FAQ Rhinoplasty - The Rose Clinic

Frequently Asked Questions: Rhinoplasty
1. What is the recovery for a rhinoplasty: You will have a splint for 2 weeks after surgery. Bruising can last up to 4
weeks but you should be able to cover it with makeup after 2 weeks. It can take up to 1 year to see your final
2. When can I start exercising: Walking is great right after surgery, but anything more strenuous you should wait 4
weeks to start doing. Remember to start out slow and work yourself back up to where you were. You don’t
want to be too aggressive.
3. How long will I have stiches: stitches will be removed on your first post-operative visit 5-7 days after surgery.
4. Can I blow my nose: No, you should only clean your nose gently with a cotton swab. You can dip the cotton
sway in hydrogen peroxide. You should also be doing saline nasal rinses every few hours to help with
5. Should I wax my nose before surgery: Yes, this service is free to our patients. Please call and make an
appointment at least 1 week before your surgery.
6. Can I take the tape off of the tip of my nose: No, the tape will be removed when we remove your splint 2 weeks
after surgery.
7. Will I have to tape my nose after surgery: It is normally recommended to tape your nose at night after we
remove the splint. You can see instructions for this on the following sheet as well as a link to a you tube video
on how to do this.
8. Can I wear glasses: No, you should not wear glasses or have any pressure on the bridge of your nose for 3
9. I feel constipated/bloated: You should have started Colace 3-5 days before surgery to help prevent this. If you
have not had a bowl movement a few days after surgery add Dulcolax (suppository) and magnesium citrate
(drink). If you do not have a bowl movement within 6 hours repeat the magnesium citrate. If you still do not
have a bowl movement you will need to do an enema which can be purchased at any pharmacy. If you are
having regular bowl movements but are still feeling bloated taking an over the counter medication for gas such
as gas-x or beano will help resolve that.
10. How long do I have to wear the TED hose (white stockings): It is best if you can wear these for at least 1 week.
11. When can I start taking ibuprofen: 2 weeks after surgery
12. How often should I be getting up to walk: Every hour you should be getting up and walking for a few minutes.
13. How much should I be drinking: it is very important to drink a lot of fluids after surgery. Coconut water is great
post operatively (it contains potassium and electrolytes), Gatorade is good too (G2 is better because it contains
less sugar than regular Gatorade). You will know if you are drinking enough by the color of your urine; if it is
yellow you need to drink more until it is clear.
14. How long do I need to take pain medication: Most patients will take the pain medication consistently for the
first 3-5 days.
15. When can I start driving again: Most patients are driving 1 week after surgery. You cannot drive while you are
taking pain medication.
16. What can I eat: It is very important to eat after surgery, your body needs protein to heal so try to eat things high
in protein.
17. When can I resume intimate relations: As long as you are careful and do not feel pain while doing this you can
resume 2 weeks after surgery.
Taping the nose after a rhinoplasty is done to help control swelling and also to help the skin of the nose conform to its
new shape. Taping holds light pressure on the skin to prevent the skin and soft tissue of the nose from expanding.
How to tape your nose after rhinoplasty:
When should I start taping: After your splint it removed 2 weeks after surgery
How long should I tape: 1-3 months
When should I tape: at night
What type of tape should I use: Paper tape that is up to ½” thick (paper tape will have a lower chance of
irritating your skin)
5. When should I stop taping: Dr. Rose will discuss this with you or if you develop a reaction to the tape