CONSTITUTION OF Canon Literary Journal [REVIEWED 3/31/15

Canon Literary Journal
[REVIEWED 3/31/15]
SECTION 1. The name of this publication will be “Canon”.
SECTION 2. The subtitle will be “Literary Journal”.
SECTION 1. To provide a venue in which to showcase student writers of prose, poetry,
and uncategorized literary work as well as student art, photography, and other visual
SECTION 2. To celebrate the literary and visual arts.
SECTION 3. To promote student’s interest in play writing by including one-act plays in
the journal.
SECTION 4. To promote relations of faculty and students by printing works of both in
each issue.
SECTION 5. To provide experience for students interested in journal production,
including editorial and layout experience.
SECTION 6. To use meetings and workshops to provide feedback for student writers and
encourage the production of new material.
SECTION 1. Each issue of Canon shall include student stories, poetry, visual art and
photographs; a letter from the editor; and author biographies.
SECTION 2. The journal will print short stories, one-act plays, poetry, literary works,
and visual media, literary related pieces, etc.
SECTION 3. The journal will print between 52 and 60 pages worth of student works per
A. Length and amount of stories and/or poems published will depend upon length and
amount of accepted submissions by the Selection Committee.
B. Student submissions will go through a selection process and will be chosen by the
Selection Committee and co-Editors. (see Selection of Submissions)
SECTION 4. The Managing Editor will choose and ask the selected Professor to be
printed in each issue.
A. The Managing Editor will ask for suggestions and opinions from the general staff on
this issue.
B. The Professor will be asked to give a short story, poem, or one-act play to be printed
in the journal.
SECTION 5. The photographs and art in the publication will be chosen by the layout
Committee, with oversight by the co-Editors.
A. Artwork will be printed in black and white or color
C. Artwork will be selected from submissions from the Tufts Student Community as well
as students from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts.
B. In case of time-line issues or other unforeseen reasons, the Editors may use past,
unpublished work.
SECTION 1. Canon shall publish one issue per semester at a date determined by the coEditors.
SECTION 2. The publishing company shall be chosen by the co-Editors.
SECTION 3. The amount of copies and the presentation of the journal will be decided
according to funds by the above mentioned.
SECTION 4. The journal will be distributed on campus by the staff in campus approved
places and manner.
SECTION 5. The journal will be a free publication for students and staff of Tufts
University and anybody else unless provisions are made by the staff and amended to this
constitution to sell journals to non-Tufts persons for the purpose of raising more funds for
the existing or next issue.
SECTION 1. Canon will accept for consideration any and all submissions of short stories,
poetry, and one-act plays, and other written work from Tufts students.
A. Submissions must be typed and have the author’s name and email written on them.
B. Staff of the journal may decide to impose a word limit according to funds and size of
issue. This limit will be on posters of submission.
C. Electronic submissions are accepted via files sent to
SECTION 2. Canon will select submissions in the following manner;
A. The Managing Editor will gather all submissions, remove names from them and
catalogue them by number. ONLY the Managing Editor will have access to the
names of the authors until selections have been made.
B. The Managing Editor will send stories (sans names) out to the Selection Committee
via e-mail.
C. Readers will read the submissions at their convenience during a designated block of
time determined by the co-Editors. They will read all submissions and each reader
will chart their comments and impressions on each story, play, and/or poem.
E. The Selection meetings will be attended by all readers. Any reader not attending
selection meetings may send in their comments electronically, and their
comments will be shared with the attending members of the Selection Committee.
F. Selection Meetings will be run by the co-Editors. How many and when to have the
meetings will be decided by the aforementioned.
G. Submissions may be accepted in a few different manners.
i. Any submission receiving a unanimous vote to be printed as is will be accepted.
ii. Any submission receiving a majority vote to print as is will be accepted.
iii. Submissions may be accepted with conditions of editing, though editing will
depend upon author’s agreement.
SECTION 3. All authors will be informed of final selections.
SECTION 4. co-Editors will determine the manner in which authors are notified of
acceptance or non-acceptance. In ALL cases, the co-Editors will provide a way for
authors of unaccepted submissions to receive a letter or email with comments on the
stories made in reader sheets or in selection meetings.
SECTION 5. Canon will check with other relevant publications about double submissions
to prevent double printings.
SECTION 1. Managing Editor and Co-Editors
A. Will oversee all components of the journal
B. Has power of all final decisions regarding publication of the journal
C. Chooses professor works after hearing and discussing ideas with the staff.
D. In charge of Selection meetings or may designate somebody for that position.
E. In charge of compiling submissions or may designate somebody for that position.
F. Will write editor’s letter for each issue.
G. Will contract and deal with the Printer.
H. In charge of all funds and handles all dealings with all financial supporters.
I. Publicize deadlines and meetings.
SECTION 2. Selection Committee
A. Read and evaluate all submissions.
B. Attend Selection Committee meeting, or e-mail in comments on student works.
SECTION 3. Lay-out Committee
A. Handles lay-out of journal.
B. Decides on use of photography and artwork inside the journal.
SECTION 4. Webmaster
A. Maintain the Canon website.
B. Update the information on the website: upcoming events, deadlines, and current staff.
C. Update website with PDF file of current issue.
SECTION 5. Assistant Editors are discretionary positions and will help the co-Editors in
anticipation of them taking on the duties of the co-Editors in future semesters.
SECTION 1. General membership applies to any student taking part in any aspect of the
journal (besides submitted authors) and all general members may vote so long as they
fulfill the duties of their position and attend all general meetings for one semester.
SECTION 2. New Editors will be appointed by a unanimous vote by the current coEditors, based on the interest, commitment, and seniority of active members from the
Selection Committee or Lay-out Committee.
SECTION 3. Division of duties between co-Editors depends on the number and interests
of current students filling the position.
SECTION 4. To be eligible to be elected as Managing Editor, person must have been an
active staff member for at least one semester.
SECTION 5. A member is defined as an undergraduate of Tufts University who has
attended the last three of the last five meetings of the organization and pays the Tufts
University student activities fee.
SECTION 6. Canon Literary Journal does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry),
disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or
operations. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for
all members of our staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.
SECTION 1. Meetings per semester will include, but are not limited to: a general interest
meeting, Selection Committee meeting, and Lay-out Committee meeting.
SECTION 2. To encourage involvement of new student authors, co-Editors will arrange
for staff members to visit English classes to talk to students about submitting.
SECTION 3. co-Editors may chose to hold “Writers’ Workshops,” in which students
would discuss their current drafts in a roundtable manner. Such workshops will be
advertised on and will be open to all members of the Tufts Community.
Such workshops may be held on a weekly or bimonthly basis.
SECTION 1. In order to impeach any elected staff member from an elected position a
staff member must submit a written explanation for the action.
SECTION 2. 75% of the staff members must vote to remove the member in question
from their position.
SECTION 3. The member in question will have an opportunity, before voting, to speak
on their own behalf if they so choose.
SECTION 4. All impeachment votes will be taken by secret ballot.
SECTION 1. This constitution may be amended at any time by a 2/3 vote of the staff.
SECTION 2. Any staff member may propose an amendment.
SECTION 3. co-Editors will hold meetings to discuss any proposed amendment.
SECTION 4. All amendments must be approved by the TCUJ.