Certification Development - National Association for Interpretation

National Association for Interpretation
Certification Program Development
NAI has continued to manage its certification programs in their old database, despite migrating much of the rest
of the organization to iMIS a few years ago. It is still a fairly manual process with many areas that could improve
efficiency and effectiveness. In addition, there is little connection between the data in iMIS and the certification
data. Applicants and Designees currently do not have the ability to see their status online.
This project looks to bring everything into one database, utilizing a new online certification module developed
by iMIS. In addition, this project uses an add-on product for iMIS called Task Centre, which provides all kinds of
automation capabilities.
For the initial phase of this project (and for the process flows which follow) we are addressing the CIG and CIH
programs only, not the professional programs, although those will be incorporated as soon as possible.
This project assumes a change to the current NAI/instructor relationship insofar as the majority of the
registration will take place through the NAI website. Payment of instructor fees will take place after the event
has occurred, based on final registration numbers.
Applicants for the designation programs will enroll themselves online and manage their status and next steps via
the NAI website.
A free year of membership is being offered to those who sign up for the certification program, including an
extension of membership for one year for existing members. Income will be redirected to membership after the
workshop registration has taken place.
The fee structure and payment mechanisms will need to be reworked, to make sure that income is still split
between certification fee, materials, and membership, plus the payment to the instructor.
Icon Legend
Staff assigns Instructors in iMIS to a special security group for the website.
Website provides online submit form for workshop offering that contains fields in single
instance table. Trigger on insertion moves data to multi-instance table and clears out the
Instructor logs on to instructor portal and submits new workshop form with information
about the event (event location/time/date/price/description/primary and secondary
instructors/any special discounts).
Staff creates event in iMIS and enables for the web.
Staff issues coupon code if there are special offers or discounts for certain students (e.g.
students from instructor’s organization are at no charge, but others must pay).
Instructor orders packets through the instructor portal which will have IQA showing only
packet products – no charge for packets at this time, but shipping is charged and instructor
pays for shipping through online cart. Comment in order process indicates workshop date.
Packet order launches automated procedure to create packet table insertions – one per each
packet ordered – and generates the unique packet numbers. These records are attached to
the instructor’s record who ordered the packets.
Instructors distribute coupon code to those who are eligible for special offer.
Run process to assign packet numbers to all pre-registrants and write order number to packet
table and packet number to registration.
Staff ships packets 10 days before course. Pre-registrants have a label that has the name
already assigned to the packet number, the additional packets just have the packet number.
In each packet is a return label with either pre-registrant info or packet number with name as
assigned by instructor. Include instructions to instructor about blank and completed packets
return and remind of review process and next steps.
Instructor can go online to instructor portal where they can see IQA with their workshop
totals and ability to click for online roster at any time.
Two days before the workshop, Task Centre sends email to Instructor with Roster. Include
instructions/reminder about process to send materials back and reviewer process.
Instructor presents workshop.
Enrolled in Certification Program
Applicant goes online and logs in or creates an account.
Certification landing page presents free membership concept – Not a member? We have good
news. Already a member? We still have good news – membership extension. Inform that
membership is activated by their registration in a Workshop.
Applicant goes to certification area of website and Enrolls.
Enrollment triggers Task Centre creates billing product(s) and charges membership portion of
enrollment fee to leave outstanding balance for later transfer of payment. For existing
members a new term will be billed in same fashion, extending one year from current paid
thru date.
After enrollment, applicant links to application from certification portal. This a PDF form with
fields where responses can be saved and the application re-attached through the certification
Applicant uploads application through certification portal which completes step
Staff reviews application and contacts Applicant if there are any issues with application.
Applicant goes to next step in certification process which is to register for one available
offering/workshop pays for it in the online cart. Registration accounts for completion of the
Task Centre sends detailed confirmation/receipt and bcc's staff if associated with enrollment
and free membership offer.
Staff modifies registration to reduce workshop fees leaving a credit on account and reducing
workshop income, and then applying credit to membership fees, increasing income to
Task Centre notifies Applicant that membership is activated or extended.
Applicant goes to workshop and takes tests/prepares submissions for review.
If successfully passed all components:
Task Centre generates letter/certificate/emails to Applicant.
Task Centre sends reports/notifications to staff.
If not successful:
Task Centre emails Applicant with results and next steps.
Workshop Attendee but not enrolled in Certification Program
Registrant goes online and browses to Events.
On events landing page, website presents two “paths” – 1) certification program (link to
Applicant route) or 2) Registrant only (link to events calendar). Sell free membership as part
of certification path.
Registrant logs in or creates account.
Registrant registers for workshop and pays through cart.
Task Centre sends detailed event confirmation/receipt.
Registrant attends workshop.
Task Centre sends thank you emails in two varieties – 1) prospect member and 2) member.
30 days post event, Task Centre sends membership solicitation to any that are still nonmembers.
Instructor packages up submissions with provided label for each registrant. Writes names
onto packets for those not-preregistered.
Instructor ships completed and unused packets back to NAI.
Staff credits back any unused packets and updates packet table and packet numbers for
registrants not already assigned.
Staff sorts out packets and assigns reviewers. Staff enters specific assignments on reviewers’
records and sends materials to reviewers.
Once reviewed, Staff records certification step pass/fails accordingly.
Staff prints out final report for workshop, showing final numbers for workshop, reviewed
component results or aggregates, overall success rates for certification.
Staff creates check request for accounting based on total number of final students and any
unused packet returns. Activity is created on instructor record to note check request,
indicating date requested, meeting code, final count, amount requested and a tickler date for
one week from request.
Staff issues check to instructor and updates check request activity when completed. Removes
tickler date.
Task Centre triggers off activity completion and sends email to instructor that check is on its
way, providing the workshop date/location and total amount of check.
Task Centre regularly queries for any check requests that are over the 1 week period and
sends emails to staff to remind.
Staff assigns reviewers in iMIS to a special security group for the website.
Reviewer portal limited to just staff and those with this group.
Reviewer receives notification from NAI of reviewing assignment. Receives items to review.
Reviewer reviews items and notes scores.
Reviewer logs on to reviewer portal and enters the packet number into an IQA. IQA finds
results and provides link to custom My Account page for reviewers that shows packet number
and components that need a score.
Reviewer enters the component scores and any notes, and marks completed review date.
Staff is notified when component reviewed and can go into online certification module and
mark pass/fail.
Staff can run reports to see detailed reviews and aggregates by reviewer.
Upon completion of initial designation, designee is automatically enrolled in recurring
certification program. Task Centre sends email about logging into the certification portal to
see current recertification status and upcoming requirements.
3 months after designation complete, Task Centre sends a “hope you are getting all you can
from your designation” email with benefits.
6 months after designation complete, Task Centre sends email outlining renewal
As Designee meets various renewal requirements, he or she goes online to the certification
portal and submits components for review.
Staff reviews submissions and records completion through the certification module.
6 months before designation expiration, Task Centre sends email outlining outstanding
renewal requirements.
3 months before designation expiration, Task Centre sends email with renewal and
instructions to renew online.
1 month prior to expiration, Task Centre sends reminder to anyone not yet renewed.
Month of expiration, Task Centre sends out warning about possible loss of designation.
Designee goes online to finalize renewal.
Staff reviews designee has met renewal requirement and finalizes renewal in certification
Designee automatically re-enrolled in maintenance certification program for another term.
Task Centre sends letter/certificate.