2011-2012 Narrative Evaluation of Shared Governance Committees Based on the external evaluations, it is clear that most committees quite effective. These committees met regularly during the year, meetings on most committees were well attended, they had agenda items that were consistent with their charters and the College Strategic Master Plan, and they made recommendations to College Council that resulted in decisions based on shared governance. Some committees functioned primarily as forums for information, discussion, and planning. Several of these committees were involved in planning college-wide activities such as training workshops, student events, and campus policies; while they reported regularly to College Council, they did not bring action items forward. All committees have made it a priority in working on accomplishing their goals as set in last year’s evaluation recommendations. All committees have been commended for the excellent work that took place this past year (see below). Shared Governance Committees still need to work on several items as a whole (some of these carry over from 2010/11): 1. Keep membership current and recruit members on or before Flex Day in the Fall semester. 2. Post all meeting documentation such as agendas and minutes online in a timely manner. 3. Make sure that meetings are attended by members(including ASO) on regular basis and and a strict 3 absence policy be enforced by committee co-chairs. General Suggestions for Improvement of Shared Governance Committees: 1. Committee Reports to College Council and self evaluations should be posted on the SGTF site. 2. All websites for each committee should be consistent. 3. All Agendas and Meeting Minutes should be a template that all committees use. 4. SGTF provide training workshops to new members. Summary of External Evaluations of Los Angeles Mission College Shared Governance Committees Committee Number of Meetings Fall 2011 to Spring 2012 Average Number of Members per Meeting Average Number of Attendees per Meeting Regular Reports to College Council Recommendation or Action Items to College Council Budget and Planning 9 12 15 yes yes Educational Planning 15 14 18 yes yes Student Support Services 8 7 7 yes some Technology 7 8 9 yes some Professional 2(on site) and Staff Development ? ? most of the no time Facilities Planning 11 11 yes 7 some The Budget and Planning Committee met 10 times in 2011/12 and reported regularly to College Council. Members of the committee created a Budget Task Force to deal with the sizeable budget cuts expected in fiscal year 2012-2013 and how to best prepare for those cuts. The committee discussed ways to refine and improve our resource requests process. Members of this committee joined forces with members of Facilities and Planning to create a joint task force to prioritize Bond construction projects. This list helped our campus identify key projects that Shared Governance and the college president wished to exclude from the district moratorium. The Educational Planning Committee (EPC) EPC met 15 times in 2011/12 and presented reports to College Council at each of those meetings. There were many accomplishments for the EPC in the 2011/12 year. They completed the final cycle of comprehensive program reviews which focused on Chicano Studies, Foreign Languages, LRC, Arts/Humanities/Multimedia, and ESL/Dev Comm/Learning Skills. They worked on revising the Unit Assessment screens for the online tool. EPC was instrumental in strengthening linkages from the program review to resource allocation and hiring prioritization. The Facilities Committee The Facilities committee met 7 times in 2011/12 and presented reports and attended each College Council meeting. The committee worked diligently on providing the college president with a prioritized list of all Bond building projects and to ensure all BUGS were able to add input to their respective building projects. It is advised that the committee make sure that an ASO representative attend meetings in a more regular manner. The Term and Tenure of every member needs to be reflected on the website but otherwise the website in this area was outstanding in its organization. The Professional and Staff Development Committee This Committee works on big campus events such as Flex Day, the Faculty Academy and Holiday Luncheon. Because this committee does not have full membership it is much more difficult to present the campus with enough meaningful faculty and staff development workshops. It has been advised that the committee seek out new membership that will be dedicated to working diligently on projects. It is also advised that the committee keep their web site updated so it reflects current activities and conduct a survey for workshop topics. Student Support Services This committee met 8 times in 2011/12 and its co-chair attended every College Council meeting and gave a report. Student Support Services completed the three year cycle of the comprehensive validation review process for all programs. It is suggested that Student Support Services expand membership and make sure all resources are posted on the website. ASO needs to be represented and attend regular meetings. Technology Committee The Technology Committee reviewed and updated the Tech Master Plan in the Fall semester of 2011. The members reviewed all the ongoing and pending technology projects on campus and made sure that the committee gave its input to IT. The Committee recommended that the college move forward with a more robust emergency response system and to update and implement the Campus Calendar for event listings on the website. The committee needs to revise the forms it uses during meetings to reflect attendance by the members. The membership also needs to be increased and the SGTF Technology page needs to be reflect membership and be current with all resources. It is advised that the committee make sure that an ASO representative attend meetings in a more regular manner. In conclusion, the Los Angeles Mission College shared governance committees met and reported to College Council on a regular basis. Some of the committees such as Budget and Planning and Educational Planning made recommendations to College Council which resulted in actions taken. Other committees served mainly as information or planning bodies and did not submit formal recommendations to College Council. While faculty, staff, and administrator participation in the shared governance committees was very good, most committees had limited student representation. The Shared Governance Task Force will continue to monitor the effectiveness of each committee on an ongoing basis. Self-evaluations will take place every spring semester, and external evaluations will occur each fall. These evaluations will serve as the basis for recommendations for improvement of the shared governance process.