CONSTRUCTING MODELS FOR EARLY CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE DETECTION AND RISK ESTIMATION Ruey Kei Chiu, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan Renee Yu-Jing Chen, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan ABSTRACT In this paper, we aim to develop a best-fitting neural network model which can be employed to detect various severity levels of CKD based on the two different sets of influence factors as the inputs for model learning and developing. Firstly, the influence factors of CKD which most physicians employ in the computational formula are used as the inputs to three preselected fundament neural network models to detect (classify) various levels of chronic kidney disease. Secondly, the potential key influence factors of CKD which are identified by reviewing the CKD relevant literatures as well as conducting expert interviews are used as the inputs to three models as well. Three fundamental neural network models selected for detection and comparison include back-propagation network (BPN), generalized feedforward neural networks (GRNN), and modular neural network (MNN). Furthermore, three hybrid neural network models which are modeled by embedding genetic algorithm (GA) into each respective fundamental neural factor are employed for conducting CKD detection and comparison. The comparison among network models are based the CKD detection performance measured by the computation accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in model training and testing. The results of model experiment show that almost all models employed in experiment may gain near 100% accuracy in CKD detection in the training stage regardless of which sets of influence factors used in model training. However, if the model testing is further conducted, it is found that the network models with the inputs of influence factors of CKD used by physicians employed in the computational formula always shows better detection performance in all three aspects of measures. The BPN gain the highest 94.75% accuracy measures in the testing stage among three fundamental neural network models while GFNN gain only 86.63% in accuracy measure which is the lowest performance in three models. Through further observations from experiment results, it is found the hybrid network model of GFNN plus GA embedded may significantly enhance detection performance in all three measures from its fundamental model in the testing although the the detection performance are degraded in BPN and MNN. We conclude that BPN might be the best-fitting factor Among three fundamental neural network models employed in detecting CKD while the models with GA embedded in BPN and GFNN respectively might be the best-fitting hybrid models for CKD detection. Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease, Disease Detection, Risk Estimation, Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms. INTRODUCTION As people’s life level become more and more modernized and life span become longer in our society, chronic kidney disease (CKD) becomes more common which may result in developing different levels of ill-function and damage of patient kidneys. Once a person gets CKD, he/she will suffer from the disease which may decrease his/her working ability as well as live quality. It is also very likely to develop other chronic diseases like high blood pressure, anemia (low blood count), weak bones and cause poor nutritional health and nerve damage. In the meantime, kidney disease increases patient risk of contracting heart and blood relevant diseases. Chronic kidney disease may be caused by other chronic disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure and other disorders. High CKD risk groups include those who have diabetes, hypertension, and family history of kidney disease. Early detection and treatment can often keep chronic kidney disease from getting worse. When kidney disease progresses, it may eventually lead to kidney failure which even requires dialysis or even proceeds to kidney transplant to maintain patient life. According to the statistical data announced by the Department of Health of Taiwan’s government in 2010 (DOH, 2010), the mortality caused by kidney disease has been ranked in the 10th place in all causes of death in Taiwan and thousands of others are at increased risk. The mortality caused from kidney disease is estimated as 12.5 in every 100,000 peoples. As a result, it costs as high as 35 percent of health insurance budget to treat the chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients with the age over 65 years old and end stage kidney disease patient in all ages. It occupies a huge amount of expenditures in national insurance budget. Regarding to the measurement of serious levels of CKD, presently glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the most commonly measuring indicators used in health institutions to estimate kidney health function. The physician in the health institution can calculate GFR from patient’s blood creatinine, age, race, gender and other factors depending upon the type of formal-recognized computation formulas (Firman, 2009; NKF, 2002; Levey, 2005) is employed. The GFR may indicate how health of a patent’s kidney and can be also taken to determine whether a people has kidney disease. The physician may also depend upon this indicator to determine the stage of kidney disease of a patient and help him to set a treatment plan for the patient (Firman, 2009; Levey et al., 2005). The objectives of this paper aims to develop decision models by applying artificial neural networks and fuzzy expert system in artificial intelligence which attempts to provide physicians an alternative method to detect chronic kidney diseases and estimate the risk levels of a patient in early CKD stage. This study of this paper was cooperatively carried out with a district teaching hospital in New Taipei City located in the northern district of Taiwan. In the first stage of this paper, we aim to develop a best-fitting neural network model which can be employed to identify various levels of CKD based on two different sets of influence factors as the inputs for model learning and developing. To reach this develop objective, firstly the set of influence factors of CKD which most physicians employ in the computational formula to diagnose CDK are determined for being used as the inputs to three preselected fundament neural network models. Next, another set of potential key influence factors of CKD which are identified by reviewing the CKD relevant literatures as well as conducting expert interviews are used as the inputs to three models as well. Three fundamental neural network models selected for detection and comparison include back-propagation network (BPN), generalized feedforward neural networks (GRNN), and modular neural network (MNN). Furthermore, three hybrid neural network models which are developed by embedding genetic algorithm (GA) into each respective fundamental neural factor Are employed for conducting CKD detection and comparison. The comparison among network models is based on the CKD detection performance measured by the measurement of factor Accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity respectively in model training and testing. The input data for the training, testing, and experiment of ANN models is collected from the people’s health examination which is periodically carried out by collaborative hospital. METHODS AND LITERATURES REVIEW In this section, firstly the different methods of measuring CKD followed by two sets of influence factors used as the inputs for network modeling are reviewed. Next, the investigation of the criteria of CKD classification (i.e., detection) and risk evaluation of CKD is conducted. The three different neural network models employed for detection and comparison in this paper are surveyed and briefly introduced as well. The Review of the Methods of Measuring Chronic Kidney Disease The GFR is a most-commonly method used to measure kidney health function. It refers to the water filterability of glomerular of people’s kidney. The normal value of measurement ought to be between 90 and 120 ml/min/1.73m2. There are three common computation methods of GFR, which are (1) Removing rate of 24-hour urine creatinine (i.e., Creatinine Clearance Rate, Ccr) ; (2) Cockcroft-Gault formula (i.e., known as C-G formula) ; (3) Modification of Diet in Renal Disease formula (i.e., known as MDRD) (Firman, 2009). The CKD is categorized into five stages by making using of GFR to measure kidney function. Although the course of the change from stage one to five may usually last for years, it sometimes may enter into fifth stage pretty soon resulted in the necessity of dialysis or kidney transplant (NKF, 2002; Levey et al., 2005). Again, according to the guideline developed by the National Kidney Foundation’s Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) (NKF, 2002), an independent not-for-profit foundation governed by an international Board of Directors in 2002 providing a new conceptual framework for a diagnosis of CKD independent of cause and developing a classification scheme of kidney disease severity based on the level of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). The new system represented a significant conceptual change, since kidney disease historically had been categorized mainly by cause. The diagnosis of CKD relies on markers of kidney damage and/or a reduction in GFR. Stages 1 and 2 define conditions of kidney damage in the presence of a GFR of at least 90 ml/min/1.73 m2 or 60 to 89 ml/min/1.73 m2, respectively, and stages 3 to 5 define conditions of moderately and severely reduced GFR irrespective of markers of kidney damage. The summarized of this guideline is shown in Table 1. The common definition of CKD has facilitated comparisons between studies. Thus, this new diagnostic classification of CKD has likely been one of the most profound conceptual developments in the history of nephrology. Nevertheless, there are limitations to this classification system, which is by its nature simple and necessarily arbitrary in terms of specifying the thresholds for definition and different stages. When the classification system was developed in 2002 (NKF, 2002; Levey et al., 2005), the evidence base used for the development of this guideline was much smaller than the CKD evidence base today. Therefore, this guideline is constantly revised from then on by Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) with the modification and endorsement by Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO). The currently available methods to estimate GFR and ascertain kidney damage are evolving (Levey et al., 2005). Table 1: Classification of CKD as Defined by KDOQI and Modified and Endorsed by KDIGO. Stage Description Classification by Severity By GFR (ml/min/1.73m2) 1 Kidney damage with normal or GFR increasing GFR >=90 2 Kidney damage with mild decreasing in GFR GFR of 60-89 3 Moderate with decreasing in GFR GFR of 30-59 4 Severe with decreasing in GFR GFR of 15-29 5 Kidney failure GFR <= 15 (or dialysis) One of most recognized versions of the classification and risk evaluation of CKD was released by National Kidney Foundation (NKF) of US written by Firman in 2009 (Firman, 2009). Its severity classification and risk evaluation criteria are shown in Table 2 and 3, respectively. It is properly the most referable guideline regarding the classification and risk evaluation of CKD. Table 2: Classification and Risk Evaluation of Chronic Kidney Disease. Stage Description† GFR (ml per minute Action plans per 1.73 m2) - At increased risk > 60 (with risk factors Screening, reduction of risk factors for chronic for chronic kidney for chronic kidney kidney disease disease disease) Kidney damage > 90 1 Diagnosis and treatment, treatment of comorbid with normal or conditions, interventions to slow disease elevated GFR progression, reduction of risk factors for cardiovascular disease 2 Kidney damage 60 to 89 Estimation of disease progression 30 to 59 Evaluation and treatment of disease with mildly decreased GFR 3 Moderately decreased GFR 4 Severely decreased complications 15 to 29 GFR 5 Kidney failure Preparation for kidney replacement therapy (dialysis, transplantation) < 15 (or dialysis) Kidney replacement therapy if uremia is present Table 3: Risk Factors for Chronic Kidney Disease and Definitions Type Definition Examples Susceptibility Factors that increase Older age, family history of chronic kidney disease, factors susceptibility to kidney damage reduction in kidney mass, low birth weight, U.S. racial or ethnic minority status, low income or educational level Initiation Factors that directly initiate Diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, autoimmune factors kidney damage diseases, systemic infections, urinary tract infections, urinary stones, obstruction of lower urinary tract, drug toxicity Progression Factors that cause worsening Higher level of proteinuria, higher blood pressure factors kidney damage and faster decline level, poor glycemic control in diabetes, smoking in kidney function after kidney damage has started End-stage Factors that increase morbidity Lower dialysis dose (Kt/V)*, temporary vascular factors and mortality in kidney failure access, anemia, low serum albumin level, late referral for dialysis *-In Kt/V (accepted nomenclature for dialysis dose), "K" represents urea clearance, "t" represents time, and "V" represents volume of distribution for urea. In Taiwan, the Taiwan Society of Nephrology (TSN) also presented the self-detecting method of kidney for the public. The MDRD formula (Levey et al., 2000; Levey et al., 2005), which is recognized as a more accurate with mostly adopted method by kidney physicians to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GFR) from serum creatinine, is adopted for the use in diagnosis. Therefore, in this paper of study we also take MDRD to calculate the GFR. The method of calculation formula is shown in formula 1. The input data for the GFR calculation of each individual patient case in health examination are provided by the collaborative hospital of this research. We also use the calculated results as the desired (targeted) value to train our neural network models in experiment. GFR = 186 × Creatinine−1.154 × age−0.203 (ml/min/1.73m2 )…….(1) Note: For female the result should be multiplied by a factor of 0.742。 Snyder and Pendergraph (2005) indicated that the MDRD was suitable to be used to the group of diabetes mellitus, older age (age above 51), patient with kidney replacement therapy (dialysis, transplantation). It also takes less number of factors than other two popular methods, which are Creatinine Clearance Rate computation and Cockcroft-Gault formula. It becomes easier and simple but still maintains the result effectiveness for calculating GFR. Hence, this paper adopts MDRD to conduct the calculation of GFR directly from the data collection of creatinine, age, and sex. The three factors, which are ‘creatinine’, ‘age’, and ‘sex’, considered in MDRD calculation also majorly compose the first set of input influence factors for modeling neural network models. Artificial Neural Network An artificial neural network (ANN), usually called neural network (NN), is a mathematical model or computational model that is inspired by the structure and/or functional aspects of biological neural networks. Kriesel (2011) indicates neural networks are a bio-inspired mechanism of data processing that enables computers to learn technically similar to human-being brain. The generic structure of ANN is shown in Figure 1 (Nagnevitsky, 2005). A neural network consists of an interconnected group of artificial neurons, and it processes information using a connectionist approach to computation. In most cases an ANN is an adaptive system that changes its structure based on external (input) or internal information that flows through the network during the learning phase. Modern neural networks are non-linear statistical data modeling tools. They are usually used to model complex relationships between inputs and outputs or to find patterns in data ( It is properly the most prestigious and adoptable model in all application models in the field of artificial intelligence. Figure 1: A Generic Structure of ANN. Input layer First hidden layer Second hidden layer Output layer There are many types of neural network models derived from the generic structure of ANN. Three fundamental neural network models employed for the experiment in this paper are briefly introduced in next sections Back-Propagation Neural Network The back-propagation neural network is aslo known as a "feed-forward back-propagation network". It is a supervising learning multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural network model (Negnevitsky, 2005). A training set of input patterns is presented to the network. The network computes its output pattern, and if there is an error - or in other words a difference between actual and desired output patterns - the weights are adjusted to reduce this error. Since the real uniqueness or 'intelligence' of the network exists in the values of the weights between neurons, we need a method of adjusting the weights to solve a particular problem. It learns by example, that is, we must provide a learning set (or called as training set) that consists of some input examples and the known-correct output (desired output) for each case. So, we use these input-output examples to show the network what type of behavior is expected, and the back-propagation learning algorithm allows the network to adapt. Hence, this neural network is called as back-propagation neural network (BPNN). A three-layer architecture of BPNN is illustrated in Figure 2 (Negnevitsky, 2005). Input signals x1 x2 1 2 2 xi i 1 y1 2 y2 k yk l yl 1 wij j wjk m xn n Input layer Hidden layer Output layer Error signals Figure 2: Three-layer Back Propagation Neural Network. This model is properly the most popular and applicable model in artificial neural network used in academic research and the development practical decision support applications in terms of forecasting, classification, regression, data mining, and so on. Generalized Feedforward Neural Network The feedforward neural network was the first and arguably most simple type of artificial neural network devised. In this network the information moves in only forward direction which is simply from the input neuron data goes through the hidden neuron and to the output nourons. There are no cycles or loops in the network where the data flow from input to output units is strictly feedforward. The data processing can extend over multiple layers of neurons, but no feedback connections are present. Its generalization model, which is konwn as generalized feedforward neural networks (GFNN). It has the same architecture as back-propagation neural network and also adopts the same learning methods to train the network. The differences are that GFNN adopts generalized distributed-flow neurons in its hidden layers and take perceptron as its inhibitory neuron. Arulampalam and Bouzerdoum (2000) mentioned that the GFNN architecture used as the basic computing unit is a generalized shunting neuron (GSN) model which includes as special cases the perceptron and the shunting inhibitory neuron. GSNs were capable of forming complex, nonlinear decision boundaries. This allows the GFNN architecture to easily learn some complex pattern classification problems. Arulampalam and Bouzerdoum (2003) applied GFNNs to several benchmark classification problems, and their performance was compared to the performances of multilayer perceptrons such as a back-propagation neural network. Experimental results show that a single GSN can outperform multilayer perceptron networks. An exemplified architecture of GFNN is illustrated as Figure 3. Generalized Shunting w00, c00 Neurons Input Neurons x0 Output Neurons (Perceptorns) wk0 ‧ ‧ ‧ wm0, cm0 ‧ ‧ ‧ o0 ‧ ‧ ‧ xm wjm, cjm ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ok wkj xi wji, cji Excitatory Synapses Inhibitory Synapses Figure 3: The Generic Architecture of Generalized Feedforward Neural Networks. Modular Neural Network The modular neural network (MNN) was initially presented by Jacobs, et al. in 1991 (Jacobs et al. 1991). The architecture of this network is shown in Figure 4. It is characterized by a series of independent neural networks moderated by some intermediary. Each independent neural network serves as a module like an expert and operates on separate inputs to accomplish some subtask of the task the network hopes to perform. The intermediary takes the outputs of each module and processes them to produce the output of the network as a whole (Azam, 2000). The intermediary only accepts the modules’ outputs—it does not respond to, nor otherwise signal, the modules. As well, the modules do not interact with each other. One of the major benefits of a modular neural network is the ability to reduce a large, unwieldy neural network to smaller, more manageable components. There are some tasks it appears are for practical purposes intractable for a single neural network as its size increases. The following are benefits of using a modular neural network over a single all-encompassing neural network. Expert 1 × x × Expert 2 Σ y × Expert k g3 g2 g1 Gate Figure 4: The Generic Architecture of Modular Neural Networks (Source: RESEARCH MATERIALS AND METHODS Based on the literature reviews and expert interviews, this research takes three neural network models, back propagation neural network, feedforward neural network, and modular neural network, respectively to generate the detection model for chronic kidney disease. The input data set for neural networks training and testing are collected from the population data of health examination provided by collaborative hospital. The key influence factors input for the each factor Are determined and verified from professional kidney experts and physicians. The set of influence factors derived from GFR computation formulas such as MDRD is shown in Table 4 and another set of key influence factors selected and determined in this paper as the inputs of Neural Networks is shown in Table 5, respectively. The classification performance of two sets input for model training and testing are compared in model experiment. Table 4: The Influence Factors Derived from Formula Computation for GFR. Factors Description Mean Maximum Minimum Sex 0→Female;1→Male --- --- --- Age Integer 77.38 93 67 Creatinine Real 0.88 4.28 0.37 Weight Real 60.719 98 32 GFR Levels 0→Negative;1, 2, 3,4,5→Positive --- --- --- measured in levels Table 5: The Influence Factors Investigated Determined by This Paper. Factors Description Mean Max. Min. Creatinine Real 0.88 4.28 0.37 Glucose (GLU) Real 109.63 271 82 Systolic Pressure (SP) Real 135.78 195 88 Protein in Urine (UP) 0→Negative --- --- --- or called proteinuria 1→Trace; 2→+ --- --- --- 3→++; 4→+++ Hematuria Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Real 15.80 80.1 5.4 GFR-Level 0→Negative;1, 2, 3,4,5→Positive --- --- --- measured in levels The Learning Data and Preprocessing The input learning data set for neural networks are collected and sampled from the cases of the elderly people with age over 65 years old of health examination provided by collaborative hospital in past few years. The areas of sampled data cover the hospital neighboring cities and counties located in northern part of Taiwan. There are 1161 heath examination case records are sampled. Before they are input for training and testing network models, a data preprocessing is processed to remove duplicate, correct the error, inconsistency and missing fields, numerification of class field in each case record. By this process, we can ensure the accuracy, completeness and integrity of the input data. After data preprocessing, only 945 sampled cases are left as the use of learning data set. Meanwhile, initially there are 21 fields contained in each source of case record. Only 6 fields specified in Table 5 are selected and maintained for each case. Model Learning and Experiments We take NBuilder of neural solution, a well-known neural network modeling tool, to train and test our neural network model through a series of simulations in experiment. In consideration of the tool restriction for building the hybrid model of neural network and genetic algorithm which is also studied in this research, we only take the most accurate 430 cases from 945 sampled cases left after preprocessing in learning process. By this selection, we can ensure there are equal numbers of cases used in the leaning process of each factor Building. As it is shown in Table 6, among 430 cases, 300 cases are selected for training, 100 records are used for testing, and 30 cases for cross verification. The desired output of diagnosis is identified by the professional physicians of chronic kidney disease from the collaborative hospital with the aid of MDRD calculation formula. Table 6: Data Distribution for Model Training, Testing, and Cross Verification. Sampled Data Record # Desired Output # Training Data 300 101 Negative 199 positive in various levels Testing Data 100 34 negative 66 positive Cross Verification 30 10 negative 20 positive EXPERIMENTS AND COMPARISONS OF NEURAL NETWORK MODELS The experiment for a specific network model can be viewed as a series of modeling and simulation through leaning process. We attempt to pursue a best model through the selection of different combination of modeling parameters for conducting learning in different network models. The parameters combination shown in different model experiments have been filtered from a series of learning process. The Experiment of Back-propagation Neural Network Table 7 shows the parameters set for the experiment of back-propagation neural network. Table 7: Parameters Selected for Back-propagation Neural Network. Parameters Value Setting # of Hiding Layers 1、2、3 # of Neurons in Hiding Layer 5、8、12 Learning Rules Step、Momentum、ConjugateGradient、 LevenbergMarquar、Quickprop、DeltaBarDelta Transformation Functions TanhAxon、SigmoidAxon、LinearTanhAxon、 LinearSigmoidAxon、SoftMaxAxon、BiasAxon、LinearAxon、 Axon Weight Update Methods Batch Criterion for Termination MSEmin:0.0001; Epochsmax:3000 In this paper, we also take the hybrid models of combining each neural network factor And genetic algorithm (GA) in experiment and comparison. The model parameters selected for genetic algorithm are shown in Table 8. GA will be taken to combine with back-propagation neural network, feedforward neural network, and modular neural network, respectively in model experiment and comparison as well. Table 8: The Parameters Selected for Genetic Algorithm. Network Parameters Value Setting Method of Selection Roulette Method of Crossover One Point Rate of Crossover 0.9 Rate of Mutation 0.01 Termination Criterion MSEmin:0.0001 Epochsmax:100 Population: 20 Generations:50 Through a series of simulation by taking the different sets of parameter combination selected from Table 7, we gain that the best model of backpropagation neural network in terms of their respective network parameters with respect to two models, which are the factor By adopting the key factors used in computation formula (called as Factor A hereafter) and the factor By adopting the key factors selected in this paper (called as Factor B hereafter), respectively, are listed in Table 9. The classification accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity with respect to factor A and B, respectively is shown in Table 10. Table 9: The Best Models with Backpropagation Network Parameters Setting. Network Parameters By Adopting the Key Factors Used in Computation Formula (Factor A) By Adopting the Key Factors Selected in This Paper (Factor B) Learning Rule LevenbergMarquar LevenbergMarquar Transformation Functions TanhAxon SigmoidAxon # of Hiding Layer 2 2 # of Neurons in Hiding Layer 5 8 Criterion for Termination MSEmin:0.0001 MSEmin:0.0001 Epochsmax:3000 Epochsmax:3000 Batch Batch Methods for Weight Update Table 10: The Experiment Results from Backpropagation Neural Network Models. BPN Factor A Factor B Pure BPN Training Test Training Test Accuracy of 100% 94.75% 100% 72.42% Sensitivity 100% 97.06% 100% 70.59% Specificity 100% 92.42% 100% 74.24% BPN+GA Test Test Accuracy of 91.71% 77.68% Sensitivity 97.06% 81.82% Specificity 86.36% 73.53% Classification Classification In Table 10, “accuracy” is used to measure the classification accuracy with the proportion of the sum of the number of true positives and the number of the true negatives which are correctly identified. “Sensitivity” is used to measure the proportion of actual positives which are correctly identified as such (e.g. the percentage of sick people who are correctly identified as having the condition). “Specificity” is used to measure the proportion of negatives which are correctly identified (e.g. the percentage of healthy people who are correctly identified as not having the condition). These two measures are closely related to the concepts of type I and Type II. From the results shown in Table 10, our experiment may gain very good results with BPN in model training stage but it shows a significant drop measured in model testing stage both with BPN and BPN plus GA. By the results shown in Table 10, BPN may obtain better results in accuracy measure, but GPN plus GA gain better result in sensitivity measure. The result also shows the model with the adoption of the key factors used in computation formula gains better results in all three indicators measures. These results tell us that a hybrid model with the combination of BPN and GA does not improve the model performance in accuracy measure but it is helpful to improve sensitivity measure. The Experiment of Generalized Feedforward Neural Network Table 11 shows the parameters set for the experiment of generalized feedforward neural network (GFNN). The classification accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity with respect to factor A and B, respectively is shown in Table 12. As the results shown in Table 12, pure GFNN obtain a perfect classification percentage in three measures including accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in training stage, but GFNN plus GA apparently may gain better results in testing. However, they also show the results gained from GFNN are not so good in all three measures as those gained from BPN and BPN plus GA, respectively. Table 11: The Best Models with Generalized Feedforward Neural Network Parameters Setting. Network Parameters Factor A Factor B Learning Rule LevenbergMarquar LevenbergMarquar Transformation SigmoidAxon TanhAxon 2 2 8 8 Criterion for MSEmin:0.0001 MSEmin:0.0001 Termination Epochsmax:3000 Epochsmax:3000 Methods for Batch Batch Functions # of Hiding Layer # of Neurons in Hiding Layer Weight Update Table 12: The Experiment Results from Generalized Feedforward Neural Network Models. GFNN Factor A Factor B Pure GFNN Training Test Training Test Accuracy of Classification 100% 86.63% 100% 71.03% Sensitivity 100% 82.35% 100% 61.76% Specificity 100% 90.91% 100% 80.30% GFNN+GA Test Test Accuracy of Classification 91.09% 78.39% Sensitivity 88.24% 76.47% Specificity 93.94% 80.30% The Experiment of Modular Neural Network Table 13 shows the parameters set for the experiment of modular neural network (MNN). The classification accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity with respect to factor A and B, respectively is shown in Table 14. As the results shown in Table 13, pure MNN same as prior two models which may obtain a perfect classification percentage in three measures in training stage, but MNN plus GA apparently may gain worse results in testing stage which are different from the results shown in prior two models. Table 13: The Best Models with Modular Neural Network Parameters Setting. Network Parameters Factor A Factor B Learning Rule LevenbergMarquar LevenbergMarquar Transformation SigmoidAxon SigmoidAxon # of Hiding Layer 2 2 # of Neurons in 4 8 Criterion for MSEmin:0.0001 MSEmin:0.0001 Termination Epochsmax:3000 Epochsmax:3000 Methods for Batch Batch Functions Hiding Layer Weight Update Table 14: The Experiment Results from Modular Neural Network Models. MNN Factor A Factor B Pure MNN Training Test Training Test Accuracy of 100% 93.23% 100% 70.99% Sensitivity 100% 97.06% 100% 64.71% Specificity 100% 89.39% 100% 77.27% MNN+GA Test Test Accuracy of 88.82% 78.34% Sensitivity 89.39% 79.41% Specificity 88.24% 77.27% Classification Classification CONCLUSIONS The performances of three neural network models developed for comparison in this paper in terms of detection (i.e., classification) accuracy measure are summarized and shown in Table 15 and 16, respectively. Table 15 shows the detection accuracy in three pure (i.e., fundamental) neural network models while Table 16 shows the detection accuracy with GA embedded in three respective models. We found BPNN may obtain best accuracy regardless of in factor A or in factor B which are measured with 94.75% and 72.42% accuracy, respectively in model testing. However, factor A, which is the test by adopting the key factors used in computation formula, may gain much better performance than factor B, which is the test by adopting the key factors selected in this paper. The same result is gained with the GA embedded in each fundamental model in experiment. As the results observed from Table 16, both BPN plus GA and GFNN plus GA gain close results in accuracy measure which is much better than MNN plus GA. Table 15: Detection Accuracy in Three Pure Neural Network Models. Network Models By Adopting the Key Factors Used in Computation Formula (Factor A) By Adopting the Key Factors Selected in This Paper (Factor B) BPN 94.75% 72.42% GFNN 86.63% 71.03% MNN 93.23% 70.99% Table 16: Detection Accuracy in Three Pure Neural Network Models Plus GA. Network Models Factor A Factor B BPN+GA 91.71% 77.68% GFNN+GA 91.09% 78.39% MNN+GA 88.82% 78.34% By further observation from the results of model experiment shown in section 4, it is found that almost all models employed in experiment may gain near 100% accuracy in CKD detection in the training stage regardless of which sets of influence factors used in model training. However, if further model testing is conducted, it is found that the network models with the inputs of influence factors of CKD used by physicians employed in the computational formula always shows better detection performance in all three aspects of measure including accuracy, sensitivity, or specificity measures. The BPN gain the highest 94.75% (shown in Table 10 and 15) accuracy measure in the testing stage among three fundamental neural network models while GFNN gains only 86.63% (shown in Table 12 and 16) in accuracy measure which is the lowest performance in three models. Through further observations from experiment results, it is found the hybrid network model of GFNN plus GA embedded may significantly enhance detection performance in all three measures from its fundamental model in the testing although the reversed enhancement are shown in BPN and MNN. Again, by the experiment figures shown in section 4, although pure neural network models plus GA shows degraded performance improvement for factor A in testing stage in terms of three measures in accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity but it shows significant improvement for factor B. As a result, we conclude a hybrid model indeed may improve detection performance. This result may conclude that GA provides no benefit in the yield of better detection performance with the adoption of the key factors used in computation formula as the inputs to all models in testing. Above all, we conclude that BPN might be the best-fitting factor Among three fundamental neural network models employed in detecting CKD while the models with GA embedded in BPN and GFNN respectively might be best-fitting hybrid models for CKD detection but only GFNN plus GA can gain enhancement in detection performance in both sets of influence factors as inputs. These conclusions should be further verified and compared with other models selected for experiment in later studies before they can be assured. We believe that the neural network models respectively developed for CKD detection and risk level estimation in this paper may equip medical staff with the ability to make precise diagnosis and treatment to the patient. 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