Name Teacher: Mr

Name ___________________________________
Teacher: Mr. Murin and Mr. Hallion
Fall Semester - Block 1 - Algebra Two
I. Rights
You have the right to:
1. Arrive on time to class, you must be IN YOUR SEAT at the sound of the bell.
2. Be prepared with a textbook, notebook, homework assignment, and a PENCIL.
3. Learn in a safe, clean, and respectable environment.
4. Receive a grade EARNED in any assignment.
5. Respect EVERYONE and everything in the classroom (ie. yourself, classmates, teacher, visitors,
observers and school property.)
6. Eat and drink and chew gum in the designated areas of the school (ie. Not in the classroom.)
7. Store your purse at the front of the classroom. No purses are permitted at your desk.
** Any violation of these rights or the rights of others will result in an appropriate
consequence. **
II. Violation of Rights
1st Offense - warning
2nd Offense - teacher detention and call to parents
3rd Offense - parent/teacher/student conference
4th Offense - conference with principal resulting in demerits
** Each occurrence is based on ONE student's actions, but may be accumulated by the entire class based on my
discretion. These offenses are tallied on a yearly basis.
III. Lateness to Class
If you are not in your assigned seat at the sound of the bell, you are considered late
to class. You will be marked tardy each time you are late. Every three days late
translates to an absence from class.
IV. Cutting Class
See school policy
V. Headphones and Cell Phones
Students are forbidden from having either of these items in class. The teacher will follow the school’s policy on
each of these items.
VI. Materials
The following items are necessary each day for this class:
 Pencils
 Five-subject notebook or a Three-ring binder
 Texas Instruments graphing calculator a TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus
Any student that can not provide these items for themselves should speak with Mr. Murin
as soon as possible.
VII. Student Progress
Student progress can be monitored through the Parent Portal of the Genesis Student Information System. This
system will enable you to access student grades and attendance online. This student information will be
updated in a timely fashion throughout the school year.
VIII. Grading Policy
Each assignment is given a point value. At the end of each marking period, the number of points earned is
divided by the number of possible points earned to
determine a percentage grade for the marking period.
Every day you will receive a 3-point warm-up. The warm-ups will be made up of
problems like the ones you've already seen. You must turn in at least 12 warm-ups,
making your total possible points per marking period 36 warm-up points. You will choose the warm-ups you
wish to turn in.
Every night you will have a homework assignment. Homework will be checked for a grade! Homework is worth
50 points. Each student starts with 50 points – points are deducted when a student is not prepared. Your
homework grade is divided into two 25-point grades during each marking period.
Each student is to have an organized notebook where homework, warm-ups,
notes, classwork, tests, and quizzes can be stored. Please keep your notebook up to date!
Extra Credit can be earned in two ways:
A. Tests will have an extra credit question. Quizzes will have extra credit
at my discretion. Any E.C. given on a test or quiz will go directly on that grade.
B. There will be challenge problems also available for extra credit periodically
throughout the marking period.
While extra credit opportunities will be available during the marking period it is understood that the
maximum marking period average is 100%.
All tests and quizzes will be announced. If you are absent and miss a quiz or
test, you have the number of days you were absent to makeup the work. If work is not made up by that date,
you will not receive credit, and a zero (0) will be recorded in the gradebook.
Students that do not do their own work on an assignment will receive a ZERO for the assignment – no
questions asked!
X. Additional Help
I will be available on Tuesday afternoons after school. Students will be notified by the teacher if an extra help
day needs to change. If more help is needed, the student needs to set-up a time that works for both the student
and teacher.
XI. Contact Information
Murin: Phone: (732) 528-8820 ext. 1215
Hallion: Phone: (732) 528-8820 ext. 1624
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