
Title: Flying With STEAM
Educators on the team: Tara Blocker, Latisha Lowery-Sims, Ruth Smalls, Brooke Alberson
When & Where you attended a training. Dates: July 21-22 Town/State: Winnsboro, SC
Students use knowledge from across the disciplines to strengthen their understanding of each subject’s
content and its related careers through topic or theme oriented realistic problem-based activity-rich
Theme that this lesson would tie to: Transportation
Specific Topic Concept within that theme: Aerodynamics
PROJECT IDEA + brief notes & supplies
Concept: Aerodynamics
This engaging loop plane STEAM
activity integrates all subject areas. As
the students completes this
investigation using Science (force and
motion), Technology (use of tools),
Engineering (structural problem
solving), Arts (sketching and use of
materials), Mathematics
(measurement and measurement
conversions), they will gain an
understanding of how an airplane flies.
Students will also learn new vocabulary
in Language Arts, changes in
technological innovation in Social
Studies, fundamental manipulative
skills to help throw the loop plane in
PE, and create and sing a rhyming
jingle to sell their airplane in Music.
Math –
 Concepts – Measurement, Graphing, and Averaging
 Goal / Objectives – Students will be able to measure,
record their data on a class bar graph, and average
the distance flown.
 Standards – Common Core 4.MD-1 Know relative
sizes of measurement units within one system of
units including km, m, cm, kg, g, lb., oz., l, ml, hr. ,
min ,sec. Within a single system of measurement,
express measurements in a larger unit in terms of a
smaller unit. Record measurement equivalents in a
two column table.
SC standard- 4-5.1 Use appropriate tools to measure
objects to the nearest unit; measuring length in
quarter inches, centimeters, and millimeters; weight
and mass in pounds, milligrams, and kilograms.
 Careers – Data Analysis, Pilot,
 Project – Students will begin by constructing a premade meter tape from paper. Once they use tape to
put their meter tape together, they will use it to
measure the distance that their plane has flown.
Students will begin with the same plane
construction. After construction of the plane, the
students will make a prediction in their journal about
the number of meters their plane will fly. They will
make trial flights to discover the best method of
launching their plane before actually making
measured flights. Once measured flights are made,
Basic Plan: Introduction of the Unit:
The students will watch a Brain Pop
video called Flight. In this video, the
students will learn key vocabulary
words and facts about an airplane.
After the video, the students will use
movement shown on the video to
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Lesson Brief
physically demonstrate each key
vocabulary word.
Next, the students will watch the
teacher model a lesson on how to
measure using a meter tape. Next, the
students will explore measurement as
they measure items in their class with
the meter tape.
Throughout the next four days, the
students will learn how to measure
using a meter tape, construct a loop
plane, and record data to construct a
bar graph.
Students will begin with the same
plane construction. After construction
of the plane, the students will make a
prediction in their journal about the
number of meters their plane will fly.
They will make trial flights to discover
the best method of launching their
plane before actually making measured
flights. Once measured flights are
made and data collected and analyzed,
over the next couple of days, the
students will make modifications to
their planes, testing one variable of
their choice at a time. Finally,
conclusions will be made as to what
they think makes the plane fly the
farthest distance.
Distances will be measured using
meter tapes constructed from paper by
the students from meter tape patterns.
When these are copied on different
colors and placed end -to –end,
students will be able to visually
distinguish where one meter ends and
the other begins. This approach makes
it easier for students to count and
record measurements in meters. They
can quickly convert those
measurements by counting by
hundreds because there are 100
centimeters in a meter.
Conclusion: At the end of the unit the
students will complete their bar graph
and turn it in to be assessed. The bar
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the students will place their paper meter tapes end
to end to correctly record the distance. Next, the
students will convert the centimeters into meters,
100 centimeters equals 1 meter, as the data is
collected and analyzed over the next couple of days,
the students will make modifications to their planes
by testing one variable of their choice at a time.
Finally, conclusions will be made as to what they
think makes the plane fly the farthest distance.
Assessment – Student’s data will be assessed on
measurement accuracy and their ability to share
their results on a bar graph.
Science –
 Concepts –Inquiry Skills and Forces/Motion
 Goal / Objectives – Students will be able to use
inquiry skills and their knowledge of forces and
motions to build an airplane.
 Standards – SC Standard 4-1: The student will
demonstrate an understanding of scientific inquiry,
including the processes, skills, and mathematical
thinking necessary to conduct a simple scientific
 Careers – Physicist, aviation inspector, physics
 Project – After learning the vocabulary of flight,
including, lift, drag, thrust and force, and then
making and investigating paper airplanes, students
will hypothesize a plan on how to improve their
airplane and what result they wish to achieve from
it – speed, distance, stunts, etc. Then students will
redesign their planes and test their hypothesis.
Students will reflect on if their ideas related to the
learned concepts matched what they made and if
the results were due to plans or the planes
construction accuracy.
 Assessment – Students will be assessed on their
written reflection.
 Extension Technology & Engineering –
 Concepts – Technology will be used to build upon
prior knowledge.
 Goal / Objectives  Standards – ISTE Student Standard 3- Students
apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use
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Lesson Brief
graph will show the distance in which
their plane has flown over time and
with modifications. Once the students
have made their final modifications,
students will be asked to reflection on
the changes in distance that their loop
plane made with the modifications.
The will also reflect on their learning
throughout the process.
Skill level (Grade Range): 3rd – 5thgrades
Timing of Lesson: 40 minutes for 4 days
in each subject
LA –
Basic Supplies: Drinking straws,
transparent tape, measuring tape, 2
strips of paper, crayons, markers,
All Subjects:
Individual Subjects:
IT Resources:
Careers – information resource specialist,
Computer Systems Administrator, IT manager
Project – The students will research on discus
(online database) to find different designs of
airplanes. Students will create an airplane using
different types of paper (construction, copy paper,
tissue paper, or cardstock). Then student will
launch their planes and measure the distance in
which they flew.
Assessment – Students will be assessed based on
their research notes that will be recorded in their
Google Documents and having an airplane that
Extension - Students will use Google Drawings to
design an airplane.
Concepts –Building Vocabulary
Goal / Objectives - Students will build on prior
knowledge and learn new vocabulary related to the
Standards - 4.L.4 Determine or clarify the meaning
of unknown and multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grade 4 reading and content,
choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
Careers – ELA teacher, writer, journalist
Project – Students will learn new content
vocabulary associated with the project and add
nonlinguistic cues to the words to incorporate
o Key Vocabulary
 Aerodynamics
 Transportation
 Trajectory
 Lift
 Drag
 Force
 Motion
Assessment – Students will be assessed on their
knowledge of the vocabulary by creating a poster in
which they will use illustrations including captions
to demonstrate how the vocabulary supports their
Extension -
SS –
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Other Resources: Field Study to a local
Airport and expert visits from local
Art –
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Concepts – The students will examine the changes
in technological innovation as they relate to
aerodynamics and computer systems.
Goal / Objectives – The students will study the
history of airplanes and computer systems to
examine the changes that have taken place over
Standards – SC 5-6.4 Explain how technological
innovations have changed daily life in the United
States, including the changes brought about by
computers, satellites, and mass communication
Careers – historian
Project - The students will use textbooks, articles,
and online resources to gather information on the
changes in technology as they relate to airplanes.
Then the students will use the information
gathered from their research study to create a
timeline. This timeline will include pictures, dates,
and captions to illustrate the changes in technology
over time. Then they will write a paper about how
technology innovation effects them on a daily basis.
Assessment – The students will create a timeline to
demonstrate the changes in technology as they
relate to aerodynamics. They will also write a paper
about the effects of technology in their daily lives.
Concepts –The students will design a loop plane
using paper of different weight, a straw, and tape.
Goal / Objectives –The student will be able to
create a loop plane that is visually appealing and
Standards - Standard 1: The student will
demonstrate competence in the use of ideas,
materials, techniques, and processes in the creation
of works of visual art.
 VA3-1.1 Use his or her own ideas in creating
works of visual art.
 VA3-1.2 Identify and describe the materials,
techniques, and processes used in a variety of
 VA3-1.3 Use and combine a variety of
materials, techniques, and processes to create
works of visual art.
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PE –
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VA3-1.4 Select and use the most effective
materials, techniques, and processes to
communicate his or her ideas, experiences, and
stories through works of visual art.
 VA3-1.5 Use all art materials and tools in a safe
and responsible manner.
Careers - CAD designers, insignia creators, detail
letterers, aerodynamic and aesthetic designers
Project – The students will use paper, straws, tape,
scissors and markers to create a loop plane.
Students will be encourage to use previously taught
art techniques to make their loop plane artistically
appealing. They will also be encouraged to use all
art materials and tools in a safe and responsible
Assessment – The students will design and create a
loop plane using the materials provided. Students
will be assessed on the development of their final
Extension – Students will plan and sketch a design
of their loop plane.
Concepts –The students will use fundamental
manipulative skills to throw their loop plane.
Goal / Objectives – To measure the distance their
loop plane flew in meters and centimeters.
Standards –5-1.1 Demonstrate mature form for all
fundamental manipulative skills (for example,
throwing, catching, striking, kicking).
Careers – Football coach, baseball coach, athletic
trainer, and athletic director
Project – The students will create a loop plane,
measure the distance in meters and convert to
centimeters using a meter tape. The students will
do forward rolls on a mat to count the number of
forward rolls that show the distance of their flight.
Assessment – Students will be assessed on the form
used as they threw the plane. They will also be
assessed on measuring correctly using the meter
Extension – The students will throw a football to
show the distance the plane flew.
Students ‘drag’ something with wheels on it, then
drag it with a sail on it – relate it to the drag of an
item in the air – the more that is facing the wind,
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Lesson Brief
the more resistance it has – also relate to car
aerodynamics – sports cars being sleek
Having students run and then try to run holding a
personal parachute kite or large piece of fabric –
like a large pillowcase attached to a hula hoop –
and see what personal drag is like and then relate it
to drag-car races and then to airplane drag.
Music –
 Concepts – The students will create a jingle.
 Goal / Objectives – TSW be able to perform their
jingle with their group for the class. The jingle
should help to sell other students on their chosen
type of airplane.
 Standards - MG4-1.2 Sing expressively, alone or
in groups, matching dynamic levels, and
responding to the cues of a conductor.
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Careers – Music teacher, singer, songwriter,
marketing, and advertising.
Project – TSW work with their group to create a
jingle to sell their airplane. The jingle should be a 30
second jingle and should rhyme.
Assessment – The students’ ability to write and
perform the jingle for their classmates.
STEAM Education
Lesson Brief