Use of Smarter Balanced 11th Grade Assessment in Washington Higher Education Placement Process: Comparisons of Initial and Final Work Group Recommendations Mathematics Smarter Balanced 11th Grade Score Level: 4 3 2 1 Score validity time frame Initial Draft Fully exempt from remediation Placement into any entry college-level math course (including pre-calculus) without additional testing Fully exempt from remediation for placement into liberal arts math or statistics (Math &107, Math &146 or their equivalents) without additional testing Conditionally exempt from remediation for placement into other entry college-level math courses, contingent on successful completion of a post-Algebra II math course in senior year of high school Conditionally exempt from remediation, contingent on successful completion of math course in senior year (Algebra II or higher) or math college readiness transition course; and end-of-course assessment Placement to be determined based on design of transition course and assessment Additional placement information/testing needed for all entry-level courses Provide intensive support (and possible re-testing) in senior year 1 year Revised Final: Placement Options Available Based on Score Any entry college-level math course through precalculus I An entry college-level terminal math course not on the calculus pathway An entry-level calculus pathway math course, contingent on a B or better in a calculus pathway class in the senior year of high school An entry college-level terminal math course not on the calculus pathway, contingent on a B or better in the statewide math college readiness/transition course or through local institutional processes (transcript, high school GPA, additional testing, etc.) Additional placement information, determined by local institutional processes (transcript, high school GPA, additional testing, etc.), needed for all entrylevel courses Students going directly into higher education after high school, i.e., the fall term of the academic year following their high school cohort graduation. English Smarter Balanced 11th Grade Score Level: 4 3 2 1 Score validity time frame Initial Draft Fully exempt from remediation Placement into any entry college-level English course (including but not limited to English Composition or its equivalent) without additional testing Fully exempt from remediation Placement into any entry college-level English course (including but not limited to English Composition or its equivalent) without additional testing Conditionally exempt from remediation, contingent on successful completion of English course in senior year or college readiness transition course; and end-of-course assessment Placement to be determined based on design of transition course and assessment (additional measures to be considered: self-directed placement, writing samples, reading scores on placement tests Additional placement information/testing needed for all entry-level courses Provide intensive support (and possible re-testing) in senior year 3 years Proposed Final: Placement Options Available Based on Score An entry college-level English course (including but not limited to English Composition or its equivalent) An entry college-level English course (including but not limited to English Composition or its equivalent) An entry college-level English course (including but not limited to English Composition or its equivalent), contingent on a B or better in a statewide English senior year college readiness/transition course or through local institutional processes (transcript, high school GPA, additional testing, etc.) Additional placement information, determined by local institutional processes (transcript, high school GPA, additional testing, etc.), needed for all entrylevel courses Students going directly into higher education after high school, i.e., any term (fall/winter/spring) during academic year following high school cohort graduation