Probability Distributions of Continuous Random Variables

7.21 A particular professor never dismisses class early. Let x denote the amount of time past the hour
(minutes) that elapses before the professor dismisses class. Suppose that x has a uniform distribution on
the interval from 0 to 10 min. The density curve is shown in the following figure:
a) What is the probability that at most 5 min elapse
before dismissal?
b) What is the probability that between 3 and 5 min
elapse before dismissal?
p. 371
7.23 The article, “Modeling Sediment and Water Column Interactions for Hydrophobic Pollutants”
suggests the uniform distribution on the interval from 7.5 to 20 as a model for x = depth (in cm) of the
bioturbation layer in sediment for a certain region.
a) Draw the density curve for x.
b) What is the height of the density curve?
c) What is the probability that x is at most 12?
d) What is the probability that x is between 10 and 15? Between 12 and 17? Why are these two
probabilities equal?