Wakefield Recovery College Prospectus 2016

Spring/Summer Prospectus 2016
Partners who are supporting the development of the Wakefield
and 5 Towns Recovery College
Along with the Trust’s health and wellbeing services:
Community food and health team
Health and wellbeing development worker service
Self-management service (EPP)
Health care professionals
Welcome to
The Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
Together with our partners across Wakefield and the 5 Towns, we offer a wide range
of free recovery focused educational courses, aimed at supporting adults (over 18
years of age) in recognising and making the most of their talents and resources, to
deal with the mental and physical health challenges they experience and to achieve
the things they want to in life.
Our courses offer opportunities to gain understanding of mental and physical health
problems, the journey of recovery and the hope that taking control and selfmanagement can bring. All our courses are friendly, welcoming, and available to
everyone whether you have experience of health problems, whether you are a friend,
relative or loved one of someone with such an experience, or whether you are a
member of staff.
We offer a number of courses that run across different course programmes. They
fall under the broad titles of:
How are you?
Can you / do you want to?
Would you like to learn more about?
Creative Minds
The Dementia Discovery Zone
The courses vary in content, length and learning objectives, but all of them have a
focus on recovery.
The college has been developed and designed in partnership with people who have
experience of health problems, family members, volunteers from our communities
and people employed by local health services. Also, many of the courses have been
written in partnership and will be taught in partnership.
Table of contents
How are you?
Meet and Greet Coffee Mornings
Health and Wellbeing
Managing Long-Term Conditions
Feeling Positive, Busting Stress
Coping With Life by Using Relaxation
New Beginnings
Improving Your Sleep
Understanding Anxiety
Living With Anxiety
Understanding and Managing Depression
Understanding Hearing Voices
Can you / do you want to?
Grow it, Cook it
Craft Taster Sessions
Learn to Knit and Crochet
Toy Making
Recovery through Reading for Pleasure
Book Folding
Creative Writing
Nail Art
IT for Beginners
Basic Adult Literacy Skills
Basic Adult Numeracy Skills
Would you like to learn more about?
CV and Interview Skills
Stroke awareness
One Pot Cooking for Beginners
An Introduction to Aromatherapy
Co-production Awareness Workshop
Creative Minds
The Dementia Discovery Zone
Dementia, Discovery, Recovery
SCIE e-learning programme
Dementia Friend’s Awareness
Managing Driving with Dementia
Living Well
Living Well at Home with Dementia
Eat Well
Stepping Out
Frequently asked questions
Student enrolment form
Equality and diversity form
Term dates
Contact details
What happens when I enrol?
Learning support
We offer information, advice and guidance about each course and its content.
We spend time with you to go through an individual learning plan prior to the start
of your learning with us.
As your courses progress, we will help you to identify your goals, hopes and
ambitions for your recovery journey, and to help choose courses which best meet
these. Within the learning plan there is an opportunity to discuss any learning
support needs you may have. We will then do everything we can to support you.
We want to create an environment that encourages learning and where learners feel
they are supported. Feedback from learners, visitors, volunteers and staff is vital to
how we develop the college and the courses we deliver. We hope to do this through
regular evaluation and welcome your comments and ideas.
If you do have any feedback, please speak to a member of the team or contact us on
01924 327680, or email wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
What you can expect from us
We will respect you as an individual at all times. We will do this by:
Respecting your values, opinions and beliefs
Helping people that support you to access courses e.g. a carer, friend or
Behaving in a way that fosters a shared understanding and mutual respect
What we expect from you
Respect the rights, choices, beliefs and opinions of others
Commit to attending courses you have enrolled on
Refrain from using alcohol or un-prescribed medication
Do not use violent or offensive behaviour or language
Do not behave in a way that may be considered disruptive or threatening
towards others
How are you?
Course title: Meet and Greet Coffee mornings
Our meet and greet coffee mornings are a great chance to come
and meet some of the staff and volunteers involved in the
Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College, have a chat with us,
discover where we are based, meet some other like-minded
potential students and ask us anything you would like to know
about the Recovery College.
Come along and join us for a drink and a biscuit; we look forward
to meeting you.
Dates & times:
Monday 25 January 2016
10.00am – 12.00pm
Monday 4 April 2016
10.00am – 12.00pm
Monday 6 June 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Course provider:
Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
Please come along or give us a call if you need any further information. No
enrolment required.
Tel: 01924 327680
How are you?
Course title: Health and Wellbeing
Health and Wellbeing is a course that can help you to overcome barriers
you may face when planning to make positive changes to your lifestyle.
The aim of the course is to learn problem solving skills to learn ways to
improve your activity and exercise levels, and make changes to your diet.
The course will provide the opportunity for you to discuss changes you
want to make and plan how to make these positive changes to your
Dates & times: This course is run over 4 weeks. Sessions take place every
Wednesday, though not during school holidays.
There are usually 12 places on this course.
Start date: Wednesday 17 February 2016
Start date: Wednesday 6 April 2016
Start date: Wednesday 18 May 2016
10:00am – 11:30am
1.00pm – 2:30pm
10:00am – 11:30am
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Course provider:
Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus and send to the college.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
How are you?
Course title: Managing long-term conditions – Expert Patient
The Expert Patient Programme (EPP) is a FREE self-management course
for anyone with a long-term condition or anyone who cares for someone
with a long term condition.
The course runs for 6 weeks with each session lasting 2.5 hours and has a
maximum of 16 people in attendance. You will learn a range of selfmanagement tools that can help you manage and improve your health and
The course tutors all have a long-term condition and know what it’s like to
live with the symptoms and problems. They already use the tools that you
will learn to help them to manage and cope every day.
You’ll learn things like:
 Problem solving
 Setting realistic goals and action planning
 Managing symptoms and improving how you feel
 Communicating effectively with health professionals
Courses are held in local community venues where you get to meet new people,
have fun and most importantly, feel better.
Find out more by looking on our website www.WakefieldEPP.co.uk or find us on
Facebook www.facebook.com/ExpertPatients
Course provider:
Expert Patient Programme
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus and send to the college.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
How are you?
Course title: Feeling Positive, Busting Stress
This 2 hour workshop includes:
Identifying how stress could affect you
Raising awareness of things you can do to reduce your stress
Learning a few stress busting exercises
Setting a plan of things you would like to work on when at home
We always start with a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit so it is a gentle start
and the aim is for you to test your foot in the water of learning different
tools that could help you to cope when you are feeling stressed.
We all have times when we are stressed and we will be showing you a few
things that we use to help us so come and join us.
There are usually 10 places on this workshop.
Date & times:
Friday 15 January 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Course provider:
Expert Patient Programme
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus and send to the college.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
How are you?
Course title: Coping With Life by Using Relaxation
This 2 hour workshop will help you to:
Identify what relaxation is and the benefits
Identify what we could do to relax
Have a go at a few relaxation techniques to use at home
Set an action plan for when at home
We always start with a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit, it’s very informal and
we will be showing you things we use to help us cope with life when it all
feels a bit too much.
There are usually 10 places on this workshop.
Date & times:
Tuesday 19 January 2016
2:00pm – 4:00pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Course provider: Expert Patient Programme
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus and send to the college.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
How are you?
Course title: New Beginnings
This free course runs over 7 sessions and is aimed at people who are
living with any mental health condition. The course aims to offer people:
Tools to address many of the common symptoms experienced
when living with a mental health condition.
Advice around healthy eating in relation to mental health.
Discussions around what is “mental health”.
Tools to manage depression and maintain positive thinking.
There are usually 12 places on this course.
This course runs over 7 weeks, though not during school holidays.
Dates & times:
Start date: Friday 22 January 2016
10.30am – 1.00pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Dates & times:
Start date: Friday 13 May 2016
10.30am – 1.00pm
Venue: Kinsley and Fitzwilliam Learning and Community Centre, Wakefield Road,
Kinsley, Pontefract, WF9 5BP
Course provider: The Expert Patient Programme
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus and send to the college.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
How are you?
Course title: Improving Your Sleep
This 2 hour introduction workshop could be for you if you are interested in
understanding ways of improving your sleep. During the workshop we will
be talking about:
Stages of sleep
How and why sleep may be disrupted
Some techniques which people have been found to be helpful in
improving their sleep
The training team will include a person who has experience of poor sleep
and a person with professional expertise.
There are usually 12 places on this workshop
Dates & time:
Wednesday 20 January 2016
1.00pm – 3.00pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Dates & time:
Friday 4 March 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: Bridge House, Mayors Walk, Pontefract, WF8 2RR
Dates & time:
Wednesday 11 May 2016
1.00pm – 3.00pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Course provider: Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus and send to the college.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
How are you?
Course title: Understanding Anxiety
Do you want to gain an understanding of anxiety?
Then this 2 hour workshop may be for you. It will explore the
vicious cycle, how anxiety impacts on your life and will look at how
anxiety is maintained.
The training team will include a person who has experience of
anxiety and a person with professional expertise.
There are usually 12 places on this workshop
Dates & Times:
Wednesday 27 January 2016
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Dates & Times:
2:00pm – 4:00pm
Friday 11 March 2016
Venue: Bridge House, Mayors Walk, Pontefract, WF8 2RR
Dates & Times:
Wednesday 13 April 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Course provider: Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
How are you?
Course title: Living With Anxiety
Ever wondered what anxiety is? Would you like to know how to manage
anxiety better or support someone you love?
If you have answered yes to any of these 2 questions then this 2 hour
interactive workshop could be for you. This workshop has been
developed to explore what is anxiety, bust the myths you may have
heard about and explore practical ways of managing the symptoms of
anxiety. During this course we will:
Introduce anxiety
Explore the impact of anxiety on someone’s day to day life
Discuss treatment options for anxiety
Discover management strategies for anxiety
The training team will include an individual who has experienced
anxiety and an individual with professional expertise.
There are usually 12 places on this workshop
Dates & times:
2:00pm – 4:00pm
Friday 18 March 2016
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Dates & times:
Friday 10 June 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: St. Giles’ Church, Market Place, Pontefract, WF8 1AT
Course provider: Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
How are you?
Course title: Understanding and Managing Depression
This 2 hour introduction workshop could be for you if you are interested in
developing an awareness of what the experience of depression may mean
to you or someone you care about. During the course we will:
Introduce and explore the nature of depression
Discuss the impact of depression on life
Discuss diagnosis and treatment options
Explore practical ideas for tackling depression
The training team will include a person who has experience of depression
and a person with professional expertise.
There are usually 12 places on this workshop
Dates & times:
Friday 15 January 2016
10.00am – 12.00pm
Venue: Bridge House, Mayor's Walk, Pontefract, WF8 2RR
Dates & time:
Wednesday 2 March 2016
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Dates & time:
Friday 6 May 2016
10.00am – 12.00pm
Venue: Bridge House, Mayor's Walk, Pontefract, WF8 2RR
Course provider: Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus and send to the college.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
How are you?
Course title: Understanding Hearing Voices
This introduction workshop could be for you if you are interested in
developing an awareness of what the experience of hearing voices may mean
to you or someone you care about.
We’ll be talking about:
how common hearing voices is
different ways of understanding hearing voices
some useful ways that people have found to help with hearing voices
The training team will include a person who has experience of hearing voices
and a person with professional expertise.
There are usually 10 places on this workshop
Dates & times:
Thursday 21 April 2016
10.30am – 1.00pm
Venue: The Yorkshire Coalfield Resource Centre, Thornycroft, Pontefract, WF8
Course provider: Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus and send to the college.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Can you? Do you want to?
Course title: Grow it, Cook it
This 5 week course gives students the opportunity to learn about growing
their own food.
Each week students will be able to prepare soup from the allotment crop,
find out about safety on the allotment, gain basic growing, sowing and
planting skills and will be learn how to maintain the allotment.
And the end of the course, students will have the opportunity to visit a local
community garden.
There are usually 8 places on this course
Dates and times:
Start Date: Wednesday 17 February 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: Woodcock Street Allotments, Agbrigg, Wakefield WF1 5NQ
Start Date: Wednesday 13 April 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: Woodcock Street Allotments, Agbrigg, Wakefield WF1 5NQ
Start Date: Wednesday 8 June 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: Woodcock Street Allotments, Agbrigg, Wakefield WF1 5NQ
Course provider: The Community Food and Health team
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus and send to the college.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Can you? Do you want to?
Course title: Craft Taster Sessions
These 2 hour taster sessions are designed to introduce you to various
crafting methods using lots of different mediums. We will be looking at
traditional crafting techniques and more modern creations too. These
sessions are led by two experienced crafters and are suitable for all levels
of experience. The sessions will include:
seasonal decorations
buttons and beads
This is a 6 week course, though not during school holidays.
There are usually 8 places on this course
Dates & times:
Start date: Monday 11 January 2016
12:30pm – 2:30pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Dates & times:
Start date: Friday 15 January 2016
10.00am – 12.00pm
Venue: St Giles Church, Market Place, Pontefract, WF8 1AT
Course provider: Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Can you? Do you want to?
Course title: Learn to Knit and Crochet
A 6 week taster course for beginners wanting to learn to knit and/or
Learn basic skills which will enable you to follow simple patterns.
After the first session you will need to make a small contribution to buy
some supplies yourself. The total cost will vary, depending on what you
This is a 6 week course, though not during school holidays.
There are usually 8 places on this course
Dates & times
Start date: Wednesday 27 January 2016
1.00pm – 3.00pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Start date: Wednesday 18 May 2016
1.00pm – 3.00pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Course provider: Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus and send to the college.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Can you? Do you want to?
Course title: Toy Making
During these 2 hour sessions, students will learn how to make and dress a
traditional rag doll.
This course involves hand sewing, so all students will need to be able to
demonstrate basic hand sewing techniques. All materials and free
refreshments will be provided.
There may be some work to finish each week at home, dependent on each
student’s progress.
These friendly sessions are led by two experienced crafters and are
suitable for all levels of experience
This is a 4 week course, though not during school holidays.
There are usually 8 places on this course
Dates & times
Start date: Tuesday 7 June, 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Course provider:
Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Can you? Do you want to?
Course title: Recovery Through Reading for Pleasure
Recovery through Reading for Pleasure is a course designed to bring
people together to enjoy listening to a variety of short stories and
poems within a friendly group setting. Each session lasts 2
hours. There is no pressure for anyone to read aloud or contribute to
the discussions if you’d prefer not to. It’s a great opportunity to
develop improved levels of concentration and confidence and to relax
and enjoy being part of a group whilst enjoying the free Tea and
Free parking is available and the Library is on several regular bus
This is a 9 week course, though not during school holidays.
There are usually 8 places on this course, however students can join at any week.
Dates and times:
Monday 11 January 2016
2.00pm – 4.00pm
Venue: Featherstone Library, Victoria Street, Off Station Lane, Featherstone, WF7
Course provider:
Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus and send to the college.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Can you? Do you want to?
Course title: Book Folding
Book Folding is a great way to reuse old unwanted hard cover books
by following a pattern. Marking 2 measurements and making 2 folds on
each page, a design or word begins to appear.
During the workshop we will fold a heart design into the centre of your
chosen book.
There are usually 8 places on this workshop
Dates and times:
Wednesday 16 March 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: The Yorkshire Coalfield Resource Centre, Thornycroft, Pontefract,
Dates and times:
Wednesday 13 July 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Course provider:
Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus and send to the college.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Can you? Do you want to?
Course title: Creative Writing
Have you ever wanted to write an article for a magazine, a short story, a
poem or even a book? Why didn’t you? If the reason was that you
lacked the confidence in your creative writing, then this is the course
for you.
Over the sessions, you will work through exercises to help you develop
your writing flare and word power. You will look at what makes a “good
piece of writing” and how you can improve. You will work in groups
most of the time, but some individual work will be involved.
This course is aimed at students who want to be able to express
themselves in the written word. It is not therefore important to be a
strong speller or have any formal qualifications in English, just a wish
to improve your current skills.
This course will involve some hand written work and may involve some
work at home after the class. Equipment will be provided and each
student must be able to commit to attend all 4weeks of the course.
This is a 4 week course.
There are usually 8 places on this course
Dates and times:
10:00am – 12:00pm
Tuesday 3 May 2016
Venue: St Giles Church, Market Place, Pontefract, WF8 1AT
Course provider:
Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus and send to the college.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Can you? Do you want to?
Course title: Nail Art
This course is an opportunity to learn new skills or develop existing
skills in nail art; the painting and application of designs on finger and
toenails using nail varnish and various arty additions. Each week we
will look at different techniques, such as French Manicure, “flicks” and
drawing images with nail varnish and nail art equipment.
This course will be fun and informal. We will provide nail art design
inspiration and encourage people to also bring ideas that they would
like to try.
This is a 3 week course.
There are usually 8 places on this course.
Dates and times:
Start date: Friday 24 June 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: Rosalie Ryrie Foundation Ltd, 69 Brunswick Street, Wakefield, WF1 4PA
Course provider:
Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus and send to the college.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Can you? Do you want to?
Course title: IT for Beginners
This is an introduction course to basic computer skills. Have you ever
used a computer before? If not, then this could be the course for you
The course will cover:
what a computer is, what it can do as well as understanding the
terminology used
how to access the internet
how to set up an email account and use outlook
Students will work at their own pace and have lots of time to practice
without any exam to take at the end of the course. This is a taster
course which will help you progress to further computer courses if you
so wish.
This is a 6 week course.
There are usually 8 places on this course.
Dates & times:
Start date: Thursday 7 April 2016
10.30am – 12.30pm
Venue: The Springs Life Resource Centre, Fellowship House, Southmoor Road,
Hemsworth, WF9 4LX
Start date: Thursday 9 June 2016
10.30am – 12.30pm
Venue: St George’s Community Centre, Broadway, Lupset, Wakefield, WF2 8AA
Course provider:
Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Can you? Do you want to?
Course title: Basic Adult Literacy Skills
Would you like to improve your reading and writing skills?
We are offering a course where you can develop basic English skills to
help with future prospects or just to improve your general well-being.
Whether it be help with reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar or
writing a letter, come and meet the tutor on the week before the course
starts and we can plan a short course of study that is best for you.
Enjoy the opportunity to develop some English skills in a relaxed,
supportive learning environment.
This is a 7 week course, though not during school holidays.
There are usually 8 places on this course.
Dates & times:
Start date: Wednesday 13 January 2016
10.00am – 12.00pm
Venue: Lock Lane Centre, Back William Street, Castleford, WF10 2LW
Start date: Wednesday 11 May 2016
10.00am – 12.00pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Course provider:
Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus and send to the college.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Can you? Do you want to?
Course title: Basic Adult Numeracy Skills
Would you like to improve your maths skills?
We are offering a course where you can develop basic numeracy skills
to help with future prospects or just to improve your general wellbeing. The course aims to help you:
understand simple practical problems in familiar contexts and
select basic mathematics to obtain answers
use mathematics to obtain answers to simple given practical
problems that are clear and routine
generate results to a given level of accuracy
use given checking procedures
describe solutions to simple given practical problems in familiar
contexts and situations
Enjoy the opportunity to develop some numeracy skills in a relaxed,
supportive learning environment.
This is a 7 week course, though not during school holidays.
There are usually 8 places on this course.
Dates & times:
Start date: Friday 15 January 2016
10.00am – 12.00pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Start date: Friday 13 May 2016
Venue: Bridge House, Mayors Walk, Pontefract, WF8 2RR
10.00am – 12.00pm
Course provider: Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Would you like to learn more about?
Course title: CV and Interview Skills
The aim is to enable you our students to make your own career and learning
choices. We hope to inspire and motivate you and provide you with the
information, advice and guidance you need to help you take control of your
learning and working life. Whatever your situation, whatever your barriers, we’re
here to help you overcome them and reach your potential.
Jobs these days need more skills and qualifications. This means making the
right decisions about your learning and development is more important than
ever. We’re here to help you build on your strengths, improve your weaker areas,
and help you find a job or career that suits your skills and personality.
By the end you will have a professional CV that’s well presented, sells your skills
and achievements in a persuasive way, and targeted at the right employers,
could be the difference between getting interviews and getting passed over.
Better understanding of the Local Labour Market and the confidence to walk into
an interview and sell yourself.
This is a 4 week course.
There are usually 6 places on this workshop
Dates & times:
Start date: Thursday 14 January 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Start date: Thursday 25 February 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Start date: Thursday 5 May 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: Socialicious, 1B Westmorland Street, Wakefield, WF1 1PN
Dates & times:
Start date: Wednesday 17 February 2016
12:30pm – 2:30pm
Start date: Wednesday 6 April 2016
12:30pm – 2:30pm
Start date: Wednesday 8 June 2016
12:30pm – 2:30pm
Venue: Kinsley and Fitzwilliam Learning and Community Centre, Wakefield Road,
Kinsley, Pontefract, WF9 5BP
Course provider:
Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus and send to the college.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Would you like to learn more about?
Course title: Stroke Awareness Workshop
Would you know what signs to look for if you think someone may be having a
stroke? Do you care for someone who has experienced a stroke? Do you have
health problems yourself and would like to learn more about stroke prevention?
Are you a health care professional who would like to increase your knowledge
and skills about stroke? This workshop offers you the opportunity to understand
what a stroke is and what you could do to help cut the risk of having a stroke.
On completion of this workshop students will be able to: Understand the causes of stroke
 Understand what action to take if someone is suspected of having a stroke
 Identify interventions to reduce the risk of stroke
 Understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle in stroke prevention
 Understand the role of a stroke assessment nurse
This workshop is run by a clinical nurse specialist for stroke. The nurse’s primary
role is assessment and care of stroke patients whilst they are in hospital.
There are usually 10 places on this workshop
Dates & times:
Monday 20 June 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: St. Giles’ Church, Market Place, Pontefract, WF8 1AT
Course Provider: Stroke Assessment Health Care Professional
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Would you like to learn more about?
Course title: One Pot Cooking for Beginners
This is a starter course to help you cook for yourself or for your friends. Simple
meal ideas cooked in just one pot. Basic kitchen skills.
This popular course is run by the Community Food and Health team at various
community locations around Wakefield and 5 Towns.
This is a 4 week course
Course provider: Community Food & Health Team. :
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus and send to the college.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Would you like to learn more about?
Course title: An Introduction to Aromatherapy
Aromatic plants have been used for thousands of years all over the world
and aromatherapy has now become one of the most popular
complimentary topics. In this fragrant and enjoyable course we will look
at how essential oils are produced from plants. We will then explore ways
in which these lovely oils can be used to promote our wellbeing.
There are usually 8 places on this workshop
Date & times:
Thursday 14 April 2016
10.00am – 12.00pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Date & times:
Thursday 14 July 2016
10.00am – 12.00pm
Venue: St Giles Church, Market Place, Pontefract, WF8 1AT
Course Provider: Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Would you like to learn more about?
Course title: Co-Production Awareness Workshop
This thought provoking workshop is an opportunity for students with various
experiences, skills and assets to explore ways of working in partnership. It aims
to promote an understanding and exploration of co-production as a way of
working together - now and in the future
By the end of this workshop students should be able to:
Give a definition of what co-production is
Identify & explore possible challenges to co-production
Distinguish between co-production and other ways of working
Produce a list of possible benefits to working co-productively
Identify 1 opportunity where participants could work co-productively
This workshop is open to all employees, volunteers, service users, carers, and
partners of South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
There are usually 12 places on this workshop
Dates & times:
Tuesday 15 March 2016
10:00am – 1:00pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Dates & times:
Tuesday 26 April 2016
10:00am – 1:00pm
Venue: The Springs Life Resource Centre, Fellowship House, Southmoor Road,
Hemsworth, WF9 4LX
Dates & times:
Tuesday 14 June 2016
10:00am – 1:00pm
Venue : Lock Lane Centre, Back William Street, Castleford, WF10 2LW
Course provider: Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Have you thought about
If you have a practical skill or interest in gardening, knitting,
craft, cooking, or generally supporting and encouraging
students into the Recovery College, then why not become a
We would welcome anyone to be a volunteer including
people who have a lived experience in a physical or mental
health condition and have the understanding and expertise
to share amongst students.
Being a volunteer at the Recovery College is an opportunity
to boost your skills as well as give something back. We
would welcome and support anyone who would like to
volunteer within the Recovery College.
If you would like any further information please contact the
college on: 01924 327680 or alternatively
email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Creative Minds
Creative Minds is a Trust strategy and organisational approach that develops
community partnerships and co funds creative projects across our localities and
in the Trust forensic services. It utilises creative activities delivered in
partnership with Trust staff and local community organisations to increase
confidence, develop social skills and encourage new experiences to improve
health and wellbeing.
Creative Minds offers a broad range of approaches which includes arts, sports
and other recreational and leisure activities. This gives participants greater
choice that includes music, dance, poetry, football, walking, gardening and
sculpture. For more information and details of how to access the projects see
contacts below:-
The Dementia Discovery Zone
The Pathway: Dementia – Discovery –
The Recovery College has a ‘Dementia Discovery
Zone’ with educational courses and opportunities for people living with dementia,
carers and those supporting or interested in helping people to live well with
The Dementia Discovery Zone is co-produced by volunteers, people living with
dementia, staff, carers and champions.
The Dementia Discovery Zone has three categories; education, living well and
stepping out. This is a WHOLE person approach to Recovery with all the
opportunities providing: welcome, hope, opportunity, love and empowerment.
(1) Education
This category includes formal programmes and modules that are open to people who
have been diagnosed with dementia by memory services, to carers and to members
of the public who want to know more about improving the lives of people with
dementia in our communities and workplaces.
(2) Living well
This category includes courses for people living with dementia, their carers’ and
people in local communities. The workshops or groups will support people to identify
strengths and skills, build confidence and adapt positively to the experience of
having a diagnosis and/or being a carer for someone with a diagnosis.
(3) Stepping out
The courses in this category will support people to access groups, services and
support from our partners and local communities. These activities aim to empower
people with dementia and their carers’ and will support them with interests or to take
on new roles and activities in a range of areas.
Dementia Champions and Dementia Friends
In addition to the above three categories, we are establishing a foundation of
knowledge i.e. a list of Dementia Champions who are fully trained to deliver
Dementia Friends awareness and information sessions.
This is part of a national campaign to create a million Dementia Friends – people
who will promote and encourage the creation of dementia friendly local communities.
It also supports the dementia friendly campaign in the Trust. The Dementia
Discovery Zone supports this by encouraging teams, groups of people or
communities to become Dementia Friendly by taking part in the awareness and
information sessions. Details about these sessions are available in the following
The Dementia Discovery Zone
Course title: The Social Care Institute for Excellence
(SCIE) e-learning programme
The 7 module Open Dementia e-learning programme is aimed at anyone who
comes into contact with someone with dementia and provides a general
introduction and discusses the experience of living with dementia.
This programme is designed to be accessible to a wide audience and covers
the following:
What dementia is and what it isn’t
Living with dementia
The causes of dementia
How dementia is diagnosed and who can help
Common difficulties and how to help
The emotional impact of dementia
Positive communication
Date & time: The e-learning programme can be completed at any time
Information: To complete the programme, arrange access to a computer and visit
www.scie.org.uk/publications/elearning/dementia/ and you can register for free on
the right hand side of the page.
The Dementia Discovery Zone
Course title: Dementia Friend’s Awareness
By the end of this 2 hour workshop students will be able:
Understand the five key things everyone should know about Dementia
Understand the role they can play in making Dementia Friendly
Turn their understanding into action.
There are usually 10 places on this workshop.
Dates & times:
Thursday 7 April 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: Socialicious, 1B Westmorland Street, Wakefield, WF1 1PN
Dates & times:
Thursday 23 June 2016
1.00pm – 3.00pm
Venue: The Yorkshire Coalfield Resource Centre, Thornycroft, Pontefract,
Course provider: Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
The Dementia Discovery Zone
Course title: Managing Driving and Other Issues with a
Diagnosis of Dementia
An opportunity for people with dementia, carers, staff and anyone with an
interest in dementia to attend this 2 hour workshop delivered by Richard
Clibbens, nurse consultant and a person living with dementia/carer.
This workshop will cover the legal requirements relating to driving with a
diagnosis of dementia and will describe the responsibility of the carer and the
professionals involved. There will be time to discuss concerns and issues
such as loss of license but also to share positive experiences that occur as
well as to raise questions and possible solutions.
The workshop will also cover other life issues which might be presenting such
as managing finances, lasting power of attorney and more.
There are usually 8 places on this workshop.
Dates & times:
Tuesday 19 July 2016
2:00pm – 4:00pm
Venue: The Springs Life Resource Centre, Fellowship House, Southmoor Road,
Hemsworth, WF9 4LX
Course provider: Dementia Discovery Zone.
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
The Dementia Discovery Zone
Course title: CrISP – Carers Information and Support
Programme and Information Programme for South Asian
Families (IPSAF)
This excellent course provides important information and support for
carers of people living with dementia in a friendly and supportive group
The programme consists of 4 workshops, lasting up to 2 hours with a
different topic each week, including; ‘what is dementia’, ‘legal and
money matters’, ‘providing support and care’ and ‘coping day to day
and next steps’.
Dates & times:
To book a place or enquire about the dates please call 01924 373264
Course provider: The Alzheimer’s society
The Dementia Discovery Zone
Living Well
Course title: Living Well at Home With Dementia – Simple
steps to improving the environment.
This workshop, delivered by a member of staff and a carer, will support
people to understand the environmental challenges that can be
experienced by someone living with dementia and how making simple
changes to the home environment can enable a person to live well with
dementia in their own home.
The workshop is open to all and will provide the opportunity for sharing
experiences, finding simple and effective solutions and understanding
the key principles for a dementia – friendly environment whatever the
Who is this workshop for?
This 3 hour workshop is suitable for anyone with an interest in dementia to attend but
will be particularly helpful to people with a diagnosis of dementia, carers and families
of people with dementia.
Dates & times:
Tuesday 16 February 2016
1:00pm – 4:00pm
Venue: Lock Lane Centre, Back William Street, Castleford, WF10 2LW
Dates & times:
Thursday 7 June 2016
1:00pm – 4:00pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Course provider: Dementia Discovery Zone.
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place or complete the enrolment form at
the back of the prospectus.
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
The Dementia Discovery Zone
Living Well
Course title: Eat Well
The informal and enjoyable workshop will be of interest to people who
have a diagnosis of dementia, carers and others who are supporting or
working with people who have dementia.
The workshop will help you understand how to eat well and will discuss a
range of issues that can arise for a person living with dementia. It will also
provide lots of solutions, hints and tips for problems such as small
appetite, overeating or not eating enough. The workshop will also share
examples of practical aids to support someone to be independent for as
long as possible with eating and also how to make food enjoyable which is
so important
A useful information booklet with recipe’s, tips and hints for referring to
later will be provided.
There are usually 10 places on this workshop.
Dates & times:
Monday 15 February 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Dates & times:
Monday 9 May 2016
Venue: Garden Street Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1DX
Course provider: Dementia Discovery Zone
How to enrol:
Contact the recovery college to book your place
Tel: 01924 327680
Email: wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
10:00am – 12:00pm
The Dementia Discovery Zone
Stepping Out (Opportunities)
Alzheimer’s Society - Forget-Me-Not cafes
If you are living with dementia or caring for someone with dementia there is a warm
welcome for you for you at your local forget-me-not café. You can meet others in a
social setting, have coffee and cake, try boccia bowling (suitable for all) and other
activities such as reminiscence and Memory Bank sessions.
Occasional Pets as Therapy sessions are also held throughout the year and you will
have the opportunity to get involved with lots of other annual events such as our annual
fundraising Memory Walk. There are four cafes in the area;
Ossett – Kingsway Church Hall, Wesley Street, Ossett WF5 8RJ
First Tuesday of every month – 1.00pm – 3.00pm
Normanton – Normanton Methodist Church, Wakefield Road, Normanton WF6
Third Tuesday of every month – 1.00pm - 3.00pm
Kettlethorpe – St Peter & St Pauls Church, off Standbridge Lane, Kettlethorpe
Last Wednesday of every month
Pontefract – Micklegate Church Hall, Micklegate, Pontefract WF8 1QG
Fourth Thursday of the month
No booking required – parking available
More Alzheimer’s Society groups:
Singing for the brain
A fun and stimulating session for people living with dementia and carers. Suitable for
beginners and led by a professional, these structured group sessions use music to encourage
communication and participation. Each session includes a range of activities including a vocal
warm-up and singing a variety of familiar and new songs.
No experience required – just enthusiasm!
Wakefield Singing for Brain 1.00 – 3.00pm
First and third Thursday of the month at;
Standbridge Lane Community Centre, Kettlethorpe WF2 7NP
Pontefract Singing for Brain 1.00 – 3.00pm
Second and fourth Tuesday of the month at;
The Congregational Church, Finkle Street, Pontefract WF8 1HE
Alzheimer’s Society Gardening Group 10.30 – 12.30pm
Sugar Lane Allotments, Wakefield WF1 5LA
This group runs fortnightly at the allotment just outside Wakefield City Centre from
February through to November. Join the group and grow fruit, flowers and
vegetables, help to cook and prepare fresh soup and enjoy spending time outside –
the choice is yours!
For further information: Please call The Alzheimer’s Society directly on 01924
373264 or email wakefield@alzheimers.org.uk
Frequently asked questions about the recovery college …..
By now, you may have lots of questions about the recovery college. Below are some
that it might be helpful for us to answer now:
Can I be a volunteer & attend courses?
Yes. If you attend a course and would then like to be a volunteer, either in the
college or elsewhere in the Trust, please let us know and we will support you to
complete the application form.
Will attending the recovery college affect my benefits?
No. Your benefits are only affected if you study over 16 hours per week or
apply for a student loan (which you won’t need to do for this).
Will I definitely get a place on the course I want?
Some courses are dependent on a minimum number of people attending and
they will only run when this minimum number is achieved. Other courses might have
too many people wanting to attend, so we would need to ask you to wait until we run
it again.
What if I can’t attend one week?
Because places are limited, we ask that people are able to commit to the full
course. However, life being what it is, sometimes other things take priority. All we
ask is that you let us know beforehand if you can’t make it.
I struggle with reading or writing, can I still attend?
Yes. We will work closely with you and support you in any way we can. We
will try our very best to meet your needs in the most appropriate way. Please give us
a call if you require more information.
Can I bring a friend/support worker or member of my family to support
Yes. But they will also need to enrol. Please ensure that you let a member of
the team know so that you can be placed together.
Can I get help with child care?
No, sorry, we aren’t able to provide a crèche area. You will need to make your
own child care arrangements if you wish to attend the recovery college.
If you have any more questions that are not covered here, then please don't hesitate
to contact us.
Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
College Enrolment Form
Current Address:
Post Code:
Home Number:
Mobile Number:
Start Date
Start Date
Start Date
This is the person we would contact in case of emergency
Relationship to you:
Contact no:
If I am in danger, or there is a risk to myself or others, I understand that information may be shared
with others to ensure everyone’s health and safety. We shall let you know if we have to share this
How did you hear about us?
Is there anything else you would like us to be aware of, if yes please circle below
No disability
Visual impairment
Leaning difficulty
Asperger’s Syndrome
Mental Health diagnosis
Disability effecting
Other medical condition
(asthma, epilepsy,
Autistic spectrum
Prefer not to say
Hearing impairment
Other physical disability
Food allergies:
How does this affect you?
Students signature:
leave blank
South West Yorkshire Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust intends to
embed equality and diversity values into every day practice, policies and
procedures so that equality becomes the norm. In order to ensure that
we provide the best service for all of our communities, and to ensure that
we do not knowingly discriminate against any section of society, it is
important for us to gather the following information.
You do not have to answer any of these questions, but we would be very
grateful if you would.
Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College equality & diversity form
Date of birth:
Race (taken from the Census categories 2011)
English/Welsh/Scottish / Northern Irish/British
Gypsy or Irish Traveller
Any other White background, write in:
Mixed/multiple ethnic groups
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
 I prefer not to say
White and Asian
Any other mixed/multiple ethnic background, write in:
Asian/Asian British
Any other Asian background, write in:
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
Any other Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
write in:
Other ethnic group
Any other ethnic group, write in:
What is your main language?
Other (including sign languages) write in:
How well can you speak English?
Very well
Not very well
 I prefer not to say
Not at all
No religion
Christian (including Church of
England, Catholic, Protestant and
all other Christian denominations)
 I prefer not to say
Any other religion/belief, write in:
 I prefer not to say
Do you consider yourself to have of
the following? (Please tick all that
Mental health condition
Speech impairment
Physical impairment
Cognitive impairment
Learning disability
Long standing illness
I do not have a disability
 Other, please state:
Sexual orientation
 I prefer not to say
Please tick if you live and work permanently in a gender other than that
 I prefer not to say
assigned at birth.
Caring responsibilities
Do you currently look after a relative, neighbour or friend who is ill,
disabled, frail or in need of emotional support?
Employment status
 Employed
 Unemployed and seeking work
 Student in education or training
 Long term sick or disabled
 Homemaker looking after family
 I prefer not to say
or home
 Volunteer
 Retired
 Veteran
Have you had a baby in the last 12 months?
Marriage and Civil Partnership
(Please tick one box)
In a same sex civil partnership
We are really keen to see what impact that the recovery college is having. This is useful both for improving what
we do and also evidencing the positive effect it has on people’s lives so that investment and funding continues for
the Recovery College. In order for this to happen we would like to get our finance department to look into records
we have of appointments you have had with services. This is so we can cost up staff time before and after your
involvement with the College. All the information is collated anonymously to provide a picture of what difference
the college is making. We wanted to let you know that this is what we hope to do, please let us know if you have
any concerns about this happening.
Thank you
Wakefield and 5 Town Recovery College
Spring/Summer Term Dates 2016
Spring Term
Monday January 4 2016
Friday February 5 2016
Spring Half Term
Monday February 8 2016
Sunday February 14 2016
Spring Term
Monday February 15 2016
Sunday March 20 2016
Easter Holidays
Monday March 21 2016
Sunday April 3 2016
Summer Term
Monday April 4 2016
Friday May 29 2016
Summer Half Term
Monday May 30 2016
Sunday June 5 2016
Summer Term
Monday June 6 2016
Tuesday July 19 2016
**Please note courses do not run in half terms or school holidays.
Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College
Garden Street Centre
Back Garden Street
Contact: The college team on 01924 327680
email wakerecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk
Visit our website at www.wakefieldrecoverycollege.co.uk
Find us on Facebook at
The output from our recovery college public event in April 2014