Eurocode Version 5 – November 2015 Name of Structure TAA Ref No DEPARTMENT FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT – TRANSPORTNI TECHNICAL APPROVAL OF HIGHWAY AND ASSOCIATED STRUCTURES DESIGN AND CHECK CERTIFICATE – CATEGORY 0 STRUCTURES Name of Project Division Name of Structure TAA Ref No Structure Ref No DIV Ref No Design Organisation On Behalf of 1 1. Proposed/Existing structure details. 1.1 Is it proposed TransportNI adopt/maintain this structure? 1.2 Description of structure and design working life. 1.3 Obstacles crossed/retained. 3 1 1.4 Span arrangements/retained height. 1.5 Traffic loading. 2 1 4 1.6 Other information. 5 2. We certify that reasonable professional skill and care has been used in the preparation of the 1 design/assessment and check of the above named structure with a view to securing that: i. 1 It has been designed/assessed in accordance with the following standards and advice notes: 1 6 Eurocode Version 5 – November 2015 Name of Structure TAA Ref No ii. It has been independently checked for compliance with the relevant Standards in i. iii. It has been accurately translated into construction drawings and bar bending schedules (all of which have been independently checked). The unique numbers of these drawings and schedules are: 1 or 7 The assessed capacity of the structure is as follows: iv. Drawing No. Date Drawing No. Date Schedule No. Date Schedule No. Date £ The estimated cost is: Signed 1 Design/Assessment and Check Team Leader Name Engineering Qualifications 8 Signed 2 Eurocode Version 5 – November 2015 Name of Structure TAA Ref No Name Head of RSC – (TransportNI Designs) or Principal/Partner/Director (Consultant/other Designs) Position held Name of organisation Date The above is recorded by TransportNI ..……….…………. Division 3. Signed Divisional Manager Name Date 4. The certificate is accepted by the TAA Signed Director of Engineering TransportNI Name Date Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Delete as appropriate. To be completed for non-TransportNI Developments. Confirmation shall be sought from Division as necessary. Design working life of the structure, including temporary structure and replaceable structural parts to be given. To be expressed as a number of years rather than a range of years. Design working life must be based on the guidance given in the Overseeing Organisation’s current requirements for the use of Eurocodes for the design of highway structures and / or agreed with the TAA. To be agreed with the TAA. As required or requested by the TAA. Insert relevant current standards, a separate schedule including TAA Ref. No and Name of Structure may be attached if necessary. This certificate will be accompanied by a General Arrangement drawing, location and site plans and relevant information regarding ground conditions. Used for assessments only. CEng, MICE, MIStructE or equivalent. 3