For Social Concern Nigeria Centre for Sustainable Development and Education in Africa (CSDEA) Nigeria Centre For Youth Driven Development Initiatives (CFYDDI) Uganda Centro de Análisis y Estudios del Pueblo A.C. Mexico Centro de Investigacion para la Accion Femenina CIPAF (GCAP) República Dominicana Challenge:Future (Nigeria) Nigeria Challenging Heights Ghana Change Mind Change Future Kenya Change Mob Brazil Charitable Institute for Protecting Social Victims Iran Charities Aid Foundation United Kingdom Cherie Blair Foundation for Women United Kingdom Chibombo Child Developmnet Agency Zambia ChildFund Alliance USA ChildFund Kenya Kenya ChildFund Vietnam Vietnam ChildHope UK United Kingdom Childreach International United Kingdom Childreach International India India Child to Child United Kingdom Children Advocacy Network Pakistan CHIPUA Tanzania Christian Aid India Christian Aid United Kingdom Christian Fellowship and Care Foundation Nigeria Christian Partners Development Agency Kenya Christian Relief & Development Association, CRDA Ethiopia Christy's Integration, Programs (CISDEP) Kenya Skills, Daycare and Educational Church of God Department of Health, Gender and social services. Zambia Citizens United to Promote Peace & Democracy in Liberia Liberia Civicus World Alliance India Civicus: World Alliance for Citizen Participation South Africa Civil Society Action Coalition on Disaster Mitigation Nigeria Civil Society Development Foundation Romania Civil Society News Nigeria Civil Society Reflection Group USA Civil Society Reflection Group/Social Watch Uruguay Climate Action Network Europe Belgium Climate Action Network Mexico Mexico Climate Action Network Tanzania Tanzania Climate Himalaya Initiative Nepal Climate Leaders India Network, CleaIN India Clinics for All South Africa Club Interact Laredo Nuevas Generaciones Mexico Coaliation EAU France Coalition of Services of the Elderly, Inc Philipines Coalition of Cotabato Social Development Organizations-South Philipines Coalition pour le Developpement et la Rehabilitation Sociale, CODR UBUNTU Burundi Coalizão Brasileira de Jovens pelo pós-2015 Brazil Coastal Development Partnership Bangladesh Coastal Rural And Urban Poor Development Association (CRUPDA) Bangladesh Coexist Initiative Kenya CO-HABITER Switzerland Colectivo TLGB de Bolivia Bolivia Colegio Tomas Alva Edison ETB Colombia Collectif de Femmes Entrepreneurs, COFEN Cameroon The College of The Bahamas Bahamas Comic Relief United Kingdom Comision de Derechos Humanos Rep. Dominicana República Dominicana Comissão Pró-Índio de São Paulo Brazil Comite Nacional VISION 2020 Paraguay Paraguay Commonwealth Medical Trust (Commat) United Kingdom Commonwealth Youth Council Working Group Sierra Leone COMMUNITY AND FAMILY AID FOUNDATION Ghana Community Development Initiative Nigeria Community Development Resource Network Uganda Community Foundation Western Province (COFWE) Kenya Community Life Project (CLP) Nigeria Community Mobilization Against Desertification(C-MAD) Kenya Community-Oriented Development Action (CODATZ) Tanzania COMMUNITY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (CREDC) Nigeria Community Youth for Peace Foundation Cameroon Computers 4 Africa United Kingdom COMSATS Pakistan Concern GB United Kingdom Concern Wordlwide Ireland Ireland CONCORD a.i.s.b.l. Belgium Concord Denmark Denmark CONCORD Sweden Sweden Confederación Colombiana Gubernamentales – CCONG de Organizaciones No Colombia CONGCOOP Guatemala CongoInThePicture DRC Conseil Canadien pour la Cooperation Internationale, CCIC Canada Conseil des Activités Educatives du Bénin (CAEB) Benin Conseil des ONGs d’Appui au Developpement (CONGAD) Senegal Conseil National de la Jeunesse Cameroon Conseil National des ONG de Développement en RDC, CNONGD Democratic Republic of the Congo Conservation International USA Construisons ensemble le monde Congo Convention pour l'Emergence du Sénégal-Coalition Agenda Post2015 (C.E.S.-.A.P2015) Senegal Convergencia de Organismos Civiles Mexico Coop Sin Fronteras Costa Rica Coopération Internationale pour le Développement et la Solidarité, CIDSE Belgium Coordinadora de ONG para el Desarrollo España Spain Coordination Sud France Cord Cambodia Cord UK Cordaid Zimbabwe Cordaid The Netherlands Council for International Development New Zealand COUPDEPOUCE – ONGD Democratic Republic of the Congo CSO Network on Climate Change Liberia CYINDEP Cyprus D. D. Keith MacDonald Foundation Canada Damam Women Group Kenya DASE Foundation Pakistan Pakistan Daughters of Charity USA Dayemi Foundation Bangladesh Deaf Aid Kenya Debate Open Challenge Zimbabwe DEEEP Belgium Deepti Bhuban Bangladesh Delhi Technological University India Democracy House Maldives Demokratie & Dialogue / youthpolicy United Kingdom Chile Desarrollo Solidario Internacional Destiny Africa Kenya Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. Germany Develop Rwanda Rwanda Develop-Cameroon 2015-2035 Cameroon Development & Integrity Intervention Goal Nigeria Development Initiatives United Kingdom Development Initiative for Community Enhancement (DICE) Nigeria Development Reality Institute Zimbabwe Dhaka Ahsania Mission Bangladesh Bangladesh Dhaka University Social Business Society (DUSBS) Dhoritri fundation for information education Bangladesh Diakonia Bangladesh Diaspora African Women’s Platform Finland Diponegoro University Indonesia Disability in Wales and Africa United Kingdom Disability Rights Fund Inc USA Disabled People's International (DPI) India Dolly Foundation Ghana Drug Fight Malawi Malawi Durjoy: Active Citizen Bangladesh Dynamic Youth Development Organisation (DYDO) Nigeria E. Earth Push Ltd/Gte Nigeria Earth Rights Institute USA Eastern Europe Studies Centre, EESC Lithuania Eco Cares Foundation Nigeria Economic Justice Network Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Economic Research Society Philipines Ecoweb, Philipines Philipines Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network Kenya Eddy Hope Foundation Cameroon Edem Children Foundation (ECF) Nigeria Egypt Egypt Foundation for Youth and Development EKTA Resource Centre for Women India El Hayet for PLHIV Algeria El Taller Peru Elige Red Mexico Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Switzerland Eminence Associates for Social Development Bangladesh Emonyo Yefwe International Kenya Empowering the Tribes for Entire Development, Inc. Philipines Encuentro de Entidades No Gubernamentales para el Desarrollo (EENGD) Argentina End Water Poverty United Kingdom ENDA Tiers Monde Senegal Engajamundo Brazil Engineers Against Poverty United Kingdom English Speaking Union Indonesia Enriesgo Venezuela Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India India Environmental Alert Uganda Environment Council Bangladesh Bangladesh Enviroment health student assosiated (ENVIHSA) Indonesia Environmental and Social Development (EnSoD ONG) Benin Environmental Education Generations (AEEFG) Environmental Initiative Devlopment (EnvI) Association to Organization for the Future Sustainable Tunisia Sudan Environmental Protection and Conservation Organisation Mauritius EOTO World USA Episcopal Relief & Development USA EPISENTRUM (Epidemiology Student Forum) Indonesia Equipo Jurídico Humanístico Peru Esperance Enfance Burkina Espolea, A.C. Mexico Estimulo ONGD Portugal Ethical Conduct Awareness Initiative Nigeria European NGOs for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Population and Development, EuroNGOs Belgium European Students' Union Belgium EveryChild United Kingdom Expeditio Montenegro F. Fahari Yetu Foundation* Tanzania Fair Trade Advocacy Office Belgium Fairtrade Foundation United Kingdom Fairfood International The Netherlands Fairplay Africa Senegal Family Care International USA Family for Every Child United Kingdom Fantsuam Foundation Nigeria Fast Rural Development Program – FRDP Pakistan Fastenopher Switzerland FEC, Fundação Fé e Cooperação Portugal Federal University of Mato Grosso Brazil Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec Canada Feed the Minds United Kingdom FIA Foundation United Kingdom FIDA Kenya (Nonprofit organization aiming to improve the legal standing of women in Kenya) Kenya Fight like a Girl Club Nigeria Nigeria Fiji Council of Social Services Fiji Flemish Youth Council Belgium Focal Point Global USA FOND – The Romanian NGDO Platform Romania Fondation Mains Ouvertes Haiti FORDI – Forum for Rights and Diversity Denmark Foreste per Sempre Italy FoRS – Czech Forum for Development Co-operation Czech Republic Forum Anak Jakarta (Children's Forum) Indonesia Fórum das ONG Aids do Estado de São Paulo Brazil Forum of African Women Educationalist Togo Forum international des Plateformes, FIP France Forum Syd Cambodia Forward Africa Nigeria Foundation for Community Initiatives Liberia Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) Zambia Foundation for Environmental Development, FENRAD Rights, Advocacy and Nigeria Founding of a Global Democratic Organisation United Kingdom Fourth Wave Foundation India Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University. USA Fresh Water Action Network South Asia (FANSA) India Freshwater Action Network Global United Kingdom Freshwater Action Network-Mexico Mexico Friends In Village Development Bangladesh (FIVDB) Bangladesh Friends of Londiani Kenya Friends of the Earth United Kingdom Friends of the Earth Ghana Ghana Front Commun Contre le Paludisme Democratic Republic of the Congo Fundación Ahimsa Colombia Colombia Fundación ALBOAN Spain Fundación Cepsiger para el Desarrollo Humano Colombia Fundación Familiar AC Mexico Fundacion Nahual Guatemala Fundación IPADE Spain Fundacion para Estudio e Investigacion de la Mujer –FEIM Argentina Fundacion Patio De Patty (Patty Quad foundation) Colombia FUNFECO Venezuela FUT Minna Nigeria Future Fighters Foundation Indonesia Future Ultimate Leaders’ League (FULL) of Africa Nigeria Fyrefly United Kingdom G. Gadjah Mada University Indonesia Gana Unnayan Kendra (GUK) Bangladesh Garga Foundation Nigeria Garissa Youth Environment Movement Kenya Garut TV Indonesia GARJAN-Nepal Nepal GCAP Kenya Kenya GCAP Lesotho Lesotho GCAP South Korea South Korea GCAP Tanzania Tanzania GCAP Zambia / Civil Zambia Society MDG Campaign Gender & Economic Alternatives Trust (GEAT) Zimbabwe Gender and Development (GADA) Nigeria Gender and Development Network United Kingdom Gender and Environmental Risk Reduction Initiative, GERI Nigeria Gender Links South Africa Generation Nutrition United Kingdom Geoenvirons Nepal Geotechnology Environmental Assessment and Disaster Risk Reduction (GEADIRR) Cameroon German Catholic Bishops’ Organisation for Development Cooperation, MISEREOR Germany German NGO Forum on Environment and Development Germany Girls Leaders Forum Rwanda Global Alliance for TB Drug Development (TB Alliance) USA Global Compassion Cameroon Global Action on Widowhood USA Global Action to Prevent War USA Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition United Kingdom Global Anti Cigarettes Movement Indonesia Global Call to Action Against Poverty, GCAP Senegal Senegal Global Campaign Against Poverty and Hunger in Liberia (GCAPH-Liberia, Inc.) Liberia Global Campaign for Education, GCE South Africa Global Centre For Youth Advocacy And Development, Ghana Ghana Global Development Initiative for Social Transformation (GDI) Nigeria Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) Africa Tanzania Global Empowerment Initiative Kenya Global Futures Network India Global Healthcare Information Network United Kingdom Global Health Education Training and Service (GHETS) USA Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights USA Global March Against Child Labour India Global Marshall Plan Foundation Germany Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction United Kingdom Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction Togo Global Poverty Project USA GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY – Austrian Development and Humanitarian Aid Platform for Austria Global South Initiative Nepal Global Young Greens Australia Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS (GYCA) USA Global Youth Efficiency Foundation Nigeria Good Energies Alliance Ireland Ltd Ireland Gorta Ireland Canada Grace Rwanda Society Grassroots Anti-Corruption Awarness Network Initiative Nigeria Grassroots Civil Society Network of Liberia Liberia Gray Panthers USA United Kingdom Great Lakes African Women's Network (GLAWN) Green Earth Citizen Germany Green Earth Zambia Zambia Green Hope United Arab Emirates Green N Gold Australia Green Young Economy Italy GreenEarthCitizen Sweden Greenpeace International The Netherlands GreenTreen Bangladesh Groupe Conseils DDE Canada Groupe de réflexion et d'action, Femme, Démocratie et Développement (GF2D) Togo Guides of Senegal Senegal H. Habitat for Humanity International USA HACEY’s Health Initiative Nigeria Handicap Formeduc/CRPH Senegal Handicap International Belgium Handicap International France HANDS Pakistan Harm Reduction International United Kingdom HATS Community Empowerment Programme (HACEP) Ghana Hawai’I Institute for Human Rights USA Hawassa University Ethiopia Halley Movement Mauritius Health Action International The Netherlands Health for All Post-2015 United States Health Healing Network Burundi - People's Health Movement Burundi Burundi Health Poverty Action United Kingdom Health Students Community of Massenrempulu Indonesia Heinrich Boell Foundation Germany/US Help and Development Organization Pakistan HelpAge International - Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo HelpAge International - Eastern Europe and Central Asia Kyrgyzstan HelpAge International EU Office Belgium HelpAge Kenya Kenya HelpAge UK United Kingdom Helping Lives International Nigeria HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Switzerland HEPS-Uganda Uganda Himalayan Center for Public and International Affairs Nepal HIMPRA Indonesia Holy Ghost Congregation Nigeria Home and Life Foundation Nepal Homeless International United Kingdom Hope Centre for children, girls and women in Tanzania Tanzania Hope foundation for social entrepreneurship Tanzania Human Development Society Pakistan Human Dignity France Human Environment Development Agenda Nigeria Human Health Aid-Burundi Burundi Human Hope Organization Nigeria HUMAN Network INDIA India Human Race Day USA Human Rights First Rwanda Association Rwanda Human Rights Foundation of Aotearoa New Zealand New Zealand Human Survival Foundation United Kingdom Human Social Service Nepal Nepal Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute, Manchester University United Kingdom Hundee, Oromo Grassroots Development Initiative Ethiopia Hungarian Association of NGOs for Development and Humanitarian Aid, HAND Hungary I. IAPB LA Argentina Iconcern India IDIS Brazil IDPC Nigeria IFOAM - Organics International Germany Ilitha Labantu7 South Africa IMA International USA Imán Mexico Mexico Immanuel Development Foundation Uganda Independent Thought India Manjira Sushil Aurangabad Bahuuddeshiya Shikshan Sanstha, Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Activists Network (IPRAN) India Nepal Indonesia Indonesia Medika Indonesia Student & Youth Forum Indonesia Indonesian Center for Environmental Law, ICEL Indonesia Indonesian Youth Educate and Social (I-YES) Indonesia Indonesian Youth Coalition for Sustainable Environment Indonesia Indonesian Youth Health Ambassadors Indonesia Indonesian Youth Working Group on Post-2015 Indonesia IndustriALL Global Union Switzerland INGO Cambodia Indonesia INSPIRATOR MUDA NUSANTARA Institut de la Citoyennete Tunisia Institute for Change and Leadership in Albania Albania Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Japan Institute for Global Futures Research (IGFR) Australia Institute for International Women's Rights- Global College Canada Institute for the future, USA USA Institute of Caribbean Studies USA Institute of Cultural Affairs-Benin (ICA Benin) Benin Institute of Development Studies, IDS United Kingdom Institute of Education, University of London United Kingdom Institute of Global Responsibility Poland Institute of International Relations Czech Republic Uganda Institute of Public Policy Research (Uganda) Netherlands Institute of Social Studies Instituto Aimara Brazil Integra Foundation Malta Integrated Regional Support Programme Pakistan Integrated Social Development Centre Ghana Interact Worldwide United Kingdom Interaction USA Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies Switzerland International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness United Kingdom International Alert United Kingdom International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations (IAPO) United Kingdom International Association for Human Values United Kingdom International Blue Cross Switzerland International Centre for Eyecare Education USA International Committee for Rehabilitation Aid to Afghanistan (ICRAA) United Kingdom International Council for Science Regional Office for Africa (ICSU ROA) South Africa International Council on Disabilities USA International Disability Alliance USA /Spain International Federation of Medical Students Association Ukraine International Forum for Rural Transport and Development Kenya International HIV/AIDS Alliance Argentina International HIV/AIDS Alliance Belgium International HIV/AIDS Alliance United Kingdom International Institute of Social Studies The Netherlands International Justice Mission United Kingdom International Medical Corps UK United Kingdom International Movement ATD Fourth World France International Movement for Community Development (IMCD) Sri Lanka International Network for Civil Development (INCD) Georgia International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development, INFID Indonesia International Peace Commission United Kingdom International Planned Parenthood Federation, IPPF United Kingdom International School of Conflict Management and Diplomatic Studies Nigeria International Scout and Guide Fellowship Ghana Ghana International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) France International Women’s Health Coalition USA International Youth Association TIP Georgia International Youth Council (IYC) Bangladesh International Youth Council Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Interights United Kingdom Involve United Kingdom IOGT International Sweden IPAS Brazil IPPNU (Female Student Association) Indonesia Irish Association of NGDOs, DOCHAS Ireland Islamic Council for Development and Humanitarian Services Ghana Islamic Relief Worldwide United Kingdom IT Initiative for Community Development (ITI4CD) Nigeria ITUC Belgium J. Jagaran Media Center Nepal Jamaa Resource Initiatives Kenya Jambi University Indonesia James Cook University Australia JANANEETHI India Jatiy Tarun Sangha(JTS)-National Youth & social welfare council of Bangladesh (JTS) Bangladesh Jeres Sonsonate El Salvador Jesuit Education and Youth Office Zimbabwe Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement Niger Jeunes Volontaires pour l’Environnement Togo Jeunesse active Ivory Coast Jeunesse Active de Guinée Guinee Jeunesse Alternatives Cameroon Joint Action and Learning Initiative on National and Global Responsibilities for Health (JALI). O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law USA Georgetown University Law Center Joint National Association of Person with Disability Nigeria JONGO Farmers’ Group Nigeria Journalists for Human Rights Macedonia Jóvenes por la Elección y el Placer Argentina Jubilee Action United Kingdom Jubilee Scotland United Kingdom Justice, Development and Peace Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria Commission/Caritas Nigeria Justice, Development and Peace Commission (JDPC). Sierra Leone Justice, Development and Peace Commission (JDPC). Catholic Diocese of Ijebu-Ode Nigeria Justicia y pan Spain Juventud Costa Rica JVE Cote d'Ivoire Ivory Coast JVE-Nepal Nepal K. Kaabag Ranaw, Inc Philipines kagiri community development youth project-KCDP Uganda Kalyan Regional Community Science Center India Kamukuzi Ward Youth Group Uganda Kapsaos Youth Group Kenya Kayak Media USA KEJIBAUS Nigeria Kenya Association for Maternal & Neonatal Health – KAMANEH Kenya Kenya Diaspora Development Collaborative Inc. USA Kenya Pastoralist Consortium On Climate Change Kenya Kenya Scouts, Kiambu Local Association Kenya Kenya Water and Sanitation Network (KEWASNET) Kenya Kenya Youth Foundation (KYF) Kenya Kenya Youth Network for Rio+20 and Beyond Kenya Kenya WASH Alliance Kenya KEPA Nicaragua Nicaragua Khan Foundation Bangladesh Kikandwa Environmental Association, KEA Uganda Kimpact Development Initiative Nigeria Kiribati Children Campaigners Network Kiribati Kitakyushu Institute on Sustainability Japan KoFID (Korea Civil Society Development Cooperation) Forum on International South Korea Korea Institute Center for Sustainable Development (KICSD) South Korea Kottamalyan Educational And Rural Women Development Society India Nigeria Koyenum Immalah Foundation Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies Nepal KwaZulu Regional Christian Council, KRCC South Africa L. Landesa USA Latvian NGDO Platform (LAPAS) Latvia Laymen’s Den Sri Lanka Leadership, Empowerment and Action for Development Mauritius Legal Analysis and Research Public Union Azerbaijan Leonard Cheshire Disability United Kingdom Leprosy Mission, England and Wales United Kingdom Lesotho Planned Parenthood Association Lesotho Lesotho Youth Coalition Lesotho L’Espace Associatif Morocco Liberia Youth Initiative Development, LYIPSUD for Peace and Sustainable Liberia Liberians United to Expose Hidden Weapons Liberia Lig-ong hiniusang Kusog sa kabus sa Dakbayan(LIHUK), Inc. Philippines Light for the World Austria Light for the World Belgium Light for the World South Africa Light for the World USA Liliane Foundation Netherlands Literacy Association Solomon Islands Solomon Islands Lithuanian NGO Platform, LITDEA Lithuania Liverpool John Moore's University United Kingdom LIWOMAC Liberia Local Environment Development and Agricultural Research Society-LEDARS Bangladesh Local NGO Consortium –Bangladesh Bangladesh Local Youth Corner (LOYOC) Cameroon Cameroon Lofa County Children’s representative Forum Liberia London International Development Centre (LIDC) United Kingdom London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, LSHTM United Kingdom Lovgren Productions Sweden M. Malagasy Youth TSIMANAVAKA for Sustainable Development - Madagascar Malaria Consortium United Kingdom Malaria No More UK United Kingdom Management Sciences for Health USA Mano Diversa Bolivia Manos Unidas Spain Marie Stopes International United Kingdom Marin Interfaith Task Force on the Americas, MITF USA Marketplace School Initiative USA MDGs in Africa Nigeria Pakistan Media Initiatives for Social Change Org. Media Institute Of Southern Africa, MISA Swaziland Medicines for Malaria Venture - MMV Switzerland Medicus Mundi International Network Switzerland Medsin UK United Kingdom Melbourne Population Health Students’ Association Australia Memisa Belgium Belgium MenEngage Namibia Namibia Men and Boys for Gender Equality Botswana Mesa de Articulación de Asociaciones Nacionales y Redes de ONGs de América Latina y el Caribe, MESA Chile Mesa de Trabajo de la Sociedad Civil sobre Envejecimiento y Colombia vejez Mesa Sindical de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores de la Maquila –MSTM El Salvador Micah Challenge United Kingdom Millennium@EDU Portugal Philippines Mindanao Land Foundation, Inc. Minority Rights Group United Kingdom Misiones Salesianas Spain Mission To Live Trust Zimbabwe Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate Senegal Model Mission of Assistance in Africa (MOMI AFRICA) Nigeria MODEL-I.T.U Kenya Model Westminster UK MOPAWI Honduras Mother/child with aids support organisation (MOCASO) Kenya Motivation United Kingdom MOTOMOTO Kenya Movement For Development Environmental Recreation Justice and Sierra Leone Movimento Sem Terra Brazil Movimiento Invisibles Costa Rica Moving Mountains Trust UK MS-CSR USA Mujeres en Positivo por Venezuela Venezuela Multimedia University Cyberjaya Malaysia Mujer y Sociedad Peru Museo Energia Italy Muslim Trailblazers Nigeria Myflo United Kingdom N. Naledi Foundation South Africa Namati United States National Alliance Against Hunger and Malnutrition Nigeria National Alliance for Risk Reduction and Response Initiative (NARRI) Bangladesh National Association of the Physical Disabled-Nepal [NAPDNepal] Nepal National Coalition Against Racial Discrimination (NCARD) Nepal National Confederation of Dalit Organisations (NACDOR) India National Non-Governmental Organisations’ Platform Lithuania Development Cooperation National Organisation for Women in Sport Physical Activity and Recreation (NOWSPAR) Zambia National Peace Campaign Nepal National Peace Summit Group (NPSG) Nigeria National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU) – Youth Uganda National Union of Organizations of the Disabled Liberia National Youth Council of Moldova Moldova National Youth Federation Nepal (NYFN) Nepal Nature Code – Centre of Development & Environment Belgium Narvik University College Norway Nazdeek USA Ndéyi Jirim Senegal Nepal International Consumers union Nepal Nepal Public Health Association Nepal Nepal UNESCO Centre Nepal Network for Ecofarming in Africa Kenya Network for Good Governance Nigeria Network Movement for Justice and Development, NMJD Sierra Leone Network of Civil Society Organizations. Member of the GCAP-Yemen. Member in Yemeni coalition against corruption Yemen Network of Health Actors Cameroon New Dawn Zambia New Energy Ghana Newcastle University, Politics Department United Kingdom New Initiative for Social Development Nigeria New Zealand Federation of Business & Professional Women New Zealand NGO Federation of Nepal Nepal NGO Forum Denmark NGO’s Computer Literacy Shelter Welfare Rawalpindi, NCLSW Pakistan Nickpoint Media Trust Kenya NIDOS (Network of International Development Organisations in Scotland) United Kingdom Nigerian Youth Climate Action Network Nigeria Nile African Development [NAD] United Kingdom Noat Nour Egypt Noble Missions for Change Initiative Nigeria Nonviolence International United States North East India International Model United Nations India Norwegian Church Aid, NCA Norway Norwegian Forum for Environment and Development Norway Notre Dame of Midsayap College-Community Extension Services Philipines Nouvel Espace pour le Partenariat au Développement en Centrafrique(NEPADCA) Central African Republic Nseabasi Akpan Photography Concept (Empowering Women and Youth) Nigeria Nubian Sons for Community Services Egypt Nyabimata Environmental Protection Cooperative Rwanda O. O uture que nós queremos além de 2015 Brazil OBJNU Bolivia Oblates of Mary Immaculate Italy Oblates of Mary Immaculate USA OceaniaHR USA OFF LIMITS St Lucia Ohaha Family Foundation Nigeria Oilwatch Ghana Ghana ONE United Kingdom OneChild Network and Support Inc. Canada ONG Carbone Guinée Guinea ONG El Wafa Mauritanie ONG Humanitaire Plus Togo Online Knowledge Society Bangladesh Ontario Council for International Cooperation (OCIC) Canada OPTEE/ONG Madagascar Optimum Women and Youth empowerment Foundation Nigeria Organisation des Humanitaires pour le Développement (OHD) Guinea Organisation of African Youth South Africa Organisation Internationle pour la Reduction des Catastophes (OIRC) Democratic Republic of the Congo Organização da Juventude Esperantista Brasileira, BEJO Brazil Orissa State Volunteers and Social Workers Association India Overseas Development Institute, ODI United Kingdom Oxfam EU Belgium Oxfam Japan Japan Oxfam Novib The Netherlands Oxfam South Africa South Africa P. Pacific Islands of Non-Government Organisation, PIANGO Fiji Pacific Students Association - Niue Fiji Pakistan Coalition For Education Pakistan Pakistan Fisherfilk Forum Pakistan Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund Pakistan Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) Kenya Participatory Research Action Network- PRAN Bangladesh Partners for Action, Voices for Empowerment (PAVE) Bangladesh Partners in Population and Development Bangladesh PASC Tunisie Tunisia PATH Switzerland Peace Ambassadors Kenya (PAK) Kenya Peace and Collaborative Development Network, PCDN USA Peace Boat Japan Peace Foundation Paksitan Pakistan Peace X Peace USA Pensamiento y Estrategia Social A.C. Mexico People Empowering People. PEP-Africa Cameroon People’s Craft Training Center India People’s Health Movement & Flinders University Australia People’s Health Movement, PHM-Ghana Ghana Peru Juventudes Rurales Peru Peruvian American Medical Society Peru Petits Debrouillards France Philippine Network of Rural Development Institute Philipines Philippine NGO Council on Population, Health, and Welfare, PNGOC Philipines Philippine Social Enterprise Network Philipines Phinton Denis Foundation Nigeria Photo Voice United Kingdom Pietermaritzburg and District Community Chest South Africa Pikhumpongan Dlibon Subanen, Inc., PDSI Philipines Pinoy Expats/OFW Blog Awards (PEBA) Philipines Plan EU Office Belgium Plan International United Kingdom Plan International Liaison Office to the United Nations USA Planetary Boundaries Initiative United Kingdom Plataforma de Redes de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil Venezuela Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Democracia y Desarrollo (PIDHDD) Ecuador Humanos, Plataforma Portuguesa ONGD Portugal Plateau NGO Greece Plateforme Nationale de Plaidoyer Post-2015 Guinea Platform for Citizens Participation and Accountability (PLACA) Uganda PLEA Bangladesh Poder Cuidadano / Transparency International Argentina poor rurele development socity India Population Action International USA Population and Sustainability Network United Kingdom Population Connection United States Population Education Resource Centre, Department of Continuing and Adult Education, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai, India India Population Matters United Kingdom Post-2015 Women’s Coalition United States Poverty Action Network in Ethiopia (PANE) Kenya Poverty Reduction Forum Trust Zimbabwe Power International United Kingdom Power Talent for Disabled Uganda Practical Action United Kingdom PRAJA CHAITANYA YUVAJANA SANGAM India PraveenLata Sansthan India Praxis Institute for Participatory Practices India Pro Mujer Bolivia Profutures Development Intiative Ethiopia Progressio United Kingdom Project Hope Nigeria Nigeria Prospect United Kingdom PRO-VISION India PSI Europe The Netherlands Puntland Young Leaders in Action Sierra Leone Purpose USA R. Rafiki Thabo Foundation United Kingdom Railway Children United Kingdom Rainbow Warriors Core Foundation Aruba Ravi Sustainable WASH Development Organization Pakistan Reach A Hand Uganda Uganda Reading Hamlets Nigeria Red Iberoamericana de Expertos en Gestion Local Venezuela Red Venezolana de Mujeres Positivas, RVMP Venezuela Religions for Peace Latin america and the Caribbean Peru Rencontre Africaine pour la Defense des Droits de l’homme Senegal Reproductive Health Uganda Uganda Reseau des citoyens haitiens pour la promotion des droits de l’homme Haiti Reseau des organisations Feminines d'Afrique Francophone (ROFAF) Togo Réseau des Plates-formes nationales d’ONG d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre, Repaoc Senegal RESOPOPDEV Senegal Responsible Tourism Nepal Nepal Restless Development United Kingdom Uganda Restless Development Uganda Restless Development Zimbabwe Zimbabwe RESULTS USA RESURJ Brazil Re-Think Pakistan Pakistan Retrak United Kingdom Right to play United Kingdom Rights International United Kingdom Rissho Kosei Kai United States RMALC – Mexico Mexico Morocco ROJALNU OMD MAROC Roll Back Malaria Switzerland Rural Agency for Community Development and Assistance, RACIDA Kenya Rural Development Organization (RDO) Pakistan Rural Development Organization, RDO Pakistan Rural Development Project, RDP Pakistan Rural Health Care Foundation India Rural Reconstruction Nepal Nepal Rural Relief Foundation Nigeria Rural Women's Network Nepal (RUWON Nepal) Nepal Rwanda Environmental Conservation Organisation, RECOR Rwanda Rwanda Union of the Youth and Children with Disabilities Rwanda S. Saarthi-Enlightening Your Pathway India Sabin Vaccine Institute USA Saferworld United Kingdom Saferworld United States SAHAN Sustainable Livelihood Development, SSLD Somalia Sahkar Social Welfare Association Pakistan Saint Louis University (SLU) Madrid Madrid Sajha Foundation Nepal Nepal Salud por Derecho Spain SAMPARK TRUST India Sanitation and Hygiene Education Initiative (SAHEI) Nigeria Santacaf United Kingdom Indonesia Saung Mimpi Save Matabeleland Coalition Zimbabwe Save the Children Belgium Save the Children Finland Save the Children Pakistan Save the Children USA Save the Children UK United Kingdom Save the Climat Congo (DRC) Saviya Development Foundation Sri Lanka School of Oriental and African Studies, SOAS United Kingdom Schumacher Institute United Kingdom Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund, SCIAF United Kingdom Scouts du Senegal Senegal SDCCG UK SDS Finland Secours Catholique - caritas France France Secretariat of the Africa Decade of Persons with Disabilities South Africa Secretariat of the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities Senegal West, Central and North Africa Regional Office SEEDS-India India Send a cow United Kingdom Sense International United Kingdom Sensitization Centre Ghana Serving Friends International South Korea SERVITAS Cameroon Cameroon SETU Bangladesh SGRainbow Singapore Shalom International Senegal Shanta Memorial Rehabiliation Centre India SHELTER Bangladesh Shree Sainath Social Society India Shohratgarh Environmental Society, SES India Shumei International Japan Sierra Leone Alliance Against Hunger and Malnutrition Sierra Leone Sightsavers United Kingdom Signpost International United Kingdom Simavi Netherlands Sindh Graduates Association Pakistan Sindh Students And Youth Development Organization, SSYDO Pakistan Sinergia Venezuela Singida Yetu Tanzania SisterHood Empowerment Centre Kenya Sisterhood Is Global Institute Jordan SKG SANGHA India Slum Women’s Initiative for Development Uganda Sluzhenye, NGO Development Centre Russia SMILE Foundation Nepal Nepal SMILES AFRICA INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION Nigeria SNV Tanzania Sobat Budaya Aceh Indonesia Social Justice in Global Development Germany Social Research and Development Institute Somalia Society Against Poverty and Hunger Nigeria Society of Development and Education for Small HouseholdsSoDESH Bangladesh SOCIAL WATCH BENIN - SWB- Benin Socio-Ecological Fund NGF Kazakhstan Socius Foundation Sierra Leone Soldiers of Peace International Association Kenya Solidar Belgium Solidarité des femmes burundaises pour lutter contre le SIDA et le paludisme au Burundi Burundi Somaliland National Youth Organisation Somalia Somaliland Youth Development Association, SOYDA Somalia Somali Youth Development Network Somalia Somos el Presente (We are the Present) Peru Sonke Gender Justice South Africa SONYO Umbrella Somalia Soroti Catholic Diocese Justice and Peace Commission (SOCAJAPIC) Uganda SOS A “ETRANGER”Mouvement International du Droit d’Hospitalité Ivory Coast SOS Children's Villages Indonesia Indonesia SOS Children’s Villages International Austria SOS Children's Villages International United States SOS Children's Villages Kosovo Kosovo SOS Children's Villages Nigeria Nigeria SOS EDUCATION RD Congo Congo {Democratic Rep} SOS Malta Malta South Asia Initiative to End Violence Against Children (SAIEVAC) Nepal South Sudan Injury Prevention Centre Sudan Southern African Liaison Office (SALO) South Africa Southern University Bangladesh Bangladesh SpeedTrust Bangladesh Spiss Hope Slovakia SRHR Alliance-Kenya Kenya SSA Social Justice Office Canada St. Mary’s Child Rescue Centre Kenya Stakeholder Forum United Kingdom Stakeholder Forum USA Stand for Education Inc Sudan STIE YKPN Indonesia STOP AIDS NOW! The Netherlands Uganda Straight Talk Foundation Students Care Indonesia Sub-Sahara Africa Research and Policy Institute, SARPI Kenya SUNFO Sri Lanka Sunshine Danmark Denmark Support Nepal Nepal SUPRO Bangladesh Sustainability Watch Kenya Kenya Sustainable Education Empowerment Development (SEED) Nigeria Sustainable Environmental Development Watch (Suswatch Kenya) Kenya Sustainable Societies Forum Kenya Sustainable World Initiative USA SustainNIGERIA Nigeria Swedish Mission Council Sweden Sydney University Australia SynergY-CosmoFoundation United Arab Emirates Synergy Foundation Nepal T. Talents and Leadership Center (The Global Citizens) Kenya Tamil Nadu Coalition Post 2015 India Tamil Nadu Social Service Society India Tanzania Association if NGOs (TANGO) Tanzania Tanzania Center for Sustainable Developments, TCSD Tanzania TEENSED FOUNDATION Nigeria Tax Justice Network –Africa Kenya Tax Justice Network, Norway Norway Teachers College, Columbia University USA TEAR Australia Australia Tearfund United Kingdom Tech4Dev (Technology for Development) Nigeria Terra 1530 Moldova Terre des jeunes du Burundi Burundi Terre des Hommes Belgium Terre des Hommes Italy Terre des Hommes Lausanne Switzerland Switzerland The alliance on Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights (SRHR Alliance) Uganda The Almshouse Residents Action Group United Kingdom The Association of NGOs in The Gambia(TANGO) Gambia The Atlas Alliance Norway The Canadian Council of Churches Canada The Center for International Cooperation in Education Development (CICED) Russia The Charity Foundation Nigeria, TCFN Nigeria The Climate Group United States The Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care and Development Canada The East African Centre for Human Rights (EACHRights) Kenya The Elders United Kingdom The Equal Rights Trust United Kingdom The European Youth Forum Belgium The Family Planning Association of Srilanka Sri Lanka The Finnish NGDO platform to the EU, Kehys Finland The Finnish Service Centre for Development Cooperation (KEPA) Finland The Fred Hollows Foundation Australia The Geneva Consensus Foundation Switzerland The Hunger Project USA The International Youth Council of Kenya Kenya The Jane Goodall Institute Nepal Nepal The NCD Alliance Belgium The Repat Foundation Australia The Royal Society United Kingdom The Seed Institute Kenya The SHARED Initiative Australia The Sudanese British Society of Disabled People Sudan The Wheel Ireland Tide Global Learning United Kingdom Tiyatien Health USA Tobacco – Free Association Of Zambia Zambia Toiling for Kids Development Foundation (TK Foundation) Cameroon Tonga National Youth Congress Tonga Tourism for Life Pakistan Traidcraft United Kingdom Trailblazer Initiatives Nigeria Nigeria Transaid United Kingdom Transparency International Secretariat Germany Treasure Magazine International United Kingdom Trialog Belgium Tri-people Concern for Peace, Progress and Development of Mindanao (TRICOM), Inc Philipines Trocaire Ireland TSF, IPPF Malaysia Uganda TUSENVULE TWIGISHANYE T.E.O/Y.L.U.I Burundi Tzedek United Kingdom U. Ubuntu, World Forum of Civil Society networks Spain Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development Uganda Uganda Diaspora Health Foundation United Kingdom Uganda Environmental Education Foundation (UEEF) Uganda Uganda Green Movement Uganda Uganda National NGO Forum Uganda Uganda Non-communicable Disease Alliance Uganda Uganda Peace Foundation Uganda Uganda Water and Sanitation NGO Network Uganda UGANDA YOUTH AGAINST AIDS FOUNDATION Uganda Ugoku/Ugokasu Japan UK Coalition Against Neglected Tropical Diseases United Kingdom UK Consortium on AIDS and International Development United Kingdom UK Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights United Kingdom UK-Japan Foreign Policy Initiative United Kingdom UNESCO Etxea – Centro UNESCO País Vasco Spain UN Foundation USA Unicef UK United Kingdom Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) Switzerland UNITAS Bolivia United Action for Children Cameroon United Nations Association of Tanzania Tanzania United Nations Association of the UK United Kingdom United Nations Youth Association Cameroon Cameroon United Nations Youth Association of Nigeria Nigeria UnitingWorld Australia Universal Healthcare Campaign Ghana Universidad - ECCI Colombia Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí (UNACHI) Panama Universal Rights Group Mauritius Universidad Católica San Antonio Murcia Spain Universidad del Turabo Puerto Rico University of Alberta Canada University of Brawijaya, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Indonesia University of Ghana Ghana University of Minho Portugal University of Association Moestopo, International Relations Student Indonesia University of Nairobi Kenya University of Oslo Norway University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka University of Sao Paulo Brazil University youth for development (UNIYOD) Malawi Malawi Universtas Jemba (University of Jember) Indonesia Un Techo para mi País (TECHO) Chile UPI interdisipliner Indonesia Uva Wellassa University Sri Lanka V. Vagahau Niue Trust New Zealand Vegan Society Luxembourg Luxembourg VENRO Germany Via Libre Peru Visayan Forum Philipines Vision Aid Overseas Limited United Kingdom Visions Solidaires Togo VOICE Bangladesh Voice of Patient India Voice of South Bangladesh Bangladesh Voces Ambientales Mexico Voluntarios de Panama Panama Voluntary Action For Development, VAD Uganda Voluntary Action Network India (VANI) India Volunteer Missionary Movement, VMM Ireland Volunteers Ghana Foundation Ghana VSO Kenya VSO Belgium VSO United Kingdom VSO Bahaginan Philipines W. WAGGGS Nigeria Nigeria Wales Council for Voluntary Action United Kingdom WARBE Development Foundation Bangladesh Waseda University China WASH-Net Sierra Leone Sierra Leone WASH United Germany WaterAid UK United Kingdom Welsh Centre for International Affairs Welthungerhilfe India WIDE Belgium WIDOWS DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION Nigeria Wind Energy Team Universitas Indonesia Indonesia Within Foundation Kenya WO=MEN Dutch Gender Platform The Netherlands Woman and Children First UK United Kingdom Womankind Worldwide United Kingdom Women and Children Hope in Nigeria Nigeria Women and Children in Support of Community Development Initiative (WOCCI) Nigeria Nigeria Women and Climate Change Foundation Philipines Women and Development (KULU) Denmark Women and Girls Can Initiative Uganda Women and Health Initiative, Harvard School of Public Health USA Women Deliver USA Women Initiative for Peace & Good Governance (WIPGG) Nigeria Women of Peace Organisation Nigeria Women with Disabilities Australia Australia Women’s Advocates Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Women's Initiative for Self-Actualisation Nigeria Women United for Economic Empowerment (WUEE) Nigeria United States World Animal Net World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts United Kingdom World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (Europe Region) Belgium World Council of Churches Switzerland World Democratic Governance project association –WDGpa Spain World Federation of United Nations Associations, WFUNA USA World Hepatitis Alliance Switzerland World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) Switzerland World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) United Kingdom World Solidarity – Action Social Alert Belgium World Vision Deutschland Germany World Vision International Kenya World Vision International Australia World Vision International Belgium World Vision International United Kingdom World Wildlife Fund (UK) United Kingdom World Youth Foundation Malaysia World YWCA Kenya World YWCA UK Worldview Mission Netherlands Worldwide connection project United Kingdom Worldwide Filipino Alliance -WFA Philippines WPLUS-Nepal Nepal WWF Belgium WWF Switzerland Y. Yayasan Emong Lansia Indonesia Yellow Boat of Hope Foundation, Inc. Philippines Yemeni Association for Reproductive Health (YARH) Yemen Yemen Public Health Association Yemen Yemen Reproductive Health Association Yemen YES DRC Network Democratic Republic of the Congo Y.M.C.A Kenya Kenya Young Actives for Sustainable Development Madagascar Madagascar Young Activists Initiative Nigeria (YAIN) Nigeria Young Malaysians Movement Malaysia Young men's christian association, YMCA Senegal Young men's christian association, YMCA, YMCA Toronto Canada YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE MEDIA Gambia Young People We Care, YPWC Ghana Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) Bangladesh Young Professionals Forum USA Young Women's Christian Association Council of Zambia Zambia Youth Action International Ghana Youth Alliance Movement of Nigeria Nigeria Youth Arise Nigeria Youth Association for Development Pakistan Youth Builders Initiative Nigeria Youth Care Indonesia Youth Coalition for Education in Liberia Liberia Youth Crime Watch of Nigeria Nigeria Youth Cultural Promotion Association Zambia Youth Empowerment Synergy Ghana Youth Empowerment for Africa (YEA) Ghana Youth Empowerment for Progress (YEP) Liberia Youth Engage Zimbabwe Youth Entrepreneurship and Academy Creative Academy, YEC- Nigeria Youth Entrepreneurship Development Program Tanzania Youth for a Child in Christ Zimbabwe Youth for Community Academic and Development Services (YOCADS) Liberia Youth Global Entrepreneurial Programme (YGEP) Kenya Youth in Action Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Youth Initiative for Social Reform and Good Leadership Nigeria Youth Millennium Development Ambassadors Initiative Sierra Leone Youth Movement For Motherland Nepal Malawi Youth Net and Counselling Youth Partnership for Peace and Development Sierra Leone Youth Peacemaker Indonesia Community Indonesia Youth Power Initiative Nigeria YOUTHS PASSION INITIATIVE Nigeria Youth psychologist club Bangladesh Youth water sanitation and hygiene initiative Africa Nigeria Youth Without Borders - Tunisia Tunisia YOWLI (Young Women’s Knowledge and Leadership Institute Burundi) Burundi Y-PEER Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia Herzegovina Z. Zagranica Group Poland Zambia Asthma Association Zambia Zambia Climate Change Network (ZCCN) Zambia Zambia Diaspora Development Network, ZDDN United Kingdom Zambia Heart And Stroke Foundation Zambia Zero Waste Youth Movement Brazil Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference, ZCBC Zimbabwe ZYP ONLUS Italy