Program Description and Application
Onondaga County
Department of Water Environment Protection
Joanne M. Mahoney, County Executive
Michael Lannon, P.E., Acting Commissioner
June 2011
Revised 5/31/2011
The County’s Department of Water Environment Protection (“WEP”) is sponsoring a grant incentive
program, the Green Improvement Fund (“GIF”), to provide financial incentives for the installation of
Green Infrastructure projects including but not limited to: tree trenches, planter boxes, porous pavement,
bioswales, rain gardens, green roofs, green streetscapes and cisterns as an aspect of the development or
redevelopment and/or retrofitting of certain classes of privately owned properties (commercial, business,
and not-for-profit owned properties) in the Clinton, Harbor Brook and Midland Combined Sewer sheds
(CSS) as outlined in the attached map and generally located in the City of Syracuse.
An Owner of a commercial, business or not-for-profit facility located in the Clinton, Harbor Brook and
Midland Combined Sewer sheds, who is proposing to undertake an otherwise privately sponsored
development or redevelopment project can apply for a GIF grant. An “Owner” is defined as any person or
business that can provide evidence to Onondaga County of fee simple title or a lease to the property.
Tenant applicants possessing a lease to the property and/or commercial facility must have the written
consent of the Owner.
Eligible Project Reimbursement Costs for a GIF grant:
Eligible reimbursement expenses include: (1) the design and engineering costs for site specific Green
Infrastructure measures for the property, (2) structural analysis (up to max of $3,500.00) and soil testing
(up to max of $2,000.00)costs to determine suitability of project, (3) development of a maintenance plan;
and (4) construction costs to modify site and install green infrastructure that exceeds the threshold storm
water capture requirements made applicable by state or local MS4 permit requirements.
All projects funded through this program shall comply with any and all environmental laws and
applicable permits. The owner is responsible for obtaining all applicable permits. Onondaga County must
review all plans and specifications and verify that the proposed incorporation of green infrastructure will
reduce storm water run-off beyond what is required by state and local MS4 permit requirements. This
review will be required before construction begins for the project to remain eligible for reimbursement.
No funding is guaranteed prior to full review and approval by the County.
Application Process:
The GIF application process will be on a rolling, first come/first served basis. Any project Owner seeking
GIF funds must complete a GIF Application form, and submit all required documents, including the GIF
Application Checklist to:
Department of Water Environment Protection
ATTN: GIF Program
650 Hiawatha Boulevard West
Syracuse, NY 13204
Retroactive Funding Eligibility:
Retroactive funding is available for green Infrastructure projects completed no more than 3 calendar
months from the date of application receipt upon review and approval by County.
Available Funding:
Applicants determined to be eligible for a GIF reimbursement grant can receive a grant of Up to 100% of
the eligible costs associated with the implementation of the green infrastructure components for a project,
with a maximum assistance of $200,000.00 for a single project. Final award determination will be based
primarily on the amount of storm water reduction (measured by gallons captured) achieved through
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implementation of the green infrastructure solution. The GIF committee will review the scope-of-project
and analyze the amount of impervious area being managed through green infrastructure with award levels
established based on the quantity of annual capture of storm water.
Applicants should strive to be as cost effective as possible in the development of the project. The GIF
committee will consider cost-effectiveness as a criterion in determining grant awards but this will not be
the only consideration (please see Selection Criteria section for full list of considerations).
Grant funding will ONLY cover costs for the installation of Green Infrastructure solutions above and
beyond traditional (not green) construction practices including: design and engineering costs and
construction costs.
All grants shall be on a reimbursement basis to be awarded only after Green Infrastructure is installed,
verified by WEP, proof of payments and expenditures is provided and all other requirements for funding
are met. Eligible projects shall have a minimum total storm water reduction of at least 60,000 gallons
captured through green infrastructure enhancements to be eligible for funding.
Selection Criteria for Green Infrastructure Projects:
Selection of grant recipients will be based on the following considerations: (1) available funding for
eligible costs; (2) location, extent and/or size of project; potential volume and effectiveness on runoff
reduction in the sewer shed; (3) amount (sq. footage) of impervious surfaces managed by green
infrastructure; (4) overall cost effectiveness of project; (5) location and visibility of project for educational
purposes and (6) inclusion of an effective maintenance plan.
Onondaga County will select projects that closely meet GIF program goals based on selection criteria.
Decisions on projects and level of funding selected for the GIF Program rest solely with Onondaga
County’s Department of Water Environment Protection, whose decisions shall be final.
Decisions on awards shall be made within 60 days of submittal of a completed application.
Construction and Monitoring Requirements:
Applicant should comply with all state and local laws. Grantees must allow WEP and its representatives
access to site for volume capture monitoring pursuant to the life of the contract between the County and
the GIF award winner. The Owner agrees to allow the County use of photos of the project in various
stages of completion for promotional purposes and placement on the county website.
Other Requirements for Receiving GIF Funding:
Each applicant must complete and sign a detailed statement which outlines specific costs of green
infrastructure improvement. Projects that include additional infrastructure construction work beyond
green infrastructure improvements should demonstrate how the green infrastructure portion of the project
relates to the overall scope of work.
In addition, the applicant shall provide a detailed contour/topographic drainage plan depicting the existing
surface area tributary to the CSS as it relates to the applicant’s parcel. The applicant shall also provide
their proposed drainage plan (via conceptual diagram or map) indicating how much of the existing surface
area once tributary to the CSS will be removed and diverted to their proposed green infrastructure or pretreated separated discharge.
The drainage plan must include a description of ground cover characteristics indicating impervious (nonporous) and pervious (porous) cover types. A calculation of each, total impervious cover type and
pervious cover type removed from the CSS must be provided. If available, the proposed drainage plan
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should be provided to the County in digital format.
The volumetric capacity of each proposed green infrastructure system must be provided.
Project Completion and Reimbursement Procedures:
Once the Grantee has finished installation of Green Infrastructure, the Grantee must contact WEP to
schedule a final walk-through to ensure project has been installed in accordance with all requirements of
the GIF program and the Grantee’s approved application. If WEP determines that the project has been
completed successfully, WEP will issue a Certificate of Completion. After the Certificate of Completion
is issued, the Grantee shall have sixty (60) calendar days to submit a completed Claim Form (provided by
WEP) requesting payment. Funding awarded under the GIF program will be disbursed in a one-time,
lump sum payment to the Grantee.
All applicants must demonstrate that they have a long-term general maintenance agreement/plan for
Green Infrastructure projects
Upon completion of project construction, grantee must contact the County (WEP) to schedule final
procedures and walk-through. Grantees can contact OCDWEP via the contact information below:
Department of Water Environment Protection
ATTN: GIF Program
650 Hiawatha Boulevard West
Syracuse, NY 13204
Green Infrastructure Technology Definitions
A Green roof is a flat or nearly flat roof of a building that is partially or completely covered with
vegetation and soil or a growing medium, planted over a waterproof membrane. Green roofs are used for
storm water management and energy savings, as well as for aesthetic benefits. Green roofs absorb storm
water and release some of it back into the atmosphere through evaporation and plant transpiration, while
reducing urban temperatures. A green roof typically includes installation of an approximately two to sixinch deep system consisting of a root anti-penetration layer, a drainage layer, a water filtration fabric, a
growing medium and drought-tolerant living plants designed to be low-maintenance.(Includes capture
attained utilizing a roof garden application).
Bioswales (or vegetated swales or rain gardens) are area wide, shallow channels with a dense stand of
vegetation covering the side slopes and bottom. Swales can be natural or constructed and are designed to
promote infiltration, reduce the flow velocity of storm water runoff and maximize the amount of time
water spends in the swale, which also aids in trapping particulate pollutants and silt. Bioswales are
commonly used around parking lots. Variations on vegetated swale systems, such as rain gardens, bioretention basins and bio-infiltration systems may also be funded under this grant.
Porous Pavement (also known as pervious paving or permeable pavement), is a term used to describe
paving material and methods for driveways, parking lots, sidewalks and pathways that allow precipitation
to infiltrate through the paving material to the soil below. Porous paving materials available today
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include: porous asphalt, porous concrete, pavers or bricks and other proprietary materials produced using
a stone aggregate and a binding product.
Cisterns are large receptacles for holding rainwater/runoff that are connected to a collection system on a
nearby building/structure. Rainwater can be stored in the cisterns and may be reused to water gardens and
lawns. Cisterns may range in capacity from about 50 gallons to thousands of gallons.
Tree Trenches/Tree Planter Boxes are designed to hold one or more trees and are built to capture and
store additional storm water runoff to keep runoff out of streets and sewers and provide water for the
trees. They can be connected to a nearby facility’s gutter system or placed along streets, between streets
and sidewalks. Trenches may include amended soils, aggregate for storage and infiltration, perforated
pipe for distribution and geotextile lining to enclose the trench.
Storm water Planters are deep planting boxes that receive roof runoff releasing it to a conveyance
system, cistern or groundwater. Storm water planters can be raised or flush with the surrounding
landscape. Vegetation in the planter usually is comprised of perennials and/or small shrubs.
Storm water planters are generally not recommended for treatment of road or parking lot runoff.
Application, Approval, Construction, and Reimbursement Process
A GIF application is considered COMPLETE when the applicant submits:
___Completed application form
___Basis of engineering design and project narrative
___Engineering analysis (structural, soil testing, etc.)
___Survey or Site Plan
___Green infrastructure enhancement plan and specifications
___Individual Budgets for “green” and “gray” components
___If project is bank-financed, a letter of interest from proposed lender
___Legal description of property involved, including description of leased premises (floor plan and legal
description), if applicable
___Permits required and/or applied for
___W-9 Form
*Owner Applicant must supply copies of deed, title policy, or purchase option or contract.
**Tenant Applicant must supply copies of lease or lease proposal and Owner’s Consent Letter with
minimum 5-year lease-term agreement
Onondaga County (WEP) will review the application and notify the Applicant whether or not the project
will be recommended for funding, and if so, the amount of GIF assistance approved.
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If the project is recommended by Onondaga County (WEP), a contract agreement will be prepared
between the County and the Applicant.
The Applicant must provide the following prior to approval of the Agreement:
___Proof of equity and lender financing
___Detailed project budget (final estimate)
___Copies of all required permits
___Detailed final design sealed by a New York State Licensed Design Professional (architect, landscape
architect, professional engineer)
___Copy of maintenance agreement/plan for project
___Any other legal documents as required by Onondaga County (WEP) including Proof of County
Acceptance of design
Prior to commencing construction:
___Grantee must notify representative for Onondaga County (WEP) prior to commencement and upon
completion of project.
During Construction:
___Grantee will maintain construction records & photograph progress. The County (WEP) has the right to
inspect construction progress and photograph the project.
After Construction:
___Once construction is completed and proof of completion has been provided, WEP will conduct a final
walk-through of the project and issue a Certificate of Completion.
___Monitoring data and As-Builts should be submitted if applicable.
___Maintenance records must be kept and submitted as requested
The Grantee must provide:
___A signed copy of Certificate of Completion
___A completed Claim Form to WEP (provided by WEP) within 60 days of the issuance of the Certificate
of Completion
___Documentation of sub contract certification (if applicable for project)
___Copy of approved maintenance agreement
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Green Improvement Fund Application Form
I. Applicant Information
A. Business/Organization Information:
1. Applicant Name:
2. What does your business/organization do?
3. Address of Business/Organization:
4. Contact Person:
a. Phone Number:
b. Fax Number:
c. Email Address:
5. Type of Business Entity (Please Check One):
a. Sole Proprietorship:
b. Partnership:
c. For-Profit Corporation:
d. Non-Profit Corporation:
e. Limited Liability Company:
f. Other (Please Describe):
B. Property Information (Can be Obtained Online at
1. Street Address:
2. Tax ID:
3. Property Identification Number:
4. Sewer shed (Please Check One, Refer to XXX for Sewer shed Map):
a. Clinton:
b. Harbor Brook:
c. Midland:
d. Not Known:
5. Does the Applicant Currently Own or Lease the Property? (Please Check One)
a. Own:
b. Lease:
c. Other (Please Explain):
Note: If Applicant does not own the property, the Applicant must provide a copy of any existing lease
or lease option contract, and Letter of Consent to construct Project from the Owner.
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II. Project Description:
A. Project Green Infrastructure Information:
Green Infrastructure (GI) Type
Green Roof
Amount/ Size
of GI
Impervious Area
Tributary to GI
Pervious Area
Tributary to GI
Square Feet
Bioswale/bioretention/rain garden
Square Feet
Porous Pavement
Square Feet
Tree planters/trenches
Number of
Other (please specify):
Note: Attach any plans, drawing or sketches that illustrate the proposed Project and green infrastructure
technology(ies). Attach a property survey of the location where green infrastructure technology(ies) will be
implemented, if available.
1. Provide the Parcel controlled existing tributary drainage areas to the Combined Sewer System:
a. Impervious Area: __________ square feet
b. Pervious Area: ___________ square feet
2. Provide the Parcel controlled proposed tributary drainage areas to the Combined Sewer System:
a. Impervious Area: __________ square feet
b. Pervious Area: ___________ square feet
3. Provide the amount of runoff from the proposed impervious drainage area above that will be captured in the
green technologies.
a. Runoff _________ gallons
4. Provide 3-4 sentences to summarize the Project (use additional sheets if necessary):
5. Describe existing conditions that will be improved by your Project (attach photos):
6. Is the use of green technologies in this Project part of a larger construction project? If so, briefly describe:
7. Provide the amount of GIF funding requested for this Project: ___________________
Note: Attach Project Budget with details on anticipated costs; including breakdown by design,
construction, maintenance, permitting, etc.
8. Proposed Project Schedule (Month/Year):
a. Design Completed Date: ______________
b. Construction Start Date: ______________
c. Construction Completed Date: ____________
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9. Has any other government assistance (funds, tax incentives or other economic benefits) been provided to
the applicant for the purposes of this Project? (Please Check Yes or No)
a. Yes:
b. No:
c. If Yes, describe the type and amount of assistance provided (Federal, State, Other):
III. Maintenance Agreement: Applicant must enter into a long-term general maintenance agreement to
receive GIF funding. Briefly describe the maintenance plan for this project:
IV. Signature
I, the undersigned, affirm that the project descriptions, numerical and financial estimates, and all other
information I have provided in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I have
read and understood the requirements described in this application. I certify that I am authorized to initiate
the GIF funding application process on behalf of the project described, that the green infrastructure
project will be constructed, in its entirety, on property owned or leased by the applicant.
Signed: ______________________________________
Print Name: ___________________________________
Title: __________________________________
Date: __________________
Legal Disclaimer
Completion of this application does not entitle the Applicant to financial assistance. Any such assistance
must be approved by WEP. Additional information may be requested to consider this application
complete. Applicant must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, including
environmental laws and permitting requirements.
Application with required attachments must be submitted to:
GIF Program
Department of Water Environment Protection
650 Hiawatha Boulevard West, Syracuse, NY 13204
Questions may be referred to the County Department of Water Environment Protection GIF program:
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