purpose - therap medic

Advanced Postgraduate in Aesthetic Medicine
Posgrado Avanzado en Medicina Estética A.A.M.E./ S.A.C.E.
Dear Colleague,
The Course offered by AMSOAM comprises four modules
taught over a one-year span, each with a four–day duration and
involving theory and practical classes in May (11 to 15), July (20 to
24), September (21 to 25), and November (16 to 20) (dates subject
to modification per each calendar year for administrative purposes).
Each module is taken independently and upon completion of all four
modules the participant obtains an “Advanced Postgraduate in
Aesthetic Medicine” degree (following the submission of a final
paper), endorsed by Certification from AMSOAM and SACE
(University of Buenos Aires - U.B.A., Argentina).
Provide the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge for the
integral practice of Aesthetic Medicine.
Promote development of attendants´ social skills to improve their
professional practice.
Advanced Postgraduate in Aesthetic Medicine
Posgrado Avanzado en Medicina Estética A.A.M.E./ S.A.C.E.
Convey the importance of considering the patient as a bio-psycho-social
being in aesthetic clinical practice.
Encourage the development of clinical treatment criteria by offering
different case-solving proposals.
Transmit the importance of interdisciplinary team work with health
Provide the necessary guidance during practical case-solving in class.
Provide the necessary guidance in person or via e-mail during the
completion of the final practical paper.
Students are expected to have achieved the following upon completion of the
The ability to receive, guide and interpret patients seeking an aesthetic
Know the regulatory framework that governs the activity in order to
ensure safe practice in this field of expertise.
Understand the necessary structural and morphological concepts for
carrying out aesthetic treatment.
Identify basic skin lesions.
Differentiate between different types of non-invasive facial and body
Understand the proper use of each of the tools in the consulting room,
differentiating between the need for more or less invasive modalities to
treat each type of pathology, with the aim of obtaining the best benefit for
the patient, favoring the least invasive method.
Learn about the need for aesthetic as well as unaesthetic attention.
Learn to identify dysmorphophobia and provide proper treatment for it.
When and how to refer a patient to another medicinal specialty.
Judicious multidisciplinary treatment.
Advanced Postgraduate in Aesthetic Medicine
Posgrado Avanzado en Medicina Estética A.A.M.E./ S.A.C.E.
Understand, listen to and assume a commitment toward the patient under the
care of the medical specialist throughout the process of proper diagnosis,
treatment and discharge.
Module ONE
General background
Aesthetic clinical treatment, origin and background. Descriptive anatomy of face
and neck. Practical anatomy of face and neck.
Concept of skin aging. Histopathology. Clinical treatment applied to aging.
Semiology. Intrinsic and extrinsic aging. Phototypes and biotypes. Oxidation.
Weak chemical peeling. Strong chemical peeling. Non-surgical mechanical
peeling. Difference with surgical peeling. Related treatment: acid combination.
Combination of pathologies. How to combine chemical and mechanical
methods. Uses and care. Advantages and limitations.
Intradermal Therapy (Mesotherapy)
Concept and theory of Intradermal therapy. Manual technique; mechanical
technique and variations. Pharmacotherapy with facial, capillary and body
Complications, precautions and limitations relating to use.
Physiopathology of scarring. Atrophic and hypertrophic scars and keloids.
Similarities and differences. Burns. Ulcers caused by pressure and of vascular
origin. Advanced care of wounds and its application in Aesthetic Clinical
practice. Unaesthetic sequela of wounds; immediate and mediate treatment.
Social insertion of patient with sequela – a duty of the medical professional
specializing in clinical aesthetics; joint multidisciplinary treatment.
Advanced Postgraduate in Aesthetic Medicine
Posgrado Avanzado en Medicina Estética A.A.M.E./ S.A.C.E.
Botulinum Toxin
Functional anatomy of facial expressions. Chemistry of botulinum toxin.
Preparation and dilution. Selection of points for applying it. Basic and advanced
Complications. Advantages and limitations of each type of intervention.
Biological Medicine
Definition and fundamentals. Specific drugs and their mode of action. Their use
in aesthetics. Revitalization. Concept.
Enriched plasma. Obtention. Applications in facial therapy, alopecia, cellulitis,
stretch marks, and forms of administration.
Combination of different therapies.
Module TWO
Facial anesthetic in aesthetics. Types of anesthesia. Local and regional block
techniques. Different types of fillers currently used.
Classification and physical properties of each one. Criteria for their use.
Hydroxyapatite calcium.
Polyvinyl alcohol, Biopolymer.
Techniques for applying fillers. Use of fillers by sectors. Lips. Creases and folds.
Bioplasty: Concept, technique and areas where it is applied. Specific elements
and materials. Facial modeling with bioplasty. Nose. Cheek bones. Cheeks.
Contour. Protocols combined with other techniques.
Advanced Postgraduate in Aesthetic Medicine
Posgrado Avanzado en Medicina Estética A.A.M.E./ S.A.C.E.
Uses and indications. Types of threads.
Characteristics of each type of thread. Selection of the patient.
Bi-directional threads. Placement techniques. Suitable planes. Eyebrows,
Contour, Cheek bones.
Non bi-directional threads. Placement technique. Precautions.
Advanced Techniques: Rhinomodeling with threads. Mentoplasty with threads.
Facial Aesthetics Treatment Apparatus
High frequency, Radiofrequency and their differences. Pulsed light. Laser.
Methods of application. Precautions for their use. Advantages and limitations.
Meso Roller.
Module THREE
Body Mesotherapy
Cellulitis: definition, classification and treatment.
Integrated pharmacology, selection of the best formula, interactions, adverse
Integration of protocols.
Treatment of cellulite dents with or without biological or other type of filler.
Different techniques (with needle, or surgical wire cutters).
Phosphatidylcholine- Lipase
Definition, modes of action, differences with and without deoxycholate.
Indications. Technique for manual or mechanical application.
Advanced Postgraduate in Aesthetic Medicine
Posgrado Avanzado en Medicina Estética A.A.M.E./ S.A.C.E.
Lipase alone or combined; mode of action on flaccidity.
Esthetic phlebology and lymphology: Surface vein pathology: diagnosis and
therapeutic indication. Chemical sclerotherapy. Indications, techniques and
complications. Sclerotherapy by Radiofrequency. Laser sclerotherapy and
reasons for the present tendency to discard its use. Lymphedema: differential
diagnosis and treatment according to origin. Endoluminal laser and surgery.
When to refer a vascular patient to a specialist.
Electronic Devices applied to Body Esthetics
Types: Body Electrotherapy, Russian Currents, Interference Currents, Galvanic
Pressuretherapy, Thermotherapy, Ozone therapy, CO2, LPG, Progress made in
aesthetic electromedicine. Definitive hair removal. Methods of use, differences
in use. Precautions.
Module FOUR
Physical Lipolysis Techniques
Localized adiposis. Anatomy of adipose tissue. Physiology of adipose tissue.
Lipolysis and lipogenesis.
Hidrolipoclasia (HLC)
Ambulatory Mini Lipid Extraction (M.E.L.A.)
Indication. Selection of patient. How to obtain the best quality tissue for transfer.
Methods, association with P.R.P.
Treatment protocols.
Patient management.
Advanced Postgraduate in Aesthetic Medicine
Posgrado Avanzado en Medicina Estética A.A.M.E./ S.A.C.E.
Stretch lines and Flaccidity
Stretch marks. Stages relative to treatment and combination of treatments.
Flaccidity. Definition. Assessment and appraisal. Treatment proposals suited to
each case. Treatment of classical areas: Upper arm, tricipital region; Lower leg,
adductor and knee.
Nutrition and obesity. Assessment of nutritional state. Physiopathology of
Fundaments of diet therapy. Nutrition and physical activity.
Latest treatments.
Body threads
Different types of threads, bi-directional and non-bidirectional.
Different treatment protocols, Mammary pexis, upper body extremities,
Abdomen, Thighs.
Different teaching strategies will be implemented to help students acquire the
knowledge, skills and techniques for professional practice. The course includes
a segment during which all participants will take active involvement in the
analysis of different cases or sources, and will present and discuss the listed
reading matter,; and a segment during which teachers will present the theory.
Indirect teaching strategies will be used, emphasizing the role of discovery in
learning. Students will be exposed to situations designed to present the content
of the course. The course will be delivered using material that has been
prepared systematically, but at the same time will encourage students to
explore and make their own contributions.
Advanced Postgraduate in Aesthetic Medicine
Posgrado Avanzado en Medicina Estética A.A.M.E./ S.A.C.E.
Direct teaching strategies will also be used, such as presentation or
demonstration, and teaching by elaborating (conversation, teaching by
answering questions).
During theory classes, topics will be presented orally and using audiovisual
aids to provide students with the necessary knowledge to better understand the
related information. Students will be encouraged to participate actively in class
and in case analysis. Teachers will make practical demonstrations with real
patients, which will be filmed and subsequently analyzed by students.
Students will receive printed matter containing the extended form of the topics
covered in the course, together with additional mandatory reading and
reference material.
The purpose of the practical work carried out during the course is to integrate
the new knowledge to the knowledge previously acquired during graduate
studies, in addition to progress made during the course. This practical work will
questionnaires, simulations, etc. This practical work will be geared toward
applied knowledge, reflection and solving of problem cases, including the
explanation of criteria used. This work will be carried out in class. Topics will be
debated with the professor and will lead to the corresponding self-correction.
Small groups will be used to favor the participation of all members in practical
When the practical coursework has concluded, students will share the
conclusions reached by the different groups to promote mutual enrichment and
development of social skills, and to favor cooperation between groups and
participation by all members.
The teachers in charge of the theory and practical coursework have the backing
of the Argentine Association of Aesthetic Medicine (Asociación Argentina de
Medicina Estética (A.A.M.E.)) and the Argentine Society of Aesthetic Clinical
Treatment (Sociedad Argentina de Clínica Estética (S.A.C.E.)), as well as the
Advanced Postgraduate in Aesthetic Medicine
Posgrado Avanzado en Medicina Estética A.A.M.E./ S.A.C.E.
backing of the University of Buenos Aires (U.B.A). These teachers created the
graduate course on Specialist in Aesthetic Medicine, a degree granted by the
School of Medicine of the U.B.A. and taught at the Rehabilitation Hospital M.
Rocca (Hospital de Rehabilitación M. Rocca) in the Autonomous City of Buenos
Classes will be presented audiovisually on screen, and scientific printed matter
will be delivered to participants, in addition to material for demonstrations and
simulated and supervised practical work. Closed circuit video in Coaching
Four segments distributed throughout one year
Each segment will have a duration of:
Four (4) days
Each day will include the following distribution:
Theory: 3 hs.
Practical work: 4 hs.
Total duration per segment:
Theory: 12 hs.
Practical work: 16 hs.
Total: 28 hs.
Total Segments
Theory: 48 hs.
Practical work: 64 hs.
Total Hours: 112 hs.
Advanced Postgraduate in Aesthetic Medicine
Posgrado Avanzado en Medicina Estética A.A.M.E./ S.A.C.E.
Assessment procedures:
Criteria for assessment:
Commitment with the coursework assessed in relation to active participation in class,
problem and case solving.
Use of specific technical vocabulary, proper spoken and written fluency in the subject.
Suitable use of instruments and apparel appropriate for the medical sphere, respecting
rules of hygiene and biosafety.
Display of an attitude of respect toward patients, peers and teachers.
Development of active listening skills with patients.
Students will be assessed in different instances, and must meet the following
75% attendance
Final oral examination with a minimum pass of 4 (four, on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1
is the lowest and 10 the highest grade), to be obtained by answering 60% of the exam
Students will have one opportunity to retake one partial exam at a date to be specified
by the teacher within the week designated for this purpose.
This will only be available for students that have completed all the segments of the
U$S 3500 per module
Non-US residents will have travel expenses covered (up to a
maximum of USD1000)
Dr. Jorge Grijalba
Specialist in Surgery
Head of Aesthetic Medicine Service of the Rocca Hospital in Argentina
Director of S.A.C.E.
Director of AM.SO.A.M.
Director of the Graduate Course for Doctor Specializing in Aesthetic Medicine of
the University of Buenos Aires (U.B.A.)