D E P A R T M E N T O F M I N E S AN D E N E R G Y Notification of Application Approved Form 24 Section 66(2) & 66(3) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE GRANT OF A MINERAL TITLE Section 66 of the Mineral Titles Act requires the applicant to serve a notice of the making of the mineral title application on each land owner, or any other person specified by the Minister, no later than 14 days after lodging the application with the Department of Mines and Energy (the department). Previously this requirement extended to each landowner identified through a search of the land register (ILIS) only however this has now expanded to incorporate the station manager, where the application falls over a pastoral lease. To assist in this change of procedure the department has produced this template form for use in lieu of a letter or other form of advice. Completion of Section A is mandatory and must be completed by the applicant and sent to each landowner identified as being affected by the application. When a mineral title application falls over all or part of a pastoral lease the applicant will now also be required to serve a notice on the Station/Land Manager of the pastoral lease. The applicant must complete Section B and email the notice to the Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries for re-direction to the relevant Station/Land Manager. A copy of the notice should also be sent to the department. The email addresses for the service of this notice is: Pastoralnotifications.dpif@nt.gov.au Copy to titles.info@nt.gov.au No later than 14 days after the service of both notices (Section A and or B) the applicant must provide proof of service to the Department of Mines and Energy. This information can be provided by post or email as follows: Department of Mines and Energy – Mineral Titles Division Address: 5th Floor Centrepoint Building, 48-50 Smith Street, DARWIN NT 0800 Postal Address: GPO Box 4550, DARWIN NT 0801 Phone: 08 8999 5322 Fax: 08 8981 7106 Email: titles.info@nt.gov.au Website: www.minerals.nt.gov.au The notification form provides the pastoralist and station manager with the opportunity to acknowledge receipt of the notice, and commence meaningful and mutual communication with prospective explorers. In some instances the landowner and the station/land manager will be the same person and may receive two separate notifications (Section A and B). If this is the case only one acknowledgement of receipt is required. The landowner and station/land manager should return the form directly to the applicant within 14 days of receiving the notice. Receipt of notice is deemed to have occurred after this period of time. These notices, and any acknowledgements received from the pastoralist or station/land manager must be provided to DME as evidence of the start of two way communications during the grant process and when a mining management plan is lodged for review and approval, (should the exploration licence proceed to grant in the future). It is important to note that this initial notification does not provide the opportunity to object or make a submission in relation to the proposed grant of the mineral title. The objection or submission provision is contained within s71 of the MTA and applies after the application has been advertised in a newspaper that circulates throughout the Territory. For current purposes that newspaper is the NT News. D E P A R T M E N T O F M I N E S AN D E N E R G Y Notification of Application Approved Form 24 Section 66(2) & 66(3) SECTION A S66(2) LAND OWNER NOTIFICATION OF APPLICATION FOR THE GRANT OF A MINERAL TITLE LAND OWNER DETAILS *Name: ___________________________________________________________ *Address: ___________________________________________________________ *NT Portion Number: ___________________________________________________________ *Pastoral Lease Number: ___________________________________________________________ APPLICANT DETAILS *Mineral Title No: ___________________________________________________________ *Name: ___________________________________________________________ *Address: ___________________________________________________________ *E-mail: ___________________________________________________________ *Telephone Number: ___________________________________________________________ *Proposed Work Program: See attached *Map of proposed application area: See attached All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTICE To be completed by specified person (ie Land Owner) Land Owner Name: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________ Telephone number: ___________________________________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________________________ If you are also the Station/Land Manager please tick: Please sign and return this page to the applicant within 14 days of receipt It is important to note that this initial notification does not provide the opportunity to object or make a submission in relation to the proposed grant of the mineral title. The objection or submission provision is contained within s71 of the MTA and applies after the application has been advertised in a newspaper that circulates throughout the Territory. For current purposes that newspaper is the NT News. D E P A R T M E N T O F M I N E S AN D E N E R G Y Notification of Application Approved Form 24 Section 66(2) & 66(3) SECTION B S66(3) STATION MANAGER NOTIFICATION OF APPLICATION FOR THE GRANT OF A MINERAL TITLE STATION/LAND MANAGER DETAILS *Station/Land Manager Name: (if known) ___________________________________________________________ *Pastoral Lease Number: ___________________________________________________________ *Pastoral Lease Name: ___________________________________________________________ *NT Portion Number: ___________________________________________________________ APPLICANT DETAILS *Mineral Title No: ___________________________________________________________ *Name: ___________________________________________________________ *Address: ___________________________________________________________ *E-mail: ___________________________________________________________ *Telephone Number: ___________________________________________________________ *Proposed Work Program: See attached *Map of proposed application area: See attached All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTICE To be completed by specified person (ie Station/Land Manager) Name: ___________________________________________________________ E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________ Telephone number: ___________________________________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________________________ If you are also the pastoralist/landowner please tick: Please sign and return this page to the applicant within 14 days of receipt It is important to note that this initial notification does not provide the opportunity to object or make a submission in relation to the proposed grant of the mineral title. The objection or submission provision is contained within s71 of the MTA and applies after the application has been advertised in a newspaper that circulates throughout the Territory. For current purposes that newspaper is the NT News.