HL 9 Resource list pics and descriptions

Healthy Living Grade 9 Resources page 1 of 7
Title: Beyond the Basics
Description: "Beyond the Basics: A Sourcebook on Sexual and
Reproductive Health Education" is an excellent teacher resource that
helps support learning outcomes in Health Education 5 and 6, and Healthy
Living 7–9. It is organized around eight modules: Values and Sexuality;
Puberty and Reproductive Health; Self-esteem; Sexual Identity;
Relationships, Communication, and Decision-making; Contraception and
Safer Sex; STIs and HIV; and Resources. In each module, there are
learning experiences designed to support student learning at various
grade levels.
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Self 9.7
 Healthy Relationships 9.11, 9.12, 9.13, 9.16
 Healthy Community 9.21
Website link:
Title: A Question of Influence
Description: A Question of Influence is an alcohol and
other drug education curriculum supplement developed
jointly by the Department of Education and the
Department of Health Promotion and Protection. This
resource targets students in grades 7 to 9 and has been
built on current school-based alcohol and other drug
education best practice. The supplement has been
distributed to all junior high schools in Nova Scotia with a
French version coming soon.
Curriculum Alignment:
Healthy Self 9.8
Healthy Community 9.20
Healthy Relationships 9.15
Website link:
Description: Title: Healthy Mind Healthy Body
Distributed: DOE, Spring 2009
Description: A Mental Health Supplement. Students learn
about healthy and unhealthy feelings and behaviours and
the warning signs so they are more confident in asking for
help. The supplement will help reduce the overall stigma
attached to mental illness.
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Self 9.2
Website link: No link
Healthy Living Grade 9 Resources Page 2 of 7
Title: My Health, Teachers Manual
Distributed: DOE, Fall 2010
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Self 9.1, 9.2, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8
 Healthy Relationships 9.11, 9.12, 9.13, 9.14, 9.15, 9.16
 Healthy Community 9.17, 9.19, 9.20
Website link:
Title: My Health, Student Text
Distributed: DOE, 2009
Description: My Health is a complete guide to pursuing a healthy lifestyle for
young Canadians. This new, up-to-date student resource integrates health topics
such as healthy eating; sexuality; substance abuse; mental well-being;
relationships and conflict resolutions; as well as personal safety.
Curriculum Alignment:
 See above
Website link:
Title: Canada’s Food Guide
Distributed: Health Canada, 2010
Description: Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide - A Resource
for Educators and Communicators provides background
information, tips and tools to complement each recommendation
in Canada's Food Guide.
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Self 9.6
Website link:
Healthy Living Grade 9 Resources Page 3 of 7
Title: The 4th R, Unit 1 Personal Safety and Injury
Distributed: To Teachers who have received the training
Description: The Fourth R is a comprehensive school-based prevention program
based on extensive research and applies best practices approaches to building
skills and reducing harm among adolescents. The foundation is a 21 lesson ( 7
per unit) skill-based program that promotes healthy relationships and targets
violence( bullying, peer and dating violence), high-risk sexual behaviour and
substance use among adolescents.
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Relationships 9.12, 9.13
Website link: http://www.youthrelationships.org/
Title: The 4th R, Unit 2 Healthy Growth and Sexuality
Distributed: see above
Description: see above
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Self 9.7
 Healthy Relationships 9.11, 9.12, 9.13,9.14, 9.15
 Healthy Community 9.21
Website link: http://www.youthrelationships.org/
Title: 4Th R, Unit 3 Substance Use and Abuse
Distributed: see above
Description: see above
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Self 9.8
 Healthy Relationships 9.13, 9.14
 Healthy Community 9.19, 9.20, 9.21
Website link: http://www.youthrelationships.org/
Healthy Living Grade 9 Resources Page 4 of 7
Title: Cervical Cancer Kit
Distributed: Cancer care NS- Order copies through the website below
Description: The cervical health curriculum resource, “Finally, a test you don’t need to study
for… Cervical Health and You”, (PDF) is a three-lesson kit that focuses on understanding the
risks for cervical cancer, explaining the Pap test, and Pap test results. The kit includes
resource materials such as overheads, handouts, an educational video, a glossary of terms
and sample Pap test instruments.
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Self 9.7
Website link:
Title: Mental Health Curriculum Guide
Distributed: Canadian Mental Health Association (www.cmha.ca) and the Sun Life
Financial Chair in Adolescent Mental Health ( www.teenmentalhealth.org) at
Dalhousie University and the IWK Health Centre.
Description: This guide is designed for use in Grades 9 through 12. The interactive
teaching strategies used in the activities provide opportunities for building
students’ skills in participation, communication, relationship-building, teamwork
and critical thinking.
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Self 9.2
 Healthy Relationships 9.16
 Healthy Community 9.21
Website link: http://www.tigweb.org/images/tiged/docs/activities/295.pdf
Title: Understanding Sexually Transmitted Infections
Distributed: Available from the website listed below
Description: Sexualityandu.ca can help you teach students about puberty,
contraception, STI prevention and sexual well-being with a comprehensive,
positive approach to sexuality.
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Self 9.7
Website link:
Healthy Living Grade 9 Resources Page 5 of 7
Title: Drawing the Line
Distributed: DOH, DOE, 1997
Description: Page 81-This unit takes a detailed look at how a gambling
problem can develop and where it can lead.
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Self 9.3
 Healthy Relationships 9.13, 9.15,9.16
 Healthy Community 9.21
Website link:
Workplace Health and Safety
Title: Workplace Health and Safety Module
Distributed: Dec, 2010
Description: This module was developed to support Outcome HC-9-22
Curriculum Alignment: Healthy Community 9.22
Website link:
Title: Reaching Out
Distributed: Available at the website below
Description: An ideal awareness and learning resource for students in
Grades 7-12.
"Reaching Out" allows educators to empathetically expose young people to
the sensitive topic of mental illness by providing them with real tools for
helping others.
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Self 9.2
 Healthy Relationships 9.16
 Healthy Community 9.21
Website link:
Title: Smoke-Free for Life
Distributed: By the Department of Health
Description: Tobacco prevention curriculum that spans Primary to 9
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Self 9.8
 Healthy Relationships 9.13
Website link: no link
Healthy Living Grade 9 Resources Page 6 of 7
Title: Beyond the blues
Distributed: DOE, Spring 2009
Description: A staggering 20 percent of teens show signs of serious
depression and not enough get the help they need. Too often
depression in teens is dismissed as simply part of growing up or
an expression of teenage melodrama. In Beyond the Blues
depressed teens finally get the help they need. The 40 exercises
in this book show them how to overcome feelings of hopelessness
and isolation that often go along with depression. Step-by-step
they learn how to lift their mood, recognize the triggers of
depression, and ask for help when they need it. Teens also take
on the low self-esteem and negative thought patterns that are so
often part of depression. Depression in teens is serious and real.
So is the help offered in Beyond the Blues.
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Self 9.2
Website link: no link
Title: The Anxiety Workbook for Teens
Distributed: By the Department of Health
Description: The Anxiety Workbook for Teens offers a collection of
the most effective techniques for preventing anxiety and defusing
it when it hits. It shows teens how to change anxiety-producing
thoughts, perform breathing and bodywork exercises, and develop
problem-solving skills that can short circuit anxiety. This book is a
must-have for any teen troubled by persistent anxiety or any
professional who works with them.
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Self 9.2
Website link: no link
Title: My Kind of sad
Distributed: DOE, Spring 2009
Description: Scowen offers an in-depth look at what depression is
and how it affects young people. She differentiates between
normal mood shifts and signs of serious trouble. Bipolar disorder,
eating disorders, and suicidal feelings are also discussed. An
extensive chapter on treatment options includes information on
medications. Parents will want to use this book as a starting point
for more detailed discussion. There is a lot of material here, such
as the use of medication and different forms of therapy as
treatment options (especially the mention of electroconvulsive
therapy) that young people might not understand or could
interpret incorrectly without the input of a knowledgeable adult.
Cartoon illustrations lighten up an extremely serious topic
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Self 9.2
Website link: no link
Healthy Living Grade 9 Resources Page 7 of 7
Title: Birth Control Demonstration & Sexual Health
promotion Kit
Distributed: Bought for Grade 9 schools, Winter 2011
Description: The kits include samples of female & male
condoms, hormonal birth control methods (pills, patch,
ring, and Depo-Provera), diaphragm, IUD, spermicide, a
sponge, lubricant, pregnancy test, emergency
contraceptive & a “woody” for condom demonstrations.
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Self 9.7
Website link: no link
Title: Career Cruising
Distributed: It’s a website- check with your Admin or tech
support for username and password for your school
Description: Career Cruising is an industry-leading online
career guidance and planning system. People of all ages
use our tools to find the right career, explore education
and training options, and build their own portfolio. Our
add-on products extend Career Cruising’s functionality,
making it easier for schools to manage their course
selection process, communities to meet their workforce
development needs, and students to prepare for the
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Self 9.9, 9.10
Website link:
Title: Health Relationships: A Violence Prevention
Grade 9- Forming Healthy Relationships
Description: The three-part curriculum, dealing with
aggression, gender equality and media awareness and
forming health relationships, was designed to address
factors that contribute to violent behaviour, such as gender
inequality, power and control. The Healthy Relationships
program is intended to complement existing health, family
life, sexual safety and English curricula by examining the
psychosocial dynamics of male violence and presenting
cultural values that impact violent behaviour. Sessions and
activities are designed to support students learning what
they need to know, do and value to form and maintain
healthy relationships. The program consists of 53 studentoriented activities, handouts, and print/video resource lists.
Each activity is designed to take from 45-minutes to 1 hour
of class time.
Curriculum Alignment:
 Healthy Relationships 9.12
Website link: http://www.m4c.ns.ca/