Resources RF 1.3 a Words Their Way

RF 1.3 a
Words Their Way-Word Sorts for Letter Name and-Alphabetic Spellers (Second
Edition)-Unit III-Digraphs and Blends Picture Sorts-pp. 29-33
Can be used for digraph word sorts and includes the standard routines for use with
Words Their Way-Word Sorts for Letter Name and-Alphabetic Spellers (Second
Edition)-Unit III-Digraphs and Blends Picture Sorts-p. 42
Spell Check 3 is an assessment that can be used as a pretest to determine students’
needs, a daily Check-in and/or as a post-test.
Words Their Way (Fourth Edition)-Word Maker with Beginning Consonants,
Digraphs, and Blends-p. 162
Students match digraphs with word families to make words.
Pictures for Sorts and Games (Digraphs)
Words Their Way (Fourth Edition)
-pp. 295-296
Can be used for digraph word sorts.
Words Their Way (Fourth Edition)-Word Hunts-pp.58-60.
Students hunt through their reading and writing for words with the spelling pattern
they are studying.
Jan Richardson The Next Step in Guided Reading---Word Study-Picture Sorts-p.125
& p. 277. Picture Sorts are activities that are used during word study in guided
reading for 5-8 minutes.
Jan Richardson The Next Step in Guided Reading---Sound Boxes-p. 127 & p. 277
Sound Boxes are activities that are used during word study in guided reading for 5-8
Text: Honey Bees
Students read the text and use a highlighter to analyze the text for the main idea and
key details.
Letters-Teaching Phonics Word Study, and the Alphabetic Principle (Second
Edition)-pp.54-57-This instructional technique uses a grid to show how sounds map
to letter/letter groups.
Phoneme Grapheme Mapping Grid-This resource (see resource folder) includes a
phoneme grapheme map with directions on how to use this instructional technique.
Students record the grapheme(s) that represent the sounds in a word that the
teacher has dictated.
RF 1.3 a
Florida Center for Reading Research- P.003-Letter-Sound Correspondence
Digraph Roll-A-Word Students match digraphs with
word families to make words.
Starfall-Learn to Read
Click on the link above. Then go to the Skills column and choose a digraph skill. This
link allows students to match the digraph sounds to the graphemes. Students can
also practice reading words with digraphs.