Pottsgrove School District 2015-16 Department Improvement Plan Pottsgrove School District Continuous Improvement For Results CONTINUOUS DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015 - 2016 DEPARTMENT: Pupil Services DEPARTMENT LEADER: Maura Roberts DATE: 10-22-15 PGSD Continuous Improvement 2015-16 Page 1 Pottsgrove School District 2015-16 Department Improvement Plan TEAM MEMBERS Department Improvement Team: Position/Role: Maura Roberts Kate Pacitto Daniel Vorhis Director of Pupil Services Supervisor of Special Education Director of Education and Assessment Thom Stecher Alex Fizz James Dugan Stacey King Nancy Miller Community Member Community Member SPE Department Head SPE Department Head Nurse/Wellness Coordinator PGSD Continuous Improvement 2015-16 Page 2 Pottsgrove School District 2015-16 P Department Improvement Plan PLAN: Identify the gap and the approach Do I have a data source? If so, what is it? If not, what data do I need? There is some data available to support goal three but it is not systemically linked to building procedures in a manner that improves department operations. Data Analysis. Answer the data analysis questions. 1. What are the key strengths and data to support it? Some data is available but it does not provide information on fidelity of implementation, or the development of strength-based GIEPs 2. What are the key opportunities for Improvement and the data to support it? Professional development, additional data sources and assessment plan for teacher access. PGSD Continuous Improvement 2015-16 3. What information/data is needed that we do not have? National Assessments for SWPBIS Diagnostic and formatives assessment data for SPE and GIEP teachers. Page 3 Pottsgrove School District 2015-16 Department Improvement Plan Systemic Challenges relate to systems within a department that have been identified by the Continuous Improvement Team as areas that, if strengthened, will have the greatest impact your department and the district as a whole. Systemic Challenges are translated into yearly GOALS and incorporated into the Continuous Improvement Plan. Research-based STRATEGIES are then selected by the Continuous Improvement Team as means to reach the yearly GOALS. Finally, ACTION STEPS are the sequential milestones needed to effectively reach the yearly GOAL. Systemic Challenges SWPBIS program is not consistently implemented across the district and there is the absence of data used when guiding the development of the program. Interventions for each tier need to be articulated along with referral process for each tier. The health, wellness, social and emotional needs of many students within the district are not always met based on building based request to the pupil services office. Therefore there is a need to expand the capacity of building based staff to provide support to students. The pupil services department has undergone personnel changes over the past few years. Therefore there is a need to standardize procedures for the following programs: special education, alternative education, 504 plans, gifted, and paraprofessional requests/training. The gifted program quality review program has not been fully implemented due to the personnel transitions in the district. Teachers and LEA representatives at the building level are often not in attendance at GIEP meetings. All district staff need to development a better understanding of how to support gifted students in the general education setting. Moreover the district screening and identification procedures are not aligned to best practices D GOAL 3 3 3 3 DO: Develop and Implement Deployment Plan PGSD Continuous Improvement 2015-16 Page 4 Pottsgrove School District 2015-16 Department Improvement Plan Goal #3 Action Plan Worksheet Goal #3 Establish a district system that fully ensures students who are academically at-risk are identified early and are supported by a process that provides interventions based upon students needs and includes procedures for monitoring effectiveness. Indicators of Effectiveness Data Source Include dates of implementation Power school for attendance, suspensions, expulsions and in-school suspensions, office discipline referrals, Performance Tracker, Benchmarks of Quality, Benchmarks of Advanced Tiers, Self Assessment Survey, behavioral intervention plans created by BCBA, Social skills instruction implemented by teachers, development of performance tracker Power school for attendance, suspensions, expulsions and in-school suspensions, office discipline referrals, Performance Tracker Development of resiliency action plan for each building, Attendance at professional development trainings, procedures for screening and identification of gifted students, teacher and LRE participation at gifted meetings Department policy and procedures manuals for the department Specific targets that will indicate the action plan is having a positive impact. Student increases in attendance, reduction in suspensions, reduction in expulsions and reduction in number of in-school suspensions, reduction of office discipline referrals, Benchmarks of Quality, Tiered Fidelitly Inventory (TFI), Self Assessment Survey, behavioral intervention plans created by BCBA, Social skills instruction implemented by teachers, development of performance tracker Is the Indicator summative or formative? Both Power school for attendance, suspensions, expulsions and inschool suspensions, office discipline referrals, Performance Tracker Development of resiliency action plan for each building, Both Attendance at professional development trainings, procedures for screening and identification of gifted students, teacher and LRE participation at gifted meetings Both Department policy and procedures manuals for the department Summative Strategies Name, describe and provide the rationale for each strategy selected to address the goal. (Min. of 1) PGSD Continuous Improvement 2015-16 Page 5 Pottsgrove School District 2015-16 Department Improvement Plan Strategy 2: Develop an integrated SWPBIS K-12 model for Tiered Intervention Support (MTSS= SWPBIS +RTI) Continue to expand the health, wellness, social and emotional supports with the district. Strategy 3: Develop a plan to implement the recommendations in the gifted program quality review report Strategy 4: Develop a K-12 Model for Pupil Services Department. Strategy 1: Implementation Plan—Action Steps Document the action steps that will be taken to implement the strategies in accomplishing the Goal: Strategy 1: Develop an integrated SWPBIS K-12 model for Tiered Intervention Support (MTSS= SWPBIS +RTI) Description: Tier I, Tier II and Tier III training and technical assistance by PaTTAN and MCIU. Action Step 1: Implementation Start Date: August 2015 Target Completion Date: August 2016 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step Maura Roberts along with building based teams Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Attendance at meetings and training sessions Step has been implemented. Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. YES (YES or NO) Building teams require teacher participation, which might result in the need for substitutes coverage or Optional Identification of payment. Anticipated Costs Buildings will analyze and summarize the Self Assessment Survey and Benchmarks of Quality data Description: Action Step 2: to guide to SWPBIS implementation at the building level. Implementation Start Date: August 2015 Target Completion Date: August 2016 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step Dr. Roberts along with Building based teams Obtain a baseline score for the building based on the Benchmarks of Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Quality. Self Assessment Survey will be summarized to determine the Step has been implemented. items that are in place, partially in place or not in place at all along with the number of participants. Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. YES (YES or NO) PGSD Continuous Improvement 2015-16 Page 6 Pottsgrove School District 2015-16 Optional Identification of Anticipated Costs Department Improvement Plan Substitute or teacher costs Analyze the PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) (formally referred to as Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers) data for each building to determine the extent of tier implementation. Implementation Start Date: August 2016 Target Completion Date: August 2016 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step Dr. Roberts along with building based teams Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Results of the BAT data by building will indicate degree of Step has been implemented. implementation. Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. YES (YES or NO) Optional Identification of Substitutes or teacher costs Anticipated Costs Description: Develop a High School SWPBIS program Action Step 4: Implementation Start Date: August 2016 Target Completion Date: August 2016 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step Dr. Roberts along with building based teams Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Formation of a HS team, development of program, lesson plans, and Step has been implemented. recognition system for Tier I/Universal supports for use in 2016 Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. (YES or NO) Optional Identification of Substitute or teacher costs Anticipated Costs Analyze the annual staff self-assessment survey (SAS) to assist with the implementation of Description: Action Step 5: building based action plans. Implementation Start Date: August 2015 Target Completion Date: August 2016 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step Dr. Roberts along with building teams Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Result of the SAS for each building regarding implementation. Step has been implemented. Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. NO (YES or NO) Optional Identification of Anticipated Costs Action Step 3: Description: PGSD Continuous Improvement 2015-16 Page 7 Pottsgrove School District 2015-16 Department Improvement Plan Compare the frequency of monthly office discipline and in-school suspension and suspension rates for each building. Implementation Start Date: August 2015 Target Completion Date: August 2016 Dr. Roberts summarize building reports received from principals in order to Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step monitor this data over the next few years. Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Creation of a district database with building level data. Step has been implemented. Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. NO (YES or NO) Description: Performance Tracker set up Action Step 7: Implementation Start Date: August 2015 Target Completion Date: August 2016 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step Dr. Roberts along with building teams Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Populate the interventions form each tier so teams can track the success Step has been implemented. of interventions Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. NO (YES or NO) Action Step 6: Description: Strategy 2: Build the capacity of a student’s social, emotional and behavioral supports and expand district health and wellness programming to create active teams in all building with a focus on stress reduction for staff and resiliency for students. Action Step 1: Description: Training for a cohort of teachers who teach special education and gifted students. PGSD Continuous Improvement 2015-16 Page 8 Pottsgrove School District 2015-16 Department Improvement Plan Implementation Start Date: September 2015 Target Completion Date: June 2016 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step Maura Roberts Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Training materials, meeting notes, and attendance sheets Step has been implemented. Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. YES (YES or NO) Optional Identification of Substitutes for teachers if necessary Anticipated Costs Training provided to special education teacher and paraprofessional regarding de-escalation Description: Action Step 2: techniques. Implementation Start Date: September 2015 Target Completion Date: June 2015 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step Maura Roberts Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Attendance sheets and training materials Step has been implemented. Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. YES (YES or NO) Optional Identification of Anticipated Costs Description: Training to special education paraprofessionals regarding mental health strategies. Action Step 3: Implementation Start Date: September 2015 Target Completion Date: June 2015 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step Maura Roberts Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Attendance Sheets, PowerPoint’s for training Step has been implemented. Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. YES (YES or NO) Optional Identification of Anticipated Costs Description: Implement and manage Pottsgrove Health and Wellness Grant. Action Step 4: Implementation Start Date: July 2015 Target Completion Date: July 2016 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step Maura Roberts PGSD Continuous Improvement 2015-16 Page 9 Pottsgrove School District 2015-16 Department Improvement Plan Establish resiliency teams in each building, provide professional development to team on resiliency, building plans for resiliency for 2016-2017 school year, minutes of meetings, building action plans Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. (YES or NO) Optional Identification of Substitutes for building team meetings/training Anticipated Costs Description: Resiliency training for building based teams. Action Step 5: Implementation Start Date: September 2015 Target Completion Date: June 2016 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step Maura Roberts Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Building based action plans Step has been implemented. Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. YES (YES or NO) Optional Identification of Possibly substitutes for teachers to attend training. Anticipated Costs Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Step has been implemented. PGSD Continuous Improvement 2015-16 Page 10 Pottsgrove School District 2015-16 Department Improvement Plan Strategy 3: Review and implement the recommendation form the gifted program quality review report. Description: Provide professional development for K-12 gifted teacher regarding best practices. Action Step 1: Implementation Start Date: July 2015 Target Completion Date: August 2015 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step Maura Roberts Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Attendance at trainings, meeting notes Step has been implemented. Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. YES (YES or NO) Optional Identification of Anticipated Costs Description: Develop a mission statement and philosophy of the district program. Action Step 2: Implementation Start Date: September 2015 Target Completion Date: August 2016 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step Maura Roberts Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Mission statement and program philosophy incorporated into handbook Step has been implemented. and website. Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. NO (YES or NO) Description: Provide district employees with training regarding characteristics of gifted students and education. Action Step 3: Implementation Start Date: September 2015 Target Completion Date: June 2016 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step Maura Roberts Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Attendance at training Step has been implemented. Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. YES (YES or NO) Optional Identification of Costs for trainer covered by Title II. Anticipated Costs Description: Review and revise the gifted identification procedures. Action Step 4: Implementation Start Date: July 2015 Target Completion Date: September 2016 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step Maura Roberts Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Procedures Step has been implemented. PGSD Continuous Improvement 2015-16 Page 11 Pottsgrove School District 2015-16 Department Improvement Plan Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. (YES or NO) Optional Identification of Anticipated Costs PGSD Continuous Improvement 2015-16 NO Page 12 Pottsgrove School District 2015-16 Department Improvement Plan Strategy 4: Develop a K-12 Model for the Pupil Service Department Description: Develop, disseminate and provide training on K-12 Special Education Manual. Action Step 1: Implementation Start Date: July 2015 Target Completion Date: August 2016 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step Maura Roberts and Kate Pacitto Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Manuals, meeting minutes, attendance sheets Step has been implemented. Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. YES (YES or NO) Optional Identification of Anticipated Costs Facilitate yearlong Indicator 13 Training for secondary teachers in coordination with Intermediate Description: Action Step 2: Unit Implementation Start Date: October 2015 Target Completion Date: August 2016 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step Maura Roberts and Kate Pacitto Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Manuals, meeting minuets, attendance sheets Step has been implemented. Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. YES (YES or NO) Optional Identification of Anticipated Costs Identification of an information management system that appropriately rosters students, maintains Description: current state forms, runs reports and increases efficiency and accountability from current three Action Step 3: systems Implementation Start Date: July 2015 Target Completion Date: December 2015 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step July Maura Roberts and Kate Pacitto 2015 Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Meeting minutes, attendance sheets, final recommendation Step has been implemented. Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. NO (YES or NO) Optional Identification of Anticipated Costs PGSD Continuous Improvement 2015-16 Page 13 Pottsgrove School District 2015-16 Department Improvement Plan PGSD Continuous Improvement 2015-16 Page 14 Pottsgrove School District 2015-16 Department Improvement Plan Description: Review contracts and budget for related services to ensure fiscal responsiveness Action Step 4: Implementation Start Date: September 2015 Target Completion Date: June 2016 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step July Maura Roberts and Kate Pacitto 2015 Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Contract review, evidence of review of service delivery, competitor Step has been implemented. quotes Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. NO (YES or NO) Optional Identification of Anticipated Costs Description: Provision of ongoing support and resources for teachers and staff Action Step 5: Implementation Start Date: September 2015 Target Completion Date: June 2016 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step July Maura Roberts and Kate Pacitto 2015 Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Department meeting agendas, resource artifacts, attendance sheets, Step has been implemented. professional development Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. YES (YES or NO) Optional Identification of Anticipated Costs Description: Discussion, training, and development of consistent procedures in 504 eligibility determinations Action Step 6: Implementation Start Date: July 2015 Target Completion Date: August 2016 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step July Maura Roberts and Kate Pacitto 2015 Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Meeting minutes, attendance sheets, development of board approved Step has been implemented. policy, development of procedures, final recommendation Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. YES (YES or NO) PGSD Continuous Improvement 2015-16 Page 15 Pottsgrove School District 2015-16 Department Improvement Plan Optional Identification of Anticipated Costs Description: Establishment of clear procedures for ESY eligibility determinations Action Step 7: Implementation Start Date: July 2015 Target Completion Date: December 2015 Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step July Maura Roberts and Kate Pacitto 2015 Indicator of Implementation: Evidence that will indicate the Action Meeting agendas, procedure artifacts, implementation evidence Step has been implemented. Is this Action Step a professional development activity or initiative? If yes, complete the professional development worksheet. NO (YES or NO) Optional Identification of Anticipated Costs See district professional development plan PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS PLAN Every building and department must have a communications (PR) plan. Articulate below your building communications plan using the following as a guideline. Communication Plan Elements Provider By whom? Date/Frequency When? Communication Description Expectations for Staff Communications and Involvement Parent Communications (e.g. hotlines, good news calls, etc.) Special Workshops and Discussion Groups (e.g. math nights, drug awareness, HW help, etc.). Principal Communications (e.g. speaking opportunities, newsletters, Twitter, Facebook, orientation meetings, coffees, School Visitation Programs PGSD Continuous Improvement 2015-16 Page 16 Pottsgrove School District 2015-16 Communication Plan Elements Department Improvement Plan Provider By whom? Date/Frequency When? Communication Description Key School Communicators/PR Advisory (Identify people in the system who know what’s going on and can assist and put them to work on your team. Utilize as advisors and to provide feedback on your communications efforts). Connections to Media & Community Groups Training for Staff (e.g. communication expectations review, updates to keep staff aware of activities and understand their critical role in building public confidence as representatives of the school in the community). Other Methods for Increasing – Pride in Our Schools Campaign (e.g. involve students, staff and parents in a campaign to increase positive publicity for the school district), S STUDY: Monitor progress to determine if your plan is working. WHY: Monitoring determines the movement toward attainment of the department’s goals and uses feedback to determine needed midcourse corrections. Monitoring should provide a window into the current improvement efforts and offer feedback to teams about the quality of their implementation efforts. WHEN: The Continuous Improvement Plan should have regularly scheduled monitoring to ensure effectiveness (at least 5-10 times annually). HOW: The continuous improvement team should develop a monitoring plan to review the indicators of implementation (step 5 of action sequence) and indicators of effectiveness in order to analyze progress, provide feedback and make midcourse corrections as needed. The department leader should be prepared to report out progress during regularly scheduled cabinet meetings. A Act: Analyze evidence of effectiveness and make adjustments. Directions: Evaluation is the process of making meaning of the entire effort by comparing planned and actual outcomes and then making decisions about what is working and what is not. For an evaluation process to be quality, it must examine the impact of the continuous improvement effort on the department’s capacity to introduce, establish, and sustain needed changes in practice. Evaluation occurs at the end of each cycle (3 times annually) at the cycle review conference. PGSD Continuous Improvement 2015-16 Page 17