Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School Governing Body Academic Year 2014/15 Governing Body Membership 16 Full Members Head Teacher x1 Bev Scott-Herron Local Authority x1 Steve Wright Staff x1 Paul Williams Parents x3 Claire Findlay Vacancy Vacancy Foundation x9 Liverpool x4 Stuart Titchard Diane Hipkiss Rev Jackie Bellfield Linda Haddock Chester x4 Hilary Kelly Rev John Goode Matthew Grant Mary Cummings W.E.T x1 Rev Paul Wilson Co-opted x1 Peter Gilmore Associates x4 Canon Mike Finlay Darren Willcock Carol Ratcliffe Jean Hensey-Reynard Committee Membership Standards Chair Hilary Kelly Paul Williams Diane Hipkiss Matthew Grant Mary Cummings Vacancy (Elected Parent) HT Bev Scott-Herron SLT Paul McAleese/ James Koltan In Attendance : Barbara Dutton, Elaine Ayre and Jane Brook Ethos Chair Rev Paul Wilson Rev John Goode Carol Ratcliffe Jean Hensey-Reynard Rev John Harries HT SLT Bev Scott-Herron Liam Horrigan Finance & Buildings Chair Peter Gilmore Stuart Titchard Vacancy (Elected Parent) HT SLT Bev Scott-Herron Ann Taylor Personnel & Pupil Welfare Chair Rev Jackie Bellfield Vice Claire Findlay Linda Haddock Darren Willcock HT SLT Bev Scott-Herron TBA Stakeholder Chair Steve Wright Mike Finlay Associates HT SLT Bev Scott-Herron Hugh Chambers Panels Head Teacher Performance Management 3 Governors, 1 Scrutiny, 1 Appeal Admissions Panel 3 Governors Pupil Discipline Panel 3 Governors Pupil Discipline Appeal Panel 3 Governors Staff Discipline Panel 3 Governors Staff Discipline Appeals Panel 3 Governors Complaints Panel 3 Governors Pay Award Panel 3 Governors Link Governors with Special Responsibilities Pupil Premium 1 Governor from Personnel Committee Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural 1 Governor from Ethos Committee Attendance 1 Governor from Personnel Committee Special Education Needs 1 Governor from Curriculum Committee Health & Safety 1 Governor from Finance Committee Teacher Induction & Training 1 Governor from Personnel Committee KS3 1 Governor from Curriculum Committee KS4 1 Governor from Curriculum Committee New Committee Structure and Governance Head Teacher Performance Management FGB Admissions Panel Steering Group (Chair, Vice Chair + 5 sub chairs) ETHOS STANDARDS 6 Governors HT/SLT 2 Governors 2 Associates 1 ex officio HT/SLT Quorum = 3 Quorum = 3 FINANCE & BUILDINGS 3 Governors HT/SLT Quorum = 3 (but not Head) PERSONNEL & PUPIL WELFARE STAKEHOLDER 4 Governors 1 Associate 1 Governor 3 Associate Members Quorum = 3 Quorum = 3