Improvement Plan for Webpage

Bedford Elementary School Improvement Plan Report
Indistar is a Web-based tool that guides a division or school team in charting its improvement and
managing the continuous improvement process. Indistar is premised on the firm belief that division and
school improvement is best accomplished when directed by the people who best know the students. While
the state provides a framework for the process, each division team and school team applies its own
ingenuity to achieve the results it desires for its students.
Rapid improvement school indicators form the foundation of Indistar. These indicators of effective
practice are concrete, behavioral expressions of professional practice that research demonstrates
contribute to student learning.
School Leadership and Decision Making
Aligning classroom observations with evaluation criteria and professional development
IF10 - The principal plans opportunities for teachers to share their strengths with other
Tasks completed: 0 of 2 (0%)
Assessment Level of Development:
Initial: Limited Development 10/06/2014
Describe current level of
The work of teachers whose students show good
performance is recognized. There is a professional respect
for the expertise of teachers whose experience and
education have led to superior capabilities. In an effort to
capitalize on the skill set of these stellar colleagues, we
would like to consistently provide them with the opportunity
to collaborate with other teachers and integrate their
knowledge into our ongoing school improvement work.
Assigned to:
Principal & Members of School Leadership Team
How it will look when fully met:
All teachers will meet and plan as a professional learning
community. Grade level teachers, math lead teacher, special
education teacher(s) and reading specialist(s) will plan
collaboratively. The infusion of experience and expertise will
strengthen the instructional practice of all teachers. We will
capitalize on the talents of individual teachers in order to
most effectively meet the needs of all learners.
Target Date:
Percent Tasks Completed:
0 of 2 (0%)
Classroom Instruction
Expecting and monitoring sound instruction in a variety of modes
IIIA01 - All teachers are guided by a document that aligns standards, curriculum,
instruction, and assessment.(110)
Tasks completed: 4 of 8 (50%)
Assessment Level of Development:
Describe current level of
Initial: Limited Development 01/31/2014
The following are essential actions from the December 18,
2013 Academic Review:
•Lesson plans will be revised to reflect the cognitive levels
required by the Standards of Learning.
•The administrative team will conduct monthly classroom
walk-throughs in math and language arts classes to monitor
the cognitive level of classroom instruction."
All teachers are familiar with the written curriculum and are
learning and working toward mastery in determining the
intended cognitive level of the standards. Teachers are able
to build assessments, in part using the cognitive levels of the
standard in test questions. However, matching the cognitive
levels of the assessments with teacher instruction is
currently an area of focus so that the intended cognitive
levels of the standards can be fully implemented across all
instructional settings.
Assigned to:
Principal & Members of School Leadership Team
How it will look when fully met:
Using the Virginia Standard of Learning Curriculum
Framework, teachers will unpack the standards to identify
the cognitive levels and determine student expectations.
Classroom instruction will reflect the backwards planning
necessary to chunk the learning into daily lessons that reflect
the cognitive levels and expectations. Assessments, both
formative and summative, will appropriately match the
cognitive levels and student expectations. Daily objectives
and expectations will be effectively communicated to
students in a way that helps them to monitor their own
learning. This indicator has been added to the plan in order
to address the Essential Actions from the Academic Review.
There is an expectation that processes will be in place by
April 1, 2014. Full implementation cannot realistically be
achieved until December of 2014.
Target Date:
Percent Tasks Completed:
4 of 8 (50%)
REQUIRED for Targeted Interventions
Targeted Intervention Indicators
TA01 - REQUIRED - The school uses an identification process (including ongoing
conversations with instructional leadership teams and data points to be used) for all
students at risk of failing or in need of targeted interventions. (2931)
Tasks completed: 6 of 8 (75%)
Assessment Level of Development:
Initial: Limited Development 10/26/2012
Describe current level of
Bedford Elementary School has used an identification
process for all students at risk of failing or in need of
targeted interventions for the past several school years.
With the use of specific and targeted tools to track student
progress in a more efficient manner (iStation Reading, PALS
and PALS Plus Reading, IXL, Reflex and Moby Math reports,
etc.) and with the use of Datacation as a monitoring tool,
this task will continue to be an integral part of the school
culture and sustainable over time.
Assigned to:
Principal & Members of the School Leadership Team
How it will look when fully met:
One hundred percent of students in need of intervention
(instructional/remedial) at Bedford Elementary School as
identified by the IStation adaptive reading assessment, PALS
assessments and the Envisions Math assessment will be
selected for participation in additional targeted interventions.
Evidence needed to complete this goal will include iStation
adaptive reading reports, PALS assessment data, Interactive
Achievement data and Envision Math assessment data.
Target Date:
Percent Tasks Completed:
6 of 8 (75%)
TA02 - REQUIRED - The school uses a tiered, differentiated intervention process to
assign research-based interventions aligned with the individual needs of identified
students (the process includes a description of how interventions are selected and
assigned to students as well as the frequency and duration of interventions for Tier 2
and Tier 3 students). (2932)
Tasks completed: 7 of 15 (47%)
Assessment Level of Development:
Initial: Limited Development 10/28/2012
Describe current level of
2012-2013 Indicator Assessment
The BES Leadership Team discussed and assessed what we
are doing well in this area and arrived at the following
- All selected interventions are based on a collection of
assessments listed in TA01. No interventions occur in
isolation and all are developed using a multitude of data
- Tier 1 differentiation is being addressed with research
based teaching practices at the classroom level.
- Tier 2 interventions are being delivered through pullout
and push in with reading specialist and teacher for 30
minutes of additional reading instruction.
- Tier 3 interventions are delivered individually or in small
group for approximately 30 minutes daily.
- Differentiation of reading and math instruction also
occurs through recommendations made at SCT meetings and
are research based.
- SPED Service Models at BES include inclusion, resource
and self-contained settings for the delivery of instruction for
students with disabilities. The following resources will be
utilized in these settings including, but not limited to:
- Guided Reading Instruction
- Reading Milestones
- Touch Math
- Reading A to Z - school-wide
- Accelerated Reader - school-wide
- Reflex Math
- IXL Math
- iStation reading and math
- Instructionally-leveled reading and math groups meet
throughout the week in all classroom settings with emphasis
on who works with each group, what is being taught and
how it is being taught.
The reason the Leadership Team listed this indicator as
"limited" related to the fact that BES is definitely on target
with identifying students needing intervention and possesses
the tools needed to meet students' diverse needs. However,
all members agreed that greater specificity (drilling down)
and monitoring student by student is needed in order to
ensure increased progress and student achievement.
Assigned to:
Principal & Members of the School Leadership Team
How it will look when fully met:
The school will utilize a tiered, differentiated process to
assign individual research based interventions (computer
based and teacher led) with close attention to selection,
frequency, and duration in order to ensure the progress of
all students and with particular attention given to meeting
the individual needs of students identified as “at risk”.
Evidence to support progress/mastery will include, but will
not be limited to, the following:
- established and fluid "watch lists"
- current intervention schedules with flexibility as needed
when new or revised student achievement data is available
- student progress data documented in monitoring notes
- Leadership Team meeting minutes
- Sample individual Student Profile Sheets and other
documents placed in the Filing Cabinet on the Indistar
Target Date:
Percent Tasks Completed:
7 of 15 (47%)
TA03 - REQUIRED - The school uses a monitoring process (including a multidisciplinary
team that meets regularly to review student intervention outcome data and identifies
“triggers” and next steps for unsuccessful interventions) for targeted intervention
students to ensure fidelity and effectiveness. (2933)
Tasks completed: 5 of 6 (83%)
Assessment Level of Development:
Describe current level of
Initial: Limited Development 10/28/2012
2012-2013 Indicator Assessment
Bedford Elementary School has had, and continues to have,
a very effective Leadership Team committed to the "rapid"
school improvement process as well as to the overall long
range vision and mission of BES. Throughout our
assessment of these indicators, the team repeatedly felt that
what we have been doing over the past three years in terms
of the school improvement process is solid, but that we are
at a critical crossroads in terms of focus and sustainability.
The team identified the following as strengths in the area of
"monitoring student intervention and outcome data":
- The SCT monitoring process is focused, effective and
- The eligibility & IEP process at BES for disabilities,
including speech, is an area of strength.
- Grade level assessments have successfully been aligned
to ensure that all students are being exposed to the
standards and are being fairly and equally assessed.
- Intervention groups are identified by grade level teams
with input from administration, reading specialists, SCT team
members, grade level teachers and SPED staff.
- RTI plans for academic, social and behavioral issues are
discussed among above named teams.
- Community services such as Day Treatment counseling
are explored and requested when behaviors prevent
individual students from accessing the curriculum or when
student behaviors prevent other students from accessing the
- PALS and PALS Plus Remediation is an area of focus as
the primary and upper-elementary levels (Grades 2 through
- Behavior Intervention Plans are developed in the SCT
Committee for students who may not fall under IDEIA but
require support.
- IEP Progress Reports are submitted to administration
for review and then sent home quarterly.
- Data Trackers (by classroom) and individual Student
Profile Sheets (by student) are critical and effective tools
used to assist in the development, execution and monitoring
of all student intervention plans.
The primary reason that the Leadership Team identified this
indicator as "limited" is because the consensus was that the
monitoring process at the "next steps" level (when
interventions are NOT working) needs to be recognized and
addressed more readily.
Assigned to:
Principal & Members of the School Leadership Team
How it will look when fully met:
The school will use a monitoring process to review student
intervention outcome data and identify the "next steps"
needed to continue to promote fluid, targeted, researchbased interventions for all BES students. This monitoring
process will also help to measure the fidelity to and
effectiveness of the process with the primary goal being
increased student achievement. Evidence to support
progress/mastery of this objective will include, but not be
limited to, the following:
- Individual student data with emphasis on “at risk”
- Leadership Team meeting minutes and reports
- Review of updates to individual Student Profile Sheets of
targeted students and monthly data meetings - Student
Progress Monitoring Meetings - in the core subject areas of
math and reading
- Detailed monitoring notes included in the comment
section of the 2012 - 2014 BES Indistar Plan
Target Date:
Percent Tasks Completed:
5 of 6 (83%)