MENTAL HEALTH & WELL-BEING V1.1 Vision: Public Health Warwickshire aims to provide good information, evidence, support and resources to improve the mental health and well-being of people living in Warwickshire, working in partnership with key strategic groups and organisations across Warwickshire. Key Aims The provision of public mental health services that provide information, support and advice throughout the life course, for both functional and organic mental health conditions, and which consults and involves mental health service users and carers. Timely interventions Better Support Better Information Core Principles To promote and improve Public Mental Health across the life course, working in partnership with key stakeholders. To promote and improve the mental health and well-being of children and young people in Warwickshire. To increase access to, and availability of, early intervention services for people with common mental health issues Outcome To increase timely diagnosis rates for dementia, and improve availability of post diagnosis support. To narrow the gap in health inequalities for people living with severe mental illness. To champion mental health for all, working to raise the profile of mental health in key strategic groups to achieve parity of esteem with physical health issues. Action Development of a Public Mental Health Strategy and Implementation Plan for Warwickshire that champions mental health for everyone. Improved information and awareness of mental health and dementia in the general public. Development and promotion of Ways to Well-being Campaign Development and Promotion of a Living Well with Dementia web-portal Local promotion of the National Time to Change anti-discrimination campaign Improved ability of front-line workers to identify and sign-post people to appropriate support for mental health and dementia. Improved range of information, advice, advocacy and early intervention services for mental health. Improved mental health and wellbeing outcomes for children and young people. Development of resources to enable GPs, Practice Nurses and other front-line workers in Warwickshire to sign-post and refer people to services. Contribute to the development of a single point of entry for public health services. Contribute to the promotion and delivery of MECC. To commission and / or develop in partnership a range of services to promote mental health and well-being. To develop a plan for reducing the impact of social isolation and loneliness. Strategy document produced and consultation process completed. Meaningful measures to monitor progress developed and agreed. Evidence of effective interventions for public mental health reviewed. Strategy Implementation plan with key partners agreed. Service User and Carer Involvement as a key principle. Improvement in physical health inequalities for people living with severe mental health illness. To contribute to partnership work to improve mental health outcomes for early years, children and young people. To commission the Mental Health Service for Young Offenders working in partnership with the Youth Justice Service. To review the physical health needs of people living with severe mental illness in Warwickshire with a particular focus on: specialist support for smoking cessation and improved promotion of physical health across primary and secondary care. Increase in Dementia Friendly Communities. Promotion of timely diagnosis of Dementia. To support the development of Dementia Friendly Communities in Warwickshire, as part of the Living Well with Dementia Partnership. To work with CCGs and GPs to promote timely diagnosis of Dementia. To develop the Health Checks Programme to include Dementia. Improved access to, and availability of, post diagnosis Dementia support services. To continue to develop a range of resources and support for people following a diagnosis of Dementia. To work with the Clinical Reference Group to review the prescribing of anti-psychotic medicine to ensure that best practice is being adopted locally. Measure Target Public Mental Health Strategy for Warwickshire available on the Public Health Warwickshire web-site. Strategic Implementation Plan and programme / partnership working arrangements agreed with information available on the Public Health Warwickshire web-site. Evidence of Service User and Carer consultation and involvement. Uptake and evaluation of information campaign resources PH Outcomes Framework - Self-reported well-being PH Outcomes Framework - Suicide rate PH Outcomes Framework – Dementia Diagnosis rate Improved sign-posting and referral from front-line workers to services Single point of entry for public mental health services available. MECC interventions for mental health. Strategy In place Monitoring uptake and quality of service provision for commissioned and developed services. New initiatives for addressing social isolation and loneliness in place. PH Outcomes Framework - Self-reported well-being, Suicide Rate, Employment Local target TBA PH Outcomes Framework - Numbers of children admitted with deliberate injuries PH Outcomes Framework - Emotional well-being of looked after children - Increase Number of smoking cessation quit attempts. Number of people attending annual GP health-check PH Outcomes Framework - Under 75 mortality rate for people with severe mental illness Number of services becoming Dementia Friendly with a particular focus on pharmacies, libraries, fire service and CSW Sport. PH Outcomes Framework - Diagnosis rates for Dementia PH Outcomes Framework - Numbers of Health Checks delivered within Primary Care that include Dementia Use of Living Well with Dementia web-portal Use of Dementia Resources in the Books on Prescription Collection Uptake of the Exercise on Referral Scheme for Dementia Levels of prescribing of anti-psychotic medication within best practice levels. Increase Increase Decrease Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Available Increase Reduce Improved Decrease Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Compliant