FIELD TRIP GUIDELINES 2015 Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 3 2.0 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................. 3 2.1 Definition of a Field Trip ................................................................................................................... 3 3.0 APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................. 4 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................. 4 4.1 Senior Executives ............................................................................................................................ 4 4.2 Dean of School/Divisional Heads/Directors ..................................................................................... 4 4.3 Field Trip Leaders/ Subject Coordinators......................................................................................... 4 4.4 University Nominated Contact Person ............................................................................................. 5 4.4.1 Overdue or Failure to Check-in Procedure.................................................................................... 6 4.5 Participants ..................................................................................................................................... 6 5.0 FORMS / PLANNING ............................................................................................................................ 7 5.1.1. Field Trip Itinerary........................................................................................................................ 7 5.1.2. Field Trip Checklist ...................................................................................................................... 7 5.1.3. Field Trip Participant Safety Acknowledgement Form .................................................................. 8 5.1.4. Risk Assessments & Safe Work Procedures (SWPs) .................................................................. 8 5.1.5 Field Trip Vehicles form ................................................................................................................ 8 5.1.6 Daily Contact Form (where relevant) ............................................................................................ 8 5.2 APPROVAL PROCESS ........................................................................................................................ 9 5.2.1 Process Flow Chart ...................................................................................................................... 9 6.0 EMERGENCY REPORTING PROCEDURES ....................................................................................... 9 6.1. Reporting Minor Accidents/Incidents or near miss .......................................................................... 9 6.2 Reporting Serious Accidents, a Fatality, a Dangerous Occurrence or Notifiable Incident ............... 10 6.3 Post Accident/Incident ................................................................................................................... 10 7.0 EQUIPMENT ...................................................................................................................................... 11 7.1 Safety Equipment .......................................................................................................................... 11 7.2 First Aid ......................................................................................................................................... 11 7.3 Communication ............................................................................................................................. 11 7.4 Tools & Equipment ........................................................................................................................ 11 7.5 Vehicles......................................................................................................................................... 12 7.5.1 University vehicles ...................................................................................................................... 12 7.5.2 Private vehicles .......................................................................................................................... 12 7.5.3 4WD/Off-Road Vehicles and Training ......................................................................................... 12 7.5.4 Bus ............................................................................................................................................. 12 7.5.5 Quad Bikes ................................................................................................................................. 12 7.5.6 Other vehicles e.g. tractors ......................................................................................................... 12 8.0 OTHER REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................. 13 8.1 Permits/ Licenses .......................................................................................................................... 13 Document1 Page 1 of 29 8.2 Insurance ...................................................................................................................................... 13 8.3 Volunteers and Visitors .................................................................................................................. 13 8.4 Disciplinary Action ......................................................................................................................... 13 8.5 Working Alone ............................................................................................................................... 14 8.6 Overseas ....................................................................................................................................... 14 8.7 Working with other organisations and shared duties as a PCBU ................................................... 14 9.0 OTHER INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................... 14 9.0 FORMS ............................................................................................................................................... 14 Field Trip Summary ............................................................................................................................. 15 Field Trip Health And Safety Checklist ................................................................................................ 16 Tier 1- Low Risk Field Work................................................................................................................. 16 Field Trip Health And Safety Checklist -Tier 2 ..................................................................................... 17 Flinders University Field Trip Itinerary and Planning ............................................................................ 19 Flinders University Field Trip Vehicles ................................................................................................. 20 Flinders University Field Trip Daily Contact Form ................................................................................ 21 Participant Safety Acknowledgment .................................................................................................... 22 Field Trip Risk Assessment ................................................................................................................. 24 Document1 Page 2 of 29 1.0 INTRODUCTION Flinders University is committed to continuously improving the management and standards of health and safety, and this extends to minimising the risks associated with field work and associated activities. These procedures apply to all University field trips, including student field trips which are part of a University course, or in any situation where University equipment, vehicles or vessels are used in field activities. The procedures establish responsibilities and action required to manage the risks to health and safety associated with field trips, in accordance with legislative requirements and the University’s Work Health and Safety Policy. The purpose of this manual is to ensure: staff and students undertaking off-campus field trips have appropriate training, are aware of the potential hazards involved in the field activities and follow established field trip procedures and guidelines. academic staff who are supervising students or volunteers undertaking field trips understand their responsibilities and the risks involved in the field trip. 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 Definition of a Field Trip Field activities and field trips are any work/research/study/activity undertaken by workers, students or visitors, at any off-campus, urban, rural or remote location. Field trips include off-site activities such as (but not limited to): visits to places of biological, and physical, cultural or environmental scientific interest visits to remote communities aquatic activities outdoor education camps and excursions activities at archaeological sites including excavations diving or boating bushwalking camping rock climbing capture or sampling of flora & fauna film shoots dramatic performances other off-campus activities, which may or may not involve overnight stays. Where any boating or diving activities are also involved then you must also refer to: University Boating Procedures and / or University Diving Policy & University Diving Manual Document1 Page 3 of 29 Field trips do NOT include: inter-campus travel meetings off-site attendance at conferences, trade fairs work experience placements journeys undertaken with the purpose of the supervision of students on placement or other work experience off-site supervision of students on work placement students on work placement – (Work Integrated Learning (WIL)) as long as the requirements of the WIL program have been implemented. For more information see 3.0 APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS All field trips must be approved by the supervisor/manager and the relevant Dean of School/Divisional Head/Director prior to the field trip starting. 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 Senior Executives Senior Executives must exercise due diligence within their areas of responsibility. They are responsible and accountable for the work health and safety within their areas of responsibility and they have the authority to fulfil those responsibilities. The Senior Executive of a Faculty/Portfolio where field trips and associated activities take place is responsible for ensuring the requirements of the University Field Trip Guidelines are implemented and complied with. 4.2 Dean of School/Divisional Heads/Directors Responsible and accountable for field trip activities in their School/ area of responsibility. This includes: signing off on field trip documentation, after it has been completed by the field trip leader and prior to commencement of the field trip. ensuring adequate resources are maintained to support safe field activities. ensuring that field trip documents are kept in accordance with the requirements set out in these guidelines. 4.3 Field Trip Leaders/ Subject Coordinators Field Trip Leaders, Field Trip Academic Supervisors and Topic Coordinators are responsible for ensuring that adequate consideration has been given to any health and safety issues that may arise during any field trip; providing appropriate guidance and supervision and ensuring it is maintained for the duration of the field trip, including during free time; ensuring that adequate resources are provided for the trip; Document1 Page 4 of 29 ensuring that they have prepared for any emergencies that may arise; providing adequate information to participants to ensure that they are not exposed to unsafe conditions or risks to their health. This information must include: o pre-departure briefing sessions to reinforce written information and to answer questions o essential personal equipment required, including protective clothing, supplies and personal medication o rules about remaining with the group, smoking, alcohol and drugs and general behaviour. Each participant in a field trip must ensure that he or she is not, by consumption of alcohol or other drugs, so as to be in such a state as to endanger his or her own safety or the safety of any other person on the field trip. Refer to University Student Bylaws, Academic Discipline, Discipline policy and procedures for professional staff, WHS Policy ensuring that all relevant documents have been completed and approval obtained prior to the work commencing, including: o Field Trip Itinerary o Field Trip Checklist o Risk Assessments and Safe Work Procedures (SWPs) for tools equipment &/ or procedures to be undertaken o Field Trip Summary o Field Trip Participant Safety Acknowledgement (from each participant). o Field Trip Private Vehicle (where applicable); and o Field Trip Daily Contact form (where applicable). ensuring that a University Nominated Contact Person has been identified and provided with all the relevant field trip documents and any associated tools (such as phone for check in/ returns). ensuring that all field trip participants understand that that if the field trip team does not check in or return by designated time(s), the Nominated Contact Person will initiate the overdue or failure to check-in procedure as set out below in 4.4.1. providing a copy of the field trip documents are provided to the relevant School/Portfolio Office prior to departure. 4.4 University Nominated Contact Person The Nominated Contact Person must be a member of staff. The Nominated Contact Person is responsible for being aware of the details of the field trip details for which they have been nominated as the contact person and ensuring they have access to field trip information including: departure / arrival times destination & duration of field trip number of persons on the trip & all emergency contact details for those on the trip details of vehicles on the field trip expected means and intervals of check in (e.g. if this will be via a phone call/ text or SPOT Satellite Tracker message). the agreed window of time allowed to elapse from organised return/ check in times before Failure to Check-in Procedure is initiated (must be recorded on Daily Contact form). It is clear to everyone that if the field trip team do not check in or return by designated time then it is the Nominated Contact Persons role to initiate the overdue or failure to check-in procedure as set out below in 4.4.1. Document1 Page 5 of 29 Note that if a member of the field trip group is going to have different arrival/ departure time, a separate itinerary and Field Trip Daily Contact form should be completed and provided to the Nominated Contact Person. 4.4.1 Overdue or Failure to Check-in Procedure If the staff/students are not back on campus by the designated time or do not check in as has been arranged then the Nominated Contact Person at the University will proceed as follows: phone the field trip leader to ascertain field trip status phone other participants if the leader is not contactable phone University Security (on 8201 2880, available 24 hrs. a day) and confirm no calls have been received check for returned gear if participants/leader not contactable. Check for return of University vehicle. call emergency services such as the Police Station in the field trip area, Coastguard, Park Ranger, land owner, etc. advise the Dean of School/Divisional Head/Director and the Associate Director, WHS the Dean of School/ Divisional Head/Director should advise the Executive Dean/Portfolio Head, the Emergency Control Coordinator (Head of Security) and the Director of Office & Community Engagement. if an accident has occurred then arrange for the appropriate emergency service(s) to attend. See item 6.0 of this document for reporting accident / incident procedures. Note that participants with different arrival/departure times (ie those joining or leaving the field trip early/late) must be included in the check-in arrangements. 4.5 Participants Participants must take responsibility for their own safety and the safety of those around them. They are expected to follow all University policies & procedures and complete necessary forms. They must attend any designated information sessions, training and provide all required equipment (e.g. enclosed shoes, hats) as instructed. Participants MUST complete all relevant forms including the Field Trip Participant Safety Acknowledgement Form by the date set by the Field Trip Leader. Failure to provide adequate information such as relevant medical conditions or emergency contact details will result in the participants not being able to attend the field trip. The personal emergency contact or next-of-kin details will be included in the field trip documentation and should be available on the field trip. The individual nominated by each person should not be on the same field trip. Participants should also be mindful not to place their or the University’s reputation at risk and in some instances additional behavioural requirements may need to be considered when: Document1 working around sites of cultural significance dry zones heritage sites sites of religious importance Page 6 of 29 5.0 FORMS / PLANNING It is essential to complete required forms before leaving the campus. Allow time to get authorisation completed by Supervisor and Dean of School (or delegate). The Field Trip must not be undertaken if relevant paper work has not be completed & approved. Keep a copy of all field trip records. A copy must also be provided to the University Nominated Contact Person. 5.1.1. Field Trip Itinerary The Field Trip Itinerary form provides all the necessary contact numbers, accommodation details and Emergency Services numbers and must be completed for every field trip. Note: Field trips which are a repeat of previous trips may revise previous forms but must update as required. If a member of the field trip group is going to have different arrival/departure times or plans, a separate Field Trip Daily Contact form must be completed (eg if carrying a different contact device, flying to a location when others are driving etc). A separate itinerary must also be completed and provided to the Nominated Contact Person. 5.1.2. Field Trip Checklist The Field Trip Checklist form enables the supervisor/leader to make sure that everything is organized before the field trip commences. This checklist has 2 levels: Tier 1 Applies only when the trip is in the metropolitan area and only involves simple low risk tasks. This will let the Field Trip Supervisor to complete the Tier 1 checklist and complete a simple risk assessment. Note: Just because the field trip is in the metropolitan area does not automatically mean it is a low risk trip. You must assess communication, ease of access by Emergency Services, location & tasks. Examples may include visiting institutions as an “audience” such as the museum where the work involves noting & viewing. Tier 1 does not apply to interstate or overseas metropolitan field trips. See Tier 2. Tier 2 Include field trips to rural, remote, overseas or interstate locations (where it is difficult to provide or organise for Emergency Services to attend). which involve activities such as diving, boating, climbing or where there is work with some tools (these would be considered as medium to high risk activities). For Tier 2 field trips, the full checklist should be completed and a risk assessment performed. The risk assessment must include at all aspects of the field work including travel, emergency access, accommodation, processes & tools. A copy of this form must be left with the Nominated Contact Person at the University. Document1 Page 7 of 29 5.1.3. Field Trip Participant Safety Acknowledgement Form The field trip supervisor/leader need to be aware of their responsibilities for participants on a field trip. All participants are required to complete the Field Trip Participant Safety Acknowledgement Form and return it, signed, to the supervisor/leader prior to nominated date – see 4.5 A copy of this form is to be left with the Nominated Contact Person at the University. For repeated field trips for the same or similar locations the Field Trip Participant Safety Acknowledgement Form can be completed on a semester basis unless the participant’s personal circumstances change. Participants will be required to confirm their details are still current. 5.1.4. Risk Assessments & Safe Work Procedures (SWPs) For each field trip, Field Trip Coordinators/ Leaders must identify the hazards assess the health and safety risks of those hazards implement risk controls to eliminate or minimise the risks This process must include all aspects of the field trip including travel, accommodation and activities to be undertaken. The Field Trip Risk Assessment form should be used to undertake these risk assessments. A risk assessment must also be undertaken, and any Safe Work Procedures (SWPs) provided, for use of equipment or hazardous chemicals during field trips. Field Trip Coordinators/ Leaders must establish contingency plans for handling emergencies during a field trip which, for example, may include the evacuation of injured participant/s to medical aid. Note – any field trips that involve boating or diving must complete the appropriate documents relating to those activities. See the WHS web site for further information. 5.1.5 Field Trip Vehicles form This form should be completed by Field Trip Leader/ Supervisor. Note that all private vehicles, trailers, boats or caravan used on a field trip must have the details recorded and there must be confirmation that they are comprehensively insured. 5.1.6 Daily Contact Form (where relevant) When the field trip involves high risk and/or remote locations, staff/students in isolation or working in the field over an extended period of time, some form of check-in should occur. This can be by a range of communication options including mobile phone, satellite phone or other means such as SPOT satellite tracking technology. These arrangements should be recorded on the daily contact form and a copy provided to the University Nominated Contact Person. Remote or high risk location/activity field trips should have more frequent check-in times (e.g. twice a day) preferably during office hours. University Security should only be used when there are no alternatives or as an emergency. Document1 Page 8 of 29 5.2 APPROVAL PROCESS The Field Trip Leader, their supervisor/manager and the Nominated Contact Person are required to sign all field trip itinerary forms, field trip checklist & risk assessment forms, vehicle & daily contact forms (where applicable). The summary page must also be signed. Once the forms are signed, the Field Trip Leader’s supervisor/manager submit the documents to the Dean of School/Divisional Head/Director (or delegate) for approval prior to the field trip commencement. A copy of all signed forms must be provided to Nominated Contact Person and a copy maintained by the School/Portfolio. 5.2.1 Process Flow Chart Field Trip Forms: Itinerary, checklist, vehicle information, daily contact & risk assessment forms completed Participants are sent relevant information & complete the participant forms & sign Forms are signed by Field Trip Leader Field Trip Leader’s supervisor/manager University Nominated Contact person Approval : to be signed by Dean of School (or delegate)/Divisional Head/Director Copies of all forms sent to University Nominated Contact Person Copies kept in School Office/Portfolio office 6.0 EMERGENCY REPORTING PROCEDURES The procedures given below are the minimum that should be carried out. 6.1. Reporting Minor Accidents/Incidents or near miss Provide First Aid or medical assistance as required. Document1 Page 9 of 29 . Once the person(s) and the area are safe, gather details of the accident or incident. The Flinders University accident/Incident report needs to be completed by the injured person (where fit to do so) via FlinSafe, as soon as possible after the event. Where the person is not able to make the report themselves, the Field Trip leader or their supervisor can report the incident on their behalf. This can be done at any location where internet access is available. Where internet access is not available, a copy of the paper-based form should be used (taken as part of the documentation carried on the trip). If this is not possible to report whilst on the field trip, the accident or incident must be reported to the WHS Unit where possible within 24 hours or on return from the trip (unless the accident is serious, a fatality, dangerous occurrence or notifiable incident - see below). The definitions are available in Appendix A. 6.2 Reporting Serious Accidents, a Fatality, a Dangerous Occurrence or Notifiable Incident Provide First Aid and obtain medical assistance. Secure the scene and make sure no one else is placed at risk. Immediately notify University Security, the Dean of School/Division Head/Director or the Associate Director, WHS by phone (see red section below for contact numbers). These members of staff will advise and assist with any further reporting and will organise for all relevant contacts to be notified. [Note - serious accidents, or a fatality, must be immediately notified to SafeWork SA. This will be done by the WHS Unit (see orange section below for details)]. Any accidents that result in a serious injury or fatality, University Security or the Associate Director, WHS must be notified immediately. Security (24 hour. contact) – (08) 8201 2880 Associate Director, WHS - 0414190024 The WHS Unit will notify SafeWork SA immediately upon becoming aware of the accident. The WHS Unit will also notify any relevant University supervisors/managers as required. WHS Unit telephone number: (08) 8201 3024 or 0414 190 024 . 6.3 Post Accident/Incident A serious accident/illness, fatality, dangerous occurrence or a notifiable incident, will be investigated by the relevant authorities and the WHS Unit. The field trip leader must secure the scene. The scene should remain undisturbed. If there has been a death, serious injury or any dangerous incident, the site and ANY TOOLS OR EQUIPMENT MUST NOT BE REMOVED OR ALTERED IN ANY WAY until it has been investigated by the relevant authorities. Collect sufficient details to prepare an Investigation Report. This should include names, dates, times, persons involved & exactly what happened. In addition to existing legal requirements to record and report incidents, accidents, the University will investigate and document all such events. The following link to the University’s Work Health & Safety web site provides more detail about accident/incident investigation and reporting. Document1 Page 10 of 29 7.0 EQUIPMENT 7.1 Safety Equipment All safety equipment must be: of an approved design meet the appropriate Australian Standards for the equipment being used and the activity being undertaken (when appropriate) regularly inspected and maintained. 7.2 First Aid An approved First Aid Kit which includes additional items such as sunblock and insect repellent must be carried on all field trips. All field trips that are Tier 2 must have someone with First Aid training to be present. When the field trip is in an area where Emergency Services may be delayed or it would be difficult to access help (e.g. remote or difficult to access sites), a Remote First Aid kit must be carried and a member of the field trip group must have Remote First Aid Training or access to such a person must be available. 7.3 Communication Appropriate and approved communication devices (e.g. mobile or satellite phone, radio or SPOT satellite tracking or other such devices) must be carried on all field trips. Where necessary, staff qualified in the use of such equipment should be in attendance. Be aware that mobile phones may not work in some locations. Check before you go on the field trip. In areas where mobile coverage is unreliable or not available then a satellite phone or other tracking technology such as SPOT tracking devices must be used. If a SPOT device is used, staff and students should be trained in its use as an emergency device. NOTE: Dial 000 or from mobiles 112 for emergency (the 112 number is a boosted signal from mobiles). Forms should include, where possible, relevant local emergency details e.g. local hospital. 7.4 Tools & Equipment All tools and equipment taken on field trips must have had a risk assessment completed and be used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions or have a documented safe work procedure. Briefing sessions detailing the correct use and maintenance of all equipment should be given to all relevant participants prior to its use in the field. Firearms, spring or gas powered spears and any form of unauthorised explosives must not be taken or used on any field trip without the express approval of the Executive Dean of the Faculty/Portfolio Head. Permission will only be given where it is demonstrated there is no alternative method and a risk assessment has been completed. All firearms must be managed according to relevant state laws and must be: Licensed Locked in an appropriate cabinet when in storage (including any ammunition or charges) Only used by trained/licensed workers Document1 Page 11 of 29 7.5 Vehicles 7.5.1 University vehicles Where possible, University or hired vehicles should be used for the transportation of staff and students on field trips. The use of a University vehicle or hire vehicle should always be seen as the first choice. University Vehicle bookings: contact the Transport Office on 8201 2015 7.5.2 Private vehicles Private vehicles should be roadworthy, registered, comprehensively insured and driven by a licensed driver and only used when there is no reasonable alternative. If a private vehicle is to be used it must be fit for purpose, i.e. a 4WD if driving off road. Use of private vehicles is not covered by University insurance & should therefore be covered by comprehensive insurance. Supervisors should check this and not give permission if the vehicle is not comprehensively insured. All details of private vehicles used on field trips must be recorded on the Field Trip Vehicle form and provided to the Nominated Contact Person. 7.5.3 4WD/Off-Road Vehicles and Training If the field trip includes driving on unsealed roads for prolonged periods, consideration must be given to appropriate vehicles for the trip. Whilst 4WD may not be required on all unsealed roads, the quality of the surface (eg deterioration in wet weather) should be considered. When field trips involve 4WD/off-road driving, the area must consider providing staff with the relevant training to ensure they are competent to manage the vehicles and the conditions. Supervisors should encourage students who will regularly undertaking off-road driving as part of the higher degree studies to undertake off-road driving training. 7.5.4 Bus When the University hires a bus, a bus with seatbelts should be the first preference. Staff should be aware that there are any additional licensing requirements for buses with more than 12 seats and only those individuals with correct licenses are allowed to drive them. 7.5.5 Quad Bikes Quad bikes kill a number of workers every year. These accidents mainly result from rollovers. When quad bikes are used, they must be fitted with roll bars. Staff must have received training in the safe driving of quad bikes and helmets must be worn. Further information on quad bike safety can be found at: ( 7.5.6 Other vehicles e.g. tractors When other vehicles such as tractors, trucks etc. are to be used, staff must make sure the operator is fully trained and has any appropriate licenses. Any Contractor engaged to use such vehicles must be a Flinders University registered contractor, have the correct insurance and licenses and have completed a safe work procedure (SWP) and Job Safety Analysis (JSA). For more details - Document1 Page 12 of 29 8.0 OTHER REQUIREMENTS 8.1 Permits/ Licenses The field trip leader is responsible for ensuring that all relevant licenses have been obtained. valid permits are obtained for entry into restricted areas or for public areas where permission is required (including National Parks, council areas, foreshores, jetties, heritage places and similar areas). 8.2 Insurance University staff based in South Australia are covered for workers compensation under the provisions of the SA Return to Work Act 2014 for any injury sustained while working in Australia. Staff based in other States/Territories are covered by the relevant jurisdiction’s workers compensation legislation. Students are covered by the University’s insurance which includes protections for enrolled students engaged in activities related to their studies and which are authorized by the University. This includes activities that occur off-campus, such as field excursions/ field trips. More information can be found at the following link - Students Volunteers are covered by Public Liability insurance. They are not covered for personal accident and should be advised before field trip commences to consider insurance options. Fee paying clients, both International and Australian should be advised to take out full Travel Insurance. High School Work Experience Students are covered by school insurance and University public liability insurance. Vehicle Insurance Cover - in most cases personal/private comprehensive vehicle insurance is valid on work-related travel. However, it may be wise to confirm that this is included in your comprehensive cover, with your insurance provider. Note - Private vehicles are not covered by University insurance. Workers’ Compensation insurance for staff covers personal injury but not vehicle damage. 8.3 Volunteers and Visitors Volunteers and Visitors participating in field trips have the same rights and obligations as staff and students to contribute to the provision of a safe environment and to abide by policies, procedures and rules pertaining to the field trip. 8.4 Disciplinary Action Disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with the relevant University policy should unsafe behaviour occur. The University policies on disciplinary action in relation to both academic and general staff may be seen at Disciplinary action in relation to students is covered by Statute 6.4 Student Conduct. The Policy and Procedures relating to Student Conduct may be seen at Document1 Page 13 of 29 8.5 Working Alone It is strongly recommended that no person should be allowed to work alone in isolated or remote areas. If deemed unavoidable, a system must be put into place requiring the person to check in regularly with another person. It is also recommended that some type of tracking device e.g. SPOT or “man down” system be used. The staff member should also have received any additional training that maybe relevant e.g. first aid. 8.6 Overseas Travelling overseas to attend conferences is not considered as a field trip. However when field work is to occur overseas all the same requirements for documentation and approval applies. Note - there are other requirements for travelling overseas including booking & insurance. Information can be found at - 8.7 Working with other organisations and shared duties as a PCBU When field trips involve working with other organisations (also known as PCBUs) there must be consultation, coordination and collaboration to ensure that risks to all workers and others is being managed. How this is managed will depend on the nature of the arrangement between the organisations. Examples are provided below of how the arrangements may work, however each trip needs to be assessed due to the complex nature of the arrangements and the degree of control each PCBU has over the activities: a) If the field work is organised and controlled by Flinders then the other organisation may choose to use Flinders forms and risk assessment process. The other organisation must at a minimum provide Flinders with a participation forms for their workers or others and these must be provided to the Flinders University Nominated Contact Officer. b) If the field work is mainly organised or controlled by another organisation then Flinders may choose to complete their own documentation and risk assessments or at the very minimum must have been provided a copy of the other organisations documents. Flinders staff must still get the required signed approvals and permissions from appropriate University Dean. A participation form must be supplied to both organisations. 9.0 OTHER INFORMATION Web addresses and related documents available for: Flinders University generic Field Trip Risk Assessment Worker’s Compensation Reporting an Accident or Incident Use of Vehicles on University Business (Field Trips) Diving Policy Diving Manual Diving Forms University Guidelines for Boats and Boating Activities Working Alone or in Isolation Working in Extreme Heat or Cold 9.0 FORMS 9.1 Field trip Summary page 9.2 Field trip checklist 9.3 Field Trip itinerary 9.4 Field Trip Vehicles 9.5. Field Trip Daily Contact (if required) 9.6 Participants Guidelines 9.7 Field Trip risk assessment Document1 Page 14 of 29 FLINDERS FIELD TRIP FORM FIELD TRIP FORMS TO BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH UNIVERSITY FIELD TRIP GUIDELINES SUMMARY School or local Work Area to record details of the Field Trip FIELD TRIP TITLE: FIELD TRIP PURPOSE: (e.g. Film Shoot, Diving, Bushwalking): DATE: FIELD TRIP DESTINATION: FROM: TO: (e.g. Darwin, Canada, Victor Harbour) DESTINATION TYPE: (e.g. Metro, Regional, Remote, Interstate, Interstate remote etc.) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF FIELD TRIP: NAME OF FIELD TRIP LEADER: MOBILE NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: NAME OF FIELD TRIP LEADER’S SUPERVISOR: TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: FLINDERS STAFF: FLINDERS STUDENTS: VOLUNTEERS/OTHER: Signed: (Nominated University Contact person) Date: Signed: (Field Trip Leader) Date: Signed: (Field Trip Leader’s Supervisor) I confirm that all relevant documents have been provided and checked. AND the Number of participant forms matches the number of participants. Signed: (School Dean or Nominee) Date: Only required for Special exemption/ permissions Sign: (Executive Dean) Date: Document1 Page 15 of 29 Date: FIELD TRIP HEALTH AND SAFETY CHECKLIST TIER 1- LOW RISK FIELD WORK e.g. trips in metropolitan areas to perform low risk tasks (see 4.1.2) DOES THE FIELD WORK ONLY INVOLVE Transport/Equipment/Itineraries/ Checked Transport arrangement identified and only to occur on sealed roads in the metropolitan area? Vehicles are registered, roadworthy and covered by Comprehensive insurance? Easy access for Emergency Services is available i.e. – not in thick bush or steep hill? Communication is readily available - you know you are in mobile phone range? Boating, diving, climbing, working in isolated areas or other risky activities are prohibited on this field trip? First Aid Kits and a First aid trained person are available? The use of any tools / plant that have been risked assess as a medium or high risk are prohibited? Any tasks or procedures to be performed have been assessed as low risk? Yes No N/A Yes No Yes No N/A N/A Yes No Yes No N/A N/A Yes No Yes No N/A N/A Yes No Yes No Yes No N/A N/A N/A If you answer NO to any of the above then your Field trip is not Low risk & you need to continue onto Tier 2 and complete a full risk assessment. Document1 Page 16 of 29 FIELD TRIP HEALTH AND SAFETY CHECKLIST -TIER 2 FIELD WORK - that has not been assessed as low risk e.g. trips are outside of the metropolitan areas (see 4.1.2) Item Checked Transport/Equipment/Itineraries/Maps Transport arrangement identified? Vehicles & trailers are registered, roadworthy and covered by insurance? Vehicles, trailers, tow bars compatible and Road Traffic Act compliant? Motor vehicles spare parts (hoses, belts, tools) etc. identified/obtained? Motor vehicle safety & recovery equipment i.e. Bull bar, winch, tow rope, jumper leads, shackles etc. Relevant licenses and permits obtained? Written itineraries have been prepared? Relevant maps obtained? Equipment has been inspected to ensure its integrity and is of an approved design and meets minimal legal requirements? Briefings/Consultation/Accommodation/Catering Participant briefing sessions held in advance of the field trip? The participants have been consulted regarding arrangements, potential hazards etc.? A personal needs list has been developed, implemented and communicated? Catering arrangements organized? Accommodation arrangements have been organized? If working alone, participant is advised that regular contact must be made with Nominated Contact Person? Work Health and Safety The hazards associated with the field trip have been identified/controls developed? Relevant University WHS Procedures brought to the attention of participants? Student or volunteer responsibilities communicated to participants? Policy on drugs and alcohol explained to participants? Firefighting equipment required for the trip identified/obtained? First aid kits have been checked for contents and refilled? Qualified First Aid Officer(s) identified/communicated to participants? Please note: A qualified First Aid trained person must be present on all field trips. Emergency procedures relevant to the field trip identified and developed. E.g. (medical, fire, evacuation) Effective communication system identified/obtained? E.g. Mobile phone coverage, satellite phone, SPOT technology for remote areas. Clothing relevant to conditions identified? Personal Protective Equipment required identified? Weather forecasts and field site conditions obtained? Document1 Page 17 of 29 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No Yes No Yes No N/A N/A N/A Advising Authorities (where relevant) Local Park Ranger advised of proximity of field party? Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and/or Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation (ARD) advised of the dates for planned field trip and associated trips? Local Council advised of trip? Have permits and special permissions been obtained? Yes No Yes No N/A N/A Yes No Yes No N/A N/A Special Safety Precautions are required. NB. If you tick Yes to any of the following, your Field Trip is considered Medium to High Risk. All possible hazards must be identified on the Risk Assessment form. Does your Field Trip include any of the following: Yes No N/A Boating trips? Scuba diving? Snorkelling? If yes, you must contact the Diving/ Boating Officer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cliff walking, climbing, clambering over rocks? Bush walking? Tractor, Quad bike driving or other plant and equipment? The use of high voltage equipment? Firearms, spring or gas powered spears, explosives and other weapons can only be taken with written permission of Executive Dean – see Field Trip guidelines. Involving geological and mining trips? Other trips that may expose people to medium to high risk? E.g. Mountain bike riding, canoeing, kayaking, swimming. Flying in any form, i.e. Planes. Air balloon, Helicopter Overseas Travel? Relevant vaccinations identified/field party advised? Visas, Passports, Embassies, Government travel warnings have been considered (see additional international travel guidelines) Dangerous/Hazardous substances (e.g. Petrol, LP Gas) Containers and labelling is compliant Storage and use, hazards identified/controlled Containers must be bunded whilst in transit No No No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes No Yes No N/A N/A Yes No Yes No N/A N/A Yes No N/A IMPORTANT: I have READ and UNDERSTOOD the University Field Trip Guidelines Yes No The following Field Trip Forms have been completed: (Please tick) Participant Health & Safety Acknowledgment forms – one for each participant Field Trip Itinerary & Planning form Field Trip Health & Safety Checklist form Private Vehicle form (if applicable) – one for each vehicle Field Trip Summary Risk Assessment The Field Trip Leader to ensure: (Please tick) A signed and full copy of the Field Trip documentation is provided to the University Nominated Contact Person All participants are provided with a copy of the completed Field Trip Itinerary & Planning form Field Trip Leader retains a full copy of signed documentation School/Local Work Area Office retains full copy of signed documentation for archiving for 7 years Signed: (Field Trip Leader) Date: Signed: (Field Trip Leader’s Supervisor) Date: Date: Document1 Page 18 of 29 Flinders University Field Trip Itinerary and Planning 1. Field Trip Leader: (Name) Contact Phone: Work: Mobile: 2. Departure: Date: Time: Location: 3. Return: Date: Time: Location: 4. Destination Contacts (if applicable): National Park: Contact No. Landowner: Contact No. Accommodation: Contact No. Other: Contact No. 5. Transport arrangements: 6. Emergency contacts: 6.1 Nominated Contact Person at the University OR Security after hours (to initiate late return / fail to checkin procedures * below) Name: Contact No. The Nominated Contact Person must be advised of RETURN from the field trip. 6.2 6.2 Emergency Services locations and contacts nearest to destination: Hospital: Contact No. Ambulance Contact No: 000 or 112 (from mobile) Country Fire Service: Royal Flying Doctor Service: Contact No. Police: Contact No. Contact No. 131 444 or 000 or 112 (from mobile) Other: Contact No. 7. Late return/ failure to check-in procedures: *Procedure to be followed by Nominated Contact Person if field trip group is not back on time or checked in: Phone field trip leader Phone other participants if the leader is not contactable Phone Security on 82012880 (24 hours) Check for returned gear if other participants not contactable Check for return of University vehicle Call Emergency Services in field trip area (Police, Coastguard, Park Ranger, landowner etc.) 8. Please Ensure (tick): Copy to the Field Trip Supervisor /Leader to take on the field trip Copy to the Nominated Contact Person at the University Completed Participant Safety on Field Trips form for each participant also given to the Nominated Contact Person at the University. Signed: (Field Trip Supervisor/Leader) Date: Signed: (Nominated Contact Person) __________________________________________ Date---------------------------------- Document1 Page 19 of 29 Flinders University Field Trip Vehicles Booking a University Vehicle Contact the Transport Office on 8201 2015. A booking form (available from School Offices) must be completed at the time of booking a vehicle. Where possible, University or hired vehicles must be used for the transportation of staff and students on Field Trips. This should always be the preference over using private vehicles. Use of Private Vehicle Private vehicles used on University business must be covered by comprehensive insurance, Private vehicles must be roadworthy, registered, driven by a licensed driver and only used when there is no reasonable alternative. Please Note: Private vehicles are not covered by University insurance. All private vehicles staff & students must be Comprehensively insured. Workers’ Compensation insurance will cover staff for personal injury but not vehicle damage. Vehicle Insurance Cover In most cases personal/private comprehensive vehicle insurance is valid on work related travel. However, it may be wise to confirm that this is included in your comprehensive cover, with your insurance provider. Security in Car Parks Vehicles should be locked and made secure when left in the University car parks. Do not leave any valuables in open view in vehicles. Advise the Security office of the field trip and length of time the vehicle will be left in car park. Alcohol and Drugs In accordance with the University’s policy vehicles are not to be driven by any person whose blood alcohol level is 0.05% or more, or who has consumed other drugs which affect their ability to drive safely. It is preferred that Flinders University, or hired vehicles should be used for the transportation of staff and students on University field trips. If you are using a private vehicle please include the contact details for the registered owner of the vehicle & confirm you have comprehensive insurance. FU Vehicle / Hire Vehicle Company or Owner details Document1 Registration Page 20 of 29 Make/Model/Colour If private vehicle it has comprehensive insurance (Y/N) Flinders University Field Trip Daily Contact Form If you are taking a trip over multiple days you must check in with the Nominated University Contact Officer daily by phone or other tracking device. In some cases twice daily if it is identified as part of the Risk Assessment contingency plan. If a member of the Field trip group is going to have different arrival/ departure time then a separate form should be completed. University Contact Officer ____________________ Alternative Contact _________________________ Phone _____________ Security (08) 82012880 Agreed Daily Contact time (am/pm) _____________________________ Return date/ time (am/pm) ____________________________________ What is the margin that will be given before late check / failure to return procedures will be initiated? Accommodation ____________________________________________ Sat Phone ____________ Description of work _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Approved by (supervisor) _____________________________________ Date _________________ Agreed by (field leader) ______________________________________ Date _________________ Date/Time check in to occur Nominated Contact Contact Method – used phone/ text/ SPOT Date/Time check in to occur Nominated Contact Contact Method – phone/ text/SPOT Any likely changes? Record any required changes What to do in the event a “check in” or contact time is missed or the party does not return at the nominated time. Late return /failure to check-in procedures: *Procedure to be followed by Nominated Contact Person OR Security at the University if field trip group has not returned or made contact at designated time: Phone field trip leader Phone other participants if the leader is not contactable Phone Security on 82012880 (24 hours) Check for returned gear if other participants not contactable Check for return of University vehicle Call Emergency Services in field trip area (Police, Coastguard, Park Ranger, landowner etc.) Document1 Page 21 of 29 Participant Safety Acknowledgment To be completed by all participants and returned to Field Trip Leader. A copy to be retained by participant. For repeated field trips to the same locations, this form can be completed on a semester basis however participants must check to ensure their personal information is correct. As a participant on a field trip you are asked to READ, UNDERSTAND, SIGN and RETURN this form (in accordance with requirements of the WHS Act, 2012). Whilst participating in the field trip you must carry your personal ID and medications, together with food and drink provisions as specified. The following guidelines are for your personal safety. Failure to comply with reasonable instructions may result in you not being permitted to participate in the remainder of the field trip. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I will Obey all reasonable directions from Field Trip Leader. Wear appropriate clothing for prevailing weather conditions (sturdy, enclosed footwear and hat are required). Stay clear of hazardous areas or dangerous locations (e.g. cliff edges, mine shafts, quarry faces and open slopes). Behave in an orderly and respectful manner at all times. Respect the property of others at all times – such as that of landowners and places where you are accommodated Do not leave your group without notifying the Field Trip Leader of your intended movements in time and place. Will not take any prohibited items on the trip (see guidelines). Limit the consumption of alcohol or other drugs to ensure that you do not endanger your own safety or the safety of any other person on the field trip. 9. I understand all participants are expected to assist in housekeeping duties as directed by the Field Trip Leader. 10. University insurance –including private vehicle insurance is understood. See - FieldTripGuidelines I have read, understood and agree to the conditions of this field trip. I agree that I will not intentionally cause any concern regarding my own health and safety or that of others on the field trip and have been informed of the specific risks associated with the field trip. I hereby give permission for medical treatment to be administered to me in the event of an emergency. Name: (BLOCK CAPITALS): Sign: Australian Phone/ Mobile Date: In the event of any emergency please contact the following person: (Next of Kin, who is not on the Field Trip) Name: Contact No: Additional Name (optional): Contact No: Medical condition: Please advise if you suffer from any known medical conditions, including allergies which may affect your health or safety on any field exercise, and if you will be taking any medications during any trips, as follows: Medical Condition: Medication: This is a confidential form. For the duration of the field trip/s this document will be held by the Field Trip Leader and the University Nominated Contact Person. Valid from: Valid to: If you are under 18 years old, your parent/guardian/care-giver also needs to sign the form, below. Sign: Date: PLEASE ENSURE ALL PARTICIPANTS SIGN FORMS AND RETURN FORM TO FIELD TRIP LEADER BEFORE FIELD TRIP COMMENCES IF THEY ARE NOT, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE Document1 Page 22 of 29 Flinders University Field Trip Risk Assessment Form Cost Centre: Area/Department: Field Trip Location Field Trip Supervisor: TITLE/DESCRIPTION: SOP cross reference if relevant Plant RA cross-reference(s): : Position(s) Assessment Date RISK ASSESSMENT NO: Assessed by: Name(s) (when circumstances &/or information changes) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Does this project require any of the following documentation? () National Park approval Other permits/certifications Vehicle licences 1. If yes, STATUS: -select-select-select-select-select- & Please provide relevant approval/permit reference details/number & date details details details details details date date date date date details details Other mandatory documentation Have Safe Operating Procedures and/or Safe Work Method Statement been developed for this Field Trip? 2. If YES, please enter document cross-reference details above. If further action is required, to be completed by: NAME: POSITION: YES NO DATE: SUMMARY OF RISK: Complete the table (page 2), review the risk measured, and the controls, then please select the relevant risk summary statement: A The assessment reveals that the potential risk to health in the conduct of this field trip is not currently significant B C The assessment reveals that the potential risk to health in the conduct of this field trip is significant, however controls are in place that reduce risk to acceptable levels The assessment reveals that the potential risk to health in the conduct of this field trip is significant. Controls are in place to reduce risk to acceptable levels. Field Trip Supervisor: NAME Document1 signature date page 23 of 29 Identified Hazards Hazard Type Transport Medical Emergency Risk Rating Required Controls (consider control hierarchy) Consequence Probability ? ? -Select-Select-Select- -Select-Select-Select- -Select- -Select- -Select- -Select- -Select- -Select- -Select- -Select- -Select- -Select-Select-Select-Select-Select-Select-Select-Select-Select- -Select-Select-Select-Select-Select-Select-Select-Select-Select- -Select-Select-Select-Select-Select-Select-Select-Select-Select- -Select-Select-Select- -Select-Select-Select- -Select- -Select- -Select- Hazard Description prompts -Transport hazard prompts-Transport hazard prompts-Transport hazard prompts- Risk Assessment Specific Details & Comment (seematrix) Other Emergency -Physical hazard prompts- Environment -Environment hazard prompts-Environment hazard prompts-Environment hazard prompts-Environment hazard prompts-Environment hazard prompts- Accommodation -Accommodation hazard prompts-Accommodation hazard prompts-Accommodation hazard prompts-Accommodation hazard prompts- Food & Catering -Food + Catering hazard prompts- Diving Diving Diving Diving Boating Boating Boating Chemical -Chemical hazard prompts-Chemical hazard prompts-Chemical hazard prompts- -Select-Select-Select- -Select-Select-Select- -Select- -Select- -Select- Biological -Biological hazard prompts-Biological hazard prompts-Biological hazard prompts- -Select-Select-Select- -Select-Select-Select- -Select- -Select- -Select- Document1 page 24 of 29 Controls implemented Yes No Radiation (including laser devices) -Radiation hazard prompts-Radiation hazard prompts- -Select-Select- -Select-Select- -Select- -Select- Ergonomic manual handling of animals -Select- -Select- -Select- -Ergonomic hazard prompts- -Select- -Select- -Select- Psychosocial -Psychosocial hazard prompts- -Select- -Select- -Select- Tool/ equipment Fatality -Select- -Select- Other Major injury -Select- -Select- Document1 page 25 of 29 Risk Assessment No. RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Reference to SOP No. List identified hazards and detail measures taken to address the hazards: Cost Centre Plant/equipment/ procedure Field Trips Department Location Area Supervisor Assessed by Date Review Date HOW TO ACCESS THE RISK Step A - Consider the consequences For each hazard, consider the consequences if something happens. Consider what could reasonably have happened, as well as what actually happened (if there was an accident/incident). Look at the descriptions below and choose the most suitable consequence Step B - Consider the likelihood How likely is it that something will happen as a result of the hazard? Consequence Fatality Description May cause death and/or severe irreversible disability, and/or permanent ill health Severe injury or illness Likelihood Very likely Minor Minor (usually reversible) injury or illness resulting in days off work Possible Will probably occur in most circumstances Might occur occasionally First Aid First aid level medical treatment Unlikely Could happen at some time Negligible No treatment required Highly unlikely May happen only in exceptional circumstances Major Step C – Calculate the Risk Level 1. Take the Step A rating and select the correct line 2. Take the Step B rating and select the correct column 3. Circle the risk level where the two ratings cross in the matrix below Look at the descriptions below and choose the most suitable Likelihood Likely Description Expected to occur in most circumstances Risk level = Risk Matrix Likelihood Consequence Very likely Likely Possible Unlikely Highly unlikely Fatality Extreme High High High Medium Major injury High High High Medium Medium Minor injury High Medium Medium Medium Medium First aid Medium Medium Medium Low Low Negligible Medium Medium Low Low Low Prioritising Hazards Risk Level Extreme Priority 1 High 2 Medium 3 Low 4 Action The activity should cease immediately and short term safety controls implemented. Notify manager and assess activity. Implement short term safety measures immediately. Notify manager and assess activity. Implement short term safety controls. Notify manager and assess activity. Implement long term safety controls. Notify manager and assess activity. Timeframe for implementation of corrective action Control Hierarchy Elimination Remove hazard Substitution Use a less hazardous alternative Eg Restrict access, use in a closed container, fume cabinet Eg Trolleys to move loads, guards on machinery, Fume cupboard Eg: Training, Safe Work Procedure, signage Immediate Isolation Within 24 hours Engineering Within 14 days Administration PPE - Personal Protective Equipment Within 28 days (if possible) or demonstrate that it is not reasonably practicable to achieve further minimization of the risk See Hazard Management Policy for further details Document1 page 26 of 29 Eg: Gloves, respirator, safety glasses This risk assessment should be checked and modified to meet requirements for your field trip. Item Field Trips: General Hazard RISK RATING Control Action by Date Transport accident e.g. Motor vehicle accident Medical Emergency Emergency plans Natural disaster (bush fire) Weather – extreme heat, flood Access to water/ amenities Food poisoning/ allergies Accommodation Communication Animals – snakes, bites, stings Cultural / language issues Alcohol/recreational drug use Field Trips: Manual handling Using tools/ plant Chemicals Exposure to the elements Slippery surface, footing Bushwalking Working with animals Remote area travel Working in public place lighting Page 27 of 29 Item Hazard RISK RATING Control Action by Date Field Trips: (Add your specific hazards) Field Trips: Field Trips: Page 28 of 29 Item Field Trips: Boating Hazard RISK RATING Control Action by Date Person overboard Exposure to elements Manual Handling Medical condition Weather Tides Boat capsize Motor malfunction Radio malfunction Vessel stress/damage Anchor irretrievable Field trips: Diving (boating risks must be taken into account if relevant). See University Diving Manual Physical exertion before during and after dive Dangerous marine animals (e.g. shark) Manual Handling Weather conditions Equipment malfunction Decompression illness SUMMARY OF RISK – Review the risk measured, and the controls, then please select the relevant risk summary statement: A The assessment reveals that the potential risk to health from the use of the plant/equipment/procedure is not currently significant B The assessment reveals that the potential risk to health from the use of the plant/equipment/procedure is significant. However controls are in place that reduce risk to acceptable levels C The assessment reveals that the potential risk to health from the use of the plant/equipment/procedure is significant. Interim controls are in place to reduce risk to acceptable levels. Approved by Date: REVIEW OF CONTROL MEASURES Control measures are effective – yes Date reviewed: *no (*If no, you must do another Risk Assessment.) Signed: Page 29 of 29