art_aet - International Academy of Biological Dentistry and

American College of Integrative Medical Dentistry:
Implementing Applied Neurobiology for Dentists
An intensive and practical learning course to teach proficiency for dentists in an
Applied Neurobiology practice, which includes Neural Therapy, Autonomic
Response Testing (ART), Allergy Elimination Therapeutics and Detoxification
Therapeutics (heavy metal, toxic chemicals, chronic infection and their
Purpose – Part I: Applied Neurobiology is the assessment and treatment of the
Autonomic Nervous system, the functional nervous system. Integrative Medical
Dentistry relies on functional assessments to help determine functional root causes
to disease and dysfunction. The dentist is an important team member in almost
every holistic patient’s recovery or healthy maintenance. There is a growing
awareness of these biofeedback skills with more and more patients seeking
professional with biofeedback skills to guide the in their health assessments. Having
the practical biofeedback tools taught in this course will greatly aid the dentist in:
A) Determining biological dental issues for toxic metals, cavitations, toxic
teeth and CMD; giving biofeedback tools to pre-test treatment strategies.
B) Determining ANS relationships between these dental issues and health
problems in other organs and structures
C) Strategies to assess and treat allergic and toxic patients for detox and
dental materials
Attending dentists (and their assistants) will learn and have ample practical
experience with some of the tools needed to be a practicing dentist using these
techniques in their practice on a routine basis. At the end of this weekend, the
dentist (and staff) can apply on Monday morning Autonomic Response Testing,
Allergy Elimination Therapeutics, start an intelligent Heavy Metal Detox program
(for themselves, families and patients), have a functional tool to determine other
dys-regulators of the ANS: noxious energies, toxic chemicals, chronic infections,
allergies – food, environmental, autoimmune…, psycho-emotional issues, toxic foci:
like scars, root canal teeth, cavitations, CMD that is a serious dys-regulator, and
other needed biochemical foods, supplements, herbs, homeopathic remedies,
drainage remedies and other remedy strategies.
Required is an introductory course in ANB from ACIMD.
Supplied is an initial test kit: primary food allergens: wheat, milk, corn, rice, soy,
eggs: heavy metal detox supplements – DMPS, chlorella, and toxic chemicals.
Suggested equipment: ART and AET and able to be pre-purchased
 Klinghardt Academy: heavy metal test kit, colored glasses
 Testing vials: Regulation Kit, Allergens
 Testing kits for: heavy metal detox
Summary: Note: These courses are designed to help the dentist and staff to be
healthier and to have tools to apply to one’s family ad then extend to their patients.
Clinical learning of techniques, clinical forms to guide practice, patient education
materials and marketing strategies are included to be ready to apply lessons learned
on Monday. This is a transformational course. Bringing your TEAM or key personnel
is encouraged to develop their surrogate, concepts and aid in implementation into
your practice.
Course objectives for Applied Neurobiology for Dentists, Part I:
 Proficiency in ART I: Dental applications
 Proficiency in AET techniques
 Heavy Metal Detox principles and their application: in depth application of
the products and principles of Phase II (the extracellular matrix).
 Neural Therapy techniques for Dentists: using needles and non-needle
o Superficial Neural Therapy: Quaddles, scar injections, acupuncture
Applied Neurobiology for Dentists, Part II:
This course is to follow 2-3 months (after time to practice) for those
colleagues who wish to master the above techniques and become proficient in more
advanced ART and treatment of the ANS including detox.
 Proficiency in ART II – using the signal enhancer, pol filter and the
biophotonic field to determine remedies through Yin and Yang testing.
 Review ART I and AET practice and overcoming problems
 Heavy metal detox principles and practice Phase III and IV (the brain,
extracellular spaces that are less accessible, and intracellular).
 Neural Therapy Techniques for Dentists: using needles and non-needle
o Deep Neural Therapy: head and neck ganglia: ciliary, sphenopalatine,
otic, submandibular, vagal, superior cervical ganglia and stellate,
prolotherapy into joints (using ozone and other traditional NT
remedies, TPI into muscles and structures)
 Assess and treat other strategies that effect the ANS
o Chronic infections: Mold, Lyme, the co-infections, Herpes
o Noxious energies: EMF, Geopathic stress, and radio waves
o Bowel issues
o Mineral and KPU
o Neural therapy: review and mastering techniques, with and without
o Detox strategies: protocols with IV, IM, suppositories
 Discussion of marketing and practice administration issues in implementing
neurobiological principles in a biological dental office
Course times:
12 PM – 6 PM
9 AM – 6 PM
9 AM – 12 PM
Certification available (American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry)
upon successful completion of:
ART Level I
Neural Therapy Level I
Notes and materials strongly advised to have prior to the course weekend.
Introduction to the principles and practice of muscle testing, Regulation testing,
acute focus and Therapy Localization.
Practice in Teams: Doctor and their “surrogate assistant” and other Doctor teams
ART, NT, AET and Heavy Metal detox intensive weekend course outline
ART Part I
a. Intro, patient education materials
i. Lecture notes
ii. Practical with participants: muscle testing proficiency
iii. ART: certification test: ART intro
b. Regulation
i. Lecture notes
ii. Practical demo: regulation test and acute focus
iii. ART written test: regulation materials
iv. ART practical proficiency: Regulation test
c. Acute focus
i. Lecture notes
ii. Practical demo: Regulation, Acute focus, Interference Fields,
Therapy Localization
iii. ART written test: Acute focus
iv. ART practical proficiency: Acute focus
Superficial Neural Therapy: lecture, needles and non-needles, bee venom
a. Lecture notes
b. Practical demo: acute focus: scars, RCT, NICO organs
c. NT written test
d. ART practical proficiency: scars, RCT, NICO
Allergy Elimination Therapeutics
a. Lecture notes
b. Practical demo
c. AET written test
d. AET practical proficiency: 1 student
ART continue: therapy localize, principles
a. Lecture notes
b. Practical Demo: full ART: regulation AF (scars, oral issues), TL all
organs, dental issues, AET issues, Tx strategies
c. ART written test
d. ART practical proficiency: Full ART, regulation, acute focus, TL organs,
oral structures, remedies
Heavy metal detox: neurotoxins, principles, Phase II therapeutic
a. Lecture notes
b. Practical demo: ART – primary organ – therapeutic strategies
c. ART practical proficiency
AET review
a. AET practical proficiency: other student
Neural Therapy, heavy metal detox using superficial NT techniques:
quaddles, scar injections, inter-osseous jaw injections using HM detox
agents (if possible)
a. Heavy metal review and questions
b. Practical Demo
c. Written test on NT, HM detox
d. NT, ART practical proficiency
e. Questions, Monday morning implementation
f. Certifications: ART, AET, Neural Therapy I