Psychology Syllabus

Fall 2015 Course Information
Moore High School
Instructor: Julie Berryhill
Room: 605
Course Text: Psychology: Principles in Practice – Holt (2010)
Course Description
This elective course introduces students to the field of psychology, the scientific study of mental processes and behavior.
This course is intended to provide students with a background in the subject that will prepare them for college level
coursework. With an understanding of psychology, students will gain new perspectives about themselves and those
around them.
Course Outline
Unit 1 – Chapters 1-2
● Intro to Psychology
● Careers in Psychology
● History of Psychology
● Research Methods
In Class Activities:
● Group Work
● Perspectives Poster
● Class Discussion
● 49 Up Video
● Vocabulary Cards
● Famous Psychologists
● Psychological Research
Methods Project
● Unit Test
Unit 2 – Chapters 3-5
● Nervous and Endocrine Systems
● Genetics and Heredity
● Sensation and Perception
● Consciousness
● Sleep and Dreams
● Altered States of Consciousness
In Class Activities:
● Group Work
● Class Discussion
● Dream Analysis
● Drug Pamphlet
● Optical Illusion Gallery
● Sensation Fair
● Vocabulary Cards
● Alzheimer’s Connection
● Endocrine Worksheet
● Drug Pamphlet
● Unit Test
Unit 3 – Chapters 6-8
● Behavior Modification
● Types, Processes, and Stages of
● Thinking and Problem Solving
In Class Activities:
● Group Work
● Class Discussion
● Memory Practice
● Lateral Thinking Puzzles
● Vocabulary Cards
● Classical Conditioning
● Classical or Operant
● Memory Flow Chart
● Unit Test
Unit 4 – Chapters 10-12
● Physical, Social, and Cognitive
Development of Infants and
● Parenting
● Development of Adolescents
● Adult Development
In Class Activities:
● Group Work
● Class Discussion
● Timeline of Childhood
● Parenting Styles Scenarios
● Vocabulary Cards
● Adolescent Development
● Unit Test
Unit 5 – Chapters 13-16
● Motivation
● Emotion
● Personality Types
● Psychological Testing
● Gender Roles
In Class Activities:
● Group Work
● Class Discussion
● Jungian Personality Test
● Erikson’s Stages Skits
● Gender Roles Survey and Skits
● Vocabulary Cards
● Maslow Pyramid
● Theories of Personality
● Unit Test
Unit 6 – Chapters 20-21
● Attitude
● Persuasion
● Attraction and Love
● Group Behavior and Conformity
● Aggression and Altruism
In Class Activities:
● Group Work
● Class Discussion
● Leadership Styles Inventory
● The Story of Kitty Genovese
● Vocabulary Cards
Unit 7 – Chapters 18-19
● Misconceptions of Psychological
● Anxiety Disorders
● Mood Disorders
● Somatoform Disorders
● Schizophrenic Disorders
● Dissociative Disorders
● Personality Disorders
● Methods of Treating Disorders
In Class Activities:
● Group Work
● Class Discussion
● Depression and the Arts
● Impulse Control Disorders
● Personality Disorders at a Party
● The Doctor Is In Game
● Psychological Disorders Research
● Vocabulary Cards
● Explaining Anxiety
Disorders Worksheet
● Explaining Schizophrenia
Disorders Worksheet
● Types of Therapy
● Research Project:
Psychological Disorder
*** This is a tentative schedule. The teacher reserves the right to add, remove, or adjust any part of this schedule. ***
Absent Work and Late Work
Students should make every effort to attend class. Attendance is essential for success on exams as we will be covering a
lot of material that students may not be familiar with. Students will be given an equal number of days to make up absent
work as the number of days missed. All absent work is due at the beginning of class after the allotted number of days to
make up the work. 25% will be deducted if a student turns in an assignment late but on the same day. 50% will be
deducted if a student turns in an assignment one or two days late. I will not accept an assignment that is more than 2
days late. Check my website!
Required Materials
● Textbook
● Pencil/Pen (Blue or black ink only)
● Paper
● Binder w/ tabs
● Index cards (10 per unit)
● A box of tissues would be greatly appreciated
Students will be required to keep a three ring binder (at least 1”) for this class. The binder should be organized with tabs
for each category: bell work, notes, graded assignments. Student binders will be checked periodically without warning
for a grade. It is important that the binder remains organized throughout the semester.
Grading Policy
Students will be graded using a point system. Each assignment will be given a point value based on the difficulty and
length of the assignment. All unit tests and the research project will be worth 100 points each. No daily grade will be
worth more than 50 points. Students will have a 9 Weeks Test worth 5% of their final grade and a Semester Test worth
15% of their final grade.
Hall Passes
Students are given two hall passes each 9 weeks. These are to be used whenever a student needs to leave the room for
any reason (restroom, office, locker, etc.). In order to leave the room, the student needs to have his/her agenda signed
by the teacher and be wearing his/her school ID. If a student has used all passes or does not have the agenda or ID, they
may use a hall pass but will be required to serve a 5 minute detention. Hall passes do NOT roll over to the second 9
weeks and may not be used for any kind of class credit.
Bell Work
There will be a bell work question for students to answer at the beginning of class most days. These questions should be
dated and answered on notebook paper and kept in your binder under the bell work tab. Bell work will be turned in for a
grade each Friday unless otherwise instructed by the teacher.
Ms. Berryhill will be making use of several methods of electronic communication. Students and parents are encouraged
to sign up for Remind 101 messages using the attached sheet. Ms. Berryhill’s webpage has several features helpful in
this class. Students and parents are encouraged to check this periodically. If parents or students have any questions or
concerns, they can email Ms. Berryhill at her school email address.
Office Hours
Ms. Berryhill is available in her classroom at the following times for students to make up tests, receive assistance, or
serve detention.
Mondays: 7:30-8:15; Lunch; 3:15-4:00
Wednesdays: 7:30-8:15; Lunch; 3:15-4:00
Thursdays: 7:30-8:15; 3:15-4:00
Discipline Plan
Classroom Rules
1. Be Prepared: Have all the necessary materials needed for class with you at your seat when the bell rings.
2. Be Respectful: Respect me, other students, and the items in the classroom.
3. Pay Attention: Keep your focus on this class and participate in all class activities. Follow directions the first time
they are given.
4. All Moore High School rules will also be enforced in the class.
1. First Offense: Verbal Warning – the student is expected to correct their behavior immediately in class.
2. Second Offense: Formal Teacher/Student Conference and Lunch Detention – the student will have a scheduled
conference with the teacher and receive lunch detention.
3. Third Offense: Parent will be contacted.
4. Fourth Offense: Office Referral
**Any violent, vulgar, or disrespectful behavior will result in immediate office referral**
I, ____________________________, have read and understand the classroom discipline plan. I understand that failure
to follow the classroom rules will result in disciplinary action.
Student Signature
I, ___________________________, have read and understand the classroom discipline plan. I will uphold this plan with
my student and support disciplinary action if classroom rules are not followed by my student.
Parent/Guardian Signature