Working Group 27: North Pacific Climate Variability and Change Motivation: To develop essential understandings of the mechanisms of North Pacific climate variability and change that can better guide the formulation of process -based hypotheses underlying the links between ecosystem dynamics and physical climate. Co-Chairs: S. Minobe (Japan), E. Di Lorenzo (USA), M. Foreman (CAN) Duration: 3 years Terms of Reference: 1. Develop conceptual frameworks and low-order models of North Pacific climate variability and change, which can be used by climate researchers to investigate the mechanisms of those variations and by ecosystem scientists to explore hypotheses linking ecosystem dynamics and physical climate. (Cummins, Di Lorenzo) Low order frameworks of North Pacific climate (paper) (Cummins) Applying AR1 models to understand the dynamics or both large and coastal scale variability (e.g. BC coast, SSS, SST, runoff forcing and alongshore winds) (Di Lorenzo/Davis) A linear inverse model of North Pacific climate variability based on low-order coupling of atmospheric and oceanic modes. (Yeh et al) Mechanism for the North Pacific regime shift in winter of 1998/1999 (Taguchi/Bograd/Di Lorenzo) Subsurface feedback loop to connect western and eastern boundary current system (with possible impact on subsurface nutrient and O2 dynamics) Understanding the different aspect of climate modes and predictability 2. Summarize the current understanding of mechanisms of Pacific climate variability and change, and evaluate the strengths of the underlying hypotheses with supporting evidence. WG27 North Pacific Climate Variability & Change - proposal 1 3. In conjunction with ecosystem scientists, coordinate the development and implementation of process-based models, which include important processes in simple forms, to hindcast the variability of available long-term biological time series. ECOFOR Workshop, PICES 2013 W2 and ICES 2013 Session M, need to summarize results from these documents Coherent changes in North Pacific climate and ecosystems (report) (Ito) KOE physical variability/change is main driver for ecosystem. For example mix layer, horizontal circulation and temperature fronts impact nutrients (e.g. advection), zooplankton (e.g. advection, mix layer) and fish ( e.g. mix layer and temperature fronts). Need to draw schematic summarizing the physical influences on marine ecosystem dynamics. These dynamics were also explored in the context of the IPCC runs. (possible collaboration between Minobe, Ito, Chiba). (King) Expand on existing King et al. 2011 framework, resur rect Excel table on mechanisms of outlining the relationship between large -scale climate and ecosystem response. Final goal produce a summarize concept figure (e.g. a set of layered figures that go from physical variability/change, to nutrient, to lower tr ophic levels and fish). (Elena and Yuri) To provide material for the Okhotsk, Bearing and Japan/East Seas. 4. Develop a method to identify and provide uncertainty estimates of decadal variability in recent historical climate and ecosystem time series . Report section (Minobe) work on AR1 modeling of the climate modes (PhD student project) (Di Lorenzo) null hypothesis of the underlying distribution of ecosystem timeseries Post some code for the PICES community (Takashi) Current status of decadal prediction and availability 5. Provide improved metrics to test the mechanisms of climate variability and change in IPCC models, and in coordination with other PICES working groups and FUTURE Advisory Panels, assist in evaluating those models and providing regional climate forecasts over the North Pacific. (Extension to analyze CMIP5) Report Section (Foreman lead!) (Minobe) CMPI5 analysis of biogeochemistry and role of circulation. We can develop a simple diagnostic of the ocean circulation (e.g. metric that test the realism of the patterns of circulation and of the dynamics that drive them). WG27 North Pacific Climate Variability & Change - proposal 2 (Foreman) Future projection results, update and provide ensemble statistics, how credible results are in contemporary time, atmospheric field, dynamical may be preferable but statistical downscaling may be more convenient. Difference between observed and modeled winds needs further understanding. (Davis/Di Lorenzo) Use linear Inverse models to diagnose CMIP 5 (e.g. isolate stochastic patterns that drive oceanic variability in north and tropical Pacific. 6. Understand and fill the gaps between what physical models can currently produce and what ecosystem scientists suggest are the important physical forcing factors required for predicting species and ecosystem responses to climate variability and change. (Extension to further analyze the gaps) Conference calls in the Spring of 2014 to further brainstorm (King) Link the material of TOR 3 with the CFAME material that has not been published. The focus was on high trophic levels and mechanisms important for fish. Key oceanic forcing: upwelling strength and timing, stratification and mix later depth, temperature surface and subsurface, strength of the alongshore and cross -shore transport both surface and sub-surface, eddies and submesoscale fronts . Understanding the timing of the physical variability in relation to the timing of ecosystem processes. CFAME produced meta-diagram of the mechanism but without providing actual quantitative measures supporting the physical/biological links. Perhaps WG27 can revise this for the things were links can be made and quantified? Make a figure for each trophic level and outline what is known and what is unknown, some information needed to test ecosystem models is missing (e.g. nutrient budget) (see King et al. 2011 and Yatsu ) (Curchister) Use new models to provide information and forecasts for physical forcing functions such as upwelling timing and strength, eddies, cross -shore and alongshore exchanges 7. Maintain linkages with, and summarize the results from National and International programs/projects such as CLIVAR, IMBER, US CAMEO, ESSAS, Japanese Hot Spot in the Climate System, POMAL, CREAMS EAST -I, POBEX, and others. Links to CLIVAR, GLOBEC (not complete) and ICES have been established. WG27 North Pacific Climate Variability & Change - proposal 3 8. Convene workshops and sessions to evaluate and compare results and maintain an awareness of state-of-the-art advances outside the PICES community. Already complete: (Extension to organize contributions to Brazil 3 rd sym) October 11, 2013 Workshop on Identifying mechanisms of ecosystem response to climate during the PICES annual meeting in Nainamo, Canada. [Read more] September 23, 2013 Workshop on mechanisms underlying co -variability between ecosystem and climate during the ICES annual meeting in Iceland. [Read more] October 18, 2012 Session on Climate Variability and Change during the PICES annual meeting in Japan. [Read summary] Septemper 7-11, 2012 GLOBEC/PICES/ICES Workshop on Forecasting Ecosystem Indicators with Process-based Models took place at the Friday Harbor Labs near Seattle. [Go to website] 9. Publish a final report summarizing results. (Extension to analyze create possible vision and plan for new working groups ) Video Presentation available at WG27 North Pacific Climate Variability & Change - proposal 4 Members Canada: Patrick Cummins, Mike Foreman China: Xiaopei Lin, Guimei Liu, Lixin Wu Japan: Shin-ichi Ito, Shoshiro Minobe, Takashi Mochizuki, Bunmei Taguchi , Sanae Chiba Korea: Soon Il An, Sang-Wook Yeh, Chang Joo Jang Russia: Yury Zuenko, Elena Ustinova, Vladimir Kattsov U.S.A.: Emanuele Di Lorenzo, Enrique Curchitser, Taka Ito , Julie Keister Proposed Linkages to the FUTURE Science Plan: 1. What determines an ecosystem’s intrinsic resilience and vulnerability to natural and anthropogenic forcing? 1.1. What are the important physical, chemical and biological processes that underlie the structure and function of ecosystems? High to Moderate 1.2. How might changing physical, chemical and biological processes cause alterations to ecosystem structure and function? High to Moderate 1.3. How do changes in ecosystem structure relationships between ecosystem components? affect the Low 1.4. How might changes in ecosystem structure and function affect an ecosystem’s resilience or vulnerability to natural and anthropogenic forcing? Low 1.5. What thresholds, buffers and amplifiers are associated with maintaining ecosystem resilience? Low 1.6. W hat do the answers to the above sub -questions imply about the ability to predict future states of ecosystems and how they might respond to natural and anthropogenic forcing?* Low 2. How do ecosystems respond to natural and anthropogenic forcing, and how might they change in the future? 2.1. How has the important physical, chemical and biological processes changed, how are they changing, and how might they change as a result of climate change and human activities? Very High 2.2. W hat factors might be mediating changes in the physical, chemical and biological processes? High 2.3. How does physical forcing, including climate variability and climate change, affect the processes underlying ecosystem structure and function? 2.4. How do human uses of marine resources affect the processes underlying ecosystem structure and function? High WG27 North Pacific Climate Variability & Change - proposal Low 5 2.5. How are human uses of marine resources affected by changes in ecosystem structure and function? Low 2.6. How can understanding of these ecosystem processes and relationships, as addressed in the preceding sub -questions, be used to forecast ecosystem response? High to Moderate 2.7. W hat are the consequences of projected climate changes for the ecosystems and their goods and services? High 3. How do human activities affect coastal ecosystems and how are societies affected by changes in these ecosystems? 3.1. W hat are the dominant anthropogenic pressures in coastal marine ecosystems and how are they changing? High to Moderate 3.2. How are these anthropogenic pressures and climate forcings, including sea level rise, affecting nearshore and coastal ecosystems and their interactions with offshore and terrestrial systems? 3.3. How do multiple anthropogenic stressors interact to alter the structure and function of the systems, and what are the cumulative effects? High to Moderate 3.4. W hat will be the consequences of projected coastal ecosystem changes and what is the predictability and unce rtainty of forecasted changes? High to Moderate 3.5. How can we effectively use our understanding of coastal ecosystem processes and mechanisms to identify the nature and causes of ecosystem changes and to develop strategies for sustainable use? Moderate WG27 North Pacific Climate Variability & Change - proposal Low 6