
Curriculum Vitae
Kristīne Vende-Kotova
Mobile. 29468894
Work experience
2015- until now
2015-until now
Dance movement therapist
Dance movement therapist
Dance movement therapist
2009- 2013
Health Centre ‘Vivendi’
International school of Latvia
VSIA “Children clinical university
Hospital “
„Dzintarkrasta service”
2008 – until now
Rigas Stradiņš University
2010 – 2011
Medical centre ‘Eimores’
Dance movement therapist
2008 – 2010
Iļģuciema secondary school
Educational psychologist
2003 -2005
NGO "Saule"
Psychologist assistant
2003 - 2005
Mental Health Centre "Dzintari"
Psychologist assistant
2001- 2003
Riga’s Elementary school nr.194
Kindergarten teacher
Dance movement therapist
(2013-2015) Rīgas Stradiņš University, Supervision in professional practise
(2009–2015) University of Latvia. PhD in Psychology in clinical psychology
(2005-2008) Goldsmiths College, University of London. MA in Dance Movement
(1999-2003) University of Latvia. Bs Psych
Participation in Conferences
(27.11.2014) Orinska, S., Vende, K., Majore-Dūšele, I., & Upmale, A. Dance Movement
Therapy for Patients with Eating Disorders: Model of Expressive Therapies Continuum.
5th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference ’SOCIETY HEALTH
WELFARE’. Rīga, Latvija.
(10.10.2014) Akmane, E., Barsinēviča, S., Fedulova, D., Kriumane, Z., Vende, K., Vilka,
E., & Visnola, D. Arts therapies for patients with autistic spectrum disorders. Jaunas
diagnostikas un ārstēšanas metodes Latvijas bērnu veselības uzlabošanai. Rīga, Latvija.
(7.10.2013) Vende, K. Child externalizing behaviour, mother emotion regulation
strategies and depression traits. International conference “Psychology in health Care”.
Rīga, Latvija.
(06.06.13) Vende, K. Maternal Depression Symptoms, Nonverbal Mirroring of Child,
and Child’s Nonverbal Mirroring of mother. ‘6th International and 11th National
Congress of Clinical Psychology’. Santiago de Compostela, Spain
(22.11-23.11.12) Vende, K. Mother’s emotion regulation strategies, depression traits
and children externalized behaviour. 4th International Interdisciplinary Scientific
Conference: ” SOCIETY. HEALTH. WELFARE: Intergenerational Solidarity:
Problems and Solutions, Reality and Perspectives”
(30.06. - 09.07. 2012) Vende, K. Dance movement therapy for children with
behavioural and emotional disorders. Riga, Latvia
(30.06. - 09.07. 2012) Vende, K. Dance Movement Therapy for elderly with
dementia. Riga, Latvia
(30.06. - 09.07. 2012) A. Upmale, A; Vende, K. Orinska, S.; Barsineviča, S.,
Kriumane, Z. & Visnola. D. Patient Groups in Art Therapies: Practice Report. Riga,
(20.07-26.07.2012) Vende, K. Development of 'Nonverbal Attunement Scale for
assement of mother-child interaction. ‘20th World Congress “Brain, Mind, and
Development”’, Paris, France.
(02.09.2011) Vende, K. & Čukurs, E. A Pilot study: Level of nonverbal attunement
between mother and children with secure and insecure attachment style. 11th
European Conference on Psychological Assessment, Riga, Latvia.
(11-12.11.2010) K. Mārtinsone, K.Vende Evidence Based Practise in Art Therapies.
3rd International Interdisciplinary scientific conference „Society, Health, Welfare,
Riga Stradiņš University.
(11-12.11.2010) K. Mārtinsone, K.Vende Arts Therapies in Latvia: Integrative
Eclectic Approach. 3rd International Interdisciplinary scientific conference „Society,
Health, Welfare, Riga Stradiņš University.
(09.02.2010) Vende, K. Parents attunement to the child and it’s role in child’s
development. 68th University of Latvia Scientific Conference, Riga, Latvia
Scientific publications:
Vende, K., Orinska, S., Majore-Dūšele, I., & Upmale, A. (2015) Dance Movement
Therapy for Patients with Eating Disorders: Model of Expressive Therapies
Continuum. Heiderscheit , A. (Ed.) Creative Arts Therapies in Eating Disorder
Treatment. Jessica Kinsgsley Publishing.
Vende, K (received confirmation for publication). Mother’s emotion regulation
strategies, depression ratings and children externalized behaviour. Baltic Journal of
Birziņa, E. & Vende, K. (2013) Marte Meo therapy for a preschool child with
aggressive behaviour problems. Avances en Psicologia. Libro de capítulos del VI
Congreso Internacional y XI Nacional de Psicología Clínica. 255-262.
Orinska, S.; Vende, K. & Upmale, A. (2013) Use of Expressive Therapies Continuum
in dance movement therapy with eating disorder. Arts Therapies for Different
Client/Patient Groups. 11 lpp
Upmale, A. Mārtinsone, K.; Vāverniece, I & Vende, K. (2012) Patient Groups in Art
Therapies: a Case Study of the Health Care Field in Latvia.
Proceedings. 3rd International interdisciplinary Scientific Conference „Society.
Health. Welfare”. 1st Congress of Rehabilitation Doctors of Latvia. Vol. 2. Riga
Stradiņš University, EDP Sciences. 00036, pp. 1−6. Available at: SHS Web of
Conferences. DOI: 10.1051/shsconf/201202000349 lpp.
Čukurs, E. & Vende, K. (2011) Creativity facilitatind and obstracting factors in
child’s-parent’s relationsip. University of Latvia Scientific Papers. Riga, Latvia, 16
Orinska, S., Vende, K., Majore-Dūšele, I. & Anda Upmale (received confirmation for
publication) Use of Expressive Therapies Continuum in Dance Movement Therapy
with Eating Disorder. Creative Arts Therapies in Eating Disorder Treatment. Jessica
Kingsley Publishers: London
Mihailova, S., Majore-Dūšele, I. & Vende, K. (2011) Dance and Movement Therapy.
Mārtinsone, K. (Ed.) Arts Therapies in Latvia and World. Zvaigzne: Riga
K. Mārtinsone, K. Vende (2010) Case Study in Arts Therapies. Scientific Papers.
Research in Arts Therapies. Drukātava: Riga
Social activities:
Latvia Dance and movement association board member and founding member
Latvia Health psychology association member
Latvia’ Supervision association member