8th Grade Yearly Plan (Work in Progress) Scope and Sequence John Sedgwick Junior High/Ms. Herl/2014-2015 Dates (tentative) Historical Thinking Skills Content/Topic Chapters/Suppleme -ntary Texts Assessments September Historical Argumentation: Mini DBQ – begin thesis writing/questioning/argument ative writing Classroom Routines Unit 1 – American Society in the Making Early Exploration and competition to control Americans by European Countries Establishment of 13 colonies (Jamestown, Roanoke), American Culture (Puritanism, work ethic, colonial life) Unit 2 – Road to Independence: From Loyalists to Revolutionaries Growing Religious Pluralism Proclamation of 1763 and the acts and events that it led to (Stamp Act, Boston Massacre, Tea Act, Boston Tea Party, Intolerable Acts First Continental Congress 1774 Battles of Lexington and Concord 1775 Second Continental Congress 1775 Declaration of Independence 1776 Chapter 2/Center For learning supplementary Chapter 3/Center For Learning supplementary Formatives for Chapter 2/3 Mini DBQ – one source, essential question write up Chapter 6/Center For Learning supplementary Formatives for Chapter 6 Mini DBQ – one source, essential question write up Unit 3 - The War for Independence The American Revolution 1776-1783 Continental Chapter 7/Center For Learning supplementary Pieces of Chapter 8 Formatives for Chapter 7 Mini DBQ – one source, essential question write up Historical Interpretation and Synthesis: Relevant and reliable sources, ability to describe, analyze, evaluate, and create diverse interpretations of the past EX: What is appropriate historical evidence? How has immigration changed from early exploration to the time period of the 13 colonies? October Historical Argumentation: thesis writing/questioning/argument ative writing Historical Causation: cause and effect, patterns over time, periodization (analyze, identify, describe and evaluate turning points in history EX: What was the turning point for colonists that lead to the First Continental Congress? Historical Interpretation and Synthesis: Relevant and reliable sources, ability to describe, analyze, evaluate, and create diverse interpretations of the past (point of view) Historical Comparison and Contextualization: Ability to describe, compare and evaluate multiple historical developments and perspectives End of October/Beginning of November EX - Whats going on in history when these events take place EX: What was going on in colonies when Boston Massacre occurred? Historical Argumentation: thesis writing/questioning/argument ative writing Historical Causation: cause and effect, patterns over time, periodization (analyze, identify, describe and evaluate turning points in history Historical Interpretation and Synthesis: Relevant and reliable sources, ability to describe, analyze, evaluate, and create diverse interpretations of the past (point of view) Congress Tories, Loyalists, Patriots Treaty of Paris Issues after the war – Shays Rebellion/lead into Unit 4 EX: What was the turning point for Patriots/Continental Army that lead to the British defeat at Yorktown? Or What were the factors that lead to the end of the Revolutionary War? What factors contributed to a culture of challenge after the end of the Revolutionary War? November/Decem ber Historical Argumentation: thesis writing/questioning/argument ative writing Historical Interpretation and Synthesis: Relevant and reliable sources, ability to describe, analyze, evaluate, and create diverse interpretations of the past (point of view) Historical Comparison and Contextualization: Ability to describe, compare and evaluate multiple historical developments and perspectives January/February Unit 4 – The Birth of the United States Continental Congress Articles of Confederation – weaknesses Constitutional Convention 1787 Ratification of the Constitution – Federalist Papers Bill of Rights The Constitution and the Seven Principles Finish Unit 4 CBA (before Christmas Break – students chose essential question and research/After break – final paper/brochure) Unit 5 – Washington/Adams and Jeffersonian Eras Economics – national bank and Hamilton Challenges for the new government – interpreting the constitution/ Alien and Sedition Acts Westward expansion and the Louisiana Purchase Lewis and Clark Chapter 8/Center For Learning supplementary Formatives for Chapter 8 Summative – Small content assessment and CBA – Constitutional Issues Chapter 9/10/Center For Learning supplementary Formatives for Chapter 9/10 Mini DBQ –2 to 3 sources, essential question write up February/March End of March April May/June foreign policy from revolution (avoidance) to (British interference) War of 1812 Unit 5 –National and Regional Growth, Slavery, Jacksonian Era (removal and reform), states rights Early Industry – free enterprise and factories Improvements in Farming technology – cotton gin Slavery – expansion, life of slave Nationalism vs Sectionalism: Missouri Compromise and the Monroe Doctrine – impact and implications Jacksonian Era – changes in democratic ideas from early nation to Jackson era -policies toward native americans – trail of tears Debate over states rights, sectional differences Unit 6 – Manifest Destiny and the movement west – impact and implications Oregon Trail Texas/Mexico California Gold Rush Unit 7 – New Wave of Immigration and Reform Hopes of immigrates Migration Waves of reform Womens right movement Abolition movement – underground railroad Unit 8 – The Breaking of a Nation and the Civil War Causation – leading up to Chapter 11/Center For Learning supplementary Chapter 12/Center For Learning supplementary Formatives for Chapter 11/12 Mini DBQ –2 to 3 sources, essential question write up – mini essay Chapter 13/Center For Learning supplementary Formatives for Chapter 13 Mini DBQ –3 to 4 sources, essential question write up – mini essay Chapter 14/Center For Learning supplementary Formatives for Chapter 14 Mini DBQ –3 to 4 sources, essential question write up mini essay Chapter 15/16/17/Center For Learning supplementary Formatives for Chapter 15/16/17 Mini DBQ –6 the conflict Time Allows – Unit 9 Reconstruction sources, essential question write up – essay