San Francisco Unified School District School Health Programs

San Francisco Unified School District
School Health Programs, SFCSD
1515 Quintara Street
San Francisco, CA 94116-1273
Tel (415) 242-2615  Fax (415) 242-2618
California Education Code-Section 49414.7 authorizes a school district, county office of education, or
charter school to participate in a program to provide nonmedical school employees with voluntary
emergency medical training to provide, in the absence of a credentialed school nurse or other licensed
nurse, with written authorization, the administration of an emergency anti-seizure medication for a
student experiencing a seizure. This "emergency anti-seizure medication" is diazepam rectal gel
(Diastat®) but can include other FDA-approved anti-seizure medications prescribed for specific patients
for the management of specific seizure activity. These medications reduce the severity of the epileptic
The parent/guardian of a pupil with a seizure disorder who has been prescribed an emergency antiseizure medication (Diastat® or others) can request that the school have one or more of its staff receive
voluntary training in order to administer the medication. Proper documentation from both the
parent/guardian and pupil’s physician is required.
 SFUSD is required to maintain a list of all students requiring the use of emergency anti-seizure
medication. Please complete the attached form and return to the SFUSD Nurse of the Day at 415242-2615 (call for email address).
 If you are contacted by a parent/guardian about the use of emergency anti-seizure
medication (Diastat® or others, including Lorazepam and Midazolam) at school,
please consult with your School District Nurse or contact the Nurse of the Day
(NOD) at 415-242-2615. Your School District Nurse or the Nurse of the Day will
assist you with the necessary forms that must be completed in order for the
medication to be administered.
 Please note that volunteers can ONLY be solicited by electronic notice to ALL staff no
more than two times a year for each student. An agreement to administer an
emergency anti-seizure medication is voluntary. A volunteer must complete the
required training before administering emergency anti-seizure medication. For more
details see the Memorandum about Education Code 49414.7 (attached).
WHY: San Francisco Unified School District strives to meet the needs of all students with chronic health
conditions in accordance with the requirements of the California Education Code. If you have any
questions, please call the Nurse of the Day at 242-2615.
SFUSD Student, Family, and Community Support Department
2014-2015 School Health Manual
San Francisco Unified School District
School Health Programs, SFCSD
1515 Quintara Street
San Francisco, CA 94116-1273
Tel (415) 242-2615  Fax (415) 242-2618
Memorandum about Education Code 49414.7
Administration of Emergency Anti-Seizure Medication (Diastat®)
Site Administrators
FROM: Kevin Truitt, Associate Superintendent and
Kim Coates, Director, Student Family and Community Support Department
DATE: August 28, 2013
A recent change to State Law authorizes a school district, county office of education, or charter school to
participate in a program to provide nonmedical school employees with voluntary emergency medical training to
provide, in the absence of a credentialed school nurse or other licensed nurse onsite at the school or charter
school, with written authorization, the administration of an emergency anti-seizure medication to pupils with
epilepsy suffering from seizures, in accordance with guidelines developed by the California Department of
Education. This "emergency anti-seizure medication" is diazepam rectal gel (Diastat®) prescribed for patients
for the management of seizures. This medication reduces the severity of the epileptic seizure and prevents
future damage to the child that is caused while the seizure is occurring.
The parent/guardian of a pupil who has been prescribed an emergency anti-seizure medication can request
that the school have one or more of its staff receive voluntary training in order to administer the medication.
Proper documentation from both the parent/guardian and pupil’s physician is also required.
Volunteers can ONLY be solicited by electronic notice to ALL staff no more than two times a year for each
student. An agreement to administer an emergency anti-seizure medication is voluntary. A volunteer must
complete the required training before administering emergency anti-seizure medication. A training will be
conducted by a School District Nurse, or other licensed health care professional.
SFUSD is required to maintain a list of all students requiring the use of emergency anti-seizure medication.
Please complete the attached form and return to Debbie Mansfield, School District Nurse by fax 242-2618, or
by e-mail to
If you should have a student requiring emergency anti-seizure medication, a school district nurse will be
contacting you after receiving the attached form.
If you have any questions, please call the Nurse of the Day at 242-2615.
California Ed Code 49414.7 mandates SFUSD to maintain a list of all students who require administration of an
emergency anti-seizure medication (Diastat®, Midazolam, Lorazepam, etc.) at school. If there is a student (or
students) at your school requiring an emergency anti-seizure medication, please complete the information
below and attach the medication form and seizure emergency care plan. For more information, please refer to
the attached memorandum.
School__________________________ Person/Title Completing Form____________________________
SFUSD Student, Family, and Community Support Department
2014-2015 School Health Manual