F. No. 8-89/2014-FC Sub: Diversion of 644.00 ha of forest land for construction of Naying Hydro Electric Project (1000 MW) in favour of M/s Naying DSC Power Limited in West Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh. The present proposal for diversion of 644.00 ha of forest land for construction of Naying Hydro Electric Project (1000 MW) in favour of M/s Naying DSC Power Limited in West Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh was received in Feb., 2014 and SIR was received in January, 2015. Accordingly, the FAC on 17th March, 2015 considered and recommended as follows:“The Committee discussed the above mentioned proposal, heard the views of the User Agency and observed as below. 1. Proposal envisages construction of Naying Hydro Electric Project (1000 MW) over river Siyom, a major tributary of Siang River in West Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh. A series of large HEPs have been identified for development. Starting from upstream these project include 500 MW Hirong HEP, 700 MW Tato-II HEP, 100 MW Naying HEP and 1000 MW middle Siang (Siyom) HEP. The Naying HEP project features , a 108 m concrete dam, a 7.08 Km long and 10.6 m Dia Head Race tunnel and a underground Power house complex comprising of an open to sky type surge shaft, underground pressure shaft, machine hall for 4 Nos 250 MW Turbo generators, the transformer hall, collection gallery and Tail Race tunnel. 2. The proposal involves Unclassified State Forests. The proposed project shall affect 64,740 trees( Below 60 girth – 16,231,Above 60 girth - 48,509). The ruling crown density of the area is 0.5 to 0.6. The forest types belongs to the Tropical Semi Evergreen Forest of Eco-Class-I. 3. The project area is approx 86 km from Machuka St. R. F. The boundary of project site is 100 km in aerial distance from boundary of Dibang-Dihang Biosphere reserve, 114 Km in aerial distance from Mouling National Park and 20 Km from Yordi Rabe Supse Wild Life Sanctuary. 4. No rare/endangered species of flora & fauna were found. 5. Area of Degraded Community Forest Land in Mer Village & Lipin Village of pasighat forest division & Pakshol village of Daporijo Forest Division mutated has been selected for compensatory afforestation. 6. The DFO has issued certificate stating that land identified for CA is suitable for plantation and also from the management point of view and the District Collector, East Siang District has also issued a certificate stating that land identified for CA is free from encumbrances . 7. The State Government has recommended the proposal for approval 8. The Addl. PCCF (Central) did not make any specific recommendation on the proposal. However comments and observation submitted on the site inspection report are as under: (i) The Naying HEP is proposed to be set up in West Siang District of the State. As per the FSI report 2013, the District is having 2473 sq.km vey dense forest,2717 sq.km moderate dense forest and 1578 sq.Km open forest i.e. 6768 sq.km open forest i.e. 6768 sq.km forest area out of 7813 sq.km forest area out of 7813 sq.km the District is 86.2% (FSI report 2013). (ii) The project site is located on river Siyom upstream of another proposed Siyom Hydro Electric Project, under Mechuka Range of Along Forest Division. (iii) The area is dominated by tropical semi-evergreen forests. The soil on the slopes is mainly composed of silt and support ground vegetation. The very steep rocky Hills are covered with turfing mosses, grasses, herbs, shrubs, bamboos and trees. (iv) The User Agency and the Forest Department have recommended 37.35 ha of forest land for office building, residential building etc. The construction of residential building attracts the para 4.5 of the FC Act, 1980, therefore the construction of such residential building will have to be in a non-forest land. The construction of building for maintenance of the HE Project will have to be on need basis and it should be double or triple storied to minimize the use of the forest in the compact area so as to avoid camps across the projects area. The proposed forest area of 37.35 ha cannot be recommended for the use of building construction and the Forest Department will have to reduce and revise the area required. (v) Similarly an area of 88.20 ha has been proposed by the User Agency for construction of Roads (Refer serial no. 8 under break-up of land requirement at Para.2). Justification for such requirement for the construction of roads is not provided in the proposal. If unavoidable, the area requirement should be kept at bare minimum. (vi) An area of 87.0 has been proposed for Quarry outside the submergence area in the project store. As the geological formation of the submergence area should not be different from the proposed Quarry, hence efforts should be made by the User Agency to explore the possibilities of extracting rock materials from the submergence area ( 175 Ha) instead of opening new areas for the Quarry, thereby significant forest land can be avoided. (vii) State Forest Department has stated that the proposed Naying HEP is approximately 20 kms from Yarde Rabe Supse Wildlife Sanctuary. The wildlife animal species are present in these Wildlife Sanctuary and Un-classed Forest. The movement of these animals is not restricted to National Park/Wildlife Sanctuary but is acrossed the adjacent forest area in the District. The Forest Department have not conducted any survey to assess the effect of the Naying HEP on the movement of the wild animals in these forest area and the impact of the dam on the habitat of these animals. (viii) The removal of trees, shrubs and ground vegetation will affect the surrounding Eco-system of the forest area. The construction of the dam will also affect the micro climate of the forest area surrounding it. (ix) The lower downstream water level will be gradually reduced by the construction of the dam will affect aqua and micro aqua species. The water level in the downstream of the Siyom river will have to be maintained for the ecological balance of the aquatic fauna. (x) Disaster Management Plan is essential for this project as area of Arunachal Pradesh is categorized under Sensitive Seismic Zone. (xi) The Reclamation Plan and Catchment Area Treatment has not been made available to the Regional Office, hence no comments can be made on these matters. (xii) The Cumulative impact assessment study /River basin study of Siang basin is yet to be accepted by the MoEF&CC. After detailed discussion the FAC recommended that the proposal will be considered after acceptance of the Cumulative Environment Impact Assessment Study (River Basin study) and its acceptance by the Ministry. In the meantime the State Government may take following actions. a) Examine the observations made by the Regional Office in its SIR and, if required, may modify and re-submit the proposal after addressing the issues raised by the Regional Office in its report. b) Submit the CAT Plan if any, prepared as part of Environment Management Plan in the process of Environmental Clearance. c) Submit the detailed R&R plan for rehabilitation of affected families. d) Submit DGPS maps of land proposed for diversion and the land identified for CA along with land suitability certificate from competent authority. e) Submit the compliance of Scheduled Tribe and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, as per the MoEF&CC advisory.” These are still awaited. 3. In the meantime, The CIAS has been completed and the Ministry has accepted the study. The main features are as follows:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The recommendations of the above study report have been approved by MoEF&CC. The recommendations as accepted are required to be considered as roadmap for development of hydropower projects in Siang river basin. The report outlines capacity, size, location of HEPs commensurate with the basins environmental carrying capacity conforming to the accepted cumulative impacts. However, EIA/EMP shall have to be carried out for individual projects as per provision of EIA-Notification 2006 and its subsequent amendments. Modification in designs such as lowering of FRL wherever recommended need to be incorporated. For the remaining 29 projects, environmental flow release has been recommended are annexed as Annexure-II. These must be conditioned in the final approval of the projects. On main Siyom River, four projects in cascade taking about 55 km of the river stretch is impacting the river ecosystem. Therefore, there should be at least 1 km of free flowing river stretch between adjacent projects wherein river can flow in natural conditions in all the seasons to ensure habitat connectivity, rejuvenation and preventing landscape fragmentation. Accordingly, FRL of three projects viz. Tato II, Naying and Siyom Middle should be lowered so that free flowing river stretches of 1 km can be maintained between FRL and TWL of these four projects in cascade. Three large projects have been proposed on main Siang river viz. Siang Upper Stage-I (6000 MW), Siang Upper Stage-II (3750 MW) and Siang Lower (2700 MW). So far only Siang Upper Stage-II (3750 MW) has valid scoping clearance from MoEF&CC. (Study Report has discussed in detail cumulative impacts of these three large storage projects on Siang river covering biodiversity aspects, impacts on river ecology especially movement of Mahseer, downstream impacts of diurnal flooding at D’Ering Memorial WLS in lean season, converting over (v) (vi) 70% of Siang river reach in India to reservoir with no free flowing stretch, etc. MoEF&CC has accepted the recommendations for freezing the total capacity in Upper Siang project at 9750 MW. The configurations of the projects within the approved capacity are to be decided by State Government/MoP. However, there would be a mandatory requirement of cumulative impact analysis of the projects in main Sian River to be carried out before environment clearance is accorded. There is also a need for an additional study to assess the impacts of various configuration of these projects on the main Siang River. Among four planned HEPS on Siyom river Naying and Hirong are yet to get the EC from MoEF&CC. However, the HEPs should be asked to implement recommendation of design modification by lowering FRL. Projects to be appraised henceforth shall explore the provision of longitudinal connectivity for smooth biota movement and silt transportation. In view of recommendations of CIAS and its acceptance by the Ministry, the FRL of Naying requires to be lowered. A background note on the proposal along with the fact sheet is as below:1. The State Government of Arunachal Pradesh vide their letter No. FOR.191/CONS/2007/124-29 dated 22.01.2014 submitted a fresh proposal seeking prior approval of the Central Government under Section-2 of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. 2. Proposal envisages construction of Naying Hydro Electric Project (1000 MW) over river Siyom, a major tributary of Siang River in West Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh. A series of large HEPs have been identified for development. Starting from upstream these project include 500 MW Hirong HEP, 700 MW Tato-II HEP, 100 MW Naying HEP and 1000 MW middle Siang (Siyom) HEP. The Naying HEP project features , a 108 m concrete dam, a 7.08 Km long and 10.6 m Dia Head Race tunnel and a underground Power house complex comprising of an open to sky type surge shaft, underground pressure shaft, machine hall for 4 Nos 250 MW Turbo generators, the transformer hall, collection gallery and Tail Race tunnel. 3. With regards to justification for locating the project in the forest area, it is mentioned that the project is location specific due to Topographical, Geological features prevalent in the area Hydro-power Potential is exploitable optimally only in the specific stage of the River as identified and proposed. Hydro power is renewable and environmentally benign source of energy. Hydro Power Stations have the inherent ability for instantaneous starting, stopping and managing load variations which helps in improving reliability of the power supply system hydro stations are a natural choice for meeting the peak demand. The generation cost is inflation free and helps in conserving scarce fossil fuels. Development of Hydro power projects also provides the added advantage of opening up avenues for development of remote and backward regions of the country. The Hydro share has declined from 44% in 1970 to about 26% in 2007 and there is a urgent need to develop new Hydro schemes immediately to maintain the Hydro-Thermal mix to maintain the Grid. 4. The facts related to the proposal as contained in the State Government’s letter dated 22.01.2014 are given below in the form of fact sheet: FACT SHEET 1. Name of the Proposal 2. Location 3. i. State ii. District Particulars of Forests: (i) Name of Forest Division and Forest area involved. Diversion of 644.00 ha of forest land for construction of Naying Hydro Electric Project (1000 MW) in favour of M/s Naying DSC Power Limited in West Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh. Arunachal Pradesh West Siang Along Forest Division, 644.00 ha Unclassified State Forest (USF) (ii) Legal status/Sy.No. (iii) Map 4. 5. 6. Topography of the area (i) (ii) Geology Vulnerability to erosion (i) Vegetation SOI Toposheet - Pg-14/c Digital DGPS map- not submitted Forest Cover map- not submitted 10 Km radius DGPS map- not submitted Layout map – enclosed at Pg 15/c. The proposed area for diversion under Along Forest Division is not very vulnerable to erosion. Protection measures for catchment area treatment by planting of soil retention species, construction of embankment/check dam/barriers shall also help prevention of future hazards to the area. Bola, Hollock, Bonsum, Dhuna, Poma, Amari, Sopa, Siris, Wild Mango, Gonsorai, Castonopsis, Jutuli, Mosing, Pichola, Mekahi, Kuhir, uriam, Phul Gamari, Dewasali, Dimoru, etc. Dense Forest area: density 0.5 to 0.6 Forest type: Eco Class-I Tropical semi evergreen (ii) Density 7. Total = 64,760 Below 60 girth – 16,231 (iii) No. of trees to be felled Above 60 girth - 48,509 Whether area is significant from No wildlife point of view 8. Whether forms part of National The proposed area does not form part of park, Wildlife Sanctuary, National Park, Wildlife Sanctuary, Biosphere Biosphere Reserve, Tiger Reserve, Tiger Reserve, etc. Reserve, Elephant Corridor, etc. (if so, details of the area and comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden 9. Whether any RET species of flora No rare/endangered species of flora & fauna and fauna are found in the area. If were found. so details thereof 10. Approximate distance of the The project area is approx 86 km from proposed site for diversion from Machuka St. R. F. The boundary of project site is 100 km in arial distance from boundary boundary of forest. of Dibang-Dihang Biosphere reserve, 114 Km in arial distance from Mouling National Park and 20 Km from Yordi Rabe Supse Wild Life Sanctuary. 11. Whether any protected There is no protected archaeological/heritage archaeological/ heritage site/defense establishment in the proposed site/defence establishment or any area. other important monuments is located in the area. 12. Whether any work of in violation No of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 has been carried out (Yes/No). If yes details of the same including period of work done, action taken on erring officials. Whether work in violation is still in progress. 13. Whether the requirement of forest Yes, the requirement of land is unavoidable land as proposed by the user and barest minimum. agency in col. 2 of Part-I is unavoidable and barest minimum for the project, if no recommended area item-wise with details of alternatives examined. 14. Whether clearance under the Yes Environment (protection) Act, 1986 is required? 15. Compensatory Afforestation (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Details of non-forest area/degraded forest area identified for CA, its distance from adjoining forest, number of patches, sixe of each patches. Map showing nonforest/degraded forest area identified for CA and adjoining forest boundaries. Detailed CA scheme including species to be planted, implementing agency, time schedule, cost structure, etc. Total financial outlay for CA Certificate from the competent authority regarding suitability of the area identified for CA and from management point of view. 16. Catchment Area Treatment Area of Degraded Community Forest Land in Mer Village & Lipin Village of pasighat forest division & Pakshol village of Daporijo Forest Division mutated has been selected for compensatory afforestation. Yes, (Pg- 41, 51, 56/c) Yes, (pg-35-38, 43-46 and 52-55/c) Rs. 23,67,04,599.91/- mentioned by DFO but CF mentioned that Rs.10,04,29,500/spreading over 10 years. Yes, (Pg-39, 47, 57/c). The DFO has issued certificate stating that land identified for CA is suitable for plantation and also from the management point of view (Pg 39 and 47/c) The District Collector, East Siang District has also issued a certificate stating that land identified for CA is free from encumbrances (Pg 49/c). Not Submitted 17. Rehabilitation of Oustees a) No of families involved b) Category of families c) Details of rehabilitation plan 18. Compliance of Scheduled Tribe and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 Nil Nil NA 19. Cost Benefit Ratio 1:148 (Pg-16/c) 20. Total Cost of the Project Rs. 4734.89 Crores Not Submitted 21. Recommendation i. DFO ii. CCF iii. Nodal Officer iv SG 22. District Profile (i) Total Forest area of the district (ii) Total Forest area/Divisional Forest area (iii)Total area diverted since 1980 (iv) Total CA stipulated since 1980 (a) Forest land including penal CA (b) Non Forest Land (v) Progress of Compensatory Afforestation (a) Forest land (b) Non Forest land Recommended (pg-20/c) Recommended (pg-63/c) Recommended (pg-64/c) Recommended (pg-64/c) 6719 Sq. KM. (As per state of Forest report FSI, 2009) West Siang District includes Along & Likabali Forest Division 5049 Sq. Km. 395.56 ha (13 number of cases) 1065.382 ha ------- 657.238 ha ------- Specific recommendation of the Authorities in the State Forest Department Recommendation of the DCF As the catchment area treatment plan has been proposed by the User Agency for soil and moisture conservation, cost of compensatory afforestation and NPV shall be paid by the user agency. Proposal for diversion may be accepted and therefore recommended. Recommendation of the CCF Recommended for consideration for the benefit of people and overall development of the area, state and country. Recommendation of the PCCF Recommended for approval, considering the power situation of the State and the country. Recommendation of the State Government The project is recommended for clearance under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 as it will help augment power production in the State for overall economic growth and development of the country. Forest area specified for the project shall be duly compensated through afforestation. SITE INSPECTION REPORT, REGIONAL OFFICE, SHILLONG BACKGROUND OF PROPOSAL: 1. Ministry vide letter F.No.8-89/2014-FC Dated 19th September 2014 requested this Regional Office, Shillong, to carry out site inspection of the instant proposal. As the copy of the proposal was not endorsed to Regional Office, the same was asked from the State Govt of Arunchal Pradesh, vide Regional Office letter No. 8-85/2014-FC/1819-22 Dated 1.10.2014. and further requesting the State Govt to depute the concerned DFO and the concerned Head of Project to come for presentation and discussion on 13.10.2014, prior to conducting site inspection. However power point presentation and discussion on the proposal could not be held in the Regional Office on 13.10.2014 as the copy of the proposal was received from the State Govt only on 14.10.2014, after the scheduled meeting. 2. On preliminary scrutiny of the proposal submitted, certain information was found to be lacking and the observation of the of the Regional Office, Shillong, was conveyed to the State Govt vide letter No.8-89/2014-FC/2175-70 dated 05.11.2014.The response of the State Govt on the above letter is still awaited till date. 3. However as per the provision of FC Act 1980 and as desired by Ministry , site inspection of the proposed Forest land was conducted on 26th and 27th November 2014 by Conservator of Forests (C) Regional office of MoEF Shillong along with the Officials of the State Forest Department and representatives of the project proponent consisting the following:(i) Shri R.L.Sanga,IFS, Conservator of Forests(C ), MoEFCC, Shillong (ii) Shri Nyali Ete IFS, DFO,Along Forest Division, Goverment of Arunachal Pradesh. (iii)Shri. Ashwin Parihar, IFS ( P), ACF, Along Forest Division, Goverment of Arunachal Pradesh. (iv) Ms. Martha Ratan, ACF ( P), Along Forest Division, Government of Arunachal Pradesh. (v) Shri. Lukri Josham, Local representative of M/s Naying DSC Power Limited. (vi) Shri. Tobin Kiri, Local representative of M/s Naying DSC Power Limited. It may be mentioned that no technical personnel from the User Agency participated in the site inspection. 4. The facts as reported by the Regional Office in its site inspection report are given as under: (i) Legal status of the forest land proposed for diversion is Unclassified State Forests under Along Forest Division, West Siang District. (ii) Item wise break-up details of the forest land proposed for diversion: Sl.No Project Components Area in ha A. Surface Area 1. Reservior Area 175.00 2. Main Dam 28.50 3 Dumping Area 37.50 4. Aggregate Stack Piling 5. Quarry Area 87.00 6 Plants 15.00 7 Conveyor Belt & Diesel Loco Track 8 Roads 9 Portal Area 7.80 10 Office Area 13.00 11 Colony Area 15.00 12 Store Area 7.00 13 Explosive Magazine, Area E 2.35 14 Working Area 123.65 Total Surface area 609.00 1.25 7.75 88.20 B. Underground area. 35.00 644.0 a Grand Total (iii)Proposal involves construction of buildings (including residential) as per the detail given below: Office Area 13.00 ha Colony Area 15.00 ha Store Area 7.00 ha Explosive Magazine, Area E 2.35 ha 37.35a Total: (iv) Total cost of the project at present rates is Rs. 4734.89 Crores. (v) With regards to issues related to Wildlife, it is reported that as per information made available by the State Forest Officials and DFO Along Forest Division, though the project area does not form part of any National Park, wild life sanctuary, Biosphere Reserve, Tiger Reserve, Elephant Corridor etc. however as per List submitted by DFO Along Forest Division (Enclosed as Annexure-V in the proposal) ), the following wildlife are found in the area: Barking deer, Serow, Fly catcher, Sun Bird Barbet, Cutias Wood Peekers, Owls, Cuckoos, Squirrels, Monkey, Lizard, Fishing cat etc. As the area involved is bearing good forest cover in certain patches therefore it is observed that the area will serve as good wildlife habitat. (vi) With regards to vegetation, it is reported that the area is dominated by tropical semievergreen forests. The soil on the slopes is mainly composed of silt and support ground vegetation. Enumeration has been done by the State Govt for trees having girth class of 30 cms and above. As per the enumeration of trees submitted, a total no. of 20,149 trees having different girth classes are involved at FRL ( Submergence area) and a total no. of 44,591 trees having different girth classes are involved at areas other than submergence. Abstract of Enumeration as per proposal submitted: Total number of trees to Total number of trees to Grand total (Trees to be felled (below 60 CM be felled( above 60 CM be felled) girth) girth) 16,231. 48,509. 64,760. (Enumeration details is provided in the proposal). With regards to effect of removal of trees on the general ecosystem in the area, it is indicated that as the area involved is extensive which requires clearing of vast stretch of the forest area for the project, therefore significance adverse effect on the general forest eco system is anticipated. The land is having precipitous slope therefore tree felling may cause soil erosion as well. Important species: The major prevalent species are Bhola ( Morus leavigata), Hollock ( Terminalia myriocarpa), Bonsum ( Phoebe goalparensis) ,Dhuna ( Canarium spp),Amari ( Amoora wallichii),Sopa ( Magnolia spp) Jutuli( Altingia excelsa), Kuhir ( Bridelia retusa), Siris ( Albizzia lebbeck), Poma (Toona ciliata), Mekahi ( Phoebe cooperiana), Uriam ( Bischofia javanica), Hingori ( Castanopsis indica), Pichola (Kydia calycina), Gonsorai (Cinamomum spp), Mossing ( Alnus spp) etc. (vii) Compensatory afforestation: An equivalent area of 644 ha of Degraded Community Forest land at 3 different locations have been identified for taking up CA against this proposal, as follows: District Name of FD Legal status Name of locations. Area ( in ha) East Siang. Pasighat Degraded Community Forest land Mer Proposed VFR 380.00 East Siang. Pasighat. Degraded Community Forest land Lipin Degraded Community Forest land. 200.00 Upper Subansiri. Daporijo. Degraded Community Forest land Pakshok Proposed VFR. 64.00 Total: 644.00 a) Physical verification of the proposed CA site at Mer Degraded Community Forest land (80.00 ha) under Pasighat Forest Division was undertaken as the area is found to be suitable for taking up CA.( Photographs enclosed). The remaining areas could not be visited by the undersigned, however suitability certificate for the proposed CA sites have also been given by the concerned DFOs in the proposal submitted. b) As reported by the State Government the land is free from encroachment and encumbrances. c) The land identified is reported to have no significance from religious and archaeological point of view. d) The proposed CA area of 644 ha is located in 3 different locations as stated above. e) Map submitted along with the proposal, which are not very clear. f) The total estimated cost for CA is Rs. 10,04,29,500/- spreading over 10 years, including maintenance, purchase of vehicles, POL, engagement of driver & handyman, construction of labour shed etc.. Detail calculation is given in the proposal. (viii) No violation of FC Act 1980 is observed during the course of inspection. (ix) No rehabilitation is involved in respect of forest land in this proposal. (x) Not submitted to the Regional Office. (xi) Detail on catchment and command area under the project not submitted to the Regional Office. (xii) Cost : Benefits = Rs.461.13 cr: Rs.67,850.75 Cr. i.e. 1: 148.( as given by UA). (xiii) Utility of the project: Numbers of Scheduled caste/Scheduled Tribe to be benefited by the project. a) Project shall add power supply to local area as well as national grid. b) Enhancement of economic development of the state from the accruals from sale of free power from the project. c) Creation of employment & business opportunities, improvement of road infrastructure, communication, health & medical facilities. d) Opening of banks, post offices. e) Entire Arunachal Pradesh is a tribal state. The tribal population in the nearby project area will be benefited by way of project development . (xiv) The land being diverted is reported to have no socio-cultural/religious value. (xv) No scared grove or very old growth trees/forests exists in the areas proposed for diversion. (xvi) No unique eco-system is reported to exist in the land being diverted for the instant proposal. (xvii) Situation w.r.t. any P.A. As per the information provided by the concerned DFO, the boundary of the project site is 100 km aerial distance from boundary of Dibang-Dihang Biosphere, 114 km aerial distance from Mouling National Park, and 20 km fromYorde Rabe Supse WL Sanctuary. (xviii) Any other information relating to the project: As per short narrative of the proposal, the River Siyom, a major tributary of Siang River in West Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh, originates in higher Himalayas and flows in a generally south – easterly direction. A series of large hydro projects have been identified for development. Starting from upstream, these are the 500 MW Hirong project, 700 MW Tato –II projects, 1000 MW Naying project and 1000 MW Middle Siang (Siyom) Project. The Naying Hydroelectirc project features as 108 m concrete dam, a 7.08 km long & 10.6 m dia. Head Race Tunnel and an underground Power House Complex comprising of an open to sky type Surge Shaft, underground Pressure Shaft, Machine Hall for 4 Nos. 250 MW Turbo-generators, the Transformer Hall, Collection Gallery and Tall Race Tunnel. 5. Observations and comments of the Addl. PCCF (Central) Regional Office The Addl. PCCF (Central) did not make any specific recommendation on the proposal. However comments and observation submitted on the site inspection report are as under: i. The Naying HEP is proposed to be set up in West Siang District of the State. As per the FSI report 2013, the District is having 2473 sq.km vey dense forest,2717 sq.km maderate dense forest and 1578 sq.Km open open forest i.e. 6768 sq.km open forets i.e. 6768 sq.km forest area out of 7813 sq.km forest area out of 7813 sq.km the District is 86.2% (FSI report 2013). ii. The project site is located on river Siyom upstream of another proposed Siyom Hydro Electric Project, under Mechuka Range of Along Forest Division.. iii. The area is dominated by tropical semi-evergreen forests. The soil on the slopes is mainly composed of silt and support ground vegetation.The very steep rocky Hills are covered with turfing mosses, grasses, herbs, shrubs, bamboos and trees. (Photographs enclosed). iv. The User Agency and the Forest Department has recommended 37.35 ha of forest land for office building, residential building etc. The construction of residential building attracts the para 4.5 of the FC Act, 1980, therefore the construction of such residential building will have to be in a non-forest land. The construction of building for maintenance of the HE Project will have to be on need basis and it should be double or triple storied to minimize the use of the forest in the compact area so as to avoid camps across the projects area. The proposed forest area of 37.35 ha cannot be recommended for the use of building construction and the Forest Department will have to reduce and revise the area required. v. Similarly an area of 88.20 ha has been proposed by the User Agency for construction of Roads (Refer serial no. 8 under break-up of land requirement at Para.2). Justification for such requirement for the construction of roads is not provided in the proposal. If unavoidable, the area requirement should be kept at bare minimum. vi. An area of 87.0 has been proposed for Quarry outside the submergence area in the project store ( Refer serial no. 5 under break-up of land requirement at Para.2). As the geological formation of the submergence area should not be different from the proposed Quarry, hence efforts should be made by the User Agency to explore the possibilities of extracting rock materials from the submergence area ( 175 Ha) instead of opening new areas for the Quarry, thereby significant forest land can be avoided. vii. State Forest Department has stated that the proposed Naying HEP is approximately 20 kms from Yarde Rabe Supse Wildlife Sanctuary. The wildlife animal species are present in these Wildlife Sanctuary and Un-classed Forest. The movement of these animals is not restricted to National Park/Wildlife Sanctuary but is acrossed the adjacent forest area in the District. The Forest Department have not conducted any survey to assess the effect of the naying HEP on the movement of the wild animals in these forest area and the impact of the dam on the habitat of these animals. viii. The removal of trees, shrubs and ground vegetation will effect the surrounding Ecosystem of the forest area. The construction of the dam will also affect the micro climate of te forest area surrounding it. ix. The lower downstream water level will be gradually reduced by the construction of the dam will affect aqua and micro aqua species. The water level in the downstream of the Siyon river will have to be maintained for the ecological balance of the aquatic fauna. x. Disaster Management Plan is essential for this project as area of Arunachal Pradesh is categorized under Sensitive Seismic Zone. xi. The Reclamation Plan and Catchment Area Treatment has not been made available to the Regional Office, hence no comments can be made on these matters.” Hence, proposal may be submitted for the consideration of the FAC, if agreed to.