East Hartford Public Schools Curriculum Document Subject Health Education Grade 6 Unit Title Personal Health Care Hygiene (Human Growth) PSS © 5 classes Connecticut State Standards Priority Grade Level Expectations and Supporting Standards M.1.2. Describe the interrelationship of mental, emotional, social and physical health during preadolescence/ adolescence. M.1.7. Explain how appropriate health care can prevent premature death and disability. M.2.4. Demonstrate ways to obtain medically accurate information about comprehensive sexuality education from family, school personnel, health professionals, and other adults. M.3.2. Examine personal health status to determine needs. M. 3.4. Apply strategies to improve or maintain personal and family health by examining influences, rules and legal responsibilities that affect decisions. M.4.1. Examine the influence of family beliefs and cultural beliefs on personal health behavior. Standardized Assessment Correlations (CT PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST) Subject Health Education Grade 6 Unit Title Personal Health/Hygiene (Human Growth) PSS © 5 classes Big Ideas Essential Questions What are the benefits of practicing good hygiene? Personal health and hygiene greatly contribute to overall wellness? Why is it important to see a doctor and dentist regularly? Concepts Skills (what students need to know) (what students need to be able to do) Bloom’s Level Importance of: -Hand washing, bathing, clean clothing, clean hair, effective oral care, benefits of regular check-ups. Identify healthy behaviors. 1-2 Demonstrate healthful behaviors, habits, and/or techniques. 2-3 Benefits of regular doctor and dental screenings and checkups. Identify types of help available from source. 2 Assessments Pre-Assessment “Dipsticks” (Informal Progress Monitoring) As determined by: True/False Unit Content Open-ended response Symbols/charts prior knowledge Collins Writing Types 1-5 Projects & presentations Homework Essays Note checks & Graphic Organizers Data Discussion (CFA’s) (Teachers) Post-Assessment True/False Unit Content Open-ended response Symbols/charts prior knowledge Assessment Guides (Rubrics) To be attached with Unit Assessment. Instructional Planning REQUIRED Resources and Materials Comprehensive School Health Education. Healthy & Balanced Living Curriculum Framework. Connecticut State Department of Education. 2006. Health Education Assessment Project. Curriculum Framework – State of Connecticut. 2003. Recommended Resources and Materials Instructional Drolet, J. & Wycoff-Horn, M. Health Education Teaching Strategies – for Elementary and Middle Grades. American Association for Health Education. 2006. Technological www.healthteacher.com www.kidshealth.org Instructional Planning (continued) Effective Teaching Strategies Enrichment, Intervention, and Differentiation 1-3-4 East Hartford Public Schools Curriculum Document Subject Health Education Grade 6 Unit Title Puberty (Human Growth) PSS © 5 classes Connecticut State Standards Priority Grade Level Expectations and Supporting Standards M.1.2. Describe the interrelationship of mental, emotional, social and physical health during preadolescence/ adolescence. M.1.9. Identify and discuss causes, modes of transmission, symptoms and prevention methods of communicable and noncommunicable diseases (e.g. HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, diabetes, cancer, heart disease). M.1.10. Describe puberty and human reproduction as it relates to medically accurate comprehensive sexuality education. M.2.4. Demonstrate ways to obtain medically accurate information about comprehensive sexuality education from family, school personnel, health professionals, and other adults. M. 3.1 Explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal health behaviors. M 3.3 Distinguish between safe, risky or harmful behaviors involving themselves and/or others. M.8.1. Analyze various methods of accurately access health information, concepts, and skills. M. 8.4. Encourage and support others in making positive health choices. Standardized Assessment Correlations (CT PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST) Subject Health Education Grade 6 Unit Title Puberty (Human Growth) PSS © 5 classes Big Ideas Essential Questions Why does puberty occur? Changes that occur during puberty. How does good decision-making (respect and responsibility) play a role in puberty? Concepts Skills (what students need to know) (what students need to be able to do) Body changes that occur during growth and development. Compare similarities/differences of boys and girls. Emotional, social, and physical changes. Identify and analyze internal and external factors on health. Puberty and adolescence. Demonstrate healthful behaviors, habits, and/or techniques. Bloom’s Level 3-4 2 Assessments Pre-Assessment “Dipsticks” (Informal Progress Monitoring) As determined by: True/False Unit Content Open-ended response Symbols/charts prior knowledge Collins Writing Types 1-5 Projects & presentations Homework Essays Note checks & Graphic Organizers Data Discussion (CFA’s) (Teachers) Post-Assessment True/False Unit Content Open-ended response Symbols/charts prior knowledge Assessment Guides (Rubrics) To be attached with Unit Assessment. Instructional Planning REQUIRED Resources and Materials Comprehensive School Health Education. Healthy & Balanced Living Curriculum Framework. Connecticut State Department of Education. 2006. Health Education Assessment Project. Curriculum Framework – State of Connecticut. 2003. Recommended Resources and Materials Instructional Drolet, J. & Wycoff-Horn, M. Health Education Teaching Strategies – for Elementary and Middle Grades. American Association for Health Education. 2006. Technological www.healthteacher.com www.kidshealth.org Instructional Planning (continued) Effective Teaching Strategies Enrichment, Intervention, and Differentiation 1-6-9 East Hartford Public Schools Curriculum Document Subject Health Education Grade 6 Unit Title Reproduction (Human Growth) PSS © 5 classes Connecticut State Standards Priority Grade Level Expectations and Supporting Standards M.2.4. Demonstrate ways to obtain medically accurate information about comprehensive sexuality education from family, school personnel, health professionals, and other adults. M.1.2. Describe the interrelationship of mental, emotional, social and physical health during preadolescence/ adolescence. M.1.3. Explain how health is influenced by the growth and interaction of body systems. M.1.10. Describe puberty and human reproduction as it relates to medically accurate comprehensive sexuality education. M.2.4. Demonstrate ways to obtain medically accurate information about comprehensive sexuality education from family, school personnel, health professionals, and other adults. M. 3.1 Explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal health behaviors. M 3.3 Distinguish between safe, risky or harmful behaviors involving themselves and/or others. M.6.1. Use the decision-making process to enhance health. M.6.3. Predict how decisions regarding health behaviors have consequences for themselves and others. M. 8.4. Encourage and support others in making positive health choices. Standardized Assessment Correlations (CT PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST) Subject Health Education Grade 6 Unit Title Reproduction (Human Growth) PSS © 5 classes Big Ideas Essential Questions What is the purpose of the reproductive system? The reproductive system is vital to our existence. How does good decision-making impact my reproductive health? Concepts Skills (what students need to know) (what students need to be able to do) Emotional, social, and physical changes in the body. Identify or cite specific sources. Identify and analyze internal and external factors on health. Demonstrate healthful behaviors, habits, and/or techniques. Bloom’s Level 1-2 4 2-3 Assessments Pre-Assessment “Dipsticks” (Informal Progress Monitoring) As determined by: True/False Unit Content Open-ended response Symbols/charts prior knowledge Collins Writing Types 1-5 Projects & presentations Homework Essays Note checks & Graphic Organizers Data Discussion (CFA’s) (Teachers) Post-Assessment True/False Unit Content Open-ended response Symbols/charts prior knowledge Assessment Guides (Rubrics) To be attached with Unit Assessment. Instructional Planning REQUIRED Resources and Materials Comprehensive School Health Education. Healthy & Balanced Living Curriculum Framework. Connecticut State Department of Education. 2006. Health Education Assessment Project. Curriculum Framework – State of Connecticut. 2003. Recommended Resources and Materials Instructional Drolet, J. & Wycoff-Horn, M. Health Education Teaching Strategies – for Elementary and Middle Grades. American Association for Health Education. 2006. Technological www.healthteacher.com www.kidshealth.org Instructional Planning (continued) Effective Teaching Strategies Enrichment, Intervention, and Differentiation 1-5-7 East Hartford Public Schools Curriculum Document Subject Health Education Grade 6 Unit Title HIV/AIDS (Human Growth) PSS © 5 classes Connecticut State Standards Priority Grade Level Expectations and Supporting Standards M.1.8. Describe how pathogens, family history, individual decisions and other risk factors are related to the cause or prevention of disease and other health problems. M.1.9. Identify and discuss causes, modes of transmission, symptoms and prevention methods of communicable and noncommunicable diseases (e.g. HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, diabetes, cancer, heart disease). M.1.11. Define abstinence, explain the value of postponing sexual activity, identify the methods of contraception and effectiveness of each. M. 3.1 Explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal health behaviors. M 3.3 Distinguish between safe, risky or harmful behaviors involving themselves and/or others. M.3.5. Examine and apply safety techniques to avoid and reduce injury and prevent disease. M.6.2. Describe and analyze how health-related decisions are influenced by using resources from family, school, and community. M.6.3. Predict how decisions regarding health behaviors have consequences for themselves and others. Standardized Assessment Correlations (CT PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST) Subject Health Education Grade 6 Unit Title HIV/AIDS (Human Growth) PSS © 5 classes Big Ideas Essential Questions What types of behaviors put me at risk for getting HIV/AIDS? Knowing the facts about HIV/AIDS can keep you safe and disease free. How can I protect myself from infection? Why is good decision-making vital in preventing HIV/AIDS and STDs. Concepts Skills (what students need to know) (what students need to be able to do) Risks of HIV and other STDs. Common signs and symptoms of HIV and other STDs. Common routes of transmission of HIV and other STDs. Encourage others to make healthful choices. Show evidence of a clear, health-enhancing stand (abstinence). Evaluate the validity of sources. Effective prevention strategies (Abstinence is the most effective). Risks of unintended pregnancy and disease with unprotected sexual intercourse. Effects of alcohol and other drug use on sexual behavior. Assessments Bloom’s Level 4 3 5 Pre-Assessment “Dipsticks” (Informal Progress Monitoring) As determined by: True/False Unit Content Open-ended response Symbols/charts prior knowledge Collins Writing Types 1-5 Projects & presentations Homework Essays Note checks & Graphic Organizers Data Discussion (CFA’s) (Teachers) Post-Assessment True/False Unit Content Open-ended response Symbols/charts prior knowledge Assessment Guides (Rubrics) To be attached with Unit Assessment. Instructional Planning REQUIRED Resources and Materials Comprehensive School Health Education. Healthy & Balanced Living Curriculum Framework. Connecticut State Department of Education. 2006. Health Education Assessment Project. Curriculum Framework – State of Connecticut. 2003. Recommended Resources and Materials Instructional Drolet, J. & Wycoff-Horn, M. Health Education Teaching Strategies – for Elementary and Middle Grades. American Association for Health Education. 2006. Technological www.healthteacher.com www.kidshealth.org Instructional Planning (continued) Effective Teaching Strategies 2-6-7 Enrichment, Intervention, and Differentiation