EXPENSE REPORT I NSTRUCTION P ACKET {R EVISED } Renee L. Cope Instructional Design 610 Instructional Design 610 EXPENSE REPORT INSTRUCTION PACKET {REVISED} Content This learning instruction will be an instructor lead, self-paced, and paper-based instruction. The instructional content will be deductive with a complete explanation of the information given for each step, then examples of what the learner will be required to implement with 100% accuracy. Instructional Goal Intellectual Skill Given an expense policy document, mileage sheet, and receipts, learners will calculate business expenses incurred and complete an expense report with 100% accuracy Learning Tools Calculator Training packet Instructions for completing the goal Mileage sheet Gas receipts Postage receipts Postage envelopes receipts Expense report Blank paper for notes Pen or pencil 1 Instructional Design 610 Learning Concepts Identify the correct documents to be used Mileage sheet Gas receipts Postage receipts Postage envelopes receipts Expense report Differentiate between business and personal receipts Gas, postage, and envelopes acceptable Food, cigarettes, and gas outside the distance to job and back, not acceptable. Calculate total miles and expenses Basic addition Differentiate between business and personal expenses Basic subtraction Write amounts in the correct spaces on the expense report Final Instruction Goal The learner will determine the total of all business expenses occurred with 100% accuracy for expenses. 2 Instructional Design 610 Instructors Manual Outline Instructor’s notes MODULE 1Gain attention of the Learner Time Points to be covered 5 minutes Introduction of the Instructor: Name, background, why you are there today. Gain Attention Thank them for being there and taking the time to perform the training. Ask the questions: What is an expense report? Have you ever did a budget at home? Why it is important to you? Provide a positive atmosphere to the learner. This will inform the learner of what materials are covered in the training. Ask the learner if they have any questions over the concepts. Read aloud to the learner: Given the example receipts, MATCH the correct receipt with its correct description with 100% accuracy. To inform learner of objective expectations. Positive attitude toward learner and delivery of training. Begin by asking questions to gain the leaners attention and involvement. Resource Outcome Gain Feedback Ask questions for feedback. Overview of learning concepts to be covered in the training. MODULE 2 Activity 1 25 minutes Handout page 1&2 To inform the learner what an acceptable business receipt is. Read Activity question 1. State the rules on what is an acceptable business receipt compared to a personal receipt. Gain learners attention by asking for examples. Ask the learner for feedback. Explain what a business receipt is by verbally giving an example and show the learner examples from the handout. Explain what a personal receipt by verbally giving an example and show the learner examples from the handout. Ask if the learner if they can provide an example of each. Ask the learner if they have any questions? The learner will now complete Activity 1. 3 Keeps learner engaged. Keeps learner motivated. Instructor gains feedback. Instructional Design 610 Allow the learner time to complete activity 1. Answer any questions they may ask pertaining to this activity. Ask the learner to now complete activity 1.1 Give the learner the opportunity to ask questions. Grade to ensure learner has mastered the skill 1.1 with 100% accuracy. When completed tell the learner “Great Job”! Handout page 3 Provide positive feedback to the learner even if they have not completed the task correctly. Activity 2 Read Activity 2 question. State the rule that P is for personal and B is for a business receipt. Ask the learner for feedback. . Allow the learner time to complete activity 2. Answer any questions they may ask pertaining to activity 2. 1.1 When asked either orally or in writing to show which receipts are the correct receipts, learner will identify the correct receipts from the sheet. Learner should select all the correct receipts to be used with 100% accuracy. Feedback Mastery of skill 1.1 Positive motivation. Read aloud to the learner: Given the example receipts, use a P in the blank to show the receipt is a Personal receipt and a B in the blank to show the receipt is a Business receipt. State to the learner: “Now we just finished reviewing what a personal and business receipt looks like. Now in activity 2 use a P or a B in the blanks to answer the following questions.” Express the importance of following the rule Ask the learner if they have any questions? Ask the learner to now complete activity 2.1 Give the learner the opportunity to ask questions. Grade to ensure learner has mastered the skill 2.1 with 100% accuracy. When completed tell the learner “Great Job”! Provide positive feedback to the learner even if they have not completed the task correctly. Handout page 3 Learner will use prior knowledge from activity 1 to complete activity 2. Handout page 3 Trainer gains feedback. 2.1 When asked orally or in writing what is an acceptable gas, postage, and envelope receipts, learner will be able to distinguish between a personal receipt and a business receipt. Learner should correctly name the receipts with 100% accuracy. Feedback Mastery of skill 2.1 4 Instructional Design 610 Activity 3 Read Activity 3.1 question. Read aloud to the learner: Part 1 In the spaces provided below, use the mileage chart and a calculator to ADD per day, then per week business miles with 100% accuracy. Handout page 4 State Rule on Addition Answer any questions they may ask pertaining to activity. Provide positive feedback to the learner even if they have not completed the task correctly. Answer any questions they may ask pertaining to activity. Provide positive feedback to the learner even if they have not completed the task correctly. Activity 4 Read Activity 4.1 question. Show the learner the millage sheet with the miles already given. Ask the learner to calculate the miles of each location then add the totals for each day of the week using a calculator. Ask the learner to now ADD all the miles for the week with 100% accuracy. Give the learner the opportunity to ask questions. Grade to ensure learner has mastered the skill 3.2 with 100% accuracy. When completed tell the learner “Great Job”! Explain to the learner that the learner can now finish activities 3.1- 5.2 on their own. That if the learner has any questions they are free to ask. Feedback Mastery of skill 3.1 Positive motivation Handout page 5 Give the learner the opportunity to ask questions. Handout page 5 Give the learner the opportunity to ask questions. State Rule on Subtraction Answer any questions they may ask pertaining to activity. 5 Positive motivation. 3.1 Given a calculator, learner will be able to add the total miles. Learner should be able to correctly add using a calculator all miles with 100% accuracy. 3.2 Given a calculator, learner will be able to add the total expenses. Learner should be able to correctly add using a calculator all expenses with 100% accuracy. Feedback Mastery of skill 3.2 Positive motivation 4.1 Given a calculator, learner will be able to subtract business expenses from personal expenses. Learner should be able to correctly subtract using a Instructional Design 610 calculator expenses with 100% accuracy. Provide positive feedback to the learner even if they have not completed the task correctly. MODULE 3 Activity 5 Read Activity 5.1 question. 15 Minutes Give the learner the opportunity to ask questions. Handout page 6&7 Give the learner the opportunity to ask questions. Grade to ensure learner has mastered the skill 3.2 with 100% accuracy. Ask the learner if they have any questions after grading the activities. When completed tell the learner “Great Job”! Handout page 6&7 Answer any questions they may ask pertaining to activity. Read Activity 5.2 question. Answer any questions they may ask pertaining to activity. Provide positive feedback to the learner even if they have not completed the task correctly. The instructor will provide the learner with an overview of the main points of the instruction. Thank the learners Provide and Receive Feedback Ask the trainees for feedback from each question. Thank the trainees for participating in the training. Ask them if there are any questions to clarify any misinformation. Thank them once again “Again, thank you for participating in this training.” 6 5.1Given an expense report, learner will be able to apply the correct information into an expense report. Learner should be able to correctly apply the correct information into an expense report with 100% accuracy 5.2 Given a calculator, learner will be able to add the total expenses. Learner should be able to correctly add using a calculator all expenses to find total business expense with 100% accuracy. Training is completed Instructional Design 610 Handout Packet for Learner with Answers Example A Example B 7 Instructional Design 610 Example C Example D 8 Example E Instructional Design 610 1.1 Given the example receipts, MATCH the correct receipt with its correct description. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A receipt that shows the total of gas cost ____C____ A receipt that shows the total of Envelope cost ____E____ A receipt that shows the total of Office Supplies cost ____A____ A receipt that shows the total of Not a receipt used ____B____ A receipt that shows the total of Postage cost ____D____ 2.1 Given the example receipts, use a P in the blank to show the receipt is a Personal receipt and a B in the blank to show the receipt is a Business receipt. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Example A _____________B Example B _____________P Example C _____________B Example D _____________B Example E _____________B 9 Instructional Design 610 Mileage & Expense Sheet Quiz 3.1 Part 1 In the spaces provided below, use the mileage chart and a calculator to ADD the per day, then the per week business miles with 100% accuracy. Mileage Sheet Destination Miles Buckeylake 11.8 Canton 96.6 Monday Newark Buckeylake Hebron 25.9 Cincinnati 147.2 Tuesday Utica Mt. Vernon Dublin 80.7 Columbus 39.9 Wednesday Columbus Reynoldsburg Pataskala 87.2 Coshocton 37.9 Thursday Zanesville Mansfield Canton Dayton 110 Friday Dayton Marietta Coshocton 248 Dublin 42.6 Saturday Lancaster Westerville Cincinnati 210.3 Hebron 9.1 Sunday OFF TOTAL 828.4 Lancaster 31.6 Mansfield 52.8 Zanesville 26.9 Total Miles 10 176.3 Instructional Design 610 3.1 Part 2 In the space provided below, use a calculator to Add the business expenses with 100% accuracy. Business Expense Postage Envelopes Office supplies Laptop Printer TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ 99.90 15.99 53.97 4,999.99 2,489.99 $7659.84 4.1 In the space provided below, use a calculator to SUBTRACT personal expense from total expense with 100% accuracy. Total Expenses Postage Envelopes Office supplies Laptop Printer Food Desk top computer Digital Camera Personal Expense $ 99.90 $ 15.99 $ 53.97 $ 4,999.99 $ 2,489.99 $ 50.00 Food Desk top computer Digital Camera $ 50.00 $ 13,499.99 $ 7,584.99 $ 21,134.98 Total expenses $ 28,794.82 $ 13,499.99 $ 7,584.99 $ 28,794.82 Personal Expense $ 21,134.98 $ 7,659.84 11 Instructional Design 610 5.1 Given the previous examples, apply this information into the correct spaces on an expense report with 100% accuracy. THEN 5.2 In the spaces provided below, use a calculator to Add the business expenses with 100% accuracy. EXSPENSE REPORT NAME: DATE: 3.1 Part 1 3.1 Part 2 Total Miles Monday Newark Buckeylake Hebron 25.9 Tuesday Utica Mt. Vernon Dublin 80.7 Wednesday Columbus Reynoldsburg Pataskala 87.2 Thursday Zanesville Mansfield Canton Friday Dayton Marietta Coshocton 248 Saturday Lancaster Westerville Cincinnati 210.3 Sunday OFF TOTAL 828.4 176.3 Business Expense Postage Envelopes Office supplies Laptop Printer TOTAL $99.90 $15.99 $53.97 $4,999.99 $2,489.99 $7,659.84 12 Instructional Design 610 Total Expenses 4.1 Postage Envelopes Office supplies Laptop Printer Food Desk top computer Digital Camera 5.1 Personal Expense $99.90 $15.99 $53.97 $4,999.99 $2,489.99 $50.00 $13,499.99 $7,584.99 $28,794.82 Food Desktop computer Digital Camera $50.00 $13,499.99 $7,584.99 $21,134.98 Total expenses Personal Expense $28,794.82 $21,134.98 $7,659.84 Business Expenses Total Business Expenses $7,659.84 Business Expenses Gas Expenses TOTAL $20.00 $7,679.84 5.2 Total Business Expense Total Busines Miles 13 $7,679.44 828.4 Instructional Design 610 MATERIALS REVISION MATRIX ANALYSIS Instructional Strategy Problem Identified Proposed Changes Evidence and Source Pre-Instruction and Motivation There were no problems to PreInstruction or motivation aspects of the training Entry level skills matched the subordinate skills. Nothing was changed. Analysis data from training and feedback. Nothing was changed. Analysis data from training and feedback. The material presented and how the material was presented for the learning was satisfactory. I received great feedback from my learners. All the learners suggested the facilitator could leave the learners to perform Mod 3.1 – Mod 5and the final instructional skill on their own without instruction for grading. Nothing was changed. Analysis data from training and feedback. Changed Mod3.1- Mod 5.2 to allow the learner complete activities on their own. Learners are still able to ask questions and gain feedback through each activity. Analysis data from training and feedback indicated the steps were simple enough the learners did not need instructor-led presentation for these steps to be completed with 100% accuracy. Entry Skills Presentation Learner Participation (Practice with Feedback) 14 Instructional Design 610 Assessment The assessments were right on target. Nothing was changed. Analysis data from training and feedback. Transfer All learners were able to transfer the new knowledge with no difficulty. Nothing was changed. Analysis data from training and feedback. General The Analysis data from training was provided through observing the learners as I facilitated an instructor led training. It was clearly evident that the learners were capable of completing the activities after 3.1 without a facilitator explaining any directions, steps, or rules. 15