Early Childhood PD Opportunities 2015-16

Early Childhood Professional Development
Registration is required in Ohio Professional Registry
OR STARS as indicated
Ohio Professional Registry: https://www.opdn.org
STARS: https://safe.ode.oh.us
Training Locations:
Auburn Tech Center
Environmental Learning Center
382 Blackbrook Rd.
Painesville, OH 44077
8221 Auburn Rd.
Concord, OH 44077
Lake Metroparks-7250 Alexander Rd.
Concord Twp., OH 44077
Additional information available on the SST 4 Website: www.sst4.org
Save the Date!
Early Childhood Fall Regional
Date: October 23, 2015 Time: 8:30-11:30
Location: Environmental Learning Center
Register in STARS
More details to come!
Save the Date!
Early Childhood Spring Regional
Date: May 6, 2016
Time: 8:30-3:30
Location: Environmental Learning Center
Register in STARS
More details to come!
Navigating Through the World of Early Childhood in Ohio
**Register in STARS https://safe.ode.oh.us**
Date: 9/15/15
Time: 8:30-11:30
Location: Auburn Tech Center
Description: Navigating the word of preschool and preschool special education can be an
overwhelming task! This session is designed for new Early Childhood or Special Education
directors/supervisors or preschool administrators that are interested in knowing more about
the ins and outs of the field. Participants will be provided with information about compliance
regulations, state specific forms for preschool, licensing overview, SUTQ, agencies to be familiar
with, best practices, organizational structures for ensuring improvement and other helpful
information that will provide you with what you need to successfully oversee and build an early
childhood program in Ohio.
Introduction to the Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social Emotional (ASQ:SE)
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 9/11/15
Time: 8:30-11:30
Location: SST4/ Lake County ESC
Description: Training is designed for teachers and administrators of ODE
funded early childhood programs and preschool special education. Early
Childhood Entitlement and Preschool Special Education programs are
required by ODE to administer the ASQ:SE to children participating in these
programs. Training participants will learn the appropriate administration procedures for the
ASQ:SE, as well as learn the ODE data collection and reporting requirements for ASQ:SE.
Introduction to the Early Childhood Outcomes Summary Form (ECOSF)
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 9/11/15
Time: 12:30-3:30
Location: SST4/ Lake County ESC
Description: The Ohio Department of Education is requires preschool special
education teams to complete the Early Childhood Outcomes Summary Form
(ECOSF) for all children receiving special education services. This training will
provide an overview of how to complete the Child Observation Summary
Form and provide resources to support teams in summarizing information about children.
Revised 6/2/15
Early Learning and Developmental Standards Overview-3 hour
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 9/18/15
Date: 1/15/16
Time: 12:30-3:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Time: 12:30-3:30
Location: SST4/ Lake County ESC
Description: This module is an overview of Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards
(ELDS) Birth to Kindergarten Entry and will address the purpose of the standards for
professionals in all early care and education settings. This is the first in three levels of training
on the standards that will be provided over the course of the 2015-2016 school year.
Participants must attend the ELDS Overview training before attending level 2 or 3 trainings.
Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS) Language & Literacy Level 2
(Session 1 & 2)
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 10/8/15
Session 1
Session 2
Time: 8:30-11:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Description: This module is an introduction to language and literacy development during the
preschool years, ages 3-5, and is aligned to the Early Learning and Development Standards in
the Language and Literacy domain. This training has 2 separate sessions that need to be
attended in order to receive SUTQ credit. Registering for session 1 will automatically register
you for session 2.
Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS) Language & Literacy Level 3
(Session 1 & 2)
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 11/5/15
Session 1
Session 2
Time: 8:30-11:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Description: This module is an in depth exploration of Language and Literacy development
during the preschool years, ages 3 to 5, and aligned to the Early Learning and Development
Standards in the Cognition and General Knowledge domain. The training has two separate
sessions that need to be attended in order to receive SUTQ credit. Registering for session 1 will
automatically register you for session 2.
Revised 6/2/15
Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS) Social Studies
Level 2 (Session 1 & 2)
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 2/12/15
Session 1
Time: 12:30-3:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Session 2
Description: This module is an introduction to cognitive development in the sub-domain of
Social Studies during the preschool years, ages 3 to 5, and aligned to the Early Learning and
Development Standards in the Cognition and General Knowledge domain. This level II training is
for direct service early childhood teachers and professionals to introduce and explore the ELDS
content, and offer teaching strategies for supporting development in this sub-domain. The
training has two separate sessions that need to be attended in order to receive SUTQ credit.
Registering for session 1 will automatically register you for session 2.
Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS) Social Studies
Level 3 (Session 1 & 2)
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 3/4/16
Session 1
Time: 12:30-3:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Session 2
Description: This module is an in-depth exploration of cognitive development and learning in
Social Studies during the preschool years, ages 3 - 5, and is aligned to Ohio's Early Learning and
Development Standards in the Cognition and General Knowledge domain. This level III training
is for program administrators, educational supervisors, or other program leaders who work
with direct staff to implement strategies around the Early Learning and Development
Standards. It includes discussion around the use of the curriculum planning cycle. The training
has two separate sessions that need to be attended in order to receive SUTQ credit. Registering
for session 1 will automatically register you for session 2.
Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS) Mathematics
Level 2 (Session 1 & 2)
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 2/12/16
Session 1
Time: 8:30-11:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Session 2
Description: This module is an introduction to cognitive development in the sub-domain of
Mathematics during the preschool years, ages 3 to 5, and aligned to the Early Learning and
Development Standards in the Cognition and General Knowledge domain. This level II training is
for direct service early childhood teachers and professionals to introduce and explore the ELDS
content, and offer teaching strategies for supporting development in this sub-domain. The
training has two separate sessions that need to be attended in order to receive SUTQ credit.
Registering for session 1 will automatically register you for session 2.
Revised 6/2/15
Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS) Mathematics
Level 3 (Session 1 & 2)
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 3/4/16
Session 1
Time: 8:30-11:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Session 2
Description: This module is an in-depth exploration of cognitive development and learning in
Mathematics during the preschool years, ages 3 - 5, and is aligned to Ohio's Early Learning and
Development Standards in the Cognition and General Knowledge domain. This level III training
is for program administrators, educational supervisors, or other program leaders who work
with direct staff to implement strategies around the Early Learning and Development
Standards. The training has two separate sessions that need to be attended in order to receive
SUTQ credit. Registering for session 1 will automatically register you for session 2.
Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS) Science
Level 2 (Session 1 & 2)
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 10/8/15
Session 1
Time: 12:30-3:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Session 2
Description: This module is an introduction to cognitive development in the sub-domain of
Science during the preschool years, ages 3 to 5, and aligned to the Early Learning and
Development Standards in the Cognition and General Knowledge domain. This level II training is
for direct service early childhood teachers and professionals to introduce and explore the ELDS
content, and offer teaching strategies for supporting development in this sub-domain.. The
training has two separate sessions that need to be attended in order to receive SUTQ credit.
Registering for session 1 will automatically register you for session 2.
Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS) Science
Level 3 (Session 1 & 2)
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 11/5/15
Session 1
Time: 12:30-3:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Session 2
Description: This module is an in-depth exploration of cognitive development and learning in
Science during the preschool years, ages 3 - 5, and is aligned to Ohio's Early Learning and
Development Standards in the Cognition and General Knowledge domain. This level III training
is for program administrators, educational supervisors, or other program leaders who work
with direct staff to implement strategies around the Early Learning and Development
Standards. The training has two separate sessions that need to be attended in order to receive
SUTQ credit. Registering for session 1 will automatically register you for session 2.
Revised 6/2/15
Overview of Early Childhood Assessment PracticesScreening and Assessment Module 1
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 12/11/15 Time: 8:30-11:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Description: Assessment is a key part of our work with young children; however, at times, we
can find ourselves struggling with terms, using tools that may not provide the information we
need, and searching for more efficient and effective options. Overview of Early Childhood
Assessment Practices Module contains information regarding key terms associated with the
main purposes of early childhood assessment and provides examples of assessment tools used
across purposes. More importantly, the module contains information on recommended
assessment practice standards and offers guidelines for selecting the right tool for the desired
Developmental and Behavioral Screening Practices- Screening and Assessment
Module 2
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 1/8/16
Time: 8:30-11:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Description: Developmental and behavioral screening is a key early childhood assessment
purpose. The Developmental and Behavioral Screening Practices module contains information
determining if there are concerns with a child’s development and if additional assessment is
needed. The module provides definitions regarding terms and formats associated with
developmental and behavioral screening. The module also contains information on how
developmental and behavioral screening tools may be misused and recommended practices for
selecting and administering screening tools for use with young children. The module concludes
with recommendations for interpreting and using developmental and behavioral screening
Planning and Revising Learning Opportunities- Screening and Assessment
Module 3
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 2/5/16
Time: 8:30-11:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Description: The Planning and Revising Learning Opportunities Module contains information on
a five step data-driven decision making process early childhood teams should engage in. While
“data” is indeed a four letter word, it isn't anything that we should fear or shy away from.
When understood and used properly, the use of data can make our work with children and
families easier and more effective. The collection and use of data is the most critical component
of quality instruction or support.
Revised 6/2/15
Introduction to Young English Language Learners-ELL Module 1
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 11/13/15
Time: 8:30-11:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Description: This course will serve as a foundation for understanding English Language Learners.
The information will provide you with the knowledge of becoming more familiar with English
Language Learners and their families. This module will focus on enhancing the curriculum by
developing funds of knowledge, universal designs for learning as well as the looking at the
relationship between the Early Learning Development Standards and ELL Literacy Practices.
Engaging Families of Young English Language Learners-ELL Module 2
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 12/4/15
Time: 8:30-3:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Description: A critical part of early childhood programming is working with families. Family
partnerships and open communication are always considered key elements of the program.
How do early care and education professionals create these partnerships and keep
communication open when the families speak a different language or come from different
culture than the professional? This session will outline best practice in working with families of
English language learners including respecting the funds of knowledge that the families bring,
resources that can be accessed, and professionals' own practices and differences that can be
examined to assist in the establishment of partnerships.
Supporting the Development of English of Young English Language LearnersELL Module 3
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 2/19/16
Time: 8:30-3:30
Location: SST4/ Lake County ESC
Description: There are shifting demographics across our country that change the way early care
and education professionals introduce language in their environments. Currently there are over
110 languages spoken in Ohio and studies have shown that supporting children's home
language in their early learning and education settings is a critical component to optimal
language development. Come to this session to find out how bilingualism is defined, what the
stages of development are for children learning more than one language, and how you can best
support these children even if you only speak one language yourself.
Revised 6/2/15
Supporting Young English Language Learners (ages 3-5 pre-kindergarten)ELL Module 5
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: 3/11/16
Time: 8:30-3:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Description: Populations are changing in our country and more children will be entering
programs with English as their second or third language. Professionals working with
preschoolers need to know how to identify the ELL population, how to sensitively assess
children who are ELL, and how to best support preschoolers who are learning two or more
languages. This module will also address the transition of preschoolers who are English
language learners to kindergarten settings. This is the fifth module in the English Language
Learners series. It is suggested that participants take Module 1, 2, or 3 before Module 5.
Powerful Practices for Paraprofessionals-3 Part Series!
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
New Series for
10/2/15 Session 1: Roles & Responsibilities of a Paraprofessional
1/15/16 Session 2: Classroom Behavior Management & Data Collection
4/22/16 Session 3: Developmentally Appropriate Practices
Time: 8:30-11:30
Locations: SST4/Lake County ESC (Sessions 1 & 2)
Auburn Tech Center (Session 3)
Description: Paraprofessionals have the opportunity to greatly impact instruction through their
interactions with children. This session will provide insight into our actions, words, and
practices that can do just this. Participants will leave enlightened, inspired and full of ideas to
promote powerful interactions with every child. Participants DO NOT need to attend all three
parts of the training series to receive credit.
CSEFEL: Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Dates: Session 1: 10/2/15
Session 2: 10/9/15
Session 3: 10/30/15
Time: 8:30-3:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Description: Through a series of 3 training sessions, participants will learn how to promote
young children’s social-emotional development utilizing the CSEFEL model. Facets of the
training modules will include: building relationships, creating supportive environments,
teaching social-emotional strategies, assessing challenging behavior, and developing behavior
support plans. Individuals participating in this series will receive ready materials and evidence
based skills to implement in their classroom immediately.
Revised 6/2/15
Early Learning Assessment
**Register in Ohio Professional Registry https://www.opdn.org**
Date: Aug 10 and 11, 2015
Aug 20 and 21, 2015
Aug 25 and 26, 2015
Sept 16 and 17, 2015
Time: 8:30-3:30
Time: 8:30-3:30
Time: 8:30-3:30
Time: 8:30-3:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Location: Metzenbaum Center
Location: Auburn Tech Center
Description: This training is required for preschool teachers in State-funded preschool programs
including Early Childhood Entitlement and Preschool Special Education programs. This training
is also open to related service providers who work directly with children in a State-funded
preschool. This training will provide an overview of the required Learning Progressions for
reporting in the 2015-2016 school year. Topics covered will include: purpose of the
assessment, structure of the assessment, preparing for administration, using your current
assessment practices to gather child information, scoring items, reporting assessment results,
and using assessment results.
Early Learning Assessment Overview for Paraprofessionals
**Register in STARS https://safe.ode.oh.us**
Date: September 18, 2015 Time: 8:30-3:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Description: Paraprofessionals play a vital role in gathering assessment data and supporting
assessment practices. This training provides an overview of the Early Learning Assessment,
which is currently required to be administered to children in Early Childhood Entitlement and
Preschool Special Education programs. Topics covered will include an overview of formative
assessment, structure and contents of the ELA, and how to gather data that can be used to
score the ELA.
Early Learning Assessment Updates and Technology Training
**Registration TBD **
Date: TBD
Time: TBD
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Description: The final step in completing the ELA training is to participate in the technology
overview and complete a content assessment and simulation exercise. Training is tentatively
scheduled to occur in January. Additional information will be shared as it becomes available
from ODE.
Revised 6/2/15
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
**Register in STARS for all PLC meetings https://safe.ode.oh.us**
**Graduate credit available**
Itinerant PLC
Date: 9/25/15
Date: 10/30/15
Date: 4/29/16
Time: 8:30-3:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Time: 8:30-3:30
Location: SST4/Lake County ESC
Time: 8:30-10:30
Location: Environmental Learning Center
Description: ODE requires districts/programs to offer a continuum of special education services.
Preschool Itinerant Intervention Specialists assist in fulfilling this requirement as they provide
special education services in the child’s Least Restrictive Environment (e.g., home, community
child care setting, public preschool program). This Itinerant PLC provides ongoing support and
professional development to Itinerant Intervention Specialists. The 9/25/15 meeting will
include an overview of itinerant services and the consultative model. This session is appropriate
for new or returning Itinerant and administrators interested in learning more about itinerant
services. Additionally, this year the PLC will also include a book study and collaboration with
Itinerant’s from other regions in Northeast Ohio.
Technology in Early Childhood PLC
Date: 10/20/15 12/15/15 2/9/16 Time: 1:30-3:30 Location: SST4/ Lake County ESC
Time: 1:30-3:30
Location: Environmental Learning Center
Description: When used intentionally and appropriately, technology and interactive media are
effective tools to support learning and development in early childhood (NAEYC, 2012). The
purpose of this PLC is to discuss and share resources related to the intentional use of
technology. Participants will have the opportunity to research grant opportunities, explore
technology tools to support the learning and development of all children, and network and
collaborate with other early childhood teachers.
Date: 9/22/15 12/1/15 2/2/16 Time: 1:30-3:30 Location: SST4/ Lake County ESC
Date: 4/5/16
Time: 1:30-3:30
Location: Environmental Learning Center
Description: Attention CSEFEL “graduates”! Are you interested in continuing to grow in your
understanding and practices identified in CSEFEL (Center on the Social Emotional Foundations
for Early Learning)? Well then, this ongoing professional learning community is for you! Open to
all individuals who have ever taken the 18+ hour CSEFEL training. This PLC will focus on
embedding CSEFEL strategies to address behavioral issues by focusing on teaching children
what to do. Come learn from each other!
Revised 6/2/15
EC Professional Development Calendar
Early Learning Assessment
Early Learning Assessment
Early Learning Assessment
Introduction to the Ages & Stages
Questionnaire: Social Emotional
Introduction to the Early Childhood Outcomes
Summary Form (ECOSF)
Navigating Through the Word of Early
Childhood in Ohio
Early Learning Assessment
Early Learning Assessment Overview for
Early Learning and Developmental Standards
Itinerant PLC
Para Session 1-Roles and Responsibilities of a
CSEFEL Session 1
ELDS Language & Literacy Level 2 (Session 1)
ELDS Science Level 2 (Session 1)
CSEFEL Session 2
Technology in EC PLC
Fall Regional
ELDS Language & Literacy Level 2 (Session 2)
ELDS Science Level 2 (Session 2)
CSEFEL Session 3
Itinerant PLC
ELDS Language & Literacy Level 3 (Session 1)
ELDS Science Level 3 (Session 1)
Introduction to Young English Language
Learners-ELL Module 1
ELDS Language & Literacy Level 3 (Session 2)
ELDS Science Level 3 (Session 2)
Engaging Families of Young English Language
Learners-ELL Module 2
Overview of Early Childhood Assessment
Practices –Screening & Assessment 1
Itinerant PLC
Technology in EC PLC
Developmental and Behavioral Screening
Practices-Screening & Assessment 2
Para Session 2-Classroom Behavior Management
& Data Collection
Early Learning and Developmental Standards
Planning and Revising Learning OpportunitiesScreening & Assessment 3
Itinerant PLC
Technology in EC PLC
ELDS Mathematics Level 2 (Session 1)
ELDS Social Studies Level 2 (Session 1)
Supporting the Development of English of Young
ELLs-ELL Module 3
ELDS Mathematics 2 (Session 2)
ELDS Social Studies Level 2 (Session 2)
Itinerant PLC
ELDS Mathematics Level 3 (Session 1)
ELDS Social Studies Level 3 (Session 1)
Supporting Young English Learners (ages 3-5 prekindergarten)-ELL Module 5
ELDS Mathematics Level 3 (Session 2)
ELDS Social Studies Level 3 (Session 2)
Itinerant PLC
Technology in EC PLC
Para Session 3-Developmentally Appropriate
Itinerant PLC
Spring Regional
Revised 6/2/15