Grand Rapids Community College Teaching and Learning Quality Report – Year 3 (Graduation Requirements) (November 13, 2014) Report History: Year 1 - September 27, 2012. Revision - HLC criteria….4C.1 4C.3 and 5D.2 Approval - October 11, 2012. Year 2 – September 12, 2013 Approval – September 12, 2013 Year 3 – November 13, 2014 Approval PURPOSE: The purpose of this report is to measure the number of students graduating with a degree or certificate, evaluate the current process, and determine possible process improvements to implement. OVERVIEW: The graduation process at Grand Rapids Community College has made several changes over the last few years. Students are responsible for initiating the process through the use of a new, as of September 2014, graduation application form which is submitted online to the Student Records Office. The student’s record is evaluated at the end of the planned semester of graduation to determine if they meet the requirements to graduate this also includes separate requests to have a MACRAO or MTA credential posted. Feedback is provided through an email at the end of the semester with either a “Your degree is posted” or “Please meet with your advisor” message. Degrees and certificates are completed in batches. Same type of degrees and certificates a processed together to stay consistent and efficient. Once half are completed, the first batch is sent to GRCC’s Printing Solutions, completed with the second day of the processing. Once printed the diplomas are delivered where they are double checked by Student Records for accuracy, and then mailed to the student at their PeopleSoft “home” address. Currently, all of the work is done by a single Graduation Audit Specialist in the Student Records/Registrar’s Office. The following are institutional connections with other policies, teams, projects, strategic plan, and HLC accreditation criteria. The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) criterion states the following: 4.B.1b - Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, an Support The institution requires that 30 of the last 60 credits earned for a bachelor’s degree that the institution awards and 15 of the final 30 for an associate’s degree it awards be credits earned at the institution. Institutions that do not maintain such a requirement, or GRCC Teaching & Learning Quality Model Graduation Requirements for 2014-2015 (Diane Patrick – 2014) 1 have programs that do not, are able to demonstrate structures or practices that ensure coherence and quality to the degree. (Consortial arrangements are considered to be such structures. In addition, an institution that complies with the criteria for academic residency requirements of the Service members Opportunity Colleges (SOC) will not be deemed out of conformity with this Assumed Practice provided that its policy is an exception for active-duty service members and not for students in general.) 4.C.1 – Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement The institution has defined goals for student retention, persistence, and completion that are ambitious but attainable and appropriate to its mission, student populations, and educational offerings. 4.C.3 – Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement The institution uses information on student retention, persistence, and completion of programs to make improvements as warranted by the data. 5.D.2 – Resource, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness The institution learns from its operational experience and applies that learning to improve its institutional effectiveness, capabilities, and sustainability, overall and in its component parts. Strategic Leadership – CAP 1.5.2 – Implement College generated graduation process and procedures. GRCC Teaching & Learning Quality Model Graduation Requirements for 2014-2015 (Diane Patrick – 2014) 2 PROGRESS RE: RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LAST REPORT Next Steps 1)Implementation of Automatic Awarding of degrees – 2)Review and analyze and implement recommended changes from data and information received from the Graduation Survey. 3)Develop a Reverse Transfer communication plan. Working with members of the State of Michigan Reverse Transfer Grant – Credit When It’s due. Responsible CAP 1.1.1 Team (Now CAP 1.5.2) Timeline End of Winter semester 2014 Partially. Our first pilot will occur in November. Using MyDegreePath a query will check for students that could have graduated starting with fall semester 2011 through summer of 2013. Registrar, Associate Registrar October 2013 Graduation Audit Specialist, Partially. The survey IRP. questions were interpreted by those completing the survey in a different way than we had expected. We were looking to find out more regarding the processes around granting the degrees and diplomas. We discovered to most students graduation means the ceremony process. We will be looking at creating a different survey with different terminology. Registrar, Associate Registrar, Academic year 2013-2014 Transfer and Articulation Not Completed by RT Specialist, Chris Baldwin from Initiative. This work was MCCA, GRCC’s Reverse slated to be part of the Transfer Partners – DU, FSU, Credit When It’s Due grant GVSU, MSU, U of M and initiative, but never WMU. materialized. We have been working with our partner institutions looking at other ways to increase our numbers such as dropping the number of credits a student took at GRCC from a high of 45 to now 15 credits. GRCC Teaching & Learning Quality Model Graduation Requirements for 2014-2015 (Diane Patrick – 2014) 3 4) Establish the direct “owner” Registrar will ask to have for My Degree Path. issue presented at Pro-Deans. 5) Consultant needed from Ellucian (DegreeWorks) to develop reports from MyDegreePath to use to implement the new College Generated Graduation Process. 6) Grant MyDegreePath usage rights for adjunct processors. Registrar will submit budget request to SLT. MyDegreePath Implementation Team, CAP 1.1.2 Champions+ Fall Semester 2013. Completed. The Student Records/Registrar Office is the direct owner. Winter Semester 2014. Completed. An outside consultant was hired and used to develop the report to be used in the College Generated Graduation Process. Winter Semester 2014 Completed. PROCESS MEASURES: 1) How well the institution provides the service 2) Navigation/Tools/Resources available and student satisfaction TABLE 1: Number of Students Graduated Year (Fall, Winter, Summer Semesters) 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 Total Number* 2052 1782 1866 1758 Data Source: Student Records/Registrar’s Office – October 30, 2014 *As of 2012/2013 the practice of back dating a graduation was eliminated. Students applying to graduate Analysis: It’s a bit disconcerting to have a drop last year, although not huge with 108 less students, it is still is a drop especially with all the initiatives we have been working on to get students to graduate. This drop maybe indicative of our lower total enrollment as well as with a more robust economy students are transferring sooner without graduating. With this decrease it reinforces the need to communication more to our students of getting their associate degree, especially before they leave us. I believe the College Generated Graduation should help increase the numbers for next year. GRCC Teaching & Learning Quality Model Graduation Requirements for 2014-2015 (Diane Patrick – 2014) 4 TABLE 2: Navigation Tools/ MyDegreePath – Unique Student Logins 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Monthly Total* Yearly Monthly 2013 Oct 2013 Nov 2013 Dec 2014 Jan 2014 Feb 2014 Mar 2014 Apr 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 Aug 2014 Sept 2014 Oct 2014 Nov 2014 Dec Total* Yearly 24,956 14,062 3652 2594 3251 3183 2184 2336 3522 3145 2359 3263 3353 2240 3,620 *Distinct unduplicated My Degree Path total usage since first go-live - October 15, 2012) Data Source: GRCC IT Department (September 30, 2014) Analysis: As mentioned last year unfortunately, we don't have access to many statistics using DegreeWorks. When investigating with other institutions that use DegreeWorks, we discovered they were also Banner schools and did not have to query off of DegreeWorks as they query using Banner instead. GRCC Teaching & Learning Quality Model Graduation Requirements for 2014-2015 (Diane Patrick – 2014) 5 It is interesting to note however in the chart the highest usage is around the registration dates in October of this year and last year as well as graduation time in April. This does give some indication users are going to the system more often to tell them what to register for and how they are meeting their requirements towards graduation. OUTCOME MEASURES: • Number of degrees and certificates awarded TABLE 3: Number of degrees and certificates awarded by Semester AA w/ MACRAO AAAS AB AFA AGS AM AN AS AS w/ MACRAO Certificate Total Fall 2010 347 Winter 2011 497 Summer 2011 285 Fall 2011 316 Winter 2012 376 Summer Fall 2012 2012 209 320 Winter Summer 2013 2013* 407 103 115 55 3 7 1 33 7 19 201 62 5 14 5 31 2 46 110 23 0 10 1 29 0 32 123 51 0 10 2 22 0 26 184 75 12 15 8 26 1 52 104 36 0 10 2 34 2 13 104 53 3 16 3 19 1 22 199 65 2 18 7 25 3 34 60 16 0 6 2 29 0 15 67 654 60 923 54 544 45 595 40 789 45 455 69 610 56 816 35 266 Date source: Student Records/Registrar’s Office (08/27/2013) *All graduates for summer 2013 were still being processed; this is the total number as of (08/27/2013) GRCC Teaching & Learning Quality Model Graduation Requirements for 2014-2015 (Diane Patrick – 2014) 6 AA w/ MACRAO AAAS AB AFA AGS AM AN AS AS w MACRAO Certificate Sub-Total MTA MACRAO Total Fall 2013 263 Winter 2014* 407 Summer 2014 185 75 55 0 9 2 38 0 21 222 55 3 22 4 22 32 31 105 28 0 7 2 31 21 0 57 520 N/A 0 520 71 869 60 439 70 939 81 520 Data Source: Student Records/Registrar’s Office (10/30/2014) *First Semester awarding MACRAO separately forward. Analysis: This year was the first year, starting Winter semester 2014, we started to award students separately for their MACRAO degrees. In the past we only awarded this if it was attached to the degree such as the AA with MACRAO and/or the student requested it. Numbers may also reflect the adjustment of academic program plans (majors) for students that occurred last year. TABLE 4: Total Degrees by Semester and Year Semester Fall Winter Summer 2010 654 923 544 2011 595 789 456 2012 610 816 266* 2013 520 939 520 Date Source: Student Records/Registrar’s Office (10/30/2014) Analysis: The high winter semester number in 2013 may be due to the changes in Enrollment Reporting for Financial Aid. It requires all degrees must be posted no later than 60 days after the confer data at the end of each semester. Therefore, if a student submits their application to graduate after the 60 days they will be graduated in the following semester. For example students GRCC Teaching & Learning Quality Model Graduation Requirements for 2014-2015 (Diane Patrick – 2014) 7 that submitted their applications after finishing their fall semester classes, if 60 days after the confer date must be graduated under the winter semester. TABLE 5: Total number of degrees and certificates awarded by year Academic Year Total Number 2010/2011 2,130 2011/2012 1,843 2012/2013 1,957 2013/2014 1,828 Data Source: Student Records/Registrars’ Office from PeopleSoft (10/30/2014). *All graduates for summer were still being processed at the time of this data as of 08/27/2013. Analysis: As you can see, the total number of degrees/certificates awarded for the 2013-2014 academic year was down by 129 certificates/degrees. However, like last year, our total number of graduates (see table 1) is down by only 108 students. This is the first year of the Multiple Associate Degree Policy this may have an impact as students in the past were able to get multiple degrees. TABLE 6: Reverse Transfer Consortium Agreement Credit When It’s Due (CWID) Grant - Reverse Transfer Initiative Data on these metrics for the timeframe of January 1, 2013 through August 31, 2014 N Students N Students NOT N Students Community N Degree N Degree Awarded an Awarded an Contacted College Audits Audits NOT Associate's Associate's for FollowPartner Conducted Conducted Degree Degree Up Davenport U.* Ferris State Grand Valley State Michigan State UM- Ann Arbor Western Michigan TOTAL 24 42 134 1 2 10 213 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 22 70 1 1 5 108 15 20 64 0 1 5 105 15 20 64 0 1 5 105 Source: Student Records/Registrar’s Office as of October 20, 2014 KEY: N Degree Audits Conducted = Of the students who consented, the number of students who received a degree audit. N Degree Audits NOT Conducted = Of the students who consented, the number of students who DID NOT receive a degree audit. GRCC Teaching & Learning Quality Model Graduation Requirements for 2014-2015 (Diane Patrick – 2014) 8 N Students Awarded an Associate’s Degree = Of the students whom a Degree Audit was conducted, the number of students who met degree requirements and were awarded an associate’s degree. N students NOT Awarded an Associate’s Degree = Of the number of associate’s degree NOT awarded, the number of students contacted for follow up and potential RT eligibility, actions students need to take to receive degree etc. *Davenport University was not part of the CWID grant, but was included in this report as part of our Reverse Transfer Partners. Analysis: This grant with several national foundations collaborating to support partnerships of community colleges/ universities, was to help to scale –up approaches to awarding associate degrees to the many students who transfer from community colleges to universities before receiving their degrees. I am disappointed to see such low overall numbers for the State’s “Credit When It’s Due” grant initiative this past year. One reason may be our graduation requirement of PS 110 and the WE requirements. Many Reverse Transfer students are missing these courses. ISSUES/CONCERNS 1. The bridge between PeopleSoft and DegreeWorks (MyDegreePath) will no longer be supported by DegreeWorks. GRCC will be responsible for the development of this bridge which will be mandatory if PeopleSoft has major changes to their software. RECOMMENDATIONS/NEXT STEPS FOR NEXT YEAR Next Steps Responsible Develop and send a survey Student Records/Registrar, to all the College Generated CAP 1.5.2 and IRP Graduate students Implement the email 3C’s in Student Records/Registrar’s PeopleSoft to enhanced Office, IT communication and tracking of communication initiatives for graduation and reverse transfer initiatives. Initiatives to increase student usage of MyDegree Path. MyDegreePath Implementation Team, Student Records/Registrar’s Office, Counseling, Enrollment Center and Financial Aid Offices Timeline Winter Semester 2015 Winter 2015 Summer 2015 GRCC Teaching & Learning Quality Model Graduation Requirements for 2014-2015 (Diane Patrick – 2014) 9