RTT-D template for your Optional Budget Supplement

Race to the Top – District CFDA # 84.416
RTT-D Optional Budget Supplement Narrative
Rationale for the specific population and/or area to be addressed: Enhancing the human and
organizational capacity of schools to best meet the needs of students and prepare them for
success in college and career requires that INSERT DISTRICT NAME make smart and highly
strategic investments in innovative approaches that will transform the process of learning.
Insert a brief description of the strategic priorities and/or specific student needs here, such as
Delivering on the promise of readiness by exit remains unfulfilled in OUR DISTRICT. Large
gaps in achievement persist, and too few students graduate from high school. A strategic
priority of our district is to reduce student drop out, the risk of which is especially high among
students whose struggles with attendance, behavior or academic performance have led to them
failing to complete the required number or balance of academic courses required to graduate.
While our goal is to improve the delivery of personalized learning experiences to all of
students, we plan to focus in this initial period on our highest need population. Insert information
on TARGET POPULATION. [The selection of the target population is up to your district and
dependent on your needs and priorities. We are working with districts who are focused on middle
school math instruction, children of military families, over-age students, etc. You must provide a
rationale and explanation for your target population. Usually this is most effectively framed in
terms of the percentage of your students this population represents and their historic level of
achievement, or a description of a particular systemic challenges such as changing graduation
requirements that could hinder students who transfer into your district from graduating on time,
or lack of access to challenging advanced placement courses across all schools.]
Current Status and Proposed Approach: Our commitment to addressing the above needs and
to differentiating instruction and building personalized learning environments for each student is
unwavering, but we know that in order to do that effectively we must also position our district
leadership and administrative structure to support teachers in the classroom in the delivery of
personalized learning.
Our vision for the future is one where our administrators have insight into how curricular
materials are used in the classroom – which content is actually delivered to which students,
whether they engage with it, and what the result is. This is only possible using a single one-stopshop platform. INSERT DISTRICT NAME has spent $X on textbooks over the last year, but our
ability to link that investment to efficacy is limited. Additionally, we have spent $X on
Race to the Top – District CFDA # 84.416
professional development but have been challenged to link that spending to improved practice or
Over the last X years, our teachers have increasingly and independently started using a
leading social learning platform for K-12. Today, more than X TEACHERS and Y STUDENTS
are using this platform (Edmodo will provide this data for you). Teachers are connecting with
one another to share pedagogical best practices and setting up closed private groups for their
students to join as a complement to in-person classroom activity and engagement. In these
groups, students are working on collaborative projects; engaging threaded classroom discussions
and debates; receiving, completing, and turning in their homework; viewing rich media; playing
learning games; and earning grades, badges, and feedback from their teacher.
INSERT DISTRICT NAME will use procurement policies, consistent with 34 CFR
procurement procedures (Parts 74.40 – 74.48 and Part 80.36) which include sole source
contracting, to select a technology partner with capacity to provide the following services and
goods either through grant funds or at no-cost:
The contracted vendor must be able to deliver the following services at no cost so as to support
scalability and sustainability efforts:
1. Deliver an online social learning platform that has demonstrated appeal and usability as
indicated by current levels of usage by district teachers which can support a breadth of
activities including at a minimum:
o Communication between teachers-teachers, teacher-students, teachers-parents;
o Teacher professional development through private closed online groups that offer
easy mechanisms for replication and learning across geographies;
o Collection of data about hard to measure skills and traits such as teamwork and
communication and map the full 360-degree range of inputs, influences, and
milestones of a student’s learning pathway to that student’s learning outcomes.
2. Provide algorithmic content suggestions that take into consideration the standards-aligned
learning objective, the learning style of the student, the topic being taught, and other data
3. Provide scalable technical assistance and trainings on use of the platform via webinars.
Race to the Top – District CFDA # 84.416
4. Liaison with third party publishers and developers of online content, including those
publishers with whom our district currently has relationships, to coordinate the technical
integration of their content into the platform.
5. Provide implementation data to INSERT DISTRICT NAME, the Department of Education,
the national evaluator, or other appropriate entities in ways consistent with all privacy laws
and regulations.
6. Provide a “Train the Trainer” model of professional development either on site or through
webinars and/or job embedded coaching on effective use of social learning platforms and
digital content.
The following goods will be purchased through an online curriculum “apps” store using grant
and district funds and sustainable through progressive reallocation of district funds currently
used to purchase existing third party content or non-digital content such as text books. The
contracted vendor must be able to:
7. Provide access to premium third-party digital content (“Apps”) that meets the following
minimum criteria:
o aligned with state and national standards
o integrated into the core features and functionality of the platform so that teachers can
track students’ progress against standards, upload grades into their online gradebook,
award students badges earned for completing activities, or show whether and for how
long a student engaged in a homework activity.
It is fully anticipated that this online platform and purchase of digital content will complement
and augment face-to-face activities. It will extend learning experiences beyond the four walls of
the classroom and the hours in the school day and position our teachers to curate differentiated
learning experiences for our students. We believe that having access to a full spectrum of data
will enable leadership and administration within INSERT DISTRICT NAME to continue to
improve in supporting our teachers to deliver personalized learning experiences to all of our
students. We believe that the services and good described above adds value to the teacher,
making his or her activities more efficient. But it also adds value to our central office, as we will
be able to track content usage and ultimately tie it to efficacy.
Race to the Top – District CFDA # 84.416
The closed private group structure we currently use for professional development (PD)
will be used to manage teachers participating in the implementation of this program. We plan to
work with INSERT ANOTHER LEA to develop the PD sessions and will include some of their
teachers in our PD groups so that they can benefit from our implementation experience.
Build the
 Establish teacher groups
Month 1
Number of students with
capacity of
(LEAs, districts, schools)
access to content via the
teachers to
for PLCs and begin
online platform
provide effective
overseeing scale up
Year 1 = x
standards-based, 
Establish protocol for use of
“Apps” Store Credit
Month 2
Year 2 = x
Year 3 = x
Month 3
Purchase and begin to
Year 4 = x
incorporate use of new
(average 30 per group)
Provide high
digital content
Number of teachers who
Month 6
Coordinate “Train the
Trainer” program (optional)
aligned content
complete “Train the Trainer”
program by the end of year 4
to students
Budget Justification: Grant funds will be used to build individual teacher and district capacity
in the use of online content. Starting with X TEACHERS and reaching Y TEACHERS by Year
4, we plan to roll out usage of online “Apps”. Apps are priced on a group basis, defined as a
teacher and a group (or class) of up to 30 students. Therefore our budget structure is organized
around the number of “groups” that each teacher is responsible for. We recognize that the depth
of Apps usage will increase with time. As a result, we plan to allocate each teacher $DOLLARS
in Year 1, $DOLLARS in Year 2, $DOLLARS in Year 3, and $DOLLARS in Year 4.
Grant funds will also be used to support a “Train the Trainer” professional development program
that will further enhance INSERT DISTRICT NAME ability to optimize use of online content as
a strategy to improve outcomes for students. (only include this statement if you need to cover
cost of teachers taking part in any Edmodo supported PD, i.e. overtime pay or substitute teacher
Race to the Top – District CFDA # 84.416
Sample RTT-D Supplemental Budget Information
and Fringe
Cost and Computation (with example costs over the 4 year
grant period)
To be determined by District if needed.
Example Computation would be: Number of teachers trained x
hourly salary and fringe rate x 8 hours = Personnel and Fringe
Yr 1 - 100 teachers x $50 x 8 hours = $40,000
Yr 2 - 100 teachers x $50 x 8 hours = $40,000
Yr 3 - 100 teachers x $50 x 8 hours = $40,000
Yr 4 - 20 teachers x $50 x 8 hours = $8,000
Exact amount to be determined by the District.
Computation would be: Number of groups (classes) x number of
apps x $35 = supplies line item
Yr 1 = $140,000
1,000 groups x 4 apps x $35 = $140,000
Yr 2 = $350,000
1,000 groups x 6 apps x $35 = $210,000 plus
1,000 groups x 4 apps x $35 = $140,000
Yr 3 = $560,000
2,000 groups x 6 apps x $35 =$420,000
1,000 groups x 4 apps x $35 = $140,000
Yr 4 = $630,000
3,000 groups x 6 apps x $35 =$630,000
Subtotal Direct Costs
Use your federally approved indirect cost agreement rate
Total Request
Sample Justification Language
An average cost per app/per group of $35 is assumed to
purchase online content to support personalized learning as well
as teacher professional development. In year 1 an average of
(insert apps) will be purchased by (insert number) of groups. As
this strategy is progressively scaled up in years 2 through 4 the
amount expended on online content will increase. Based upon a
group (class) size of 30 students the per-student cost per app is
$1.16. A reasonable number of “Apps” per group to start would
be 3-4, building up to 5 or more.
Please see note below regarding scalability and
Insert cost and justification for any personnel needs which are
not covered in your main narrative and which clearly support
this strategy. These costs may include teacher time to take part
in the Train the Trainer professional development opportunities
offered by Edmodo. Participation in a Train the Trainer
Program is entirely optional.
Assuming an indirect rate of 5%
Note to districts – you may want to consider a budget in which you gradually begin to assume the cost of online content. These do not need to be new resources –
funds that are currently used to purchase non-digital content (i.e. text books) or for digital resources not currently integrated with Edmodo (but which could be)
can be redirected towards online content. The four year grant period would give your district time to scale up and build capacity to support this shift towards
greater use of online technology and digital learning content. See spreadsheet below for an example of how this could look. This approach addresses both
scalability and sustainability.
Year 1
Amount spent on online content
Source of funds:
Federal RTT-D Supplemental budget $140k
District resources