(05)UC/12 MEngSt, PGCertEng (Engineering Mathematics)/1 UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha Section A Proposal Description Purpose of the proposal The purposes of this proposal are to add an endorsement in Engineering Mathematics to the Master of Engineering Studies (MEngSt) and the Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering. (PGCertEng) Justification Engineering mathematics is the discipline underpinning all modern engineering practice. The key feature we propose teaching is the use of advanced mathematics and its consequential technology that can be used to solve real world engineering and industrial problems. Current undergraduates in engineering at Canterbury are not exposed to sufficient mathematics in their undergraduate degree to call themselves experts in mathematical science for their discipline. Furthermore, there is also a base of international students wishing to proceed into mathematically sophisticated postgraduate degrees in engineering, but whose background may not be sufficient to ensure success without further mathematics. Finally, there may be engineering graduates whose professional career requires a higher level of mathematics than they have learned as undergraduates. These programmes will provide sufficient teaching and learning in mathematics and advanced computational techniques to enable graduates to have the knowledge to work in modern advanced areas of engineering. The programme will enable access to the high performance computer facilities at the University. The key principle behind all the taught courses is to provide the fundamental mathematical concepts which underpin the often seemingly disparate specialisation topics that appear in curricular. The Department of Mathematics & Statistics has been teaching and examining in the area of engineering mathematics within the School of Engineering since the school came into existence. The School has a national and international reputation for its engineering teaching and research. This is in part built by the curriculum and teaching of the Department. Graduates now hold positions in government, local government, consultancy firms, universities and research organisations in New Zealand and overseas. The proposed courses and the programmes of the MEngSt and the Postgraduate Certificate will create graduates capable of researching both within UC or importantly outside by providing them with the skills of utilising and enhancing the use of advanced mathematical sciences. Moreover, this programme will enable engineering students to tackle engineering Ph.D. programmes requiring a high level of mathematical ability. A unique feature of this course within New Zealand is the use of high performance computing (HPC) via access to the Blue Gene supercomputer enabling students to gain high performance computing skills along with enhanced mathematical knowledge. Government funding in collaboration with IBM has enabled BlueFern to provide a dedicated set of hardware that can be used for this programme of study in HPC. This hardware consists of a 4096 core Blue Gene/L and a power 720 (4 cores, 64 Gb). Few other academic institutions worldwide provide dedicated hardware of this type to students of this level and it thus supports the intention of UC and BlueFern to provide international quality training at the leading edge of HPC. Furthermore, the proposed programmes complement a suite of qualifications in the area of high performance computing which will include both Masters and Ph.D. 1 (05)UC/12 MEngSt, PGCertEng (Engineering Mathematics)/1 The proposal meets the UC Strategic Plan’s strategies of “Challenge, Concentrate, and Connect” by seeking to develop a qualification of international standing across a variety of disciplines and communities with input from those communities to prepare students for future careers in NZ and beyond. It also specifically addresses the intention to increase postgraduate enrolments and completions. The skills of the graduates will clearly support the generation of new research. This proposal will build on our recognised success in Engineering Mathematics and HPC. The College of Engineering Strategic Plan states that it wishes to “Increase conversion of Undergraduate to Postgraduate”. This proposal is giving effect to the strategic plans of the Department and College. The College also discussed the need to bring the postgraduate offerings into a similar format to avoid confusion to both students and staff. The proposal will not compete with other qualifications at the University of Canterbury. First, there is no other qualification offering a broad suite of advanced engineering mathematics. Secondly very few other qualifications offer high performance computing within New Zealand and very few are currently available worldwide. Finally, it is anticipated that the programme will generate new research, by becoming a principal avenue through which interested groups can initiate collaborative ventures with academic staff on engineering mathematics related issues, both through student thesis research and through longer-term research programmes. This will help to further develop interdisciplinary research. Acceptability This proposal has the support of the PVC and the College Management Team in the College of Engineering. The following groups were consulted on the proposal. Centre for Atmospheric Research; Biomathematics Centre; Waterways Centre; College of Engineering departments. Goals of the programme The MEngSt and PG Certificate with endorsement in Engineering Mathematics aims to provide a fundamental set of skills to those wishing either to enter the research domain or use high-level mathematics and advaned computational techniques in engineering as a part of their career. For example, graduates entering into an engineering firm may be asked to do a substantial amount of computational work with advanced computational software. Students obtaining the proposed qualifications will be able to quickly understand and utilise powerful algorithms and computing hardware. This will lead and encourage others within their career environment to exploit the power of modern engineering mathematics. The students entering this programme will be required to have achieved high grades in their respective final year courses that require mathematical skills. The delivery of this programme has a difficult challenge in bringing students from the mathematical knowledge base currently being required of BE(Hons) students within the engineering programme up to 600 level. Engineering mathematics is currently taught to the second or third year depending upon the Department. However the students taking the more mathematical 400 year topics, from various Departments, are meeting challenging mathematical ideas and these ideas will be built upon in this programme. Therefore, the prerequisite required of the students is they must have good passes in topics at 400 level requiring engineering mathematical skills. The MEngSt programme consists of five core courses, details of which are outlined below. Any remaining courses may be selected from the list of 400 or 600 (in Schedule B) level courses offered by the Engineering programmes. The Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering (PGCertEng) programme consists of three fundamental courses, details of which are outlined below. The remaining course may be selected from the list of 400 level courses offered by the Engineering programmes. 2 (05)UC/12 MEngSt, PGCertEng (Engineering Mathematics)/1 Graduate profile Master of Engineering Studies (Engineering Mathematics) Outline The MEngSt is an advanced programme of engineering education that is aimed at current, or future, professional engineers and researchers wishing to develop high-level mathematical and computational skills. It is not research focussed, although students can undertake a small research project. Learning Outcomes The graduates from the MEngSt degree will demonstrate the following attributes: To appreciate and enjoy the application of mathematical techniques to engineering problems Advanced knowledge of the fundamental principles of engineering mathematics and computation, and application of these principles. Breadth of knowledge in engineering mathematics and computation. The ability to communicate in a clear and concise manner. The ability to undertake independent study. The ability to apply their knowledge to new and complex engineering problems. Recognition of the importance of lifelong learning. Particular Attributes Gained in Engineering Mathematics The aim of the Master of Engineering Studies (Engineering Mathematics),MEngSt (Engineering Mathematics), is to enable graduates to: Understand and explain mathematical concepts as applied to a variety of engineering situations. Understand, analyse and make conclusions and recommendations on applications of mathematical techniques in an engineering discipline. Comprehend and interpret complex mathematical software as applied to engineering applications. To understand the concepts and principles involved in computational mathematics and be able to apply these to HPC. The ability to undertake independent study. The ability to apply their knowledge to new and complex engineering problems. Communicate design solutions to a range of clients. Outcome statement Students gaining this degree will have skills useful to the engineering profession, world-wide. Additionally students will be able to gain employment in a large number of research areas in which advanced engineering mathematical and computational techniques are used on a daily basis both in New Zealand and overseas. Programme overview Students wishing to take this programme will normally have an engineering degree (at Honours level). Master of Engineering Studies A course-based programme aimed at providing an advanced technical foundation and industrial perspective. The programme will provide the mathematical foundations in engineering incorporating statistical methods and modern computational practices. This will make it unique in New Zealand. 3 (05)UC/12 MEngSt, PGCertEng (Engineering Mathematics)/1 The proposed programme will require (for a full time student) one year of course work (120 points). The course work will require students to enrol in five of the core courses (EMTH 611, 612, 613, 614, 620). Each of these courses is worth 15 points. Any remaining courses may be selected from the list of 400 or 600(in Schedule B) level courses offered by the Engineering programmes. The total points value of the programme to add to 120 points. Each course is an independent unit in itself. The programme will usually be completed in a single academic year. Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering (Engineering Mathematics) Candidates enrol in three of the above core courses and one (15 point) course at 400 level chosen from appropriate topics in an engineering discipline. Proposed teaching/delivery method All five EMTH courses will be presented by lectures, with tutorials and directed and self-directed learning. Assessment procedures Assessments for all five EMTH courses in the programme will consist of marked assignments and a final exam in line with the UC Assessment Policy. Assessment in all courses will give substantial weighting to deep learning - that is, the development of conceptual understanding and skills in applying knowledge to new situations - while not neglecting to give credit for learning core factual material. The weightings given to different assessment tasks will be decided by the examiner to best assess students’ capabilities and performance in the course, and will be related to the amount of work involved in each task and the relative importance of each learning outcome. Predicted student numbers/EFTS It is expected that an average of 10-15 students will enrol on this programme in the first year. It is expected that a maximum of 20 students is desirable due to computer laboratory and HPC access constraints. Resources Lecture rooms and computer laboratories will be used to support this teaching programme. Many lecturers in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics are already recognised as international researchers and teachers in the area. This is verified by peer reviewed journal articles and international visitors to the Department from engineering and applied mathematics institutes around the world. A major resource required is access to the HPC Blue Fern Supercomputing Unit. This is currently available to all enrolled students on any of the three HPC courses and so will be available to all students enrolled in the proposed qualification. As noted in the justification section above, students enrolled in these programmes will have dedicated access to the 4096 core Blue Gene/L and the power 720. Desk space and IT support for postgraduate students enrolling is currently being considered. The Library has excellent access to a wide range of engineering mathematics serials and monographs, in print and digital form. Plans for monitoring programme quality Programme quality will be monitored by a variety of means: 4 (05)UC/12 MEngSt, PGCertEng (Engineering Mathematics)/1 For the first three years, student course evaluations will be undertaken annually, at the conclusion of each of the core courses. Programme evaluations/interviews will also be undertaken annually with graduating students. After the first three years, course and programme evaluations will be undertaken regularly but less frequently (initially every second year). Actual outcomes will be checked against target outcomes for the courses and for the programme, and course content refined and content/assessment methods modified as required. Particular emphasis will be placed on ensuring that assessment aligns with learning outcomes, and that these in turn connect with the graduate profile. Regular external moderation will be also be used to monitor the quality of taught courses, as well as for the research project dissertation (for which internal examination will be required). Graduates of the first three years will also be contacted two years after graduation (where possible) for their feedback on how applicable and relevant the teaching programme has been to their chosen profession, and to seek feedback on how this could be improved if necessary. New Regulations Calendar form UC Calendar 2012 pages 174 and 178 Schedule to the Regulations for the Degree of Master of Engineering Studies (endorsed) Engineering Mathematics Courses with a total course weighting of not less than 75 points shall be selected from the core Engineering Mathematics courses listed in Schedule B of the Master of Engineering regulations. Engineering Mathematics EMTH 600 Dynamical Systems EMTH 601 Continuous Biological Systems EMTH 602 Fluid Mechanics EMTH 603 Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations EMTH 604 Unconstrained Optimisation EMTH 605 Approximation Theory EMTH 606 Algebraic and Symbolic Computation EMTH 607 Coding Theory EMTH 608 Industrial Case Studies Core courses for the endorsement for PGCertEng and MEngst EMTH611 Advanced Mathematical Methods EMTH612 Advanced Computational Techniques EMTH613 Advanced Statistical Methods EMTH614 Advanced Differential Equations EMTH620 High Performance Technical Computing 5 (05)UC/12 MEngSt, PGCertEng (Engineering Mathematics)/1 Schedule to the Regulations for the Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering (endorsed) Engineering Mathematics Courses with a total course weight of not less than 45 points must be selected from the core Engineering Mathematics course list listed in Schedule B of the ME regulations. Course Catalogue EMTH611: Advanced mathematical methods Advanced linear algebra: decomposition of linear systems, eigen-system methods, conjugate gradients, GMRES. Advanced calculus: multivariate calculus; linearisation, surface integrals, tensor analysis. Complex variable methods. Modelling of engineering systems. Asymptotic methods. EMTH612: Advanced computational techniques Numerical approximation and cubic splines; numerical solution of non-linear algebraic equations; numerical optimisation for unconstrained and constrained problems; numerical solution of initial value and boundary value ordinary differential equation problems and differential algebraic systems; numerical solution of partial differential equations by finite differences, multigrid, spectral methods and finite element techniques. EMTH613: Advanced statistical methods Probability theory and stochastic processes; Monte Carlo methods and simulation; stochastic optimisation; machine learning; pattern recognition; classification and regression; time series; information engineering. EMTH614: Advanced differential equations Solution of odes: Linear problems: Initial value problems, Boundary value problems; Non-linear quantitative methods, dynamical systems. Solution of pdes: method of characteristics, classification of pde; Fourier series, Hilbert space, Sturm-Liouville: separation of variables solution of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic equations. Integral transforms and green functions. Variational methods. EMTH620: High Performance Technical Computing Features of HPTC: HPTC programming considerations, software technologies, enabling technologies and algorithms. HPTC Programming, Parallel programming. Applications of HPTC to engineering science: Parallel and distributed computing in numerical linear algebra, pdes, odes and optimisation. Applications to: nonlinear dynamical systems, nonlinear fluid mechanics, bio-engineering. 6