2015/16 ACCREDITATION THROUGH PARTNERSHIP Self-evaluation questionnaire for new stage one Masters programmes (International) You should complete this questionnaire if you are proposing a new international Masters programme(s) for accreditation against stage one of the requirements for Chartered Membership of the Society, and full membership of one of the Society’s Divisions. The questionnaire is split into two sections: Section A asks for key information about the award you are submitting for accreditation, including details of who we should contact if we have queries about your application. Section B invites you to self-evaluate your programme against each of our nine programme standards. You should read this questionnaire alongside our handbook Accreditation through Partnership: Seeking accreditation for programmes delivered outside of the UK, and alongside our accreditation standards. You should provide your completed submission in three hard copies and on three USB sticks. Please post them to: Partnership & Accreditation Team The British Psychological Society St Andrews House, 48 Princess Road East Leicester LE1 7DR If you have any queries in relation to your submission, please contact pact@bps.org.uk The BPS is committed to respecting your right to privacy and data security and to handling the information you provide responsibly within the requirements of the UK Data Protection Act. Your accreditation submission will be shared with Society staff and Members who work with us as authorised agents to deliver the accreditation process on our behalf. Our full privacy policy is available at: www.bps.org.uk/privacy-policy or by written request to ‘Enquiries’ at the Society offices. Section A: about your provision 1. The programme(s) Is the award validated? Distance learning Blended learning Part-time Full-time Yes No* Student numbers (FTE) Current Projected (if the programme is already running) (if the programme is brand new) Intake from which accreditation sought Mode of study (tick all that apply) Date of first intake Full name of programme as it appears on award certificate * Note: If your programme has not yet been validated, please indicate the date on which the validation event (or equivalent) is planned to take place. Programme(s) must be validated or be sufficiently developed such that they are ready for internal validation before the Society will undertake a partnership visit. A partnership visit will be undertaken to all international provision. See our handbook (Accreditation through Partnership: Seeking accreditation for programmes delivered outside of the UK) for further information. 2 2. The education provider Name of awarding institution: Academic unit(s) in which the provision is based: Full address (to assist us in relation to future visit planning, where required): Name of Programme Director or Coordinator: You should tell us the name of the staff member with overall academic responsibility for the provision and its delivery and development. Franchising arrangements: Is the provision franchised for delivery by an international partner institution? Y/N If yes, please state the name of the partner institution. 3 3. The application Who should we approach with any queries about this application? You should tell us the name and role of who we should approach with any queries about your application, and provide us with an email address and telephone number for them. This should be a UK contact. Senior management sign off: We require the Head of the UK academic unit in which the provision is based to confirm the accuracy of the information contained within this application, and the provision of the additional evidence outlined below. Signature (electronic): Name and role: Date of submission: 4. Provisional visit date(s) When would you like us to plan a visit to your provision This should normally be at least three months after the date on which you submit your application, although you can plan further ahead if you wish (and we would encourage you to do so). For further information, please see our handbook, Accreditation through Partnership: Seeking accreditation for programmes delivered outside of the UK. 4 5. The checklist The sources of evidence to be supplied alongside this self-evaluation questionnaire are outlined below. If you think it would be helpful for our reviewers to consider alternative or additional documentation please indicate what you have provided below. This list should be considered alongside our handbook, Accreditation through Partnership: Seeking accreditation for programmes delivered outside of the UK. Programme standard Evidence source (or equivalent alternative source if appropriate) Enclosed? Y/N Programme standard 1: Learning, research and practice Completed curriculum mapping document. Programme handbook. Module handbooks (or module outlines if handbooks are not yet available). Curriculum, research, placement (if appropriate) and/or other handbooks, if applicable. Programme specification. Programme standard 3: Selection and entry Selection and recruitment policy. Programme standard 6: Staffing Brief biographies for all staff who make a significant contribution to programme delivery and development. CVs may be provided if this is easier for you. Programme standard 9: Quality management Most recent internal quality assurance exercise (e.g. validation report) if available. This should include an overview of how your relationship with any external partner is managed from a quality management perspective (where applicable). Detailed business case supporting collaborative delivery of the provision by external partners (international provision only) 5 Section B: self-evaluation against our standards In this part of our questionnaire, we ask you to tell us about the context in which your provision is delivered and the rationale for its development. We then outline our nine programme standards, and invite you to self-evaluate your provision against them. You should read each section of the questionnaire alongside the corresponding section of our accreditation standards. In each section, we outline the information we need you to give us, and then set out any additional sources of evidence you should provide with your submission. The greyed-out columns will be completed by our reviewers as they work through your submission. At the end of the questionnaire, we will also give you the opportunity to highlight any good practice in relation to your provision. It is up to you decide what aspects of good practice you wish to promote most strongly, and how you relate these to our standards. 6 Context and rationale Information required Reviewers’ comments if relevant to standards) Commentary Why has this new programme been developed? Please briefly outline the rationale for the development of this new programme, and describe how the programme contributes to the strategic aims of your institution. What are the distinctive features of this provision? Please briefly outline what you feel to be the distinctive features or strengths of this provision, using bullet points. These may relate to the provision, the academic unit in which it is based, or the education provider more generally. 7 Programme standard 1: Learning, research and practice a. Core skills This part of the self-evaluation questionnaire is intended to assist you in demonstrating to our reviewers that you have taken account of our requirements in relation to the development of the required core skills. You should provide a brief commentary on the following, and signpost us to the relevant supporting evidence in your module or programme handbooks, or other materials as appropriate. You should also complete the relevant mapping document to evidence how you address our curriculum and skills development requirements. Information required Reviewers’ comments Commentary More info needed? How are students engaged in critically evaluating the current knowledge, theory and evidence base relevant to the discipline and in understanding that this is an important first step for all work and activities? How are students You may find it useful to refer to our Supplementary guidelines on 8 Notes supported in using a range of techniques and research methods applicable to psychological enquiry? research and research methods on Society accredited postgraduate programmes (2014) which can be downloaded from our website at www.bps.org.uk/accreditationdownloads. How do students develop the ability to communicate effectively (verbally and non-verbally) with colleagues, research supervisors and a wider audience? How do students disseminate their work? This may include a range of written (e.g. professional reports, journal papers, conference posters) and oral (e.g. presentations, one-toone feedback) formats. 9 b. Curriculum This part of the self-evaluation questionnaire is intended to assist you in demonstrating to our reviewers that you have taken account of our requirements in relation to coverage of the required curriculum. You should provide a brief commentary on the following, and signpost us to the relevant supporting evidence in your module or programme handbooks, or other materials as appropriate. Information required Reviewers’ comments Commentary More info needed? If the programme offers a particular emphasis or distinctive identity, e.g. in line with staff expertise, please outline that here. Please provide a brief commentary on your approach to curriculum design and delivery. You should consider this a narrative to support your completion of our mapping document. 10 Notes c. Additional evidence You should ensure that the following, or an appropriate equivalent, are included with your submission. If our suggestion does not meet your needs, please feel free to provide an alternative source of evidence that you think tells us what we need to know (e.g. a link to online material), together with a brief rationale so that we can understand why you have selected the evidence source in question. Evidence source Brief rationale (if an alternative evidence source is provided) Reviewers’ comments More info needed? Curriculum mapping document This enables our reviewers to confirm that your programme addresses the curriculum and skills development requirements outlined in our standards. Programme handbook This enables us to see how the programme will be presented to students. Module handbooks (or module outlines if handbooks are not yet available) These enable us to see how your programme will address particular aspects of our curriculum requirements. Curriculum, research, placement (if appropriate) and/or other handbooks You should provide any additional handbooks that students receive in relation to specific components of their programme, as appropriate. Programme specification This enables us to understand the overall teaching, learning and assessment strategy for the programme, enabling us to be confident that it reflects contemporary learning, research and practice in psychology. 11 Notes Programme standard 2: Working ethically a. Coverage Our reviewers need to be able to understand the ways in which you engage your students with the Society’s Code of Ethics and Conduct and supplementary ethical guidelines, which provide clear ethical principles, values and standards to guide and support psychologists’ decisions in the difficult and challenging situations they may face. You should provide a brief commentary on the following, and signpost us to the relevant supporting evidence in your module or programme handbooks, or other materials as appropriate. Information required Reviewers’ comments Commentary More info needed? How and where is ethics taught? You should indicate teaching of both general ethical principles and ethics applied to research or other work with human participants. What procedures are in place for gaining ethical approval for 12 Notes students’ research? How do students develop skills in applying relevant ethical, legal and professional practice frameworks? How do you ensure that students are aware of the legal and statutory obligations and restrictions on psychological practice in the UK context? 13 Programme standard 3: Selection and entry a. Policies and procedures This standard sets out the Society’s expectations in relation to selection and entry processes that education providers will implement. You should provide a brief commentary on the following, and signpost us to the relevant supporting evidence as appropriate. Information required Reviewers’ comments Commentary More info needed? Notes What departmental/ institution-wide widening access initiatives are in place? How does the programme contribute to these? How does the programme consider applications for accreditation of prior learning? APL should be granted against level 7 learning only. 14 b. Additional evidence You should ensure that the following, or an appropriate equivalent, are included with your submission. If our suggestion does not meet your needs, please feel free to provide an alternative source of evidence that you think tells us what we need to know, together with a brief rationale so that we can understand why you have selected the evidence source in question. Evidence source Brief rationale (if an alternative evidence source is provided) Reviewers’ comments More info needed? Selection and recruitment policy This enables us to understand the steps you take to promote equality of opportunity and access to psychology to as diverse a range of applicants as possible. 15 Notes Programme standard 4: Society membership a. Coverage We expect education providers to communicate the benefits of completing an accredited programme to their students, and to provide them with information on progressing to Chartered Membership of the Society and full membership of one of its Divisions. Many programmes provide this information in their programme handbooks (see for example the information provided on pages 6 to 8 of our Standards handbooks). Others cover this in face-to-face teaching, both during induction and at other points during the programme. You should provide a brief commentary, and signpost us to relevant supporting evidence in your module or programme handbooks, or other materials as appropriate. Information required Reviewers’ comments Commentary More info needed? How does the programme provide information about Society membership to students? Where in the programme does this occur? If students are provided with this 16 Notes information in a handbook, please tell us on which page(s) this can be found. What information are students given on progressing to Stage Two training? Is appropriate information provided to those who did not gain GBC prior to commencing the MSc? 17 Programme standard 5: Personal and professional development a. Coverage This standard sets out the Society’s expectations in relation to the ways in which student development is supported. You should provide a brief commentary on the following, and signpost us to the relevant supporting evidence in your module or programme handbooks, or other materials as appropriate. Information required Reviewers’ comments Commentary More info needed? What personal tutoring and support arrangements are in place for students on the programme? How are students supported in identifying and developing skills and capabilities relevant to progression to applied psychological 18 Notes practice in due course? See required core skills. How are students supported in reflecting on and synthesising different aspects of their work to inform their developing professional identity as a trainee? See required core skills. What opportunities do students have to study alongside students from other disciplines or professions? What other provision is in place to enhance student employability? 19 Programme standard 6: Staffing Our reviewers need to be able to evaluate the adequacy of the staffing resources that are in place to support delivery of the provision in question. In order to do this, we need to understand the staff:student ratio that is in place. a. Staff numbers Please complete the table below. You should note the main responsibilities each member of staff has to this specific programme, including module co-ordination, significant teaching contributions, supervision of dissertations and managerial responsibilities, in order that our reviewers are able to gain an understanding of the spread of the teaching load for the programme. You should provide brief biographies for all staff who make a significant contribution to programme delivery and development. CVs may be provided if this is easier for you. This enables us to consider the range of individuals that are involved in supporting programme delivery and development, and the range of teaching and research expertise to which students have access. You should provide us with the details of any approved vacancies, but these should not be included within the SSR calculations. 20 Permanent Full-Time and Contractual Academic Staff (full-time, part-time and fractional) Reviewers’ comments More info needed? Name Post Department FTE contribution to this programme Please add rows as required Total FTE substantive academic staff A Other hourly paid staff Total FTE delivering on this programme where 1 FTE = 550 hours 21 Main responsibilities in relation to the programme(s) Notes Please provide any additional comments on how you have calculated your staff FTEs, and any other relevant information, here. Reviewers’ comments More info needed? Approved vacancies Post Notes Reviewers’ comments More info needed? Notes Expected responsibilities in relation to the programme(s) Please add rows as required Total FTE 22 More info needed? Notes b. Student numbers Please complete the table below. If your programme is already running, use your most recent accurate student figures. If you are submitting a programme for accreditation prior to recruiting students, please provide a total student FTE based on your recruitment target. Students on programme(s) submitted for accreditation (FTE) Reviewers’ comments More info needed? Notes B Please provide any additional comments on how you have calculated your student FTEs, and any other relevant information, here. Reviewers’ comments More info needed? 23 Notes c. Overall staff: student ratio Please complete the table below. The staff: student ratio (SSR) is a calculation that represents the overall SSR for this particular programme. It is calculated by taking the overall student FTE (B) and dividing it by the overall staff FTE (A). Using the information provided in the tables above, please calculate the staff student ratio for your provision. Reviewers’ comments Notes Staff FTE (A) Student FTE (B) = SSR (B ÷ A) More info needed? 24 Postgraduate programmes should operate a maximum SSR of 1:10. d. Support for staff development You should describe your approach to supporting staff development. This may include support for their development as teachers, researchers or practitioner psychologists, or could include other knowledge transfer or scholarly activity. Please include examples of development activities that staff have undertaken during the last year (e.g. participation in training courses, workshops or conferences). Reviewers’ comments Commentary on approach to supporting staff development More info needed? 25 Notes e. Additional evidence You should ensure that the following, or an appropriate equivalent, are included with your submission. If our suggestion does not meet your needs, please feel free to provide an alternative source of evidence that you think tells us what we need to know, together with a brief rationale so that we can understand why you have selected the evidence source in question. Evidence source Brief rationale (if an alternative evidence source is provided) Reviewers’ comments More info needed? Brief biographies or CVs for all staff who make a significant academic contribution to programme delivery and development. This enables us to consider the range of individuals that are involved in supporting programme delivery and development, and the range of teaching and research expertise to which students have access. 26 Notes Programme standard 7: Leadership and co-ordination a. Programme management Our reviewers need to be able to understand the arrangements that are in place in relation to the leadership and co-ordination of the provision. You should provide a brief overview of these, demonstrating that a suitably-qualified psychologist is in post who has specified responsibility for leading, developing and managing the programme(s). You should ensure that a brief biography or CV for the Programme Director (or equivalent) named in Section A of this questionnaire has been provided. Where a co-Directorship arrangement is in place, you should provide details for both/all Directors and tell us who is responsible for what. Information required Reviewers’ comments Commentary More info needed? What qualifications does the Programme Director hold? You should tell us whether they are a Chartered Member of the Society, a full Division member, and/or registered with the Health and Care Professions Council. How do their skills and experience enable them to meet our standards? Please provide a brief outline of their role and 27 Notes responsibilities. 28 Programme standard 8: Physical resources a. Resources This standard sets out the Society’s expectations in relation to the physical facilities and learning resources that should be in place to support the student experience, whether students are studying on-site or at a distance. It is important that accredited programmes have the necessary resources in place to enable them to deliver psychology as a science. New providers in particular need to be able to demonstrate that appropriate and sufficient resources will be in place. We accept that this may not be the case at the point of application for accreditation; in this case, appropriate plans must have been approved by management, and copies should be provided. You should provide a brief commentary on the following, and signpost us to the relevant supporting evidence as appropriate. Information required Reviewers’ comments Commentary More info needed? What IT facilities are available? (including software and statistical packages). What specialist Psychology research equipment is available? How do students access these 29 Notes facilities? Both on campus and at a distance, as appropriate. What psychology databases do students have access to? Is full text or abstract only access provided? 30 Programme standard 9: Quality management a. Policies and procedures This standard outlines the Society’s expectation that education providers have in place quality management mechanisms that facilitate self-reflection against our standards. You should provide a copy of the report of the most recent internal quality assurance exercise relating to the programme (e.g. validation report) if available. You should provide a brief commentary on the following, and signpost us to the relevant supporting evidence as appropriate. Information required Reviewers’ comments Commentary More info needed? What have you identified as the main priorities for further development of the provision? How do you as the awarding institution manage your relationship with any external partner from a quality management perspective? If applicable 31 Notes b. External examiners Please tell us about the external examiner(s) you have appointed by completing the table below. Name Employing institution Start date End date Details of any specific responsibilities Reviewers’ comments More info needed? 32 Notes c. Additional evidence You should ensure that the following, or an appropriate equivalent, are included with your submission. If our suggestion does not meet your needs, please feel free to provide an alternative source of evidence that you think tells us what we need to know, together with a brief rationale so that we can understand why you have selected the evidence source in question. Evidence source Brief rationale (if an alternative evidence source is provided) Reviewers’ comments More info needed? Most recent internal quality assurance exercise (e.g. validation report) if available This enables us to establish that your quality management mechanisms facilitate self-evaluation against our standards. Detailed business case supporting delivery of the programme by external partners (international provision only) This enables us to understand the nature of the relationships that underpin programme delivery. Universities are advised to ensure that their partners are clear on the level of investment to which they will need to commit in order to gain accreditation prior to entering into any formal agreement. This applies to both investment in resources and payment of accreditation fees, which will be invoiced to the UK awarding university. 33 Notes Good practice You should use the table below to identify specific strengths or areas of good practice that underpin the delivery of your provision and the ways in which it reflects our standards. We define good practice as anything that has a particular, positive impact on the reputation of the provision, or on the quality of the experience of students or other stakeholders. Good practice typically leads to local benefit, but can also reflect practice that stands out on a national or international level. It would assist our reviewers if you could indicate the standard(s) to which the good practice you are highlighting most closely relates. However, there is also space in the table for you to outline good practice that spans a number of our standards, or which you feel more generally reflects high quality delivery and outcomes. If you wish to identify more than one aspect of good practice in relation to a particular standard you may do so. However, we do not expect providers to highlight good practice in relation to every programme standard. Standard Area of good practice Reviewers’ comments Brief commentary Programme standard 1: Learning, research and practice Programme standard 2: Working ethically Programme standard 3: Selection and 34 entry Programme standard 4: Society membership Programme standard 5: Personal and professional development Programme standard 6: Staffing Programme standard 7: Leadership and coordination Programme standard 8: Physical resources Programme standard 9: Quality management Other 35 aspect(s) of good practice 36 Reviewers’ decision Reviewers: please use the table below to summarise your recommended outcomes in relation to each of our programme standards by ticking the relevant box(es) as required. Programme standard Good practice Standard met in full Further information needed 1: Learning, research and practice 2. Working ethically 3. Selection and entry 4. Society membership 5. Personal and professional development 6. Staffing 7. Leadership and co-ordination 37 Standard not met (please specify any conditions of accreditation that apply) Any further specific comments 8. Physical resources 9. Quality management Overall outcome: initial application (please choose one): Accreditation visit may go ahead Revised submission required Please highlight any specific information that is missing from the original submission and which should be included in any resubmission. Themes for further consideration at the visit Please use this section to highlight any general themes that you have observed from your reading of the programme’s documentation that you feel you may wish to explore with other member of the visiting team, and subsequently with the education provider and their stakeholders when the visit goes ahead. Matters for discussion with students Matters for discussion with programme team Matters for discussion with senior management 38