DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SAFETY OPEN DATA STRATEGY Introduction On 9 October 2012, the Premier announced an ‘open data revolution’ for the Queensland Government with the aim of releasing as much government data as possible to encourage the private sector to develop innovative new services and solutions for the State. The Department of Community Safety (DCS) is committed to adopting an ‘open data’ culture and this strategy sets out a roadmap for achieving this. Strategic Overview The focus of DCS short and long-term goals and objectives includes enhancing community safety through improved access by the community to public safety information supporting ambulance services, fire and rescue services, disaster management and corrective services. The types of data held by DCS include: - Real-time data sourced from a range of emergency service organisations. Information includes warnings and alerts, information about evacuation centres, and status of infrastructure such as water, power and communications; - Disaster-related information; Fire incident data; Fire and rescue locations and boundaries; Fire approvals, inspections, investigations and compliance; Rural fire volunteer numbers, locations, etc.; Jobs conducted by Helicopter Rescue; State Emergency Service fleet and training; Geospatial data for EMQ regions and disaster districts; State Emergency Service requests for assistance; Local ambulance service boundaries; Ambulance response times; Cardiac arrest survival rates; QAS vehicle fleet data; QAS call volumes and answering times; Generic information pertaining to offenders including the number of prisoners by age, gender, length of sentence and number of deaths and assaults The department’s release strategy is to make available maximum data, as early as possible which is updated as frequently as possible. PUBLIC Page 1 of 12 As DCS is an operational service agency, it collects a significant quantity of personal data. Accordingly, whilst DCS is committed to releasing maximum data possible, it is cognisant of the need to protect the privacy of individuals and maintain confidentiality as necessary. DCS is committed to achieving its release strategy whilst also complying with the relevant legislative and internal agency governance requirements. The DCS Open Data Strategy sets out a three (3) year forward plan for delivery of the open data initiative. This strategy will be reviewed every 12 months to ensure its currency. Data The focus of the department’s Open Data Strategy is on the release of data that is routinely collected and used for the operation of the business. DCS has focused on the provision of data and datasets that have one or more of the following characteristics; - Would allow new products or services to be developed by users of the data, subject to the applicable licensing; Of public interest; Increase the openness and transparency of government and its processes; That can be used and analysed by researchers or non-government organisations; Report on customer feedback and experience; and Promote public engagement. Accordingly each respective operational division within DCS (Queensland Ambulance Service, Queensland Corrective Services, Queensland Fire and Rescue Service and Emergency Management Queensland) have considered their data holdings and content within the DCS Information Asset Register, with a view to inclusion within the DCS Open Data Catalogue. Governance The DCS release strategy includes consideration through the DCS Open Data Strategy Governance Framework (as per Appendix B) to ensure data quality and appropriateness of release. Consistent with the ‘Share First’ approach, Open Data has become an integral component of the DCS information management agenda. Ongoing monitoring and status reporting is undertaken through the DCS Communication and Information Committee (the department’s peak information and communication technology body). Final approval for the release of the datasets is through the department’s peak executive committee, the DCS Executive Management Board, reflecting the agency’s commitment to the provision of Open Data. PUBLIC Page 2 of 12 Future program DCS will monitor its Open Data email address at for any requests, comments or feedback and will respond accordingly. DCS will seek to improve its information availability, quality and timeliness, taking into consideration public feedback and operational requirements. DCS intends to release in the order of 60% of the currently identified datasets during 2013. This will include the release of the Emergency Information Exchange Network, enabling users to select from a range of data feeds covering important emergency management information. This information will be sourced from a variety of organisations including Queensland Fire and Rescue Service, State Emergency Service and local government and non-government organisations including GIVIT and Volunteering Queensland. DCS will continue to build upon its initial data releases and strive to provide meaningful and relevant data for interested parties. DCS will endeavour to provide data in re-useable formats with ‘open’ licences, supporting further product development. PUBLIC Page 3 of 12 Appendix A Datasets to be released and release timeline Dataset name Description of data Target date of publishing (i.e. month & year) Target file format Frequency of update (e.g. daily, monthly, quarterly, annually) Open licence? (Yes or No) Department of Community Safety (Corporate Service) Department of Community Safety datasets for the Report on Government Services Data provided to the Australian Government Productivity Commission and/or processing organisations to inform RoGS chapters: - Part C Justice - Chapter 8 Corrective Services - Part D Emergency Management - Chapter 9 Fire and ambulance services (multiple datasets) Department of Community Safety (DCS) Consultancies Department of Community Safety (DCS) consultancies’ expenditure broken down into categories relevant to the agency; and the total cost of consultancies for the reporting period. RoGS 2013: May 2013 XLS Annually Yes XLS Annually Yes RoGS 2014 and thereafter: in accordance with established timeframes Oct 2013 PUBLIC Page 4 of 12 Department of Community Safety (DCS) Overseas Travel Department of Community Safety Queensland Multicultural Action Plan 2011-14 Department of Community Safety (DCS) overseas travel details for the reporting period including name and position of officers; the destination and reason for travel; cost of the travel (travel, accommodation and on-costs), including an indication of contribution from other agencies or sources. Department of Community Safety (DCS) information on the implementation of the Queensland Multicultural Policy – Queensland Multicultural Action Plan 2011-14 and performance against actions and core outcomes. Oct 2013 XLS Annually Yes Oct 2013 XLS Annually Yes Emergency Management Queensland State Emergency Service (SES) Requests for Help State Emergency Service (SES) Building Locations State Emergency Service (SES) requests for help on the 132 500 line State Emergency Service (SES) building locations across Queensland State Emergency Service (SES) Revenue Report on Government Services Major sources of Qld SES organisations' revenue for the previous financial year State Emergency Service (SES) Costs - Report on Government Services Qld SES organisations' costs for the previous financial year Already published ESRI Shapefile (GIS Data) Daily Yes Already published, however volunteer numbers will be added to this dataset by March 2013 May-13 ESRI Shapefile (GIS Data) Daily Yes CSV Annually Yes CSV Annually Yes May-13 PUBLIC Page 5 of 12 State Emergency Service (SES) Boundaries State Emergency Service (SES) Training Disaster Management Training Emergency Information Exchange Network Details of where each State Emergency Service Group sits within the Emergency Management Queensland and local government structure Total number of participants that have completed State Emergency Service Training Total number of participants that have completed disaster management training Real-time data sourced from a range of emergency service organisations including incident information from the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service, State Emergency Service and local government. Information includes warnings and alerts, information about evacuation centres, and status of infrastructure such as water, power and communications. May-13 XLS Ad-hoc – the structure is updated only as frequently as it changes, which is generally quite rare Yes Jul-13 CSV Bi-annually Yes Jul-13 CSV Bi-annually Yes Sep-13 Variety of formats including: Real-time Yes Monthly Yes Every 3 months Yes GeoRSS feeds KML feeds Cap alerts Web Services (SOAP and XML) REST API JSON (for Tablet and mobile platform developers ) Emergency Management Queensland (EMQ) Grant Project Information Disaster Districts Detailed information pertaining to each individual EMQ grant project Jan-14 CSV Geospatial data for Disaster Districts Jul-14 ESRI Shapefile (GIS Data) PUBLIC Page 6 of 12 State Disaster Coordination Centre Activation Status Emergency Management Queensland Regions, Areas and Locations Elevations above Highest Astronomical Tide State Emergency Service Fleet Numbers Emergency Management Queensland Human Resource Statistics Emergency Management Queensland Helicopter Engine Hours Emergency Management Queensland Helicopter Rescue Jobs by Task Agency Queensland State Disaster Coordination Centre Activation Status Geospatial data for Emergency Management Queensland Regions, Areas and Locations Elevations above Highest Astronomical Tide Jul-14 ESRI Shapefile (GIS Data) End of each season e.g. fire season, wet season Yes Jan-15 ESRI Shapefile (GIS Data) Every 3 months Yes Jan-15 Data unlikely to change once published Yes Vehicle, trailer and flood boat numbers for SES groups across the State Current and historical EMQ human resource statistics such as total staffing, and volunteers Emergency Management Queensland Helicopter Rescue aircraft engine hours Types of jobs conducted by EMQ Helicopter Rescue and which was the tasking agency Jan-15 Web Service showing image of elevation above HAT TBA – still under developme nt XML TBA - still in development Yes Annually No Jan-17 TXT – but can be samed XLS or PDF Daily Yes Jan-17 TXT – but can be samed XLS or PDF Daily Yes 1-Jul-15 Queensland Fire and Rescue Service Queensland Fire and Rescue Current Bushfire Incidents Rural Fire Brigade Boundaries Queensland Fire and Rescue Fire Warden Districts Urban Fire Boundaries Location of current bushfire incidents being attended by Queensland Fire and Rescue Service Queensland Fire and Rescue Service Rural Fire Brigade Boundaries Fire Warden Districts and contact details for fire permit applications Queensland Fire and Rescue Service Urban District Boundaries Already published XML Every 30 minutes Yes Already published Shapefile Daily Yes Already published Shapefile Daily Yes May-13 Shapefile Annually Yes PUBLIC Page 7 of 12 Queensland Fire and Rescue Service Station Locations Building Fire Safety Statistical Data (Community Safety Operations System) Queensland Fire and Rescue Service Volunteer Numbers, location etc. Queensland Fire and Rescue Service Incident Types Triple Zero (000) Call Summary Data (Queensland Fire & Rescue Service Only) Queensland Fire and Rescue Service Statistical Data re Responses Causes of Fires and Other Incidents Queensland Fire and Rescue Service Human Resource Statistics Locations of Queensland Fire and Rescue Service fire stations QFRS building approvals; building inspections, fire investigations, compliance and prosecution, major infrastructure, unwanted alarms etc. Non-identifying Volunteer data. Probable fields include: - Volunteer id - Date of Birth - Gender - Primary Brigade - Rural Operations Area - Brigade Classification - Membership start date - Rank Type & frequency of incidents responded to by QFRS May-13 Shapefile, XML May-13 XML Bi-annually Yes Quarterly Yes 30-Jun-13 CSV, XML This data is current as of date entered and is updated monthly Yes 1-Jul-13 CSV, XML Monthly Yes Number of calls, frequency and locations via the Emergency Services Computer Aided Dispatch system (ESCAD) Time for responses 1-Jul-13 CSV, XML Monthly Yes 1-Jul-13 CSV, XML Monthly Yes Incident Causes/Fire Investigation Unit statistical data Current and historical QFRS human resource statistics such as total staffing, the number of firefighters and volunteers 1-Jul-13 CSV, XML Monthly Yes 1-Jul-15 XML Annually No PUBLIC Page 8 of 12 Queensland Ambulance Service Queensland Ambulance Service Local Ambulance Service Network Boundaries QAS Local Ambulance Service Network Boundaries 1-Jan-14 TBD Queensland Ambulance Service Response Locations Queensland Ambulance Service Patient Satisfaction Queensland Ambulance Service Code 1 Response Times Historical number and locations of QAS response locations 1-Jan-14 Historical QAS patient satisfaction survey results Queensland Ambulance Service Cardiac Arrest Survival Rates Queensland Ambulance Service Budget Queensland Ambulance Service Fleet Data Queensland Ambulance Service Activity Data Queensland Ambulance Service Human Resource Statistics Yes TBD This data is current as at the introduction of the LASN model on 5 November 2012. Data is unlikely to change in the immediate future. Annually 1-Jan-14 TBD Annually Yes Queensland Ambulance Service Historical Response Times at the 50th and 90th percentile Historical out of hospital cardiac arrest survival rates in Queensland 1-Jul-14 TBD Daily Yes 1-Jul-14 TBD Annually Yes Historical QAS revenue and expenditure information Current and historical QAS vehicle fleet data including the number and composition of fleet, kms travelled, fixed and rotary wing aircraft operated. Queensland Ambulance Service activity data including the number of incidents attended including casualty room consultations Current and historical QAS human resource statistics such as total staffing, the number of ambulance operatives and volunteers 1-Jul-14 TBD Annually Yes 1-Jul-14 TBD Annually Yes 1-Jul-15 TBD Daily Yes 1-Jul-15 XML Annually Yes PUBLIC Yes Page 9 of 12 Triple Zero (000) and Other Call Summary Data (Queensland Ambulance Service Only) Queensland Ambulance Service Operational Data QAS historical data on call volumes, call answering times and overall call taking performance. 1-Jul-15 TBD Daily Yes Data relevant to the day to day operations of the ambulance service including Computer Aided Dispatch data, patient treatment data etc. Not Suitable for Publication TBD Daily N/A Queensland Corrective Services Community Offender Trends Prisoner Daily Snapshot Prisoner Escapes Prisoner and Offender Deaths from Natural Causes Prisoner and Offender Deaths by Means Other Than Natural Causes Assaults (Offender on Offender) Assaults (Offender on Queensland Corrective Services Staff) Offender Community Work Provides demographic information regarding offenders supervised in the community, e.g. gender, offence type, order type etc. General information about the number of prisoners, by gender, age, length of sentence and most serious offence. Details the number of escapes from high security or low security prisons Details the number of deaths of prisoners and offenders from natural causes Details the number of deaths of prisoners and offenders from causes other than natural causes Details the number of assaults of one offender by another Details the number of assaults committed against staff by offenders May-13 XML Monthly Yes May-13 XML Monthly Yes 1-Dec-13 XML Quarterly Yes 1-Dec-13 XML Quarterly Yes 1-Dec-13 XML Quarterly Yes 1-Dec-13 XML Monthly Yes 1-Dec-13 XML Monthly Yes The number of hours of community service work performed by offenders under supervision of QCS 1-Dec-13 XML Monthly Yes PUBLIC Page 10 of 12 Prisoner Employment Prisoner Education Probation and Parole Supervision Orders Completion Queensland Corrective Services Human Resource Statistics The number of hours prisoners work whilst in prison by type of employment e.g. industries, prison services The number of prisoners enrolled in educational / vocational courses The number of Probation and Parole supervision orders completed by order type Current and historical QCS human resource statistics such as total staffing, offender to probation and parole staff ratios 1-Dec-13 XML Monthly Yes 1-Dec-13 XML Monthly Yes 1-Dec-13 XML Monthly Yes 1-Jul-15 XML Annually No Revenue and expenditure implications DCS has considered its respective datasets with none being identified as currently generating a charge or cost recovery. PUBLIC Page 11 of 12 Appendix B Divisional ICT Governance Committee Divisional Data Coordinators Department of Community Safety Open Data Governance Framework - DRAFT Identify data Start Process Use Open Data Suitability Checklist to decide if information can be released Submit the: Is Information suitable for release? Yes Complete Open Data Metadata Checklist and metadata form for dataset - Open Data Suitability Checklist - Open Data Metadata Checklist - Metadata Form and - Dataset No Is data able to be transformed to enable release? Yes Review and rectify reason for non-approval, if possible Seek Approvals to Information Rights Unit. Transform data to enable public release Is data endorsed for approval? No No Record data in DCS Data Catalogue Information and Executive Services Unit Information Management (ICS) Yes Record data in DCS Data Catalogue Is dataset suitable for public release? No Yes Email advice/data to Smart Service Queensland/self publish on CKAN Is dataset information Including metadata completed correctly? End Process Executive Management Board (EMB) Application Development Team (ICS) Yes No Is data approved for release? No Yes PUBLIC PUBLIC Page 12 of 12 Report Data Catalogue Activity to DCS C&IC monthly (Office of ICS CIO) End Process