Salary Increase/Bonus Frequently Asked Questions Perfect

Salary Increase/Bonus Frequently Asked Questions
Perfect Attendance
Are there any exceptions to the attendance requirements? (Illness, family emergency, etc.).
No. You must have been present 100% of the time. (99.5% doesn't count)
Orientation week attendance:
If you miss up to 4 days during orientation week due to school attendance and attend all other days, you are
eligible for the $75 near perfect attendance bonus
What if I am not able to work on Saturdays because of a religious requirement, am I still eligible for perfect
If you do not miss any other days, (including orientation week) you would be eligible for the $75 near perfect
attendance bonus
Contract completion
Are there exceptions to the attendance requirements?
If you are absent due to illness or injury, you must have a doctor's note for the dates you were absent,
otherwise, there are no exceptions to the attendance requirements
What If I leave early or arrive late during the day, does that count as present?
Attendance is based on your presence - you are only paid for the time you are actually at camp. If you arrive
late or leave early, you are only paid for the portion of the day you are present. Time missed adds up and
counts against attendance (ex: missing 4 hours during a pay period means you missed a little over 1/2 day.)
What if I am not able to work on Saturdays because of a religious requirement, am I still eligible for contract
If you didn't miss more than two other days, you would still be eligible for contract completion
What if I have to miss days of orientation week due to school attendance?
Contract completion requires no more than 4 absent days, and no more than 2 consecutive absent days. The
exception to the consecutive rule is for students during orientation week who miss 4 consecutive days due to
school obligations.
Can I miss cleanup day and still get contract completion?
No, cleanup day is written into your contract
What if I don't get the required certifications for my position?
You may be re-assigned to a role that uses the skills you do have, or you may be dropped from the staff
If I can't take my training class at camp, would camp reimburse me if I take it elsewhere?
Yes, but you are only reimbursed if you will be using the certification in your job title. (for example, we
wouldn't reimburse a sailing instructor certification for a pool staff member)
For lifeguard training you would be reimbursed up to $100.
For Water Safety Instructor Training you would be reimbursed up to $180.
For CPR you would be reimbursed up to $65.
For First Aid you would be reimbursed up to $55.
For Wilderness First Aid you would be reimbursed up to $180.
What if I am a group counselor: what certifications am I eligible for?
Only those that you would use on a regular basis - Lifeguarding, Water Safety Instructor, First Aid, CPR,
Archery, air rifle, Wilderness First Aid, EMT
I took a certification course but didn't receive my card; can I still get credit for it?
No - we must have proof of certification.
I'm an activity counselor; can I get paid for extra certs?
Generally, only those that you would use at your activity - check with your director.
In addition to those, you might be eligible for WFA, and EMT, depending on the circumstances Pioneering
counselors might also be eligible for Lifeguard training.
Extra Jobs
I have no staff on my bus route: Can the CIT on my bus get paid to be a bus aide?
No. Once they become apprentices, then they can be paid.
I want to sign up for pool cleaning. Can I also sign up for another extra job?
You would only be eligible to sign up for aftercare. Pool cleaning requires a considerable time commitment
How about Safety Net or Aftercare?
If you sign up for Safety Net or Aftercare, you are not eligible to sign up for any other extra jobs.
revised 12/2014