Figure S1. Validation of DLEM simulation results with field scale studies in different locations of India. Observational dataset was obtained from Croplands (AICRP, 2012); Forests (Devi & Yadava, 2009; Pandey et al., 2005; Joshi & Pant, 2012; Garkoti et al., 1995; Singh et al., 2011; Kumar et al., 2011; Baishya and Barik, 2011); Grasslands (Behera et al., 1994; Billore et al., 1977; Misra, 1973; 1978; Singh and Yadav, 1974; Varshey et al., 1972; Ambasht et al., 1972; Misra et al., 1978; Shankar et al., 1993; Pradhan, 1994; Aggarwal & Goyal, 1987; Pandey et al., 2005). References Aggarwal, A.K. & Goyal, A. K. 1987. Effect of grazing on net primary production and system transfer function in a western Himalayan grassland community. Tropical Grasslands, 21 (4), 155–158. All India Coordinated Research Project on Long-Term Fertilizer Experiments (AICRP-LTFE) to Study Changes in Soil Quality, Crop Productivity, and Sustainability. 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Sr. Numbe r Latitu de Longit ude NPP (Pg C year-1) Observatio n NPP (g C m-2) Ecosyst em Reference - DLEM NPP (g C m2 ) - A. - - 2.18 All 2.5 - - All - - All - 1.321.59 1.57 - - All - - 3.5-4.5 - - All F. 1 10.8 76.2 1.48 603.5 529 2 13.0 77.6 753.8 732 3 18.7 78.9 1247.9 754 4 20.3 85.8 606.4 652 5 21.3 81.6 926.3 720 6 21.5 70.5 420.4 416 7 22.8 88.4 362.4 380 8 23.2 79.9 690.2 673 9 23.3 85.3 472.8 467 10 24.6 73.7 757.1 741 11 29.0 79.5 928.7 946 12 30.9 75.8 880.3 858 13 32.1 76.5 788.6 800 14 23 93 521 599 All Cropla nds Cropla nds Cropla nds Cropla nds Cropla nds Cropla nds Cropla nds Cropla nds Cropla nds Cropla nds Cropla nds Cropla nds Cropla nds Forest Chhabra and Dadhwal 2004 Panigraphy et al., 2004 Hingane, 1991 Chhabra and Dadhwal, 2004 Singh et al., 2011 This study AICRP, 2012 B. - - C. - - D. - E. AICRP, 2012 AICRP, 2012 AICRP, 2012 AICRP, 2012 AICRP, 2012 AICRP, 2012 AICRP, 2012 AICRP, 2012 AICRP, 2012 AICRP, 2012 AICRP, 2012 AICRP, 2012 Devi 2009 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 29 21 30 26 24 25 20.0 79 78 80 80 74 91 84.0 356-1255 370-459 500-980 600-1200 850-1450 875 404.5 710 449 734 969 1027 790 416 22 23.0 75.0 423 452 23 23.0 76.0 494.5 463 24 25.0 82.0 605.5 517 25 28.0 77.0 665 643 26 25.0 83.0 710 692 27 19.0 85.0 723.5 720 28 26.0 91.0 730 777 29 20.0 86.0 737 788 30 25.0 91.0 886.5 951 31 30.0 76.0 1203.5 1122 32 30.0 77.0 1490 1568 33 22.0 87.0 3201.5 1328 34 29.9 76.8 1203-1769 1283 35 24.0 82.0 418-789 741 36 24.0 83.0 541-695 643 37 29.2 78.0 66-203 119 38 25.0 91.0 886-988 951 Forest Forest Forest Forest Forest Forest Grassla nd Grassla nd Grassla nd Grassla nd Grassla nd Grassla nd Grassla nd Grassla nd Grassla nd Grassla nd Grassla nd Grassla nd Grassla nd Grassla nd Grassla nd Grassla nd Grassla nd Grassla nd Joshi 2012 Pandey 2005 Garkoti 1995 Singh 2011 Kumar 2011 Baishya 2011 Behera 1994 Billore 1977 Misra 1973 Singh 1974 Varshey 1972 Ambasht 1972 Misra 1978 Shankar 1993 Pradhan 1994 Shankar 1993 Singh 1974 Singh 1972 Kumar 2012 Singh 1997 Pandey 1992 Pandey 1997 Aggarwal 1987 Shankar 1993