2015-2016 WM PP action plan

William Morris Pupil Premium Action Plan 2015-2016
School Information
Head teacher
Chair of Governing Body
External Pupil Premium Reviewer
Date of pupil premium review
Acting Head teacher Mrs Linda Tait
Charlotte Christie
Tracy Smith
Tuesday 15th September 2015
Total school pupils on roll
Number of pupils eligible for PP
Amount per pupil
Total pupil premium budget
66 children (January 2015)
School contextual information
William Morris is a smaller than average-sized primary school with an above average number of children on roll known to be eligible for support through
the pupil premium.
During the academic year 2014-2015 there was significant instability in leadership at the school. As a result the overall effectiveness of the school suffered
leading to significant weaknesses in the achievement of pupils and quality of teaching. In May 2015 the school was put into special measures by Ofsted.
For the current academic year a Raising Achievement Plan (RAP) is in place for the school to focus on; establishing secure leadership, raising achievement
and improving the quality of teaching. As part of this plan, it is a significant school improvement focus to improve the achievement of disadvantaged pupils
at the school.
Following an external review of pupil premium provision at the school, school leaders have written a pupil premium action plan that has clear actions for
improving leadership, improving the school’s financial reporting of the pupil premium expenditure, raising achievement and improving personal
development, behaviour and welfare for children that receive pupils premium.
2015-2016 School Pupil Premium mission statement
At William Morris Primary School we strive for quality first teaching and learning for all our pupils regardless of their background or circumstances.
We have high ambitions and expectations for all our pupils and are determined all pupils are given the opportunity to reach their full potential. We use our
Pupil Premium allocation to be able to offer additional support for children eligible for pupil premium so that their learning and achievement is not
Ensuring good achievement and improving the quality of teaching for our disadvantaged pupils is a key part of our 2015-2016 School Development plan.
The allocation of funding and effectiveness of provision will be rigorously reviewed through the year. The school’s leaders ensure evaluation of its own
performance is robust. Tracking of progress over time for each pupil quickly identifies barriers to learning, so that teachers can develop sensible strategies
and interventions to promote improvement. The impact of interventions is analysed termly as assessment data is gathered and input / follow up are put in
place if an intervention is not having the desired impact. In 2015-2016, we will use a range of data to analyse impact of spending: End of key stage data
Phonics outcomes EYFS data Formative assessment Data Intervention analysis Outcomes of observations, work scrutinies, learning walks Stakeholder
William Morris Pupil Premium Action Plan 2015-2016
Leadership of Pupil Premium
 Establish a Pupil Premium Leader and a Pupil Premium Governor
 Ensure the school leaders of pupil premium are fully trained
 Ensure the pupil premium Budget is accurate with PP spending to be calculated, monitored by school leaders
 Lead the improvements in quality first teaching and the allocation of high quality interventions to ensure disadvantaged pupils achieve, make good
progress and narrow the gap.
 Develop the school’s PTA to support school fundraising
Outcomes and Achievement of children eligible for Pupil Premium
 High expectations and target setting sessions with teachers to remain for PP pupils attainment and progress
 Targeted learning activities in the classroom aimed at improving Learning so that PP children close gaps with peers and eventually perform in line with,
or above national expectations
 Develop curriculum opportunities Focus on aspirational experiences for pupil premium children – such as inviting visitors into school to talk about their
 Homework Club available – for children to complete work with a teacher if help or internet is not available at home
 Develop more opportunities for school trips and enrichment opportunities within school, such as Forest school, visitors, film-making Residential, etc.
Improving teaching provision for children eligible for Pupil Premium
 Staff training sessions to ensure all children, particularly disadvantaged children, experience quality first teaching and high expectations in all classes
and lessons
 Develop lesson planning to ensure provision plans for each PP child and continue are indicated
 Teaching staff to be confident in the tracking of PP pupils and to assess progress of the group and individuals regularly
 Teaching and support staff to be trained in attachment, nurture, Team Teach
 Teachers participate in half-termly pupil progress meetings to monitor assessment and progress of PP learners
 All Behaviour Support Plans and pastoral Support Plans to be implemented across the school
Improving personal development, behaviour and welfare of children eligible for Pupil Premium
William Morris Pupil Premium Action Plan 2015-2016
Supporting families and children to ensure PP attendance remains high, offering breakfast club places
Implementing a new behaviour policy that raises self-esteem through reward systems, sport, and learning mind-set work
Working with parents to maintain good relationships between home and school Parental engagement to be a key focus for improvement E.g. parent’s
evenings as an opportunity for parental engagement and curriculum evenings, help for homework, phonics workshops, Class assemblies/inviting
parents in for certificates and award-giving and by Inviting parents in to read with their children at drop-off times
Offering support to families that need financial help, such as school uniform
Key Expenditure for planned Pupil Premium activities 2015-2016
Developing the schools leadership of pupil premium. External support and
quality assurance of leadership - provision mapping, monitoring, tracking
Additional interventions and therapies provision - contribution to TA and
Special needs support and Speech and Language assistant
Classroom 1:1 support by TA
Purchase of Special Resources
Purchasing enhanced facilities, coaching and provision for break time
ICT equipment to support access to the curriculum
Extended school activities – Breakfast/Afterschool Club, Holiday Club,
Hardship fund for support - Support uniform, resources, support for
residential and educational visits