4hOnline Livestock ID Manual 2014

Jones County 4hOnline Livestock ID Manual
Livestock Project Requirements (LPR) guide – Reference the LPR book for class description and
further required information (L-2(2014)). This is the reference for all Jones County livestock project rules.
Crossbred (Commercial) - bred from parents of different breeds, varieties or species.
Registered (Purebred) – Bred from parents of the same breed or variety. Registered (Purebred) animals
MUST have registration papers to be shown at the Great Jones County Fair.
 Families are not able to enter information for any weighed-in animals (mkt. beef, sheep, meat goats &
swine). Those animals are entered by county staff. Refer to the State 4-H Livestock Verification Help
sheet on the State 4-H website for more information.
 All animal ID’s must be submitted no later than May 15th, 11:59 p.m.
 For State Fair Identification - Refer to the State 4-H Livestock Verification Help sheet on the State 4-H
website for more information.
Market Beef will be input by County Staff, then reviewed and verified by 4-Hers and family.
Breeding Beef
 Breeding Heifers – accurately complete each field
o Addl. Information: Enter Jones County Fair Class
 Purchased Commercial Heifer OR County Bred & Raised Commercial Heifer
 Refer to LPR for Jones county identification requirements and project requirements.
Use pull down and chose Breed Type and
Breed that accurately identify your
animal. Each animal must have a
separate entry.
Accurately complete each field, use pull down to identify Breed & Breed type.
Refer to LPR for Jones county identification requirements and project requirements.
Special Cases:
 The calf is not born as of May 15.
o Leave the calf fields blank, and
use the Addl. Information fields
to indicate that the calf has not
been born yet.
 The cow had twins
o Create two records, one for
each calf, using the same cow
information on each.
Bucket Bottle Calf
Accurately complete each field, use the pull down arrow to specify calf.
Each animal must have a separate entry
Refer to LPR for Jones county identification requirements and project requirements.
Tag: can be ear tag or tattoo – do not
enter both! Use pull down arrow to
indicate which ear the tag or tattoo is in.
Addl. Information: Enter Jones County
Fair Class
o Junior Beef OR Junior
Dairy OR Intermediate
Beef OR Intermediate
Dairy OR Senior Beef OR
Senior Dairy
Refer to LPR for Jones county identification requirements and project requirements.
Dairy Cattle
Accurately complete each field, use the pull down arrow to specify Breed Type and Breed.
Refer to LPR for Jones county identification requirements and project requirements.
Dairy Cattle
 If you identified dairy cows last year, those
animals will be listed at the bottom of the
animal list screen and can be reactivated.
 You have the option to upload photos of your
dairy cows. If your registry requires these and
you have the digital images, you should do that.
o Click on the Select button in one of the
Documents/Images boxes.
o Browse to locate the picture of your cow—it
needs to be GIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF or PDF
o Double-click on the file, or highlight and click
o If you make a mistake, use the Clear button
to remove the picture.
Accurately complete each field, use the pull down arrow to specify gender of your dog.
Refer to LPR for Jones county identification requirements and project requirements.
 If you identified any dogs last year, those
animals will be listed at the bottom of the
animal list screen and can be reactivated.
 You have the option to upload photos of your
o Click on the Select button in the
Documents/Images box.
o Browse to locate the picture of your dog—it
needs to be GIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF or PDF
o Double-click on the file, or highlight and
click Open.
o If you make a mistake, use the Clear button
to remove the picture.
 You also have an option to upload a scan of
your rabies certificate—again, it needs to be
Dairy Goats
Accurately complete each field, use the pull down arrow to specify Breed Type and Breed.
Refer to LPR for Jones county identification requirements and project requirements.
Dairy Goats
 If you identified dairy
goats last year, those
animals will be listed at
the bottom of the animal
list screen and can be
Meat Goats
Market Wethers will be input by the County Staff, then reviewed and verified by 4-Hers and
Breeding Meat Goats (NOT weighed in) (DOES ONLY)
 Accurately complete each field, use the pull down arrow to specify Breed Type and Breed.
 Refer to LPR for Jones county identification requirements and project requirements.
 Use the pull down arrow to change gender to Female. Jones county DOES NOT have male
breeding goats.
 Specialty Goats – Enter Specialty Goat in the Addl. Information field.
Meat Goats (not weighed in)(DOES ONLY
 If you identified (breeding) meat goats last
year, those animals will be listed at the
bottom of the animal list screen and can be
reactivated. Each doe MUST have an official
4-H tag for State Fair eligibility. Scrapies tag
is not sufficient for state fair.
Accurately complete each field, use the pull down arrow to specify Breed Type and Breed.
Refer to LPR for Jones county identification requirements and project requirements.
 If you identified any horses last year,
those animals will be listed at the
bottom of the animal list screen and
can be reactivated.
 You have the option to upload photos
and lease agreements.
o Click on the Select button in the
Documents/Images box.
o Browse to locate the picture of
your horse—it needs to be GIF,
JPG, PNG, TIFF or PDF format.
o Double-click on the file, or
highlight and click Open.
o If you make a mistake, use the
Clear button to remove the
o State Fair horses are REQUIRED
to have photos uploaded
Accurately complete each field, use the pull down arrow to specify Breed and Sex.
Note that all the llama entries will be shown as PETS/OTHER ANIMALS at the Jones County Fair.
Refer to LPR for Jones county identification requirements and project requirements.
 If you identified any llamas
last year, those animals will
be listed at the bottom of the
animal list screen and can be
Pets/Other Animals
Donkeys, Mules, Miniature Horses, and Llamas should be entered under their respective animal
Accurately complete each field, use the pull down arrow to specify Breed.
This category will include your pets, examples are: Cats, Birds, Ferret, Fish, Gerbil, Guinea Pig,
Hamster, Rat, Snake, etc.
For CATS: enter the date of rabies vaccination in the Addl. Information field
For FISH: enter the type of Fish – Beta OR Gold OR Other in the Addl. Information field
If you identified any pets last
year, those animals will be listed
at the bottom of the animal list
screen and can be reactivated.
COUNTY FAIR BIRDS ONLY, State Fair birds please call the office for instructions.
Date Hatched/Purchased is not required, but if you know it please enter it.
Enter the number of birds for each type of bird and each breed within the type.
If Leg Band is known please enter it.
Under Variety specify poultry classifications and Section from the LPR handbook, Division 109:
Poultry Division, page 11, also listed below for your reference.
For each different Breed you will need to create a new entry. There can be several birds under
each separate breed.
Addl. Information: - List the breed and class if known. Use the
choices/classifications/sections/classes below and on Page 11 in the LPR.
 Poultry classifications:
Other Poultry
Section A. Other Poultry Species: Guineas, Partridge, Peafowl, Pheasants, Quail, Other
Class A1 – Cock; A2 – Young cock; A3 – Hen; A4 – Young hen
Meat Birds
Section B. Ducks – Heavy Breeds: Aylesbury, Appleyard, Muscovy, Pekin (White, Jumbo), Rouen
Class B1 – Drake; B2 – Young drake; B3 – Hen; B4 – Young henSection B. Ducks – Light
Section C. Ducks – Light Breeds: Buff, Campbell (Khaki), Cayuga, Crested (White), Harlequim (Welsh),
Mallard, Runner (Black, Blue, Chocolate, Fawn & White), Swedish (Black, Blue)
Class C1 – Drake; C2 – Young drake; C3 – Hen; C4 – Young hen
Section D. Geese – Breeds: African, Buff, Chinese (Brown, White), Embden (White), Pilgrim,
Roman (Tufted), Sebastopol, Toulouse (Standard, Tufted), Weeder
Class D1 – Gander; D2 – Young gander; D3 – Hen; D4 – Young hen
Section E. Turkeys – Breeds: Bronze (Broadbreasted, Standard), Chocolate, Narragansalt,
Palm (Royal), Red (Bourbon),Spanish (Black), White (Giant, Holland, Midget),
Wild (Blue Slate, Rio Grande, Standard)
Class E1 – Tom; E2 – Young tom; E3 – Hen; E4 – Jenny/young hen
Best of Show
Champions from Sections A thru E (does not include Market Broiler Futurity/Pen of 3)
Section F. Market Broiler Futurity-Pen of 3
Class F1. Pen of Three
Section G. Bantams Breeds: Araucana, Belgian bearded, Brahmas, Cochins, Cornish, Japanese,
Old English Game, Polish, Reds, Rocks, Rosecomb, Seabrights, Silkies,
Sultans, Wyandotte
Class G1 – Rooster; G2 – Cockerel; G3 – Hen; G4 – Pullet
Section H. Heavy Breeds: Australops, Buckeye, Cornish, Delaware, Giants, Orpingtons, Reds, Rocks,
Sussex, Naked Neck (Turkens), Wyandottes
Class H1 – Rooster; H2 – Cockerel; H3 – Hen; H4 – Pullet
Section J. Layer Breeds: Anconas, Andalusians, Leghorns, Minocras
Class J1 – Rooster; J2 – Cockerel; J3 – Hen; J4 – Pullet
Section K. Crested Breeds: Crevecoeurs, Houdans, Polish, Sultans
Class K1 – Rooster; K2 – Cockerel; K3 – Hen; K4 – Pullet
Section L. Feather Footed Breeds: Brahmas, Cochins, Faverolles, Langshan
Class L1 – Rooster; L2 – Cockerel; L3 – Hen; L4 – Pullet
Section M. Rare and Unusual Breeds: Araucana/American, Buttercups, Campines, Dominiques,
Dorkings, Fayoumis, Games, Hamburgs, Lakevelders, Marans,
Norwegian Jaerhorn, Phoenix, Caps, Spanish, Sumatra,
Class M1 – Rooster; M2 – Cockerel; M3 – Hen; M4 – Pullet
Section N. Crossbred Egg Production (Commercial) Breeds: California, Sex-Link, Showgirls, Star
Class N1 – Rooster; N2 – Cockerel; N3 – Hen; N4 – Pullet
Best of Show
Champions from Sections G thru N
Breeding Rabbits
 Accurately complete each field.
 Jones County Breed for Rabbits: Commercial, Fancy, Crossbred, Meat. Listed below are the LPR
classifications. (LPR Division 110:Rabbit, page 13 of the LPR)
 Identify Crossbred and Commercial
 Tattoo is required, and must be entered in 4honline. Intermediate & Senior rabbits must be
entered by May 15. All Breeding rabbits must have a tattoo prior to the fair. Rabbits born after
May 15 must be identified in 4honline by July 1 to be eligible to compete at the fair.
 In the Variety/Color field enter: Section/Breed (ex. Commercial/New Zealand and Fancy/Dutch)
COMMERCIAL (ex. Crossbred/Brown)
Rabbit classifications:
Section A. Meat Rabbits
Class A1. Meat Pen- To consist of three rabbits under 69 days of age and not over 5
pounds each. Pen can be bucks, does or a combination of each.
Class A2. Single Fryer- The rabbits can come from meat pen. Same rules as meat pen
and cannot weigh over 5 pounds.
Section B. Crossbred Breeding Rabbits- Any crossbred rabbit, judged on meat characteristics; fur
condition to be used to break ties. Shown by class listed: know
sex, breed,and age so rabbit is in the correct class.
Class B1-Senior buck; B2-Senior doe; B3-Intermediate buck; B4-Intermediate doe:
B5-Junior buck; B6-Junior doe
Section C. Commercial Breeding Rabbits- Judging on meat characteristics; fur conditions will be used to
break ties. Shown by class listed: know sex, age, and breed
so rabbit is in correct class.
Breeds include: American, Beveren, California,
Champagned’Argent, Checkered Giant, American Chinchilla,
Giant Chinchilla, Flemish Giant, English Lop, French Lop,
New Zealand, Satin, Palomino, Cinnamon.
Class C1-Senior buck; C2-Senior doe; C3-Intermediate buck; C4-Intermediate doe:
C5-Junior buck; C6-Junior doe
Section D. Fancy Breeding Rabbits- Shown by class listed; know breed, sex, and age so rabbit is in
correct class. Fur condition to be used to break ties.
Breeds include: Angora, Belgian Hare, Standard Chinchilla, Dutch,
English Spot, Florida White, Harlequin, Havana, Himalayan,
Netherland Dwarf, Polish, Rex, Silver Marten, Tan, Mini Lop,
Holland Lop.
Class D1-Senior buck; D2-Senior doe; D3- Junior buck; D4- Junior doe:
Best of Show
Examples of breeding rabbits.
Breed: for Jones County Fair enter Meat,
Crossbred, Commercial, Fancy
Variety/Color: for Jones County Fair enter
Breed/Color (Ex: Dutch/Black & White)
Tattoo: Is Required
Addl. Information: Enter Class according to
Classifications above.
Market Rabbits
 Please fill out all the fields
Rabbits born after May 15th
 Any rabbit born after May 15 has to be identified on 4honline by July 1 to be eligible to compete
at the fair.
 Rabbits under 6 months old must be identified
 Market Sheep - will be input by County Staff, then reviewed and verified by 4-Hers and family.
Sheep Not Weighed-IN
 Accurately complete each field
 Registered animals must have a registration number
 Addl. Information field: B for Black Faced, W for White Faced, and S for Speckled Face
Swine - Swine will be input by the County Staff, then reviewed and verified by 4-Hers and family.